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Code of the Assassin: Embedded in the data is the power to corrupt (David Diegert Series Book 3)

Page 23

by Bill Brewer

  When he woke up, they still had two and a half hours to go. Panzer was awake, sitting across the aisle facing Diegert.

  “How you doing?” asked the younger man.

  “I’m OK, but they have hospitals in Nairobi.”

  “They also have Kenyan Police. No way I was risking that. Keep drinking your water, and you’ll be fine. I’ll make sure there is an ambulance waiting at the airport.”

  “You’re my own little doctor,” chuckled Panzer.

  Diegert smiled, and the two shared a moment of mutual camaraderie for having survived this ordeal. Diegert found the closeness gratifying and reassuring, but he waited for it to vanish in some derogatory remark. Panzer just kept smiling. He also seemed struck by the moment, caught in the reverie and flummoxed by the feelings he was having. Was it the Oxy or was it the grateful feeling that bonds even the most disparate people when they’ve faced death and survived?

  Panzer spoke. “You saved my life, son.”

  Diegert shrugged.

  “You stopped him from executing me.” Panzer almost fought back a tear, but it rolled down his cheek. “He was going to shoot you, then me.” Panzer’s voice choked up. “He would’ve killed my son right in front of me.”

  “Now don’t get upset. You have to stay relaxed.”

  “I know, but when I told you about the NK cells and the threats upon Crepusculous, you now know it’s true. You were an excellent guardian, and I’m proud of you, son.”

  Diegert got out of his chair to take the one next to Panzer. He inspected the wound. Panzer grabbed his forearm. “I want you to know how proud I am of you. You were brave, a man can’t ask for any more from a son.”

  Diegert looked into the cool gray-blue eyes and thought, was it the drugs? Or was this man really telling him the kind of thing he had longed to hear his whole life? Was his father praising him, not only for an act but also for his character, his humanity?

  “You’re the flesh of my flesh, the bone of my bone, and we share the same spirit of survival. I want to face the challenges of life with you,” proclaimed Panzer.

  Diegert lifted the blanket and tucked it in around his father’s shoulders, “You should sleep for another hour or so. It will be very fatiguing once we get to the hospital.”

  “No hospital. Call Avery and have him set up a surgeon. Get him to send the LPU ambulance.”


  “But, son, I want you to know my words about you are true. You are the son with whom I’ve always wanted to share my life.”

  Diegert smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Dad, I’m really glad to hear that. Now get some more sleep.”

  Returning to his seat, under his warm blanket, Diegert felt like he was cloaking himself with approval, acceptance, and support. Emotional blankets he never had and only now realized how much he wanted. He tried to fall asleep but struggled to rectify his conflicting perceptions of Klaus Panzer.


  At the airport in London, Panzer was carried off the plane, into the ambulance, and rushed with lights and sirens to LPU Medical. The operating room was standing by, ready to perform emergency surgery.

  Avery drove Diegert to LPU in a Range Rover Discovery. He needed medical attention on his leg wound.

  “How did this happen?” asked the dark mystic.

  “Betrayal. The hunting guide was paid to kill us.”



  “He’s been guiding Klaus for years.”

  Surprised to hear his father’s first name, Diegert snapped his gaze upon Avery. “We know who’s responsible.”

  Avery glanced from the windshield.

  “Chin Lei Wei.”

  Avery blinked a few times. “Conflict at the height of power is deadly. Cooperation only lasts so long.”

  “Yeah, right. I imagine my father’s response will be even more deadly.”

  “Perhaps,” said the man as he drove through London traffic, “but if Crepusculous is ripped apart, Klaus is going to make sure he retains as much of it as possible.”

  “This may be the opportunity I need to turn the organization toward something good,” said Diegert expectantly.

  “If there is going to be war at the top of Crepusculous, we must first survive the oncoming battles. Then we can reposition the organization according to your plans.”

  “Really, this could be good?”

  “When there’s blood in the streets, buy real estate.”

  As Avery’s macabre quote resonated in his head, he thought of something Panzer had said a while ago, “Keep your enemies close in order to know their weaknesses.” Was his father’s I love you, son rhetoric real, or beguiling wish fulfillment designed to lower his defenses? Could Avery be trusted? One thing was for sure, gaining control over Crepusculous was going to take persistence and cunning while capitalizing on opportunities.

  Avery said, “Every great general starts out as a soldier.” Glancing at Diegert, he said, “You’re going to have to serve as a soldier in whatever actions are forthcoming, but your success will pave the way to gaining what you want.”

  Diegert turned from the man’s dark eyes to gaze out at the lights of London. Frightening foreboding and thrilling anticipation filled him with an unsettling mix of emotions as he contemplated who his father would next assign him to kill.

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  Up Next:


  A deceptive appearance is a killer’s most lethal weapon.

  Book 4 to be released in early 2021

  Thank you.

  Bill Brewer


  Bill Brewer writes to engage his readers. Using imagination and research, he creates compelling characters whom he thrusts into dangerous situations. To thrill his readers, Bill sets a blistering pace and keeps the action coming as the plot explodes across the pages. The story reveals its secrets as the characters experience triumph, betrayal, victory, and loss. While you’re reading, look for passages filled with anatomical details that this University Professor of Human Anatomy & Physiology uses to bring realism into his story.

  When not teaching or writing, Bill can be found seeking adventure, peace and camaraderie, hiking, biking and paddling near his home in Rochester NY.


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  THRILLEX Publishing

  COPYRIGHT 2020 by Bill Brewer




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