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Vampire Manifesto

Page 3

by Rashaad Bell

  Chapter 3

  Chance meeting…

  Everyone climbed out, Aiden making a beeline towards the trunk, grabbing the cooler and blankets. Even though it was only around ten in the morning, on a Monday, the beach was filled with people. It had to be around ninety-seven degrees out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was such a beautiful sight and it was one of the main reasons why our unexpected move here to Palm Coast was bearable.

  “I bet the water is feels good.” Aiden declared as we made our way down these rickety wooden steps that led surfside. It took us a little while to find a spot, apparently, we weren’t the only ones to have the idea to skip whatever school or job we had and come down to Flagler beach, but it wasn’t long before Aiden was spreading out this humongous blanket and propping up lawn chairs for us.

  I sprawled out on the blanket, my back against the downy material and the sun across my face. It was so nice to be out. Abigail took up the spot next to me, while Aiden plopped down in his X-Men lawn chair.

  Abby held up her hand, snapping her fingers. “Margarita please.”

  Aiden reached in the cooler and handed her an eight-ounce Sprite bottle filled with Margarita mix instead of soda. “You want one to Madison?”

  “Yup.” Aiden tossed me a Sprite bottle.

  “You ladies gonna be okay for a few?” He asked.

  Abigail propped herself up to look at him. “Why? Where you disappearing off to baby?”

  “I wanna hit up the comic book store for a bit. I wanna get that Sinestro War trade.”

  I was confused. “What’s a Sinestro War?”

  “Sinestro is the renegade Green Lantern who started his own Corp powered by a Yellow Power Ring which is fueled by peoples fear.” Abigail explained.

  That answer seemed to roll off her tongue just a little too easy. I stared at her. “Abby, how in the hell do you even know that?”

  “Oh, you’re brother has schooled me on all things comic book.”

  “You’re kidding right? You don’t even like to read.” I said.

  “Honestly it’s pretty good, you should check it out.” Abigail replied.

  “I’ll pass. Wait...can’t you just download that to your iPad? I thought they like, had an app for that?”

  “Honey, your brother is against comic book digital downloads.” Abigail laughed. “He’s an old school, hard core fanboy.”

  Aiden stood up. “I need to feel it in my hands. Smell them. Turn the physical pages. I can’t do that with a download.”

  “You’re such a nerd.” Abigail announced, getting up as well.

  “You coming with?” He questioned.

  “Nope.” Abigail said. “If you’re running to the comic shop right now, I’m gonna go buy us a dub of green for tonight. You gonna be okay here alone for a minute Madison?”

  “Yeah, I’m cool. I’ve got sun, margaritas and half naked boys to stare at. I’ll be just fine.”

  “Okay, hun. We should be back in what?” Abigail glanced at Aiden.

  “Twenty, twenty-five minutes.” He responded.

  Abigail made a face. “We should be back in about ten, fifteen minutes.”


  “Look I’m not spending all day in that stupid comic book store Aiden, all they do is stare at my boobs the entire time. It’s like they’ve never seen a pair in real life before. Plus, that wasn’t the reason why I came to the beach today.”

  The two of them wondered off, arguing as they disappeared into the multitude of people on the boardwalk. I watched them leave and smiled inwardly. They were so cute together. They complemented the other persons strengths and weaknesses. I only wish I could find someone like that. Someone that could identify with me without the need for a façade.

  I had to admit to myself how lonely I was. Not that I needed some boy to complete me, yet it would be nice to have someone that understood where I was coming from. To understand my needs, my goals. Someone to share those intimate moments people have. Not to mention I was tired of playing the third wheel between Aiden and Abigail. Not that they would ever consciously admit that, because they wouldn’t. Yet they don’t go anywhere without me tagging along with them and I’m just selfish enough to come, instead of doing the right thing and letting them have their alone time.

  I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sun against my chest. I should have put sunscreen on but I was too lazy to get up. I was content to just sit here and contemplate on if I was actually going to get into the water this time. I’ve lived in Palm Coast for a little over a three years, been to the beach multiple times and haven’t once let ocean water touch my body.

  My deep seething fear of being eaten alive by a shark keeps me sand bound.

  A shadow fell over me and I cursed under my breath. Florida was notorious for sudden weather changes, where it goes from nice and sunny, to damp and cold. All I wanted was a tan!

  “Excuse me.”

  I opened my eyes and found this guy standing there. “Yes, excuse you. You’re blocking my sun.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” He apologized, stepping out of the way, moving to the left a little. Now that the sun wasn’t to his back, I was able to see him better.

  He was gorgeous. Seventeen, maybe eighteen, sandy brown hair cut somewhat short. He had strong features, chiseled, very hawk like, with green eyes that almost seemed to sparkle. I had to sit up and remove my sunglasses just so I could look at him unhindered.

  I wanted him.

  He extended out his hand. “Hello, my name is Ethan Blackwood.”

  “Um...Hi, I’m Madison. Madison Amber Rose.” I reached out to shake his hand. His skin extremely cool and soft to the touch.

  “Nice to meet you Madison.” Ethan exclaimed. “Is it okay if I sit with you for a minute?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Ethan Blackwood sat down in the sand, not on the blanket, keeping a modest distance between us. “Madison Amber Rose. That’s a beautiful name.”

  The way he looked at me was so penetrating, like he was staring directly through me at my inner soul underneath. I wanted to glance away suddenly; it was difficult for me to maintain eye contact with him.

  “Thank you Ethan.” God, I hope I’m not blushing right now.

  “I don’t...” He paused briefly. “…I don’t normally approach random girls like this.”

  “I’m sure you don’t.” I lied.

  “But when I saw you, I knew I had to stop and say, I don’t know, something.”

  Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.

  “Really?” I smiled. “Well what did you want to say Mr. Ethan Blackwood?”

  He smiled playfully. “I don’t know. I hadn’t really planned that far ahead.”

  We both laughed at his comment. I brushed my hair over my right ear. Not that it was in my way, but rather, that’s just what I do when I’m nervous.

  “So are you from here?” I wanted to know everything about him. Everything! I was just so drawn to his presence. I’d never felt this way about a person I just met before.

  “No, not really. I moved here not that long ago.” Ethan was sitting Indian style in the sand. It looked extremely painful, but he seemed comfortable enough.

  “Nobody from Florida is really from Florida, right? Did you live nearby?”

  He titled his head somewhat. His skin seemed flawless, perfectly smooth. Like something out of a magazine, like his features were almost airbrushed to perfection.

  “Somewhere, far from here.” Was Ethan’s answer.

  “Really? Far from here, huh? Cryptic much?” The mystery man with delicate features. Mom always warned me about guys like this.

  “At times.” He said.


  “I’m sorry, I’m...I’m really not used to, personal interaction.”

  “Uh huh.” I wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that.

  “With girls, I mean.” Ethan Blackwood added quickly.

  “Oh. So you’re gay then?�
�� Awesome Madison. Out of all the guys on the beach, you have to fall for the gay one!

  “No, I’m not gay, just shy. I usually keep to myself. But when I saw you, I knew I needed to know you.”

  “Who’s the noob?” Aiden’s voice cut through the atmosphere like a knife.

  I glanced up just in time to see Abigail grab another margarita out the cooler while Aiden, carrying the hugest brown paper bag full of comics ever, came to rest in is X-chair.

  “Aiden, Abigail, this is my new friend, Ethan Blackwood.” I introduced him with a little bit more enthusiasm then I should have.

  “Sup dude.” Said Aiden.

  “Oh, he’s really cute!” Flirted Abigail.

  “Shut up and sit down.” Aiden responded.

  Ethan gave them a slight nod of recognition. “It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you.” He turned his attention back towards me. “I’m not intruding am I?”

  Before I could even reply, Abigail chimed in. “Of course not, Ethan. We were just going for a swim anyway. Aren’t we Aiden?”

  “We were?” Asked Aiden. “I thought you said...”

  Abigail squinted her eyes fiercely at him.

  “Uh, yeah.” Aiden looked at me then Ethan. “Swimming. Yay?”

  Abigail stood, waiting for Aiden to follow.

  “Abby, were you able to get that, uh, Green Lantern you were going to get?” I asked.

  “Oh did I!” Laughed Abigail. “Forty issues worth instead of twenty.”

  “What?” Aiden seemed lost. “When did you buy Green Lantern comics? I wanna see! What issues did you get?”

  “Aiden, shut up and come on.” Abigail grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the ocean.

  “Watch my comics; make sure they don’t get wet!” He yelled back to me as Abby dragged him away.

  Neither Ethan nor I spoke for a moment, simply staring into each other’s eyes. I’d never seen eyes like his before. Even in the sunlight, they seem to radiate somewhat, giving off a sparkle all of their own.

  “You’ll never win.” I announced.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You haven’t blinked once.” I leaned closer to him. “I never blink. It’s a skill set I possess.”

  “I didn’t know we were playing a game.”

  “You didn’t know? Life itself is a game.” I declared. “It’s a time challenge and once you’re born, you’re already down to your last man.”

  Ethan came closer, yet still kept a respectable distance. “Then I've got a secret.”

  “Really?” I was intrigued. “And what would that be?”

  “I’ve got the cheat code.” Ethan announced.

  “The cheat code to what?”

  “Unlimited continues.” He divulged.

  “Well what fun would that be?” I countered. “What would be the point?”

  “To see how it all ends.” Stated Ethan.

  “Life isn’t a movie. We weren’t meant to see the end credits. Only the good parts, some of the bad and a little of the in-between, but never the whole thing.”

  “For you maybe.” He conceded. “But I wanna see it all.”

  “Never take life too seriously, Ethan. Nobody gets out alive anyways.”

  “You wanna take a walk with me, Madison Amber Rose?”

  “Why, I’d love to Ethan Blackwood.”

  He stood to his feet rather quickly, faster than I could have anticipated, not from that crazy, yoga, Indian style he was resting in, yet he was already up and on his feet, hand outstretched to help me.

  When our fingers touched, it was like electricity, a tingling sensation across my entire physique. It felt as if my whole body was alive, like I was alive.

  He was tall. Almost six feet and he towered over me, but in a good way. Ethan went to release my hand, but I didn’t let go, interlocking our fingers instead. He my think he has unlimited continues, but the rest of us don’t. The rest of us didn't have time to wait for the world, the rest of the world needed to wait for us.

  Abigail was splashing Aiden in the face with water until, from what I can tell, Aiden got pissed, picked her up over his head and dunked her. Then he started to dance like the zombies from the Michael Jackson Thriller video.

  I can’t take them anywhere!

  “Hey!” I yelled. Neither of them noticed. “Aiden!”

  Is that the moonwalk he’s doing now?

  “Don’t worry I got it.” Ethan laughed. “AIDEN!”

  I jumped, slightly startled at how loud he could yell. Aiden looked over in our direction and Ethan flagged him over.

  Abigail hopped on Aiden’s back as he jogged over to us while she smacked him continuously on his rear. “What’s up?” He struggled, clearly out of breath.

  “I’m gonna talk a walk with Ethan here, just wanted to let you know.”

  Abigail climbed down off Aiden’s back and gave Ethan a once over, examining him from head to toe.

  “Only if that’s okay?” Ethan added in, sensing her immediate displeasure.

  Abby wasn’t buying it. “Walk? Walk where?”

  Ethan looked at me. I looked at him. “Uh...that way?” He said, pointing down the beach.

  She gave him the once over again. “And what’s down there that isn’t up here?”

  “Ice cream?” I chimed in, trying to win her over to the idea.

  “Yes. Right.” Ethan hurriedly agreed. “Double chocolate scoop ice cream.”

  “Really?” I exclaimed happily. “I didn’t know that.”

  Abigail gave me the evil eye.

  “You’re not helping.” Ethan whispered.

  “Oops. My bad.”

  “Look here Mr., what’s your name again?” Abigail demanded.


  “Uh, last name?” Abigail can be very bulletin point at times.

  “Blackwood. Ma’am.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass! I.D.? License? Let’s see it!”

  “Uh...” Ethan began patting down the pockets of his cargo shorts, checking for his wallet.

  Abigail was snapping her fingers incessantly. “Come on, let’s go, let’s go!”

  Ethan found his wallet in one of the many side cargo pockets he had. He pulled out his license so she could see it.

  Abigail held out her hand as Aiden produced a small, clear plastic box shaped camera from his pocket, slamming it down in Abigail’s open palm.

  “Waterproof!” She exclaimed, before snapping a picture of Ethan’s I.D. card with the camera. “Look here, Mr. Ethan Blackwood. If anything happens to my girl, I will hunt you down and murder you in your sleep. Do you understand me?

  “Uh, yes Ma’am.”

  I think he might be slightly scared of her.

  “Dude, she is freakishly strong.” Added Aiden.

  “I am freakishly strong and I will exercise that strength on your face. Comprende?”

  “Understood.” Ethan agreed hastily.

  I simply shook my head. “Are you done?”

  “Yes. You may go.”

  I grinned. “I love you.”

  “And I love you too. Have fun!”

  I squeezed Ethan’s hand then pushed him slightly to get him going before Abigail started up again. There was a reason she was my best friend. She would never let anything happen to me if she could help it.

  We walked a little bit before either one of us spoke. “Is she still staring at us?” Asked Ethan.

  I shot a glance over my shoulder and started laughing. “Yes.”

  “That woman frightens me.” He admitted.

  “Shut up Ethan.” I shoved him playfully. “You have to excuse my friends. They can be a little...overzealous at times.”

  “You know, she only has your best interest at heart.” He added.

  “Yeah, I know. That’s why we’re best friends.” I liked being close to him. Not in a sexual way or anything like that, but rather, I just seemed at ease around him. Comfortable. That’s the best way I could describe it.r />
  “So how old are you?” He asked.

  “Seventeen. Same as my brother. He’s only older than me by a couple of minutes.”

  “Twins? Fraternal?”

  I squeezed my boobs. “Well we sure aren’t identical.”

  “No, no. It’s just that, I didn’t notice. I couldn’t tell.” Corrected Ethan.

  “It’s okay. Most people can't.” I grabbed his hand again. I love the way his skin felt. Like chilled silk.

  “So tell me something about yourself.” I wanted to know everything about him. Every detail. It was something more than just his beauty that attracted me to him. Although, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as beautiful as him.

  “Oh God!” I exclaimed suddenly. “Hide me!”

  I pulled him close, turning his body somewhat as I did, my arms wrapped around his waist, my face pressed up against his chest.

  “Wait a minute, what’s going on?” Ethan was more than a little dumbfounded.

  It was hard to concentrate being this close to him. He smelled like honeysuckle and tangerines. His body was hard like stone, like he spent every working hour in the gym, yet he wasn’t overly muscle bound, just profoundly chiseled, like someone had breathed life into a Michelangelo statue.

  “Just hide me.” I whispered.

  Ethan tentatively placed his arms around me and we faded into the crowd, just another couple in a lovers embrace.

  “Not that I’m complaining.” He began, hugging me a little tighter than I expected. “But what’s going on?”

  “Over there.” I whispered.

  “Over where?” Ethan went to turn.

  “No, no, don’t look!”

  He froze where he was. “Uh...okay?”

  I couldn’t help but giggle. “It’s Mr. Woodrow.”

  “Sure, I’ll bite.” He said. “Who’s Mr. Woodrow?”

  “Oh, just my Assistant Principle, who theoretically, is supposed to be on medical leave for fracturing his foot during last week’s Pep Rally, but is actually over there…I said don’t look!”


  “That’s him alright.” I continued. “Eating a corn dog with some girl who is so obviously not his wife.”

  Ethan just burst out in man chuckles. “Well, he is wearing a cast.”

  “Really?” I was absolutely skeptical of that statement.

  “Yes, I can unmistakably see it from here.” Ethan had begun to play with the tips of my hair, twirling them between his fingers. “Someone’s drawn a ninja turtle on it.”

  “I told you not to look!”

  “And that woman he’s with is clearly twelve years old.”

  “How can you tell that?” I peeked around his shoulder.

  “Because he’s yelling at some chap for checking out his daughters ass and I quote: She’s clearly twelve years old!”

  “Well, that’s ungentlemanly like!”


  “’ve got like, Superman hearing.” I commented.

  “I can also leap tall buildings in a single bound, but I find it crass. Come on, let’s keep walking.”

  I didn’t want to let him go, he felt so good in my arms, yet even when we were returned to just holding hands, it was still a small slice of the angelic.

  We stopped for ice cream not that far away, yet clearly not within eyesight of my Vice Principle. I was not a fan of detention, nor of being busted out to my parents for skipping school. That was the last thing I needed right now. It was bad enough they hounded Aiden and I incessantly about collage preparations and taking an ungodly amount of AP classes. Last thing I needed was for them to find out I was cutting class and hanging out with some random boy I just met.

  Although even if I were to be caught, it would have absolutely been worth it.

  The vender looked wacky enough, kinda like a street mime that’s had three bottles of tequila and chained smoked a pack of Newport's all while on his fifteen minute lunch break. Just the type of person you wouldn’t think twice about ordering perishable food items from.

  “What will it be Juliet?” The ice-cream guy questioned. His breath smelled like two-day-old Pepto-Bismol.

  “Double scoop of chocolate, with hot fudge and chocolate syrup.”

  “Not a problem.” He began to prepare my order, which was way more ice cream then I asked for. Drunken venders are always the best venders.

  “Hey, you got that one kind of chocolate syrup that turns all hard after you pour it?” I love that kind.

  “Anything for milady. And you Romeo?”

  “Just a single scoop of French vanilla on a cone please.”

  “Ah, a classic man at heart! Don’t get too many of those around here these days.”

  I had already eaten a good portion of my ice cream by the time the vender handed Ethan’s his.

  “How much are these?” Ethan asked.

  The Vender paused what he was doing as he looked at Ethan, blinked a couple of times then returned to his wacky self. “Why, they’re free of course! Last meals are always on the house.”

  Before either of us could respond, he had already starting pushing his cart, ringing his ice-cream bell as he walked.

  “Well that was creepy.” I stated between mouthfuls of hot fudge covered yumminess.

  Ethan eyed after him somewhat, then looked at me. “You’ve got chocolate on your nose.”

  “Of course I do, that’s just how I roll.” Really, that’s the best response you can come up with Madison? That’s just how I roll?

  “Here, let me.” Ethan cleaned the tip of my nose with his napkin. “Come on, let’s head back.”

  We didn’t really talk much after that, yet it wasn’t awkward. More like one of those comfortable silences, the kind you have with someone where the actual silence speaks volumes. Plus, I’m all about the ice-cream baby.

  “So what are you doing tonight?” I could see Aiden and Abby sitting on the blanket off in the distance. Looks like Aiden was educating her to the ways of comics again.

  “Why, what’s up?” Asked Ethan. His hand was covered in melted ice cream. It looked like he wasted more on himself then he did eating.

  “There’s this thing going down tonight. A Party. Well, bonfire actually...”

  “Oh, you mean the one at The Dave’s?” Asked Ethan.

  I was surprised. “You already know about that?”

  “Who doesn’t?” Ethan laughed. “They made flyers.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course they did. So, we were all gonna swing by there later and hangout for a bit. If you wanted to stop by...”

  “Madison Rose, are you asking me out on a date?” Oddly enough, his demeanor was quite serious.

  “Well, I figure all those old chicks back in the day burned their bras for a reason right? So yeah, I guess I am. I mean, if you already got other plans or whatever...”

  “I’d love to.” Ethan said with all honesty.


  “But just to be clear.” He added. “I’d only be going there to spend time with you.” Ethan clarified. “I really don’t do well with crowds.”

  “Don’t worry; I’ll be sure to keep you occupied.” I responded playfully.

  We came to a stop next to Abigail, who seemed to be determined to prove her theory on how Wolverine could beat Batman. Yup, my brother has got his hooks in her deep.

  “Batman is not God Aiden, just deal with it!” She yelled.

  Aiden collapsed back on the blanket. “You’re just saying that because you think Hugh Jackman is cute! That’s not a valid argument point.”

  “Well he is cute and Wolverine would so totally shank Batman with his three fingernail thingies!”

  Ethan face palmed himself. “They’re not fingernail thingies, Abigail, they’re unbreakable, adamantium claws.”

  “Aaand we’re here.” I said sarcastically to Ethan. “Welcome to my world.”

  “Your world is a lot better than you think.” Ethan said. “Oh and for the record, Ba
tman would absolutely find a way to neutralize Wolverines healing factor. It’s pretty much game over after that point. Batman fought Captain America hand to hand and it ended in a stand still. Wolverine doesn’t stand a chance.”

  Aiden almost had a cardiac arrest. “See! Even the new dude knows what’s up!”

  “So, I’ll see you there tonight?” I had to cut in.

  “Definitely.” Ethan said. He turned towards my brother and best friend. “It was very...interesting meeting you both.”

  “Take it easy bro.” Aiden said.

  “Nice to meet you to Ethan.” Abigail unexpectedly snapped another picture of him again. “G’s up, Ho’s down.”

  “Um...okay?” He looked at me with those impenetrable eyes and then gave me a quick nod. “Madison.”

  I waved as he ran off down the beach. He was fast, because it only took a second before I couldn’t see him anymore. I just stood there, ignoring my brother and his girlfriend as they continued their argument. This time if Mega-Man could beat Link from Zelda in a fistfight.

  I just continued to smile to myself. My only thoughts were of Ethan and the fact that I was going to see him again tonight.

  I let Abigail drive home, content to just relax in the back seat and reflect. Today’s little unexpected excursion to the beach went much better than I had planned. At best, I figured I’d just catch some rays, look at some cute boys surfing and get mildly intoxicated off margaritas.

  At worst, it would have rained and we would have called it a day a lot sooner than we did. Never did I expect to meet someone who had enraptured all of my senses the way Ethan Blackwood did. Ever since we moved to Palm Coast last year, I hadn’t really found anyone that I was even remotely interested in.

  It wasn’t because no one was interested in me. That’s far from the case; rather it was the sad fact that I wasn’t interested in any of them. Not a single one had captured my attention the way I thought my attention needed to be captured. I never connected with any of them like the way Aiden and Abigail related. They were so harmonious together all of the time. Finishing each other sentences, knowing when the other one was about to call seconds before they actually did.

  I still find that a little creepy by the way, but to each his own.

  Ethan Blackwood.

  I even liked the way his name sounded in my mind, yet knowing my luck he’ll probably end up being like, the biggest douche ever. Either that or a serial killer. Possibly both. Well, he is coming to The Dave’s tonight, so one way or another I am gonna find out.



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