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by Nicole, Angela

  “Yes. I took the money and acquired the company when Steven found out he had an aggressive form of cancer. He wanted me to take it over, knowing I’d take care of the employees since he considered them like family. He never married, so he didn’t have anyone to succeed him. Steven sold it to me dirt cheap, so I was able to retain most of my money from the sale of the farm.”

  I wait for Hennie to say something, but she doesn’t. She spins the glass of red wine slowly on the table, never looking at me. Before I can ask her what she’s thinking, the hostess arrives with plates of calamari, roasted red peppers with gorgonzola, greens and beans, and shrimp cocktail.

  “Thank you,” I offer with a tight smile.

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked anymore, so I ordered a little bit of everything.”

  Hennie lets out a sigh laced with uncertainty, but that sound makes every part of my body stand up and take notice.

  “Why didn’t you tell me it was you, Tate? Why not reach out to me personally?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t do it, Hen. I knew you’d tell me to fuck off.”

  “So, you lied instead to get what you wanted?”

  My eyes flicker to hers as she finally pins me with her stare. Why am I so damn turned on right now?

  “I didn’t lie, Trouble.”

  Leaning forward in her chair, her eyes narrow at me. “Don’t ever call me Trouble again. You lost that privilege when you cheated on me.”

  I want to tell her I didn’t cheat on her, but now is not the time. I don’t want to risk pissing her off even more.

  “You’re right, Hen. I’m sorry, but I knew you were the only person I’d trust to work with my company. To get you here, I did what I needed to do.”

  In more ways than one.

  I just hope she’ll forgive me eventually.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought I’d see Tate again. I’m trying not to let the fact he’s sexy as hell put out the flames of my anger. He deserves my anger, right? I know it was over ten years ago when he cheated on me. Yeah, we were young, but my heart still hurts from the betrayal. So why is my broken heart racing at the thought of working with him?

  His dark eyes pierce my soul, and I feel it low in my stomach, an ache I long thought dead. Even so, it’s not something I can give in to. Any opportunity for us ended that fateful day at the diner.

  “So you just expect me to work with you? Forget about our past?” I ask as I pick at the sweet peppers.

  “No, Hennie. I know our past will never change,” his voice trembles a bit, the regret obvious. “But I’m hoping in time you’ll forgive me for what I did and see me for the man I am now.”

  And that’s what has me worried. My worry stems from being close to the only guy I’ve ever loved. It’s a love that hasn’t died even though my heart still hurts.

  Before I can even begin to think about it, he slides a folder over to me. “Steven didn’t have a media presence when he was in charge. He was old school, his words not mine. The job of getting Jensen A & E’s name out there will need to be approached as if the company never existed before. The slate is clean, Hennie. I want you to be the one to help me create its legacy.”

  I slowly swallow a bite of the calamari. Can I do this? Can I spend the next several months working with him?

  The hostess brings our dinner as I’m lost in thought. I can smell the aroma, and without even looking, I know it’s their lasagna. It’s what La Greca is famous for.

  Suddenly, I need some air. “Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.”

  I see Tate stand as I make my way down the hall to the ladies’ room. Pushing my way into the small room, I begin to hyperventilate. Shit! This hasn’t happened in a long time. Bracing my hands on the sink, I try to even out my breathing. I’m so lost in thought, I don’t hear the door open.

  “Hen? Oh, Hennie. Look at me. Come on, you know what to do,” he whispers as he takes my face in his hands just like he used to do.

  “Watch my mouth, baby. In and out slowly. In and out slowly.”

  He repeats the same instructions over and over until my breathing evens out. Closing my eyes, I think back to a time when he was my comfort, much like he is at this moment. I lose myself as he rubs my cheeks with his thumbs, wiping away a tear that trails down.

  “How did you know?” I ask with ragged breath.

  Tate offers me a sad smile. “You had the same look you always did right before a panic attack. I’m sorry I ambushed you like I did.”

  Tate is staring at my mouth, and for a split second, I want him to kiss me. I want to know if his lips still make me weak. But I don’t want to be weak with Tate. I can’t be.

  Pushing off the wall, I stand, smoothing out my skirt. Tate is still kneeling where I left him, but now he’s behind me. I hear him clear his throat. I can’t look at him at this moment, because if I do, everything will come rushing back.

  “I just need a minute, please. I’ll be out soon.”

  Tate doesn’t say a word as he maneuvers around me and out the door. Suddenly, I feel like a bitch. But the need for self-preservation is strong.

  Running some cold water over a paper towel, I cool my forehead off. I glance in the mirror and shit if I don’t realize how much time has passed since I last saw him. We were just kids, I remind myself, but that fact doesn’t ease the betrayal I still feel.

  Part of me doesn’t understand how Tate expects me to work with him after what’s happened between us. The other part is telling me to grow up and be professional. I mean, for all I know, Tate is married with kids. I don’t care, so why does that thought make me sick?

  Chapter Fourteen


  I don’t think Hennie is coming back out. I’ve fucked this up, but I didn’t see any other way to get her to meet with me. I can’t forget the look on her face when she saw me— it wasn’t a look of hatred but more of shock and then curiosity. And then I saw the panic I’ve seen so many times, and I hate myself for it.

  I run my hand over my face in frustration. Why couldn’t I have been more patient? I shouldn’t have pushed, but fuck, ten years has been long enough. Just as I’m about to ring for the hostess, Hennie makes her way back to the table. She looks me directly in the eye as if challenging an adversary. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t somewhat scared. So why is my dick getting hard?

  Hennie is standing behind her chair, choosing not to sit down. “Tate, I don’t think this is going to work out. I’m sure Catherine or Taylor can find someone who’ll do a great job getting your company off and running.”

  This was the response I anticipated, though not the one I’d hoped for. Okay, so I’m at a crossroads here. I can be a dick and try to guilt her into working with me, or I can back off, hoping she’ll change her mind. I quickly formulate a plan to help with the latter and cross my fingers for her to cooperate.

  “I understand, and I apologize for not letting you know sooner it was me asking for your help. Can we at least finish our dinner here? Maybe we can get caught up with what’s happened over the years. I’ll call my pilot after dinner and see when he can get you back to California.”

  I see the hesitation on her perfect face, but when she nods and sits, I inwardly jump for joy.

  “Dinner, and then you call your pilot.”


  And I will call my pilot, but it doesn’t matter what he says because I’m going to tell her the plane won’t be available for a few days due to a mechanical issue. It’s a gamble for sure since she could take a commercial flight home. I just hope Hennie will change her mind after spending some time with me.

  I watch her closely as she takes her seat. She clears her throat as she takes some of the calamari and places it on the small plate in front of her. “Thank you for calming me down. You always were the only one who could help me through a panic attack.” Her eyes flick to mine.

  My heart jumps at her admission. Perhaps we hav
e some progress already.

  “I used to feel so useless when you’d have one of your attacks.”

  “Not as useless as I did when I was having one,” she laughs.

  Hennie takes a sip of her wine while she glances my way. I can’t help but smile at her. The most beautiful young girl has become the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She presses her lips firmly together as if trying to fight off her smile. I wonder what it would feel like to have those lips around my dick. Shaking away the vivid pictures I’ve had in my head for so long, I try to refocus.

  “So, how do you like working for CJJ?”

  Hennie’s eyes light up at the question. “I love it. Catherine was presenting at USC one day, and I got the chance to have lunch with her. She offered me a job as soon as I graduated with the recommendations of my professors. Of course, my parents were thrilled.”

  Just the mention of her parents brings me back to our time together. While they were never really rude to me, they never embraced our relationship either.

  “How are your parents?”

  Her mouth curves up in a half-smile. “Good. They’re living in Florida now. I guess it’s too bad they sold the house before the big natural gas boom. I suppose there could’ve been some on our land too.”

  “Maybe, since we were so close to each other.”

  Her eyes hold mine when I mention how close we were. I can’t help but wonder if she still feels the pull that I do.

  “Anyway, I’ve been at CJJ for six years. I completed my graduate degree three years ago. It took me some time since I worked full-time.”

  Leaning forward in my chair, I want to pick the table up and throw it, so there’s nothing between us . . . at least physically.

  “I knew you’d accomplish your dreams, Trouble. I’m so happy you went to California and took advantage of the opportunities there.”

  “Tate,” she pleads.

  “I can’t help it, Hennie. I’ve missed you so goddamn much.”

  She rests her elbows on the table, her hands over her eyes. It’s as if she doesn’t want me to see what she’s feeling.

  “Please don’t say things like that, Tate,” she whispers.

  “You mean the truth? Fuck, there are so many things I want to say to you, but I won’t. Not yet, anyway.”

  Hennie changes the subject, which I knew she would. “Do you still talk to Nolan?”

  “Every day. Nolan is one of my project managers.”

  She lets out a little laugh. “Nolan?”

  “A lot has happened in the last ten years, Hennie. After graduation, Nolan went into the Army as a Combat Engineer. He is phenomenal at what he does.”

  “So you brought Nolan with you when you bought the company?’

  “Yeah, he had a hard time transitioning back to civilian life. I called him up and offered him a job. He came for a visit to check out some of the projects that needed finishing. He agreed right away, and he’s been here ever since.”

  “He was always a good friend to you, Tate.”

  “And to you too, Hennie. I know Nolan has missed you just as much as I have.”

  I still get choked up when I think of what Nolan saw when he was overseas. I know the death he witnessed still haunts him. Once in a while, I see him drift off to another place when he’s in the room with me. I told him when he came home, he could talk to me about whatever he needed to. But I’m pretty sure he needs people around him who’ve experienced the same things he has.

  “Yeah, he helped me through a lot after you left, so I’m trying to do the same.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  What the hell did Tate go through after I left? I mean, I’m the one who got cheated on, not the other way around. But as much as I want to hate him, I can’t. Tate Palmer is still dangerous to my heart. I thought I could sit here across from him, have dinner, and not feel anything, but I was wrong. Yes, the hurt is still simmering close to the surface. Yes, when I look at Tate, my body reacts in a way it shouldn’t. Not anymore at least. So why do I find myself wanting to know more about the last ten years?

  I reach for some shrimp as Tate watches my every move. He looks like he’s afraid I’m going to bolt again. Perhaps I would if he hadn’t promised to call his pilot after dinner.

  “So, what are you going to tell Catherine and Taylor as to why we can’t work together?”

  I let his sentence sink in as I take a sip of my wine.

  Crap! I hadn’t even thought about what I would tell them. I don’t want them to be disappointed. I just hope my pulling out won’t hurt my chances for a promotion.

  “I really don’t want to tell them it’s personal, but I can’t lie, Tate. I’ll tell Catherine it’s a conflict of interest for me.”

  Rubbing his hand over the dark scruff on his face, his tongue runs along his bottom lip. I immediately wonder what that would feel like between my legs. The brush burn against the inside of my thighs, his tongue on my . . .


  Oh, my God. “I’m sorry?”

  “I asked if you want dessert.”

  ‘Yes, you’ is what I want to say, but then reality hits me when his phone rings.

  “Excuse me,” he says as he gets up and makes his way out to the hallway. “Hey, Casey,” he says before closing the door.

  Casey? I know she’s his assistant, but I wonder if she’s more than that. Suddenly, my stomach wants to revolt at the thought of him and another woman— another woman like Izzy.

  I can’t do this. Just as I start to relax around Tate, some thought creeps in, making me think about the past and how much he hurt me. Taking my cell out of my bag, I ring Catherine. It’s seven o’clock here, so it’s only four in California.

  Damn, I have to leave a message, so I make it short.

  Hey, Catherine. It’s Hennie. Can you give me a call when you get a chance? I need to talk to you about the Jensen account.

  “Trying to get out of here so fast?” Tate asks as he bends down behind me, whispering in my ear, eliciting a shiver from me.

  “How’s the plane coming?” I ask, really not wanting to leave.

  Tate’s eyes darken. “Unfortunately, the plane has been sidelined for a few days for a maintenance issue.” His smile is a cocky one as if he holds all the cards.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Hennie, the plane is in the hangar being looked over. I’m not lying.”

  He reaches for me but pulls his hands back. God, if he touched me right now, I’m not sure I’d walk away. He doesn’t, and I’m glad. Instead, he offers to take me to the apartment Taylor has set up.

  “I probably should have your phone number so I can text you when the plane is ready.”

  All I can do is smirk. Well played, Tate Palmer.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m an asshole. I’ll freely admit to that. Telling Hennie the plane was undergoing maintenance was all a lie. I told Paul to make sure the mechanics took the plane into the hangar and paid a little more attention to it than they normally do. Paul laughed when he realized I wanted to spend more time with Hennie.

  It’s six in the morning and fuck if I couldn’t sleep thinking about last night. One minute, it was as if she hated me still, but in the next minute, I could feel the heat between us as if nothing had ever happened. But it did, and now I’m tired as hell.

  When Hennie said she didn’t believe me when I said the plane wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow, I thought for sure she would head to the airport for a commercial flight. When she didn’t leave, I hoped perhaps she wanted to spend more time with me. I still do.

  I want to spend the day with her, but I know I can’t text her yet. Thankfully, it’s a Saturday, so I don’t need to go into work today. I had planned on having Hennie over for lunch so we could go over some files. But that was before she decided she couldn’t work with me.

  I don’t blame her. If she had done to me what she believes I did to her, well, I still don’
t think I could forgive her. I’m just hoping she’s a bigger person than I am.

  After a quick jog through Central Park and a long shower, I figure it’s time to text her. My hands shake in anticipation of whether or not she’s going to answer me. I know we ended things on a somewhat positive note, but she’s had time to think since last night. I’m nervous the memories of what I did to her will overpower the attraction I saw in her eyes.

  Blowing out a breath, I pull up her number in my contacts. Of course, I put her in as Trouble, because she still is. Hennie Marsh is trouble to my sanity. She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved, the only one I will ever love.

  Me: Good morning, Hen. I was hoping we could have lunch today.

  I set the phone down and grab another cup of coffee. Perhaps I don’t need the caffeine since I’m nervous enough, but I can’t wait for her to text me back.

  Ten agonizing minutes later, my phone beeps.

  Trouble: I’m meeting with Taylor at one o’clock.

  Okay, it wasn’t exactly a no, I guess.

  Me: A late lunch or early dinner then?

  She’s typing her response and then stops. I don’t get a response for another five minutes.

  Trouble: Okay

  Wow. I thought I’d have to beg. Believe me, I was prepared to.

  Me: I’ll pick you up around three. At the office?

  Trouble: See you then.

  This may seem like a small victory, but to me, it’s huge. I decided if Hennie agreed to see me, I’d bring her here to my place and cook for her. Thankfully, I have enough time to run to the store to get what I need.


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