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Page 23

by Paul J Fowler

  “Is this one of your gods?” Seth asked with sarcasm as he lifted it high. “The messenger of your mountain Prince? We clipped his wings! They are not gods at all, the youngest among us struck him down!”

  Seth pitched the head forward, it rolled to a stop before them. The soul-less eyes were staring upwards.

  The King’s faces grew white. It was apparent they recognized the Fallen’s head. As Seth suspected, the winged messengers negotiated with the kings on behalf of their Watcher Prince.

  The Nephilim began speaking in an unknown tongue.

  The witch’s eyes rolled up in her head.

  The soldiers of the lake people began shifting nervously. Their respective commanders cursed and rebuked them, ordering them to hold their places

  “Adam’s people are strong and will prevail over you. We have One who watches over us, who neither slumbers nor sleeps,” Seth continued. “Go home while you can. Sleep in the arms of your wives. Break your fast with your children. Leave us in peace.”

  Kinna found himself under the glare of the two other lake kings, angry suspicion evident on their faces. Evidently, their trust in Kinna had reached its limits.

  “Surrender the virgins and the children, and you may all go home!” Seth demanded, now speaking past the kings to the soldiers. “All except the Nephilim and the witch!”

  Kinna finally found words, his now bloodshot eyes dripping with condescension.

  “How dare you...” Kinna voiced, his words slightly slurred.

  Jathan’s attention was divided between the witch to his left and his brother to his right. The witch was rocking slightly back and forth, only the whites of her eyes were seen. Jathan heard unintelligible chants issue from her mouth, which sounded like they were produced by a guttural, male voice. Jathan watched as his brother crouched ever so slightly, probably unseen by those across the spear. But Jathan knew Seth was ready to pounce, poised to move at a moment’s notice to gain control of an opponent.

  Any second now.

  Amidst the nervous whispering and restless shifting back and forth of soldiers, Kinna made his mistake. He stepped forward, towards the spear, his right hand moving across his waist to draw his sword.

  Jathan watched as Seth, from his slight crouch, pounced towards Kinna. Panther-like, Seth closed the distance quickly and rammed his palm upwards into Kinna’s chin before he could finish drawing his weapon. Jathan heard the lower jaw clack against Kinna’s skull. With practiced precision, Seth placed his right hand on the left side of Kinna’s face. While pulling against his head, Seth used his right leg to kick Kinna’s feet out from under him. The king landed hard.

  Jathan remembered the Rules of War as he watched the king be humbled by his brother.

  Where the head goes, the body follows!

  Jathan watched as Kinna made a weak attempt to raise his head. Struck once more by Seth’s hand, the king now lay motionless. Seth, though he drew no weapon, taunted Igo, Ramazza, and their commanders. Refusing to step back, Seth called them forward with a motion from his right hand.

  Time stood still as Jathan anxiously waited for the soldiers to attack or back away. Suddenly Jathan wondered where the sunlight had gone. Moments before there was sunshine, now everything was gray. He looked to his left and saw the witch, swaying in a hypnotic trance, as she chanted softly Jathan saw her breath produce a cloud as it left her lips. Then Jathan realized his own breath produced a white vapor leaving his own mouth.

  How did it get so cold?

  Leaves were rustling as a cold wind was suddenly whipping through the air around them. Somewhere behind him, Jathan heard Seepha growling in alarm.

  “Fa-father,” Jathan faltered aloud, gripped by uncertainty, trying to find words.

  Adam was already looking up, alerted to the sudden change in the sky and atmosphere. When his eyes caught sight of the witch, he urgently called out to Seth.

  “Seth, she seeks to summon a Prince!” Adam shouted urgently.

  Seth was standing over Kinna, his eyes fixed on the kings and soldiers before him, waiting for them to attack or break away when suddenly the light left the sky. When he heard Adam’s warning, he instantly located the medium. Then with his left hand, he quickly pointed two fingers at the witch.

  Arrows whistled out of the darkness. The projectiles struck the witch in her neck; a second later, two more feathered shafts appeared in her chest. A deep, inhuman growl left her mouth that abruptly ended as a female cry of pain. Her eyes returned to normal, now showing fear. Two more arrows made their mark. She swayed for a moment, an otherworldly shriek was heard, and the medium dropped to the earth. There was a crash like the clap of thunder when her body hit the ground, and suddenly the sunlight returned. The wind stopped instantly.

  Though it seemed longer, only a few seconds had passed between Kinna’s impulsive mistake and the moment the witch began summoning her Watcher Prince.

  Kinna’s captain was ready to move his troops forward but hesitated when the sky turned gray, and the wind began blowing. When the light returned, he saw Seth standing over his fallen King.

  Seth locked eyes with the Nephilim priest, who suddenly formed a sinister grin and cried out in a voice not his own.

  “Attack, you fools, attack!” The Nephilim cried out, perfectly replicating Kinna’s speech.

  Igo and Ramazza then heard their own voices call their captains to attack. Though surprised, they were not about to be caught in the crush of battle empty-handed. Both men grabbed spears from the ground behind them and rushed forward to attack Seth, who had refused to step backward to line up with his men.

  Seth remained at the conference line empty-handed, hoping to draw the kings forward. The Nephilim sorcerer had just deceived the entire group, optimistic the overwhelming numbers could defeat the five warriors before him.

  The situation was already anxious for all sides, but when the sky grew dark, the tension was ratcheted up even higher. The moment of awkward silence before the attack was ordered was now replaced by a cacophony of chaotic shouting, men crying out in pain, and the clash of steel.

  Jathan, after counting to five, lost track of how many spears were leveled at him. He drew his sword, readied his small shield, and prepared for the rush. Jathan briefly saw Seth engaging the remaining two kings then lost sight of him as he fended off spears and was forced to step back. Jathan began to lose hope when Dinak surged forward, cutting off two men from his left. Jathan cut a spearhead off and wounded another soldier by stabbing with his sword. He began to feel hopeful, but then more spears drove forward from behind the first attackers.

  There’s just too many...

  Jathan was almost back to back with Dinak, desperately defending himself from the multitude of spears.

  From his left, white blurs were appearing in Jathan’s peripheral vision. Then Jathan realized arrows were biting into the wall of men, the white-feathered shafts of the twins now causing death and confusion. Soldiers started crying out in pain, clutching their wounds, and stepping back. Some fell quickly and did not rise.

  He heard his father’s voice call out his name. He could not look for him, to turn away for a moment would mean death by a thrusting spear.

  Suddenly a savage, primal forced exploded on Jathan’s right flank. A snarling projectile of teeth and fur tore into one of the soldiers in front of him; Seepha locked her teeth into a soldier’s ankle and shook violently, the man cried out in pain, then she clenched his forearm in her mouth and ripped it to shreds. The soldier dropped his weapon and frantically attempted to protect himself. Seepha relented and swiftly moved to attack another man, skillfully darting in and out, avoiding thrusting spears.

  Thank you, Father!

  Jathan now had room to work. Both he and Dinak had rendered several spears useless with their blades, hacking the points of the weapons from the shafts. Their combatants dropped the useless weapons an
d were now attacking with short swords. Dinak skillfully cut a man down but was almost overwhelmed as two more immediately took his place. Jathan urgently shifted his position to aid Dinak, brutally kicking a soldier to his left, knocking the man backward. Then Jathan punched another with the rim of his shield, rendering him unconscious.

  Dinak steadied himself, grateful for Jathan’s assistance. The two men crouched side by side and greeted the next rush of men. Jathan called Seepha to close with him, who was growling with fangs bared. Dinak and Jathan released a battle cry, bracing their souls in defiance, and daring their enemies to move forward.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Adam’s Tribe Grows

  Seth longed to overtake the Nephilim Priest. But he was also mindful if he overpowered the remaining kings quickly, some soldiers would panic and flee. Seth trusted that Adam could handle several men without his help and would himself desire to kill or capture the Priest if possible. As arrows began appearing from hiding, Seth taunted the kings and moved forward while Igo and Ramazza also rushed towards him.

  Spears gave the kings the advantage of distance; Igo and Ramazza were not unwise fighting men. Seth had dispensed with Kinna easily, but the sight of a warrior with no weapon in hand was too tempting.

  Seth watched both men press their attack. It was a mistake that Seth welcomed. They should have attacked one after another, forcing him to react. The kings were surprised as Seth closed the distance instead of holding ground to defend himself. Surprise quickly gave way to panic. Seth skillfully swept both spear points to his left with his shield and right hand. Then Seth planted his left foot and pivoted on it, pushing his body upward and kicking with his right foot.

  Ramazza had leaned low and forward to drive his spear, which only added to the effectiveness of Seth’s kick; Seth’s right heel made a devastating impact on his skull. As Ramazza dropped to the ground, Seth grabbed the shaft of Igo’s weapon in both hands. Igo was pushing forward, realized he was in trouble, and attempted to pull his spear back. Seth retained his grip on the shaft of the spear. In frustration, Igo pushed again. Seth gave him no resistance, and Igo’s body suddenly lurched forward. As he did, Seth chopped savagely with the edge of his right hand, striking the King’s throat. Igo gurgled and stumbled, disoriented. Seth returned his grip to the spear and wrenched it out of Igo’s hands.

  Igo watched in stunned unbelief as his own spear spun a circle in the air before him. Seth had reversed his grip on the shaft, flipping the spear point towards Igo, and then ran the king through with his own weapon. Igo and Seth locked eyes, their faces now close, a surprised expression still marking the king’s face as he gasped for breath. The king doubled over and fell to the ground, motionless.

  Seth drew his war club, leaped over the bodies of the lake kings, and charged into the wall of men and spears. He began striking men down left and right, using his club, buckler, and vicious kicks. In seconds, soldiers withdrew, frightened by deadly arrows from unseen archers, and having no desire to face the champion who had easily disposed of their warlords.

  Seth spotted the Nephilim, shirking to the back of the lines, apparently not prepared to fight to the end. In the confusion of men fleeing, the dark Priest moved to Seth’s right, further out of his reach.

  “Father, the Nephilim!” Seth called out.

  Adam had already taken down several men with his staff. Mica remained close by Adam, dispatching men with a spear after they had been knocked down by staff or gloved fist. Adam growled in anger as he saw the Nephilim a few feet away from him, working his way through the confusion of men fighting or fleeing.

  “NO!” the First Man rumbled.

  Adam dropped his staff and grabbed the fighter in front of him by his chest armor. Adam pulled him forward, lowered his head, and drove his forehead into the man’s face. The impact of Adam’s skull left him stunned. Adam quickly gripped the man’s belt, pulled him close, and dropped his stance slightly. Adam then surged forward, pushed with both his arms and legs, launching the soldier into the air. The man flew over another combatant and landed on the Nephilim in a crash, bringing them both to the ground in a heap of arms and legs.

  Adam grabbed the closest combatant, determined to go through him to reach the Nephilim. The soldier clumsily attempted to thrust forward with a sword and found his right arm in a grip stronger than he could imagine. Adam drew back his gloved fist to kill the soldier when suddenly, he paused.

  “Drop it, Son,” Adam said calmly.

  The young man complied instantly, dropping his sword. Adam grabbed the top of his breastplate with his right hand, picked up the youth, and slammed him into the earth. Though forceful, it was not hard enough to actually harm him.

  “Do not rise!” Adam commanded.

  From the ground looking up, eyes wide open, the surprised young man nodded that he understood. The soldier’s helmet had been knocked off when he hit the ground, and his youthful features were now easily seen. He covered his face with his hands and awaited his fate.

  Adam waved to Mica, to ensure that Mica would not kill the young man. Then the patriarch resumed moving towards the dark Priest.

  The Nephilim had extricated himself from the body on top of him. Seeing Adam closing, the Nephilim began to make a swift exit.

  As the soldiers began to disperse, Seth saw the Nephilim take to his feet and attempt to escape. Seth stepped back, dropped his club, and picked up the spear that had earlier formed the demand for conference.

  The Nephilim swiftly navigated his way through dead bodies and fleeing warriors. He paused as a wounded soldier, pierced by arrows, clutched his robes while begging for assistance. The tall Nephilim, after a moment’s struggle, freed himself from the man’s grasp.

  A moment can change everything.

  The heavy spear was not ideal for a long throw, but the distance was well within Seth’s range. Adam’s faithful son hurled the weapon with all of his considerable might.

  Somehow the Nephilim remained on his feet. The spear went through the Nephilim’s abdomen and the head of the weapon exited his back. Stunned momentarily by the shock of the blow, the priest quickly gripped the shaft of the spear in both hands. He glared at Seth, began backing away and wrenched the spear out of his body. He smiled and picked up speed, laughing under his breath.

  But Adam was there.

  The First Man’s right hand closed around the Nephilim’s throat. The priest attempted to draw a knife from his waist. Adam’s left hand instantly seized his wrist. The bones in the priest’s forearm fractured in Adam’s iron grip, and the Nephilim screamed and dropped the weapon.

  Adam looked at him curiously, as if puzzled by a new discovery, then squeezed harder on the priest’s throat. The Nephilim was writhing like a snake as Adam choked the life out of him.

  “You would steal my daughters?” Adam asked.

  The creature was alternately gurgling, hissing, and crying out in pain.

  Seth walked behind Adam, curious for any information that could be gained. Up close, hood down, the face could now be easily seen. He looked human but was hairless, even absent eyebrows. Seth thought he could see the faintest hint of scales in the texture of his skin. His eyes would momentarily be slit-like a reptile, then return to an ordinary human appearance. Its features were handsome, but like the Fallen, utterly devoid of human warmth.

  “The stronghold where your father holds court – it’s there, is it not?” Seth demanded, looking to his left, westward.

  The creature’s eyes attempted to look forward, then nervously darted to the west.

  The Nephilim said nothing, but Seth was satisfied. He nodded to Adam and stepped away.

  Adam eased his grip and gave him a few seconds of air. The Nephilim found use for it.

  “My father is a Prince who will strip the flesh from your bones. He sits on the Twelfth Throne of the Watchers. The Seed of Woman will be corrupted. Your people
will be our food, and your daughters will...” the Priest gasped in pain.

  Adam had resumed his iron grip.

  “My God has a portion for the Princes of the Serpent,” Adam stated as he looked deep into the Nephilim’s eyes, and continued speaking.

  “Look at me and despair!”

  “I am the One God’s image in the earth!”

  “When I leave this life, The One God will draw me back to His side. What judgment awaits you beyond this world?”

  The Nephilim looked into Adam’s eyes and wept hysterically, shrieking and crying. Screaming “NO” over and over until Adam grabbed both sides of its head in his mighty hands, and with a quick snap, ended its earthly life.

  Torn between their desire to follow orders and flee, the enemy commanders avoided the tall warrior who humbled Kinna so quickly. Spears leveled, one of the captains directed another small group towards Dinak and Jathan.

  Jathan and Dinak readied themselves for another rush of men. Jathan saw Seth briefly, on his feet and grabbing the conference spear. Now spears were pressing down on them.

  Stay on your feet!

  His brother’s words echoed in his mind. Jathan drove a thrusting spear into the earth with his buckler and chopped the point off with his sword. He heard Dinak cry out in pain to his left. Jathan pushed another spear to his right then cut with his sword, slashing the soldier on his arm, forcing him to withdraw.

  Dinak was being overwhelmed by a commander and two soldiers. He had fended off multiple attacks but was being driven down by a spear that had pierced his chest armor. Seepha momentarily distracted one of the soldiers, but Dinak was off his feet, rolling to avoid the commander who was attempting to press his spear through Dinak’s armor.

  Jathan charged into the group, using his shoulder to push the third soldier away.

  Dinak, pale and bleeding heavily, got back on his feet. A vicious duel began between Mahalalel’s son and Kinna’s commander. Sensing an advantage, Kinna’s veteran warrior attempted to overwhelm the wounded Dinak with a flurry of sword strokes, while the second soldier rejoined his leader to assist him.


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