Cocky Gamer: A Hero Club Novel

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Cocky Gamer: A Hero Club Novel Page 10

by Lauren Helms

  I look up at the clock on the wall and see he should be here soon. I rushed home after my shift at the shelter to shower and clean before he arrives. He was scheduled at Lasso until five, then planned on taking an Uber to Hermosa. The drive is about forty-five minutes, but I didn’t know if he was going to check into his hotel first. Which was something I meant to talk to him about this week, but I chickened out. If he’s coming to visit me, shouldn’t he just stay with me? I don’t know why I didn’t offer it up, but I was worried he’d think it was too much of a girlfriend thing to offer.

  While we’ve talked every day, and we’ve even participated in some super hot and fun phone sex, we still have this friendship vibe going. I know, I know, it’s what we decided on—together.

  Shutting off the vacuum, I start to roll up the cord when there’s a knock at my front door. I take in a deep breath and go to open it up.

  I’m disappointed when I don’t find a sexy hot gamer at my door, but my best friend and her husband. Aubrey wears a massive smile on her face, and Chance casually leans against the railing that lines the tiny balcony outside my door.

  “You look good, Kel. Even though you’re clearly disappointed to see us.” She smiles and takes in my black shorts and purple off the shoulder top. I was going for casual, yet sexy. Her delight and compliment tell me I’ve accomplished my goal.

  “I’m not disappointed to see you. I just wasn’t expecting you,” I tell her and wave her in. But Aubrey shakes her head and takes a step back.

  “We’ll be quick.” She bites her lip and my stomach drops. I drag my gaze to Chance, his hands in his pockets as he gives me a I’m sorry look.

  “What did you do?” I whisper, not sure what to expect.

  “Well, I did you a favor. A massive,” her eyes widen and she drags out the word, “favor. I happen to know the booking manager at the hotel Ben is staying at while he’s here.”

  “At the Holiday Inn?” I mumble.

  “Yup. She and I go way back.” Aubrey grins. I catch Chance’s head shake that contradicts her words. My eyes narrow on her as she glances over her shoulder at her husband. Glaring, she huffs, “Okay, fine, we’ve known each other for a few months. But anyway, I consider her a friend, and I kinda, maybe, sorta, talked her into losing Ben’s booking and telling him they didn’t have any more vacancies.” She fiddles with the bracelets on her wrist, and I can tell she’s slightly nervous of my reaction.

  “And how is this a favor exactly?”

  “Now he has nowhere to stay, and you can offer up your place. See, just helping my girl out.” Only for the first time since opening my door does she look even remotely unsure of herself.

  “And you supported this deception?” I cut my eyes at Chance. He puts his hands up and waves them in front of him.

  “I told her it was a risky move, but ultimately, I decided to stand by and let her do her thing.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  “Lies. You hesitated all of about two minutes before you got on the phone with the two other hotels and asked them to blacklist Ben Ford.” Aubrey shoves her handsome, up-to-no-good husband in the shoulder. He chuckles, but she still has the common sense to look appalled.

  My mouth drops open when I register what she said. “You did what, now?”

  “Don’t worry, I just asked them to blacklist him for the weekend.” He gives a dismissive wave of his hand.

  I stare at the two of them, and they stare back with big grins on their stupid, lovely faces.

  “Oh my God, I hate you both.” I let out a harsh breath and then pivot back into my apartment, leaving them standing outside. Pushing my hands into my hair and closing my eyes, I consider what they did. Ben’s going to be mad.

  “He’s not,” Aubrey says quietly, then I realize I said that last part out loud.

  I twirl around on them and see they’re both still outside. I shake my head, trying to get it on straight.

  “Okay, okay. He doesn’t have to know you two were up to no good. But you two—stop interfering.” I point at them and give them my best I mean it face.

  “Done.” Aubrey’s answering smile still worries me. I walk back to the door to send them on their way just as Ben hits the bottom step. The couple turns, and all three of us take him in.

  My heart skips a beat, per usual when my eyes peruse his dark jeans, chucks, and dark blue shirt. It seems to be his normal look, but I can tell from the top of the steps that his shirt is butter soft, and what’s underneath is rock hard. I fight back a whimper. It’s been almost four weeks since I last saw him.

  As my eyes travel up his chest and take in his slightly scruffy face, my eyes lock with his. He smirks and says, “Hey, Kel.” His voice—deep, gravelly, and sexy—sends hundreds of tiny little bees through my body.

  “Hey, Ben.” My voice is breathier and wobblier than I expected. He continues up the steps, taking them two at a time—his long legs make it look natural. We don’t break eye contact as he reaches the top of the landing. We’re only a half-dozen steps apart, and my body tries to jerk forward as if to launch myself at his hard, taut body. But I refrain. Still, I’m worried it’s written all over my face. That’s when I hear someone clear their throat.

  The spell broken, I slide my gaze to my annoying neighbors. To hell with calling them my friends.

  “Ben, this is Aubrey and her husband Chance. They live over there,” nodding to the house to the left, “and were just leaving.”

  Aubrey gasps as she pretends to be offended. “Rude,” she says to me, but I can see a glitter of laughter in her eyes. She turns back to Ben and holds out her hand. “Aubrey Bateman. It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  I roll my eyes. Ben is polite and takes her hand to shake it, then looks behind her and shakes Chance’s hand as he introduces himself. Once pleasantries are over, I try to shoo my nosy neighbors away.

  “All right, well, didn’t you guys have somewhere to be?” I look down at my watch to pretend to note the time.

  Aubrey’s nose scrunches and her mouth opens to respond, but Chance interrupts. “Yes, we do. You guys enjoy your night. It was great meeting you, Ben.” Aubrey huffs next to him as he smiles at us and turns her toward the steps. They start to descend the stairs, but she yells over her shoulder as they go.

  “I’m making brunch tomorrow. You should come and eat with us so we can get to know you better, Ben.” It’s not a question, and I know my friend well enough that if we don’t say yes right now, she’ll pester me until we show up for the meal.

  “Fine,” I tell her. Ben stepped closer to my door in an effort to let them pass, so when I reach out and grab his hand, it’s not a stretch. I yank him toward me and into the doorway.

  “Come in before she comes back,” I tell him.

  He chuckles and steps into my apartment. He’s so close that the scent of him fills my lungs. I still have hold of his hand as I close the door. I look up at him, and his smile nearly causes my knees to wobble.

  “Hi.” His tone is soft.

  “Hi,” I whisper back.

  “I missed you.”

  My lips tip up. “I missed you, too.”

  His face turns pensive for a moment. “I ran into a minor issue before I arrived.” I try not to show that I know exactly what he’s about to say.

  “And what’s that?”

  “Seems as if my hotel reservation was lost. I called the other two hotels in town and they’re booked.” My eyes widen at his words. “Is there some big event going on this weekend?”

  “Not that I know of. That’s crazy, though.” I press my lips together. “You can just stay here.” I tilt my head toward the space behind me.

  His gaze darts around the room and stops as he peers down the hall. Undoubtedly knowing that’s where my bed is. I’m not sure if he’ll expect to stay in my bed or if he’ll assume he’ll be on the couch. I suppose we will see how the night goes.

  “If you don’t mind.” He swallows. “It would allow us
more time together, too.” He reaches up and scratches the side of his cheek.

  “Yeah, absolutely. I was actually going to offer it as an option, but you booked your hotel room before I could.” I shrug and walk further into my living room. He follows, leaving his suitcase by the front door. Shrugging off his backpack, he sets it on the floor by the couch.

  “Nice little place you’ve got here.” He looks around the space again.

  I snort. “It’s tiny. I’m lucky it has an actual bedroom and isn’t just all open-concept. But it’s my space for now, and I love it.” I look around to see what he sees and spy my vacuum near the kitchen.

  “I was cleaning when Aubrey and Chance stopped by. Let me get this.” I rush over and wrap up the cord and then roll the vacuum to the very tiny hall closet. Shutting the door, I feel him at my back.

  “Kelly,” he growls.

  I slowly turn, looking up at him. He’s standing right in front of me.

  My name is all he says as he leans down and claims my lips. Instantly, my arms fling around him, and I waste no time swiping my tongue into his wet, hot mouth. He moans then leans down and lifts me, my legs snaking around his hips.

  Pressing myself into him, my fingers dig into his hair. He pushes me into the closet door as I gasp.

  “You taste just like I remember,” he grunts as he devours my neck with nips and licks.

  “Hmmm.” I tug at his shirt, and he leans away from me, his eyes dilated with desire. He pulls his shirt up and over his head in that sexy way only a man can do.

  Once his shirt is discarded somewhere on the floor behind us, I waste no time running my fingers over the swirls of black down his arms and chest. I’m so enthralled with his ink. His chuckle is deep and throaty, and when I gaze into his eyes, he smirks.

  “You want to lick them?”

  Blinking, I wonder how he read my mind. He must see my confusion because he barks out a laugh. “Your note. I got the note you left in my hotel drawer.”

  The memory floods back to me as I bite my lip, and his eyes dart to the motion. “I thought the plan was to see if another guest of the room got it and wrote back,” I say.

  His eyes narrow on me, and something dark flashes in them. “So you meant to tell someone else you wanted to spend hours licking their tattoos?” His tone, I realize, is dripping in jealously. And I grin.

  “Maybe.” I lift my shoulder in indifference.

  “You’re gonna pay for that.” He gently sets me down but doesn’t step away as he nips my ear and digs his fingers into my sides. I burst out in a fit of giggles.

  “Noo. Noooo. Stop.” I laugh while his fingers hit all the ticklish spots I’ve long since forgotten about. “I hate being tickled.”

  “Then why are you laughing?” He chuckles. I twist and buck, and those damn giggles betray me over and over.

  “Fine. I lied. I want to lick you,” I shout through the laughter. His fingers stop, and I take my first deep breath in what feels like hours.

  “You can lick me, Kel.”

  I blink through the tears of laughter, and I see his face is full of lust with no hint of laughter remaining. I start to say something, but the words die on my lips as he darts his tongue out and licks my lips. My breathing doesn’t have a chance to even out after the laugh attack before I pull him back to me and devour his sinful mouth.

  Barely breaking contact, he growls, “Condom, back pocket.”

  I reach around him, sliding my hand down to his ass and feeling for his wallet. But in the other pocket, I feel the condom and mutter, “That was easy.”

  “I thought it would be like this, Kelly,” he whispers into my ear.

  With my back wedged between his hard body and the door, I push my weight into the door as I unbuckle his belt and then unbutton his pants. As I unzip his pants, I realize I’m still clothed.

  “My pants,” I hiss.

  He makes quick work of my shirt and shorts, making sure to take my panties with them. I reach for his jeans again and push them down, pleasantly surprised that he’s not wearing any boxers. “Time saver?” I breathe as I rip open the condom. I’m trying my damnedest not to get sidetracked by his large cock as it springs forward between us, free of its confines.

  His chuckle turns to a hiss as I grin up at him and slide the condom down his length. His eyes drift shut for a moment and then he lifts me up. My legs instinctively wrap around him as Ben presses me against the cool wall. I sensually run a finger from the top of his chest down over his abdomen. He reaches between us and grips his girth, pumping once, twice.

  “Fuck,” he draws out. “You’re no longer in charge here, you evil woman.”

  That’s when he takes over, lining himself up with my center and pushing in. I suck in a breath as he bottoms out, holding it while he stills inside me.

  “You feel so fucking good, Kelly.” He looks deep into my eyes, leaning in and kissing me stupid while he starts to move. Being with him like this is too much and not enough all at once. I’ve missed this, missed him. Everything around us ceases to exist as pleasure builds through my body. His name tumbles from my lips as I beg for more.

  Ben slips his hand between my legs and finds my clit, circling the sensitive bud with his thumb and sending me over the edge. “So hot,” he grunts as his thrusts quicken and then he stills, breathing heavy. “Goddamn, Kelly. I needed that.”

  We don’t make it out to dinner that night. We stay in and call for pizza instead of seeing the town like we planned. And Ben takes me again, this time slower. I can feel every ounce of emotion rolling off him in the process.

  So much for just friends.

  “So, be honest, what did you think of Aubrey and Chance?” I twirl my straw around in my glass of iced tea as I look at Ben.

  We found ourselves at a tiny hole-in-the-wall seafood place after one heck of a long day. Somehow, Ben and I were able to get out of bed and hit the beach early. We didn’t surf for long, mostly because I knew Ben’s still learning. Sometimes I can get carried away and spend hours on the waves.

  We made it back with plenty of time to spare before brunch with Aubrey and Chance. Ben seemed to like them, and they both gave me their approval. Not that it matters since we’re just friends. Then I showed him around Hermosa Beach and took him by the shelter to introduce him to some of my favorite furry friends.

  The day has been utterly amazing. I’m trying not to think about how he’s leaving tomorrow, and I’m not sure when I will see him again. I mentally shake myself away from that train of thought.

  “They seem pretty cool.” He nods his head. “They’re in their thirties, yeah?”

  I nod, confirming the slight age difference.

  “They’re protective of you,” he says, his face serious.

  “Oh, no. Who said what and when?” I straighten in my seat.

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “I expected as much. Aubrey quietly—and not so subtlety—inferred she’d slice my neck if I hurt you. And Chance made it clear I’d hurt for weeks if I even so much as made you cry.”

  I blow out a breath. “Wow. I’m sorry about that. They know we’re just friends.” I bite on the inside of my cheek.

  “Don’t worry about it. They care about you. It makes me happy that you’ve got people looking out for you.” His half-smile looks sadder than anything else.

  “What about you? Do you have any one looking out for you out in Chicago?”

  “Sure. I’ve got my teammates. And Garland here in Cali.” He shrugs it off.

  “What about your parents? I thought they were in Chicago as well.” I lean my chin on my palm, leaning toward him.

  “They are. We’re good, but I’m busy and they don’t understand the whole pro gaming thing. So I wouldn’t say they’re super active in my life. But it’s fine.” He snags a fry from his plate—there are only a few left—and drags it through the small dish of ketchup. I study him and I realize that he looks… sad.

  “Are you happy, Ben?” I ask softly.

nbsp; His eyes drag up to mine, and that cocky smirk falls into place. I immediately see it for what it is—a mask.

  “Of course I’m happy.” I narrow my eyes at him but say nothing. He continues. “Why wouldn’t I be happy? I get to do what I love for a living, and I get paid well to do it. I’ve got friends and fans. I’m young and healthy. What’s not to be happy about?” he leans back into his chair, stretching his legs out at an angle. He’s the picture-perfect image of a relaxed, content male.

  I don’t believe it.

  “Are you lonely?” I ask, barely above a whisper.

  He ponders my question. Looking down at his feet for a moment, he says, “No.” But when he slowly looks up at me, all traces of the cocky gamer that sat before me only seconds ago are gone. “Maybe,” he mutters.

  “Tell me,” I urge.

  “I don’t know exactly when I realized that everything around me was changing.” He moves forward, leaning his forearms on the table.

  “How so?”

  “The team, for one. As a whole, we’re at the peak of our career. We’re the team to beat. But it goes deeper than that. Like, there’s always been girls hanging around since our name really got out there. But it’s different now. The guys are settling down. Hell, Dex, our team captain, is getting married soon. Simon reconnected with his childhood best friend and they went from enemies to lovers like that.” He snaps his finger. “It’s only a matter of time before Bernie gets her happily ever after.”

  “I’d like to meet Bernie someday. She sounds like a badass.” I laugh.

  “She really is. She’s got this mad crush on Dex’s brother. That fool has got to either be blind or stupid not to see it,” he grumbles.

  “You’re very observant.” Tilting my head to the side, I try to read him.

  “I see fucking everything,” he tells me with conviction, as he looks deep into my eyes. I don’t break the connection, even though there’s a table between us.


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