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The Fabled Queen Sabina

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by Matilda Martel

  The Fabled Queen Sabina

  A Medieval Romantic Fantasy

  Matilda Martel

  Copyright © 2019 by Matilda Martel

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover by DesignRans

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  About the Author

  Chapter 1


  There was no time to waste. Carrying her slippers in her hand, Lady Sabina, youngest daughter of the Duke of Keval, rushed down the long staircase and sprinted towards the kitchen. Having heard the news, sympathetic servants cleared the path for the frantic girl, eager to make her escape. She’d received a summons--she’d been chosen to serve King Malthor. Gathering her skirts to keep from tripping, she scurried through the back door into the courtyard, cutting through the fields, past the pigs and through the stables, running straight to the southern road towards the village. Someone would hide her—for the right price she could convince someone to hide her until morning. Shaking the coins in her pocket, she tried to think of anyone who could smuggle her over the border into Saxburg. Prince Egon loved her, he promised to protect her always. Surely, he would save her from this horrible fate. With her heart full of hope, she ran until she made it to the edge of her father’s lands. Nearing a small creek close enough to see the village, she heard the thunderous sound of horses drawing closer from all sides. Hysterically, she jumped into the freezing water and tried to cross, but they surrounded her. Her journey had ended as quick as it began. With heavy hearts, the guards dragged the beautiful, sobbing girl home to face her cruel destiny.

  Sitting in her room, as she watched her maids pack her belongings, Sabina found it impossible to control her tears. Fortunately, the girls ignored the crying figure on the bed, a mess of dark hair and pink silk hiding beneath her blankets. She refused to feign strength--she wanted to wallow in self-pity. Her life was over, and no one cared. No one would help. She appealed to her parents, but too much money was at stake. The King had paid them handsomely.

  “You have no choice. The King has decided your fate.” Those were the most comforting words spoken by her mother, but she expected little more from a woman with no heart.

  “Papa! I can’t! I won’t! He will only use me and discard me. I will be a tainted woman. No one will ever marry me!” Sabina cried into her pillow, terrified her life was over. She had multiple offers for her hand. How could her father allow King Malthor to seize her like a piece of property and use her body until he was through with her?

  “You have no choice my dear. If I had known this was to be your fate, I would have smuggled you out of the country, but he has always chosen commoners, peasant women, or the daughters of merchants. I must deliver you to the castle by tomorrow afternoon. The King will not be denied.”

  “My lady, are you afraid?” A young maid sat near the bed and tapped on the covers, attempting to comfort the distraught girl.

  “I am. He is so much older than me.” Her body shuddered with disgust.

  “They say he was a very handsome man when he was younger, I don’t know about now. But I heard the cooks say he has been married for many years and has never loved his wife. He has been trying to annul his marriage, but the Emperor is his wife’s father and forbids it.”

  “Is that allowed?” Sabina threw the blankets off and hovered over the young girl, anxious to hear more concerning the King. No one would tell her anything.

  “My lady, I’m not sure, but everyone believes he will do it as soon as the Emperor dies if the Crown Prince does not try to stop him.” Just then, Elma, Sabina’s nanny burst in to the room, having been away since before she received her summons.

  “Sabina, my darling girl! What have they done?! Why you? You just turned 18!” Elma held her tightly as she sobbed against her chest.

  “Elma! I’ll be no better than a prostitute! The King is old, twice my age and I will be forever marked. No man will ever truly love me or want me knowing I was the King’s mistress!” She flung herself into her nanny’s lap like a child, blubbering inconsolably.

  “Nonsense! The King is not an old man, he’s only recently celebrated his 35th year. I’ve heard he’s very handsome. He has chosen you for a reason and why not? You’re breathtaking. You must view this as a way to use him and not allow him to use you, my love.” She warned.

  Sabina’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “Elma! How shocking!”

  “My dear, you will need to grow accustomed to being shocked. You are about to enter a whole new world and it will not help you to guard your virtue and innocence any longer. Those will be of no use to you. The marital bed can be a place of power for women if we use it to our advantage-- if we take control. If you behave like a shrinking violet, then he will use you and discard you quickly. He is an older, experienced man. You will need to work hard to hold him in the palm of your hand. Before long, you could rise to become his only mistress and be the most powerful woman in the land.” She took her face in her hands and wiped her tears.

  Sniffling and pouting, Sabina wiped her eyes. “How do I do that? I know nothing. Mama has never taught me anything about the marital bed. It’s not even the marital bed, Elma! He’s not marrying me.” Her lip quivered in sadness.

  “It’s the same thing. When he is in your bed, it will feel like the marital bed. That’s all that matters.” She stood and looked through Sabina’s closet for some plain clothes. “Tonight, after everyone has retired, you and I will go visit a healer I know. Uta has helped many of the great mistresses of King Malthor and she is familiar with his ways. She will help you too.”

  Chapter 2

  Instructing Sabina

  The journey to Uta’s cottage was not very far. She lived in the woods a short ride from the castle and frequently provided services for the King. Elma borrowed a wagon from a local farmer and under cover of night they ventured out to see the legendary healer.

  “How will she help me?” Sabina sat in the old wagon, wringing her hands nervously.

  “There are tonics and potions she can mix for you. There are medicines she has perfected that will help you overcome your fears. If you greet the King like a woman instead of a whimpering child, then you will win his heart and have him at your command. That is what you want, to be adored and have him worship you.” She hid their wagon behind the cottage and helped Sabina off.

  “So many mistresses fade into the background while the King finds comfort in the arms of others. Not you, my dear. You will be a goddess and either marry some other prince or rule by the King’s side. I’ve always known you were meant for greatness.” Elma squeezed her hand as they approached the door.

  “Will there be others?” She mumbled through her hushed voice.

  “He is a King. He has a few mistresses, but if you make him fall in love with you--he will want only you. Uta will help you.”

  The elderly woman greeted them at the door. Having received word from Elma earlier about Sabina’s summons, she prepared.

  “Please come in, the night air is chilly.” Uta’s soft voice put her at ease.

  She’d expected a crone, but the elderly woman was lovely. Her home was warm, and the scent of honey and roses filled the rooms. There was a younger woman with her, an assistant mixing a potion on her instructions. When finished, they both came over to sit by the fire with their guest

  “Lady Sabina, I remember you when you were a child.” Uta reached out to touch her face, admiring her emerald eyes and smooth porcelain complexion. “The King will be thrilled-- you are beautiful, much more attractive than those women he keeps and ten times more beautiful than Queen Kirsa--horrible woman.” She sneered.

  “Have you seen him?” Sabine looked to Uta and Elma.

  “He is a handsome man, my dear. Do not let his age fool you. He is still in the prime of life and quite energetic, so I am told.” Uta chuckled, then sat down and took her hand.

  “My potions are strong. They will help you enjoy the King’s attentions. These will unlock your inner lioness, and a lioness cannot be tamed. Use him Sabina, do not let him use you. Allow yourself to derive pleasure from him and he will become so enchanted, he will continue pleasing you. Malthor loves women—perhaps too much and out of all the women in the world, he has chosen you.” She leaned in closer.

  “You must drink it before he comes to visit you and after a while, you may not need it anymore. This second potion that my niece Theresa is mixing now, will keep you from becoming with child. I will send you with two bottles. You must drink it every seventh day. It is not foolproof, but it will reduce your odds. Do not allow yourself to become heavy with child until the King is in love with you. You are of noble blood and he needs heirs, but you do not want him returning to his other mistresses while you are in your confinement. Make him love you first.” She handed Elma and Sabina the bottles to take with them.

  “Of course, the lioness in you will not know what to do with the mighty lion. My niece and her husband will allow you to watch them. I have heard the King is a man who is not easily satisfied, and you should be prepared.” Uta led them to a space in the back where they had a view of Theresa and her tall, burly husband preparing to make love. Sabina instinctively shielded her eyes, but Elma tore her hand away from her face.

  “Sabina! Tomorrow you will be with the King and do something very similar to this, do you not want to know what to do or what to expect?” She chastised.

  “Why are they letting us watch?” She slunk down in her chair, ashamed that she was curious and wanted to watch.

  “Some people enjoy being watched.” Uta stifled a laugh.

  Sabina’s eyes grew wide as she watched Horst, Theresa’s husband undress and reveal a stiff appendage sticking out below his waist. She was dumbfounded.

  “Elma, what’s that?” She pointed discreetly to both Uta and Elma’s stunned expressions.

  “Child, do you not know what a cock is?” Uta stared at her in disbelief.

  Feeling humiliated, she felt her face flush red. “Is that what that is? No one’s ever shown me one before.” She whispered.

  “Just watch, that is what King Malthor will put inside you.” Elma narrowed her eyes at her naïve charge.

  “No! Where inside me?”

  “Several places. Just watch.” Elma shook her head, angry that they had never taught this poor girl anything and yet she was being shipped off to an insatiable man in the morning with no proper instruction.

  Sabina sat timidly, watching Theresa and Horst kiss, both naked and seemingly happy to be in each other’s company. The sight filled her with a warm feeling as she tried to picture a man who loved her, truly loved her reaching for her and enveloping her in his strong muscular arms. Maybe that would happen to her. She continued watching with a sense of hopeful romanticism when Theresa suddenly dropped to her knees and took half of Horst’s cock into her mouth.

  “Oh, no!” she exclaimed, almost loud enough for the lovers to hear her.

  “Sabina!” Elma swatted at her to hush.

  “But Elma, you can’t expect me to do such a thing!” She wanted to cry but couldn’t tear her eyes off of Theresa’s hungry mouth, sliding further down Horst’s huge organ making him moan and grunt in appreciation.

  “No, but the King will expect it. He may not even give you a choice.” Elma reprimanded her and told her to stop interrupting with her outrage.

  Partially covering her face, Sabina watched as Theresa pleasured her husband with her mouth before Horst became so aroused, he brought his wife to the bed, opened her legs wide and brought his mouth to her most intimate place. Her jaw dropped in amazement as Theresa screamed and howled with delight as Horst licked and stabbed her privates with his tongue, appearing to be having some kind of seizure. Just when she didn’t think she could watch another moment without running away in a panic, Horst came up to his knees and hastily inserted his large cock into his wife’s sex. Sabina stifled a scream with her hand but continued to watch as his entire organ penetrated her wetness and plunged mercilessly, repeatedly causing Theresa to yell for even greater punishment. She watched in rapt fascination at the look on Theresa’s face, the overpowering sense of bliss and satisfaction that seemed to permeate from her essence. She loved every minute. But how could his be? Women were supposed to hate marital relations? How could she have been led so far astray?

  Unable to tear her eyes away from the scene, she witnessed Horst turn Theresa onto her stomach and bring her back on all fours, laughing as he gave her a good spanking. No! But she’d been so good! Why was he striking her? Yet her expression changed when she realized how much Theresa was enjoying being spanked, even begging her husband to spank her harder and put his cock in her ass.

  “What did she say?” Sabina looked to Elma. “What does that mean?”

  “Pay attention. They’re doing this for you. Apparently, it’s one of the King’s favorite things.” Elma held her hand and gave her a brave smile.

  Sabina’s lips parted in surprise as she watched Horst gradually slide his generous pole into his wife’s nether hole. Out of everything she’d watched that evening, something about this titillated and aroused her. The look on Theresa’s face was sheer joy. She was mewing and moaning in ecstasy as her husband fondled her sex and rammed his considerable member into her nether hole with lusty vigor. She couldn’t turn away. Perhaps she was mesmerized because she knew soon that same filthy, immoral act would be performed on her. Maybe there was something sick in her that wanted to be taken roughly, spanked then sodomized. Was this what was expected of her? She clutched her heart and stared away in amazement. They said this was her fate. It was now her duty to pleasure the King in every way imaginable. She had not been given a choice. This was not how she imagined her life, but it did not look altogether unpleasant.

  Chapter 3

  King Malthor

  They dressed Sabine in a sheer nightgown and combed her long brown hair loosely past her breasts. Looking at herself in the mirror, she panicked at the thought of what she was about to become. It didn’t matter that she was being forced into it. She would be a woman of ill-repute and the King was to blame. The King, who had not bothered to come see her since her arrival, was on his way to her room now and her nerves were threatening to make her ill. Suddenly remembering Uta’s tonic, she asked the attendants to leave her and rushed to her bureau where she’d hidden it. Most important, she drank the one to prevent her from becoming with child. It was sweet and went down fast. The second tonic was bitter, but just as necessary. Drinking the recommended amount and a dash extra, she followed it down with a glass of water and let it fill her senses.

  The effects were instantaneous. Pacing the room, she was filled with all the same longing and excitement that tormented her while she watched Theresa and Horst make love but stronger, more intense as it coursed through her veins with a purpose. Her skin felt flushed and hot, yet the sensation pleased her, making her want to feel more. She felt as though she’d been sleeping and something or someone had shaken her body awake. Walking towards the mirror again, she took a peek at her swollen breasts. Touching her painfully hard nipples through the light fabric, she felt a shiver rush across her skin just as the door flew open.

  “You look more ravishing than I could have imagined.” King Malthor stepped into her room. His tall, statuesque figure almost grazed the top of her doo
rway as he passed through. Sabina felt stunned. She heard he was attractive, but no one’s descriptions had provided a satisfactory description of the devastatingly handsome man in front of her. He looked powerful, clad entirely in black, his broad chest and shoulders visible through his attire.

  Curtseying without shame or inhibitions, she whispered, “Your Majesty.”

  “No please, I will always be Malthor to you. Will you please twirl around for me? You look breathtaking.” He drew closer and watched as Sabina showed him the back of her gown, looking over her shoulder coquettishly.

  “Does it please you?” Her heart raced as she watched him stare at her body, his mouth watering with lust, drinking in the full sight of her.

  Smiling devilishly, his eyes glowed with amusement. “You please me.” As he brought her into his muscular arms with an uncontainable eagerness, Sabina swooned, overwhelmed by her maddening arousal.

  “We’ve met before? Do you not remember?” He stared at her thoughtfully.

  “No. We’ve never…have we?”

  “We have, when you were younger. I said hello to you in your mother’s garden. Do you not remember?” He seemed almost hurt he’d been so easily forgotten.

  Gazing up at his clenched jaw, her faint smile slowly faded. “Forgive me, I do not. How long ago?”

  “Two years ago, but you were reading and did not pay much attention to me. I was not dressed as myself.” Brushing the hair off of her face, he leaned in to kiss her gently, his pale blue eyes smoldering with fire. “I will not allow you to forget me again.”

  The sound of his voice caused a warmth to swirl deep within her. She wanted his hands on her—she wanted to touch and taste him, to feel him inside her. Staring up at his lips, she stepped closer into his embrace, tempting him to kiss her again. “You won’t?”


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