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The Fabled Queen Sabina

Page 4

by Matilda Martel

  “I can’t.” He replied in a tormented voice, searching her eyes for some sign of affection.

  “Goodbye, Egon.”


  “Malthor! Malthor!” Racing through the royal wing, Lady Sabina broke every rule of protocol and screamed for the sovereign by name. Asking servants as she rushed through the halls, past the library and through the parlor, no one could account for him since her departure.

  Storming up the long, winding marble staircase towards their bedchamber, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and sprinted as fast as she could through the large doors, sliding on the freshly polished floors. He was not there. The bedcovers were a twisted mess, half-strewn on the floor and although her trunks had been brought in for packing, he had not allowed anyone to begin the task. As she searched through her dressing room, she heard a faint whimper coming from the terrace. The door leading out was open, but the drapes were obscuring her view.

  “Malthor?” She peeked her head out and observed the mighty King Malthor of Ravena, the most handsome man she’d ever met reduced to a blubbering half-naked man wrapped in linens.

  “Sabina!” Scrambling to his feet, he wiped his swollen eyes and carefully approached her. “Did you forget something?”

  “Yes. I did.” She worked to fix his falling bedsheet.

  “You did? Are they waiting for you?” His voice broke as his heart shattered again.

  “No, no one is waiting. I came back on my mare because I forgot you. If I go to Saxburg and become Egon’s wife and empress, I’ll have respectability and honor, but I won’t have you—I won’t have love. Thank you for loving me enough to let me choose. I don’t care if I never become your wife, I have your love and that is enough.” As she moved to embrace him, he lifted her into his arms and covered her mouth hungrily. Shuddering at his touch, she felt desperate to be his again. How could she have considered a life without him? She would have gone mad for his loss—her love had grown too strong, her need too great.

  “You have more than my love, you’ll have everything I am able to give. I’ll worship you all of my life, my angel. Marry me, Sabina. Inside these castle walls, you’ll be my wife and I’ll be your husband. What anyone else believes makes no difference.”

  Nodding, as she held back a flood of tears, she whispered, “Yes, I’ll marry you. I don’t care what anyone thinks, I know I’m yours.”

  “And I will make my cousin my heir. If you do not want to have children, we will not. I owe you at least that.” Carrying her to their bed, he paused to kiss her.

  “You will do no such thing, Malthor. I expect you to help me fill this wing with children and I expect you to start now.” Pulling at his sheet, she smiled at she took in the sight of his naked form. He was magnificent and he was hers.

  “Are you certain?” He crawled on the bed and tore at her laces, working through her dress, shift and corset in seconds. “Because legally, you will be my concubine. You said you didn’t want that.” His hands outlined the curves of her breasts as he kissed his way down her abdomen, savoring every inch of her body.

  “I want children with the man I love, and I will only ever love you. A crown would have been nice, but I can do without such frivolities.” A light moan escaped her lips as his mouth teased her nipples.

  “I’ll make you a crown. I’ll commission 10 crowns for you, my love. They’ll be so laden with jewels, you’ll grow weary of wearing them.”

  “One crown is enough.” She laughed as his hands continued to slide downwards, skimming her hips before he gripped her thighs roughly and lowered his mouth into her dripping sex. Gasping in the sweet agony of his skilled attention, she spread her legs wider and lifted them over his shoulders. Excited by her enthusiasm, as he always was, Malthor set about tormenting her with his tongue Without mercy, he suckled on her sweetest spot, penetrating her with his fingers until she felt crippled with pleasure as a blistering climax seized her in a scorching wave of mindless ecstasy.

  “Oh God! Malthor! I need you.” A waved of passion flowed between them as she pulled him towards her and guided his heavy erection against her entrance.

  “Sabina, I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I would have died without you.” Crushing his lips to hers, he plunged into her wetness, joining their bodies until he filled her completely. As he stretched and devoured her delightfully tight passage, she viciously squeezed his thick shaft, creating a friction that held them hypnotized to the dark heat of their burning desire. With deep and steady strokes, he thrust with animal fierceness, claiming her, branding her as his and she welcomed it. More than that, she loved it. Feeling him nearing his climax, she pushed him over, straddled his hips and rode him like a stallion.

  “My love, I’m so close. You’re driving me insane.” Malthor pushed himself into her, watching her rotate her hips, bucking wildly as she howled in the throes of pleasure. He was a captive to her lust, her willing prisoner and he would die happy if he lived the rest of his days satisfying this perfect creature.

  “Malthor! Yes, yes! I love you!” As the force of her powerful climax shook her, making her fall forward on his chest, trembling and mumbling incoherently, he finally found his release. Paralyzed with pleasure, he poured himself into her, as a feeling of satisfying bliss came over them both. He didn’t have what he wanted, but he had her. Nothing else mattered.

  King Malthor married Lady Sabine in an unofficial ceremony they conducted themselves in their garden under the night sky. No one else attended but golden rings were exchanged—rings they wore all their lives. After their vows, he surprised her with a small crown, her first of many, and they made love under the stars. Both swore for years that was the night Crown Prince Alric was conceived, but stopped telling that story when the prince grew old enough to understand.

  Fortunately, her greatest fear, that her children would hate her, never came to pass. With Malthor and her old nanny Elma’s assistance, she raised 6 children, all whom adored the same sweet nature their father had fallen in love with years earlier. She doted on each one the way her parents never did and ensured they were all allowed to marry their heart’s desire. With the example she and Malthor set for them, all grew up expecting nothing less.

  Sabina lived a long and happy life, ruling by the King’s side, but she did not live long enough to become the true Queen of Ravena. Upon her death, with the knowledge he would soon be joining her, King Malthor spent the rest of his short life creating the beautiful myth of the great Queen Sabina. With Prince Alric’s assistance, who carried on the tradition long after his father’s death, Sabina became a legend. The unofficial wife and concubine of King Malthor was only ever written in history books as his real wife, having married him when she was 18.

  However, Malthor wasn’t satisfied simply writing stories of her as a wife and mother. He wanted to guarantee no one ever forgot his precious Sabina. There were so many legends and tales told about the captivating and courageous queen--most would have made her laugh and he always did love to hear her laugh. His favorite was a harrowing account spread by Prince Alric involving Sabina’s bravery fighting off a pack of wolves to save the King and her eldest children during a snowstorm. Their daughters told everyone Sabina hand-sewed all their ball gowns after first weaving the fabric on a loom, brought dead roses back to life by singing to them and kept a tamed bear as a pet. Every time he heard a new story, he felt more confident no one would ever forget his beautiful girl, the fabled Queen Sabina. All the things that were real, the passionate nights they shared and the divine love that saved him, Malthor took with him.

  The End.


  About the Author

  For more information on new and upcoming releases please visit my blog: Matilda Martel





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