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In the Arms of Hades: A Sinful, Twisted Retelling

Page 4

by René, Dani

  The Underworld has become my home, a place where I can be myself. Even though Hades is known for his darkness, he’s brought a light to my life, I never knew I was missing.

  My stomach has swollen, and the baby will soon be here. I’m not fearful of my parents or what they will say. I’m a married woman now, a queen, and I will soon bear them a grandchild I hope they’ll love as much as they loved me.

  All my life, I spent my time alone, but my mother and father were there when I needed them. My father, though, he was the one who told Hades he could take me. Perhaps he was trying to save me, or maybe he wanted me gone. Either way, I’m back to tell them how happy I am.

  When I stroll through the grounds into the entrance hall, I feel the sunshine burning through me. Hades told me I couldn’t stay long, or I’d feel the effects of the world on my body. At first, I thought he was lying, but now that I’m here, only for a few moments, I realize he’s right.

  “Persephone?” Dad’s voice thunders around the walls, columns, and pillars, and I spin on my heel to find him trudging toward me. He’s a big, formidable god, and seeing him here, older, more wrinkled than I recall hurts my heart.


  “Oh, girl.” He smiles, pulling me into his strong arms as he presses his lips to the top of my head again and again. I feel him shake, and I wonder if my father truly is crying. His emotion is palpable, and I can’t help but smile.

  “I’ve missed you and Mother,” I tell him earnestly. “But, I’m truly happy, Father.”

  He steps back, regarding me with his dark gaze, the same stare that Hades has. I know who they are. Brothers. I know what the relation is, and I don’t care. I’ve found love, and nothing can ever change that.

  “I didn’t think he’d allow you to come and see us,” Father tells me, leading me deeper into the house. “And you’re . . . you’re with child?”

  “I am.” I smile, my hand circling the small bump that’s growing at a steady pace. I didn’t think it would be possible, but only two nights after he’d promised to seed me, it happened. I felt it the moment it occurred.

  “You’re beautiful, my darling girl,” Father says as he walks beside me into the living room, where we find Mother sitting at the window, looking out at the gardens I often tended.

  “Look who’s here,” Father announces with pride and happiness in his voice.

  When she turns her head, her gaze lands on mine and turns to a watery stare. “Is it truly you, my daughter?” she mutters, moving swiftly toward me. “I can’t believe this. He allowed you to come to us.”

  “For a while. I cannot stay long, but he is so good to me, Mother,” I tell her, gushing over my husband. “I’ve fallen in love, and I’ve never been happier.”

  “But, I mean, he’s evil, Persephone,” she whispers, which immediately angers me. She doesn’t understand. Most people don’t understand what they don’t know. It’s a plague amongst the world. I learned it when I was aboveground. Seeing how each person is judged by their name or their beliefs.

  “You don’t know who he truly is. I do. Mother, he’s been nothing but a gentleman. He’s even given me my own garden to tend, and it’s beautiful. Exquisite blooms of every color lighten the dark world.”

  She takes me in, every inch, turning me around, lifting my long, wavy, red hair. She inspects me as if she’s expecting me to have some devil spawn wings or something equally atrocious. But she finds nothing. Just the dress Hades had his staff make for me.

  The long, ruby, velvet material hangs to the floor, hugging my slowly changing frame. My bump visible, and my mother stares at it for a long time.

  She’s not happy.

  I can see it in her eyes.

  I’ve always known my mother would never let me go. She’d have never allowed me to grow up and become a woman. Deep down, I wonder if she’s angry she’s here with Father. But he loves her, and he’s always given her everything her heart desires—just like Hades has given me.

  “I can’t believe you’re pregnant,” she tells me. “I mean . . . I didn’t think you were maternal in any way. I see he’s brainwashed you into wanting a family as well.”

  “Mother.” My gasp is loud and angry. “You’re being ignorant to the world outside this house,” I tell her. “I have my own mind. He gives me what I need, which is the support you never offered me once. And now that I have it, you feel the need to tear it away.”

  “Okay, girls,” Father mutters, trying to calm us both, but it’s not going to work. Not this time. I can’t be here when I’m judged for who I’ve fallen in love with.

  “I’m leaving. It was lovely to see you, Father,” I tell him, giving him a quick kiss and a hug before I turn for the door.

  “Wait,” Mother calls out, but I don’t. Instead, I make my way to the door before she catches up to me. “I’m not angry, or judging you, my sweet Persephone.” She smiles, running the tips of her fingers over my cheek. “I just don’t want to see my little girl getting hurt.”

  “Do I look hurt, Mother?”

  She shakes her head quickly. “No. No, of course not, I just… I just miss you.”

  “As I do you, and Father, but it’s time I make a life for myself.”

  She nods slowly and pulls me into her arms to hold me for a long moment. The light is getting to me, and the dizziness takes hold of me. It’s only a second after my mother lets me go that I feel him.

  “Come, my queen, it’s time to go.”

  And once again, my king steals me from my parents.

  And this time, I don’t fight.

  Because I’m in the arms of Hades.

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  About the Author

  Dani is a USA Today bestselling author of a variety of genres, from romantic suspense to dark erotic romance and even BDSM romance. She loves to delve into the raw, emotional journeys her characters venture on, and enjoys the dark, edgy, and sensual scenes that fill the pages of her books. Dani’s stories are seductive with a deviant edge with feisty heroines and dominant alphas.

  Dani lives in the beautiful city of Cape Town, and is a proud member of the Romance Writer's Organization of South Africa (ROSA) and the Romance Writers of America (RWA). She has a healthy addiction to reading, TV series, music, tattoos, chocolate, and ice cream.




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