Sizzle & Share: A MFM Firefighter Romance (Surrender to Them Book 9)

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Sizzle & Share: A MFM Firefighter Romance (Surrender to Them Book 9) Page 5

by Kelli Callahan

  “Okay—fuck.” I grimaced and lowered the weight again.

  The two-hundred and fifty pounds on the barbell was heavy as fuck for reps, but Hudson was right. I needed to be as strong as possible when I walked into the weight room at the University of Alabama. I’d never bench press as much as a linebacker, but those were the guys I was going to have to stop with a stiff-arm if I had to run the ball. It wasn’t going to be anything like high school. I would be facing down elite athletes and guys that had years of college experience on me—and they would be pressing the barbell in my hands like it was nothing. I pushed the weight overhead one more time and then felt my muscles giving out. I nodded towards Hudson and he quickly helped me guide the barbell back to the rack. I sat up and grabbed a towel to wipe away some of the sweat that was tried to run into my eyes.

  “I’m going to miss having you around to spot me when I get to college.” I gave Hudson a playful jab. “You could still be a walk-on.”

  “Nah.” He shook his head back and forth as he handed me a water. “I’ll never be good enough to go to the NFL, and I don’t want to sit on the fucking bench.”

  “I still can’t believe you’d rather stay here and become a firefighter than go to college.” I took a drink of water as soon as my hand wrapped around the bottle. “Think about all the pussy you’re going to miss out on.”

  “There’s more to life than that, man.” He sighed and took a seat on the bench beside me.

  “Not one I want to live.” I chuckled under my breath. “Speaking of—what time are we meeting Eliza tonight?”

  “I told her I’d pick her up around six.” Hudson reached down and picked up his bottle of water. “This is a date though—remember?”

  “That’s how it’ll start.” I winked at him. “But we both know how it’s going to end.”

  “I still want to go on a real date with her. She deserves more than a TV dinner before we take her upstairs.” Hudson stood and started walking toward the locker room.

  Hudson and I shared Eliza at the graduation party, and I thought that would be the last time we saw the girl with the raven-colored lipstick, but I was wrong. Hudson convinced her to spend the night with us again the next weekend, and it just kind of spiraled from there. Before I knew what was happening, she was at our house almost every night. It was a good thing our Dad had a new girlfriend and usually spent the night at her place because Eliza had an appetite that was insatiable when we were together. She might have been a virgin when we met her, but once we gave her a taste, she wanted a whole lot more. Hudson was the one driving that train, but I was a willing passenger because Eliza was the hottest girl I’d ever been with. It was too bad she chose to hide her beauty under all that makeup because I would have never waited until graduation night to hook with her if I knew how attractive she really was earlier in the year.

  “So like, you’re not falling for Eliza, right?” I walked beside Hudson as we left the gym. “All this talk about a proper date and shit—she’s just a piece of pussy that we’re entertaining ourselves with for the summer.”

  “I know.” He nodded and looked over at me. “She’s leaving for college anyway—it’s not like I could get her to stay if I wanted to.”

  I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable with that response.

  I wasn’t an emotional black hole, but I had never been in a real relationship. I certainly didn’t plan to have one with some girl from Andalusia before I headed off to college. Long distance? Fuck that. If I landed a nice NFL salary, I would be dating. Eliza was hot, but I was planning to get pussy that was on another level. I just needed to make it to the end of the summer without letting myself get attached—but that was proving to be difficult. Every time I tasted her lips—every time she was asleep between us after we were together. My mind wandered. I thought about things I didn’t need to think about—things that could destroy my future if I lingered in my thoughts for too long. I had to snap myself back to reality, but mostly I had to keep my emotions in check until she left for school.

  That’ll fix everything. Then I can bury myself in college pussy for the next four years and forget all about Eliza.



  Present day

  “Okay, what about this one?” Melanie held up a dress that looked like it belonged on a hooker instead of a bride.

  “You should totally wear that.” I feigned a serious expression.

  “Do you two ladies need any help?” A middle-aged woman with blonde hair and a plastic smile walked up to us.

  “We’re fine.” Melanie giggled and put the dress back on the rack. “I’m just having a little fun before I start seriously shopping for a wedding dress.”

  “If you’d like to come back to the bridal suite, I can show you some of the new dresses that just came in.” Her smiled widened. “We have champagne.”

  “Yes please!” I held up my finger and nodded quickly. “Come on, Melanie. Let’s buy your dress here.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look.” She turned towards the sales associate. “Lead the way!”

  The wedding dress shopping was at least taking my mind off the Anderson brothers. Some champagne would help. I was there for Melanie, not myself. I didn’t want to ruin her excitement because my head was spinning, and my soul was trying to come unglued. I couldn’t let them infest my thoughts or split my heart open again. I trusted them with everything once and even let them see my weaknesses. I should have known better, but I struggled with so many abandonment issues that I allowed myself to believe we had something more than just a summer fling. I had gotten so much stronger since I left Andalusia. I couldn’t become that vulnerable girl again. She was weak and confused—she believed in love. I knew the harsh realities of goodbye—the sting of watching innocence fade into nothingness.

  “I like that one.” Melanie nodded as she stared at a beautiful white dress. “But I probably should see a few more.”

  “I’ll put this one over here on the rack in case you want to see it again.” The sales associate smiled and hung up the dress before disappearing into the back.

  “Do you think they’ll keep letting us drink champagne if I just remain undecided all afternoon?” Melanie giggled and looked over at me.

  “Careful—you still have to drive us home.” I lifted my glass and sipped the champagne. “It’s really, really good though.”

  “I’m only going to get married once.” Melanie shrugged and put her glass on the table beside us. “I might as well enjoy all the amenities.”

  We looked at numerous wedding dresses, and I couldn’t tell if Melanie had already chosen one or if she was still undecided. Some of them were really expensive, and I didn’t think she could afford it, even if it was the dress of her dreams. We polished off the entire bottle of champagne before she finally narrowed her selection down to two dresses. I was buzzing and a little bit, but the one in the middle with the oyster-pearl shimmer looked like it was something out of a fairy tale. It definitely got my pick. The sales associate took her back to the dressing room and helped her change into it while I waited with only a couple of drops of champagne to keep me entertained. About ten minutes later, the sale associate started humming Here Comes the Bride and Melanie appeared at the doorway of the bridal suite. She looked stunning.

  “Wow!” My eyes opened wide. “That dress is freaking awesome.”

  “Isn’t it?” Melanie walked to the mirror and giggled. “I have to get it.”

  “You don’t want to try on the other two?” The sales associate raised her eyebrows in surprise.

  “No, this is definitely the one.” Melanie beamed like she was already at the altar standing across from her husband-to-be. “I’ll take it.”

  “Let me get some measurements. Will you be coming back to pick it up, or do you want me to ship it to you?” The sales associate picked up a measuring tape.

  “I—I think I’d like to pick it up.” Melanie turned towards me. “Eliza, would you be up for another ro
ad trip in a couple of weeks?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I shrugged and nodded. “Whatever you want.”

  Another day on the road is another day not spent in Andalusia. I’ve got too many of them ahead of me to think about right now as it is.

  The sales associate got all of Melanie’s measurements and then we left the store. I was still buzzing, and if I was buzzing, that meant Melanie definitely didn’t need to get behind the wheel of her car. We decided to have lunch at a cafe nearby, and I ordered coffee as soon as we sat down. It would help sober the both of us up. Melanie gushed about her dress, the wedding, Dave, and all of the things going right in her life. I was happy for her, even if I wasn’t able to really express it with the same enthusiasm that she was exuding. She was going to get her fairytale wedding, in a dress that would have made Snow White jealous. Hopefully, Dave knew how lucky he was because Melanie was going to be a beautiful bride.

  “So, have you planned my bachelorette party yet?” Melanie tilted her head to the side inquisitively.

  “Seriously? I just got back to town last night.” My eyebrows came together, and I shook my head. “Who am I going to invite anyway? Are any of the girls you hung out with in high school still around?”

  “No, and I don’t want to hang out with them anyway. You were my only real friend.” She reached down to pick up the menu.

  And I’m the shitty one that didn’t even want to come back for your wedding.

  “I’ll figure something out.” I forced a smile and stared at the menu.

  “I won’t complain if you get a couple of hot firefighters to come dance for us.” She giggled and bit down on her bottom lip. “The Anderson brothers are even hotter now than they were in high school.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” I scowled and quickly shook my head.

  “I was kidding—or was I?” She faked a sinister laugh.

  “If you mention them one more time, I’m calling Dave.” I shot her a glare.

  “Fine.” She grumbled under her breath.

  It would be easier if she knew why, but that’s not something I want to discuss. I’m having enough trouble just thinking about it.

  * * *

  Five years ago

  “You know those things will kill you, right?” Hudson stepped outside on the back porch as I lit a cigarette.

  “I’m trying to quit.” I turned towards him and grinned. “I only have one after sex, so really—this is all your fault.”

  “You can’t lay all the blame on me.” He walked up and put his hand on my lower back. “You’re the one who was begging for round three.”

  “I’ve got a reputation to live up to.” I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows. “I’m the school slut, remember?”

  “Far from it.” He shook his head back and forth. “You know that’s not how we see you right?”

  “I know what this is.” I leaned over and stubbed out my cigarette. “I also know that it all ends when the summer does.”

  “Yeah…” He turned away from me and exhaled sharply.

  What was that look in his eyes before he turned away?

  “Right?” I put my hands on his hips and let my head rest against his shoulder.

  “Because you’re leaving.” He folded his hand into mine. “California is a million miles away.”

  As far away from Andalusia as I could get, which is what I thought I wanted—because I had no reason to stay.

  “We’ve got a little more time.” I pressed my lips to his neck. “How about we go inside and stop wasting it out here.”

  “Round four, huh?” He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckle. “I like the sound of that.”

  Hudson and I had been tangled in a constant embrace for the entire weekend. Preston got an invitation to attend a team meeting for new recruits and had to go to Tuscaloosa. I wasn’t sure how it would be without him there, but I found out that Hudson had lots of stamina on his own—and a ravenous appetite. I liked both of the Anderson brothers, but Hudson was definitely more charming than Preston. It seemed to be about more than sex for him, despite the fact that the weekend had been spent almost exclusively in the bedroom. I was afraid to let myself believe it could be more. I spent so much time planning my escape from Andalusia, and I was on the threshold of leaving that small town behind. The only thing I had to do was pack the clunker I bought and say goodbye to the foster family that had been nice enough to let me stay longer than they had to. Saying goodbye to the Anderson brothers was going to be hard though—especially if Hudson kept looking at me the way he did once we got back inside the house.

  “I can’t believe you never got in trouble at school for these.” Hudson took the pack of cigarettes out of my hand and tossed them on the couch. “Principal Lawson would have paddled your ass if he caught you.”

  “When you grow up in the foster system, you get really good at hiding things—especially things that can get you in trouble.” I smiled and sank into his embrace.

  And your emotions—definitely those.

  “It sounds like you’re long overdue for a trip to the Principal’s office.” He slid his hand down my back and gave me a light slap on my ass.

  “Oh yeah?” I leaned back and grinned. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Maybe I should give you a spanking.” He grabbed the front of my jeans and started unbuttoning the front button.

  “Well nobody is here to stop you.” I bit down on my bottom lip and looked up at him.

  Hudson had started to show a little bit of a dominant side during our weekend together. It was kind of exciting. Preston was usually the one who liked to randomly slap my ass, especially when he was taking me from behind. Hudson usually didn’t do much more than ravage my body and chase his blissful release while satisfying the craving inside me. Over the course of the weekend, he had gotten bolder. He pinned my hands to the mattress, fucked me hard enough for it to hurt—but in a good way, and it seemed that he was going to escalate it even further when he got me back to the bedroom. I definitely didn’t mind. If he had a fantasy, I was more than happy to be on the receiving end of anything he wanted. I liked seeing his confidence unfold without Preston there to act like the alpha male, and I felt closer to Hudson than I had before the weekend started.

  “Come here, naughty girl.” Hudson smiled as he pulled me towards the bed once we were upstairs.

  “I made it all the way through high school without getting punished. I guess I should have known my naughty behavior would get me in trouble eventually.” I giggled as he started to pull my jeans and panties down my hips.

  “You’re definitely in trouble now.” Hudson sat down and pulled me across his knee.


  “Ooh, it’s going to be a hard spanking.” I wiggled my ass against his hand.

  “That’s what naughty girls get.” He pulled his hand away.


  “I’ll definitely be a good girl after this.” I moaned and lifted my ass to meet his hand.


  “I doubt it.” He chuckled and caressed the spot where his hand came down. “You like being a naughty girl too much.”

  “That’s probably true.” I let out a gasp. “You’ll probably have to spank me really hard if you want me to be a good girl.”


  I definitely liked that side of Hudson. It made him even more attractive—if that was possible. His hand bounced from one side of my ass to the other as he spanked me. The spanking did something to me that brought out emotion and desire at the same time. My pussy was so wet that I was aching for him to notice. I’d be his naughty girl anytime he wanted if it made me burn with that much desire. I looked over my shoulder and saw that my ass had a pink glow in the center. It was starting to sting, but I didn’t want him to stop—not unless he was going to throw me on the bed and fuck me. I was almost certain that was going to happen once he was done because his cock was startin
g to throb in his pants. I needed it—more than ever. The spanking was lighting a fuse inside me and it was starting to burn out of control.


  “You need something else, don’t you.” He pushed his hand between my thighs and rubbed my clit. “Something that all naughty girls crave.”

  “Yes!” I moaned and rubbed my pussy against his touch.

  “You’re about to get it.” He lifted me up and I fell back against the mattress.

  There was something in Hudson’s eyes that I hadn’t seen before—a beast that needed to be released. He pulled my jeans off and threw them across the room. I swear I heard him growl. He stripped off his clothes and climbed on top of me. He dropped between my thighs so hard that I was practically impaled by his cock. He started to thrust himself into my pussy and I felt the pressure building immediately. My desires were running wild—I needed the release. I craved it like an addiction. I watched a storm rage in Hudson’s eyes as he fucked me. That was a side of him that I could get used to—a side that would be a lot harder to forget when I left Andalusia. I felt his cock start to throb, and that was all it took. My body caved into the orgasm and a landslide of pleasure surged through my veins. My pussy spasmed on his dick and he threw his head back. He started to drive his cock into me with more ferocity. The first eruption of cum flooded my pussy and it stacked a second orgasm on top of the first—I had never felt that before. It was heaven on earth.

  “Oh god!” He roared, and I felt more cum shooting through his shaft.

  “Cum in me, baby!” I dug my nails into his back.

  My orgasm consumed me, and Hudson kept thrusting until the last spasm was gone. I exhaled sharply and watched as the beastly stare faded from his eyes. He slumped forward and started kissing me. It was a damn good thing that I started taking birth control after our first night together because I don’t think he would have even thought about protection. That was an intensity that I needed to see again. That was pure primal lust—and just thinking about it while his lips crushed mine made me start to tingle with more desire. Where had that side of Hudson been hiding? I hoped that side of him didn’t disappear when Preston returned. Hudson has shown me something that I wanted every night that we spent together—whether Preston shared the bed with us or not. He finally pulled back from our kiss and left me gasping for air.


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