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FBI Agent Jade Monroe: Live or Die 01-Blood in the Bayou

Page 21

by Sutter, C M

  I let out a relieved sigh. “Poetic justice.”

  Chapter 54

  It was Sunday, the day we would have been leaving, anyway. Luckily, the killings were over, the case was solved, and Robert Williams was no longer a threat to society or to Terrebonne Parish. Our flight wasn’t until later that day, and we had a lot to wrap up before we left. Detectives and deputies from the Criminal Patrol Unit searched the property and found all the IDs from Robert’s victims in an envelope in the glove box of his truck. I couldn’t believe I’d sat in that truck and only inches from proof of his guilt and didn’t know it. Renz told me not to be so hard on myself since without me giving Bob a chance to help us, we might never have learned that he was the killer. No matter what, it was over, and he’d gotten what he deserved.

  The deputies said there was evidence in the woods of where Billy and Mark were likely killed by wild pigs. According to their account, the men might have been tied to trees in the pigs’ nesting area. The thought sickened me, and I couldn’t imagine what Lorna would have to go through in the coming weeks and months. She would never have closure.

  “What’s going to happen to the pets?” I asked Conway as we sat in our makeshift office.

  “One of the deputies took the dog home, and the cats went to a local shelter.” He gave me a long stare. “You sure you’re okay? Your face is really black and blue.”

  I waved off his comment. “I’m more concerned about Sally, but the doctor said she’d be okay. I’ve been black and blue plenty of times, so I’ll be fine. I intend to visit Sally before we leave town, though.”

  “She’s a brave young lady,” Conway said.

  My eyes began to pool. “Damn straight she is. Sally saved my life. It would have likely been me who was eaten by those gators instead of Robert.”

  Conway huffed. “That sick bastard got everything he deserved and more. The crime lab took all the meat out of his coolers. They’re pretty sure it’s of the human variety, but more testing is needed to be certain. Cash was found in the house, and remnants of melted credit cards, buttons, zippers, and purses were discovered in the ash from the firepit.”

  “So he killed people for food and money. I imagine what he said about the job he had was also false.”

  With a puff of air, Conway continued, “Robert Williams hasn’t been gainfully employed for years. The only income he had was by leasing out his land to the state for hunters to use.”

  “How about donating his land to the hunting club, then?”

  Conway rubbed his chin. “That could be a possibility. It’ll take some time to sort through everything and contact all the families. They may want a settlement for the death of their loved one, and selling off the property could help with that.”

  Renz nodded. “I’m just glad this case is closed since I don’t like the idea of going home without a resolution.”

  I agreed wholeheartedly. “That makes two of us. We’ll have to sign off on the case after you guys wrap up everything. You’ll overnight the paperwork to us?”

  “Absolutely, but I’ll contact you every few days to let you know of our progress and what will be done with his land.”

  “Sounds like a plan. We should go pack and check out of the hotel.” Renz looked at me. “And then you want to spend some time with Sally before we go, right?”

  “Definitely. She invited us to her house to meet her mama and boyfriend. She said they’d made up, and he’d be there too.”

  Renz shook Conway’s hand, then I took my turn as we said our goodbyes. “Pat, we’re so sorry about your deputies. You and their families have our deepest condolences.”

  “Thanks, Jade, and thanks to both of you for getting that maniac out of our lives. Our hearts will heal, but it’ll take some time.”

  We returned to the hotel to pack. I told Renz I would meet him in the lobby in twenty minutes. We planned to check out, have lunch, and visit Sally before leaving for the airport. Louisiana had probably seen the last of us for some time, but I had memories that would endure forever. The people were good folks all around, and anyone who thought otherwise just misunderstood them, like we initially did. I laughed at the memory of Leroy Duggar as I packed. That man scared the bejesus out of me until we made peace around his firepit. Those people just wanted to live their lives by their own rules, not ours. I respected that.

  In the bathroom, I started putting my toiletries in my cosmetic bag. I picked up the perfume bottle and stared at it, then I shook my head and dropped it into the garbage can. Little by little, I’d learned valuable lessons over the years.

  I zipped my backpack and go bag, looked around the room, then walked out. I met Renz downstairs, and he said he’d already checked us out. I placed my key cards on the counter, and we left.

  “Where to for lunch?”

  “The scooter store.”

  Renz raised his brows. “Excuse me?”

  I grinned. “Well, there is a phone store and a diner in that same strip mall. The food at the diner is supposed to be good. I’ve already checked it out online.”

  “Back to the scooter comment. What am I missing here?”

  I let out a long breath. “After talking more to Sally, I learned that her mom is disabled from diabetes. She can’t walk worth a shit, and her wheelchair is old and has seen better days.”

  “Yeah, Conway said the boyfriend had mentioned that the mom was disabled.” Renz grinned. “So what’s the plan?”

  “I’m buying the mom a scooter so she can get out of the house and enjoy life with Sally.”

  “It sounds like a but is coming.”

  “Not a but. More like an and.”

  “Okay, and what?”

  “And I opened an online bank account in Sally’s name. I’m going to put five hundred bucks a month in it until she’s twenty-five. It’s the least I can do, and it’ll give her a head start in life. They don’t have a lot, Renz.”

  He held up his hands. “There’s no way I’d try to talk you out of that. You’ve got a good heart, Jade.”

  “My dad taught us well.”

  “You know, we’ve got a three-hour flight back to Milwaukee. I’d like to hear more about your family.”

  I smiled. “You sure? I’ve got a lot to share.”

  He nodded. “I’m sure.”

  Renz turned in to the strip mall’s parking lot. “What do you want to do first?”

  “Let’s get the scooter and phone, and then we’ll eat after that. Can you give me just a minute, though? I’d like to call Amber if I can use your phone.”

  “You bet.” He handed it to me and climbed out of the Explorer.

  I watched as Renz stepped up to the sidewalk and sat on the bench outside the scooter store. I dialed Amber’s number, and she picked up right away.


  “Hey, Sis.”

  “Hey. Whose phone are you using?”

  I sighed. “It’s Renz’s. Mine got eaten by an alligator.”

  “You aren’t serious, are you?”

  “I’m pretty sure I am. Do you know what the most dangerous predator is, Amber?”

  “Of course I do. It’s man.”

  “Good, and don’t ever forget that.”

  “I hope you’re heading home. You sound exhausted.”

  “We are, and I am. We’ll be leaving in a few hours. I have so much to tell you and Kate.”

  “So the case is closed?”

  “Yes. We got the bad guy, and that’s what counts. Remember what I requested for supper a few days ago?”

  “Yep. Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. So you’ll be home for supper?”

  “I sure will, and I can’t wait. I love you, Sis.”

  “And I love you too. Now hang up so I can go to the grocery store.”

  I grinned, hung up, and met Renz at the door of the scooter store. I didn’t know what color scooter to buy, but when I thought about Sally’s mud-stained pink shorts, my mind was made up. I loved pink, Sally loved pink, and I was
sure her mom would love pink too.


  Thank you!

  Thanks for reading Blood in the Bayou, the first book in the new FBI Agent Jade Monroe Live or Die Series. I hope you enjoyed it!

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