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Bound (Wolverine MC Book 1)

Page 15

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Shit,” Frost mutters as he walks into the bar area. Looking over at him, I only now notice Trent lying on the ground, a blank look in his eyes as he lies dead, a hole in his temple from where the bullet that killed him entered.

  “Gunner, stay with us,” I hear Dakota say, a note of panic to her voice. “Please, just hang on.” She looks around until she finds me. “Give me your T-shirt.” I rip the kutte off and then pull my T-shirt over my head and hand it to her, but she shakes her head and nods to where both her hands are pressing down on his wound. “Place it here so it can stop the bleeding. I need another one for King’s wound.” I squat down next to her. Rolling my T-shirt into a ball, I place it where her hands are applying pressure to the wound.

  I see Goliath placing his T-shirt on the wound by Gunner’s chest where King is applying pressure. “Where is the doctor?” Dakota asks just as I hear running footsteps.

  “He’s just arrived, baby,” I say, and her eyes fill with tears as she nods.

  “Shit, what happened here?” the doctor asks as he rushes towards Gunner. “Damn, this isn’t good.” He starts to examine Gunner, and then it’s a race against time. I can see the tension in everyone as we stand around helplessly, looking at Gunner fight for his life.

  “No, no, no, not on my watch,” the doctor suddenly says, and then he’s trying to resuscitate Gunner, whose heart has just stopped. This can’t be happening. We all know that this can and might happen with the life that we lead, but now that it’s happening, we are all frozen in helplessness as we see one of our brothers lying here on the ground. This can’t be happening. We can’t be losing him. Seconds feel like hours as the doctor fights to bring him back. I can feel the knot in my throat growing as I see my brother’s lifeless body.

  “Okay, there you are,” the doctor suddenly says as he stops his compressions. “Call an ambulance. He needs to be operated on or he won’t make it through the day. Next time, I might not be able to bring him back.” The doctor looks at King. We don’t ever go to hospitals because of the speed with which we heal, and because if they get our blood, they will be wondering what the hell they just got.

  King looks up at Fang, who is standing behind the doctor, and nods. Fang pulls out his phone and dials. “Take our dead,” King orders, which has us all coming out of our shock to go do his bidding. I walk over to Trent; Frost is already picking up his shoulders, so I move to his feet and pick them up. We carry him out through the back door towards the woods until we can bury him in honour. As we reach the woods, I see Blue and Hawk coming around the house with the other prospect who also fell in this barbaric attack.

  “These fuckers are showing us that they’re not scared,” Frost mutters as we place Trent gently on the ground. Just as Hawk and Blue lay our other man down, we hear the ambulance approaching. “This is fucked up.” Frost shakes his head as we make our way back to the front of the house. Looking at where the prospect was killed, I see that Dash has parked one of our cars there to hide the blood. Dixon must have somehow covered the blood from Trent, too, before the EMTs arrived.

  This is our war; we will not let anyone else get involved. As Wolverines, we cannot let our men be examined, and now with Gunner, we will need to be very careful of what will be done to him, as we cannot afford for anyone to find out what we are. Now more than ever, we need to protect our secret. I will not let Dakota suffer for something that isn’t her fault.

  We all wait outside, as we can hear the EMTs inside, working together with the doctor to stabilize Gunner. As soon as they are happy to move him, they carry him outside and into the ambulance. “I’m going with him,” King states as he follows them to the ambulance and then enters. I look back at the entrance and see Dakota standing there. Her hands are stained with blood and shaking, her eyes red from the tears that she has been spilling, but she stands there erect like a queen. I turn and walk towards her. Taking her into my arms, I hug her close.

  “Come on, baby, let’s go wash your hands, and then we will follow them to the hospital.” She doesn’t reply but nods as she steps back and hurries towards the bathroom. Looking back over my shoulder, I see the others walking towards the garage and know that we will all be there; Gunner will be fighting for his life, but we will be right there with him.

  “I’m ready,” Dakota says as she joins me again.

  “Let’s go.” I take her hand and guide her toward the garage and my bike. Handing her a helmet, I help her tighten the strap before getting on the bike and waiting for her to tighten her arms around my waist before I start my bike and follow the others towards the hospital.

  Today has turned out very different from what any of us could ever have imagined, but we will fight this, and we will conquer. I can sense the great sadness that has engulfed my woman, sadness that shouldn’t be there but that my world has brought to her. We travel to the hospital in a group. Arriving there, everyone looks at us in fear. I don’t blame them, because everyone is ready to kill. My brothers, like me, will stand together and protect our pack. We have been attacked. We have been injured, but we will hunt, and we will destroy every single person who wants us harm.

  We are led to a waiting room while we await news about Gunner. King is already there, standing against the wall, his stance indicative of someone on his guard.

  “What happened, Dakota?” he asks once we are sitting and I have my arm around my woman. Dakota looks up at him, her eyes sad.

  “I went into the woods to pick some flowers. I wanted to make an arrangement for each of the women at the house, but I had just started to pick flowers when I heard the bikes.” She lifts her hand and rubs at her forehead.

  “Is your head sore?” I ask, worried that the pain has come back. After Jason’s attack, she couldn’t lift her head from the pillow for a couple days without it paining her.

  “Just a slight headache. It’s fine,” she murmurs as she moves her hand to where mine is over her shoulder and entwines her fingers with mine.

  “Maybe we should wait with the questioning,” I state as I bring my other hand and start to rub her head gently. She loves her head massages. After her attack, I learnt that my woman loves her head being rubbed.

  “No, it’s okay,” she murmurs. Looking back at King, she continues. “I left the flowers and walked back. I thought it was Hunter coming back, but when I broke through the clearing, I heard the shots and then the voices. I didn’t know any of those voices, so I stepped back behind a tree and waited.” She takes in a deep breath. “I could just make out the entrance when I saw one of your prospects running towards them from the woods, but one of the attackers just started shooting. Your guy didn’t have a chance. Even when he was already down, one of the men who attacked went right up to him and shot him point blank.” A tear has escaped her closed eyes and is now streaking down her cheek. Leaning forward, I kiss it away.

  “It’s okay, baby,” I murmur, my heart breaking at seeing my woman so distraught.

  “No, it’s not. I saw them taking the women with them. What are they going to do to them?” I look over at King and see him rubbing his jaw in anger. Knowing the Hades, they more than likely will have them killed just to send a message. We know that this wasn’t random and that they specifically targeted us. I am lucky that Dakota was in the woods, or she would have been one of those women or killed while still in the house.

  “They have all been with the Hades before. They know how to handle themselves,” Dash says from where he is sitting across from us.

  “Sam was just saying how she liked being at the club. She’s so young.”

  “We will find them,” King says. “They have attacked our home, killed and injured our men, and taken women under our protection. This war has just turned. There will be no mercy.” As soon as we got to our home and found the destruction left there, we all knew what was to come. This was the first attack in this war, but as we know, the winner in a war is those who have been left standing at the end. I have a feeling that there will be many more death
s before this war is over.

  Dakota looks over at me. I can see the worry in her eyes. Taking her hand, I pull her off her chair and into my lap. I want her as close to me as possible. Pulling her against my chest, I hug her close. “It will be okay, baby. Everything will be okay,” I whisper against her hair, but I know that is a lie, as things have just gotten a whole lot worse, and nothing will be okay for a long time to come.


  It has been a week since the attack, and since then, things have changed radically here at the house. I have handed Gloria my resignation, as I have realized that I can’t continue placing her in danger. Maybe when all of this is over, I can go back to help her, but for now, there is a lot I can help with around here. Gunner was allowed to come home three days after being at the hospital, as the doctor didn’t want the others to suspect why he was healing so fast. I have been looking after him and making sure that he doesn’t overdo it.

  I have also given Hunter a list of items that we might need in the future in case of this happening again. King has arranged for the men to clear out an area for me to set up in case of any emergency. The men have been fortifying the area, making sure that no one gets onto the property without us knowing about it. Hunter has spent most of his time out, either out fortifying the property or out with the others. I don’t know what they are doing when they go out, but every time he leaves, I worry that I might not see him again.

  Since the attack, the guys have been more reserved. I don’t hear the teasing and comebacks as there was before. They are tenser, and arguments start with the least provocation. Everyone is on edge, but I believe that as things start to settle, we will find our footing once again and things will get back to what they were.

  I hear bikes, which tells me that Hunter is home. Rushing downstairs, I head towards the front where I know he will be parking his bike. As I step outside, I know something is different, and then I see they have a woman on the back of Hawk’s bike. Rushing forward. I throw myself into Hunter’s arms. He hugs me close as he picks me up against his chest.

  “Miss me?” he asks, a growl in his voice.

  “I always miss you when you’re gone,” I reply just before he lowers his head, taking my lips in a blistering kiss. When we break apart, he lowers me to my feet again and turns towards where Hawk is carrying Sam inside.

  “Oh, you found Sam,” I say happily, but before I can rush towards them, Hunter places his arms around my waist from behind and holds me against his chest as he lowers his head to my shoulder.

  “They have hurt her; she’s going to need some time to heal, and I don’t think it will only be her body. Since rescuing her, we haven’t been able to get a word out of her. Maybe you can ask her if she knows where the others are.” My heart breaks at the horror that I suspect Sam must have gone through.

  “I’ll let you know if she says anything,” I whisper. Hunter kisses my cheek and then the top of my head as he lets go of me. I reluctantly follow Hawk into the house and down the corridor to where I was arranging the makeshift sick area. He places Sam down on the bed and steps back. I can see the concern on his face as he looks down at Sam as she immediately rolls into a ball.

  “It’s okay, Hawk. Why don’t you go find yourself something to eat?” I say. I can see the reluctance in his body as he looks over at me and then back at Sam. Finally, he nods and turns, but at the door, he stops and looks over his shoulder at me.

  “If she needs anything, just call,” he says, and then leaves. I lookback towards Sam, my stomach tightens in anger and sadness when I see the bruises on her body. Her clothes are dirty, and it’s clear that she was abused by the marks on her clothes.

  “Have you got any pain?” I ask, but she doesn’t reply. She just lies here with her eyes closed to close out everything around her. “You are safe now, Sam, and we will all be here to help you.” A tear streaks down her cheek, but again, she doesn’t reply. I turn towards the sink and fill a little tub with water. Leaning down, I pick up one of the little towels I placed there and wet it in the warm water.

  “I’m going to try to wash away some of the dirt, Sam. If I hurt you, just let me know and I’ll stop.” I start with her arms. Soon, the water is dark with dirt. I change the water and continue until I’m happy that she’s relatively clean, or as clean as she will be unless she showers.

  “The doctor will be called. He will have to examine you, sweetie, to make sure that you are okay.” I disinfect the cuts on her wrists. It’s clear that she was tied. I hope the men find the other women from the hell that Sam clearly endured.

  “Sam, I need to ask you. Do you know where Cherry and Didi are being kept?” She makes a choking noise, and then more tears streak down her cheeks. “Please, Sam, if you know, you need to tell me so we can get them out. You don’t want them to be there any longer, do you?”

  She finally opens her eyes and then looks up at me. The emptiness in her eyes has tears filling my eyes. I can just imagine the horrors that this woman has been through. How can a human being do this to another?

  “They killed them.” The whispered words are so quiet that at first, I’m surprised, but then when the words register, I gasp. Oh, oh no. The tears that I have been holding at bay spill down my cheeks. I didn’t really know them except from seeing them around, but to know that they were killed by those men has me gasping in pain. That could have been me if I had still been sitting on that chair. I pull out my phone and send Hunter a text to let him know that the others have been killed. It will be a blow to all the men, knowing that they weren’t able to save the women in time, but at least they got Sam back, and I will make sure that she comes out of this okay, or as okay as humanly possible.

  Hunter has told me a hundred times how relieved he was that I didn’t listen and went into the woods. I know that he feels guilty that I’m in this situation because of him, but I have come to realize that I would be nowhere else then where he is. Hunter has given me what I never knew I was looking for. He cares for me and shows me that he cares. He makes me smile even when things are bad, and he lets me be the woman I want to be, not trying to change anything about me.

  I feel his absence when he’s not around, and when he’s near, the warmth and excitement that fills me tells me of the complete and unexpected love that I have found in my life. In a way, I thank Jason for having driven me towards running away here and for making me the person I am today, because I have found that I am stronger and more able to handle the situation that I am in because of what I had to endure.

  “Well, hello, darling. Seems like this is becoming a habit.” I jump in fright, as I didn’t hear the doctor. He walks into the room. Behind him, Hunter grunts in annoyance.

  “You are becoming way too familiar, Doc,” he mutters.

  “Hi, Doc, welcome,” I greet as I frown at Hunter. What has gotten into him?

  “What?” he asks innocently.

  “Well, what have we got today?” the doctor asks, ignoring Hunter and me. “Now what did they do to you, my dear?” He sits on the bed next to Sam and takes her hand in his. I feel Hunter’s hand in mine. Looking up, I see him inclining his head towards the door, and I nod. It is better that Sam be examined by the doctor alone. I’m sure she has had enough humiliation without having more people around to witness her pain.

  I follow Hunter out of the room, closing the door behind me. “Where are you taking me?” I ask as Hunter guides me out of the house. He looks over his shoulder and winks at me. At this moment, I could just forget everything. Being alone with Hunter is the best part of my day. I don’t complain when he decides to take me away from this dark reality in which we’re living at the moment. When we are standing before the club, Hunter stops. Looking up at him, I frown when I see a grin splitting his face.

  “What are you up to?” I ask suspiciously.

  “Now why would you say I’m up to something?” he asks innocently.

  “Because you are being weird,” I say, and smile at the excitement I see on his f
ace. “You better . . .”

  “Dakota.” That voice calling my name has all the blood rushing to my feet. Snapping around, I cry in surprise as I see my mother hurrying towards me, my brother right behind her.

  “Mama,” I call, and then I’m running towards them. The minute my mother’s arms wrap around me, I break down and cry. I never thought I would see them again until recently, and then when I spoke to them, I proposed to see them, but not yet. That they are here is a surprise, and I know just who to thank for it.

  “My angel,” she murmurs as she holds me tight. “I was so worried about you.” After being in each other’s arms for a while, I finally pull back and look at her. Her dark hair is peppered with white by the temples, the thin lines around her eyes more pronounced, but the loving and caring mother I grew up with is still here.

  “I missed you, Mama,” I say as I stroke her tear-streaked cheek.

  “Oh, well, I might as well go, as it looks like I wasn’t missed.” Looking to my left, I see Jake. He is taller than I remembered, with the same mischievous smile.

  “Don’t you dare or I’ll have them hunt you down and drag you back,” I joke as I am engulfed by my brother’s arms.

  “Missed you, Sis,” he murmurs against my hair.

  “Missed you too,” I say.

  “Mmm, maybe you can tell them we come in peace. Especially the one in the middle. He has a right mean scowl on his face,” he whispers in my ear. Looking over my shoulder, I see all the men have come outside and are now standing around, looking at us. Stepping back, I laugh as I turn towards them.

  “Did you all know about this?” I ask, and see the grins lighting their faces. I see King standing by the main door to the club, a pleased look on his face. These men can kill with their bare hands. They are mean when needed, dangerous to the point of wildness, but then they turn around and do the kindest things to please those around them. Looking around at all of them, I feel my heart overflow with happiness, as I am surrounded by family.


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