Bitter Sweet Kisses

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Bitter Sweet Kisses Page 23

by S M Mala

  ‘You’ll never get me out of your life, will you?’

  And just then, Jonah realised that his choices meant he was going to be stuck with Harry, whether he liked it, or not.

  ‘I don’t trust him.’

  Sophie was sitting in a park with Madison. They had decided to enjoy some sunshine that had been lacking in the past week. ‘Harry is a shifty shit.’

  Madison frowned while eyeing up some builders walking past.

  ‘You see, Sophie darling. If you’re intent on being hooked up with Mr Gorgeous, then what do you expect? Your ex isn’t going to take it lying down, is he? And he shagged that man’s girlfriend and-.’

  ‘Slut,’ Sophie corrected, biting into her egg mayonnaise roll. ‘Dirty slut.’

  ‘Okay, no love lost there. Harry isn’t going to allow you to be happy, is he? If you say, based on your in-depth knowledge of relationships, that your ex-bloke fancies Jonah, then you’re a little bit stuffed here, aren’t you?’ sighed Madison, rolling her eyes.

  ‘As long as he doesn’t stuff Jonah, I’ll be fine,’ she replied, with a sly grin. ‘Harry just looks at me like I’m dirt.’

  ‘You shouldn’t have got re-married in a rush.’

  ‘I love Jonah!’ Sophie turned to examine the pink tint in her friend’s hair. ‘I’ve never been so happy in my life!’

  ‘Jesus! Don’t sound so angry about it.’

  Madison started to laugh as she tucked into her overly large cheese and pickle sandwich. They sat there, looking around the park and observed the people walking about.

  ‘I have to tell you something,’ began Madison, shoving the rest of the bread into her mouth. ‘It’s about Fadwa.’

  ‘What about her? I’ve been trying to make an appointment to meet. She’s not returning my calls and texts.’ Sophie shook her head in despair. ‘I want to see if she’s alright.’

  ‘It started again.’

  She knew exactly what Madison was talking about and frowned.

  ‘You what?’ Sophie stopped eating and looked at Madison, who grimaced and shook her head from side to side. ‘When?’

  ‘A few weeks ago.’

  ‘And you’re telling me now? Why wasn’t I informed? She should be speaking to me!’ Sophie put the rest of her uneaten food back into the packet and felt stunned before grabbing her bags. ‘Did he hit her again? And the boys? How could she stay there?’

  ‘Sophie, she’s not like us. Give or take our general bullshit; we are stronger. Fadwa feels ashamed and her family aren’t happy about her walking out and letting people know about the set up.’

  ‘Would they be ashamed to see her head splattered against a wall?’

  ‘Don’t say that!’

  Standing up, Sophie couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  ‘Did you try and reason with her to walk out?’ Sophie asked, looking at Madison’s defiant expression. ‘Come on. This is what we have to try and do.’

  ‘As you know, we cannot force people to do things that they do not want to do. It is their choice.’

  ‘Have they put a chip in you to say the right thing?’ asked Sophie, knowing her protégé was correct. Madison started to laugh. ‘Are you now programmed to quote the rules?’

  ‘You know what? I didn’t realise how hard this job was until I started doing it. I can see how difficult it has been for you to hold onto your frustration.’ Slowly getting to her feet, Madison smoothed down her too short skirt. ‘I wish I could shake everyone and tell them that people lie. They never change. They hit you once. There’s a good chance they will hit and hurt you again. The reason why you’re upset is that you’re now a victim.’ Sophie squirmed on hearing it. ‘And you’re unforgiving.’

  ‘He fucked another woman on my baby’s changing table!’

  ‘And you declared your affection for someone else that night, hadn’t you?’ The smile on Madison’s face said it all. ‘There was someone waiting for you. It happens your ex-husband is a bit jealous of who it is.’

  ‘If you remember, he-.’

  ‘Fadwa has no one. Her boys love and miss their dad. She wanted to go back and start afresh. Her husband promised her the world.’ Sophie started to walk back to the office, letting out a massive sigh. ‘I know you don’t want to hear this but Fadwa was right. You had a home and career; you weren’t going to be left destitute even though I know you had a few tough months. What did she have other than her integrity? Nothing!’

  Stopping to look at Madison, Sophie knew she had a valid point.

  She had witnessed, first hand, the strongest of women returning to partners because they truly believed their loved ones had changed. It didn’t matter what statistics Sophie had about the repetition of abuse, be it mental of physical, some people’s heads weren’t for turning.

  Only when they were slapped hard for no reason.

  ‘I’m going home,’ mumbled Sophie, feeling completely deflated. ‘And I’m going to see Fadwa, whether she likes it or not.’

  ‘Oh, look who’s waiting for you,’ whispered Madison, glancing over at the offices.

  Jonah was standing outside, grinning at the pair of them.

  Sophie’s heart skipped a beat on seeing him.

  He was wearing leathers which meant he was on the motorbike.

  ‘How can you want to come to work when you’ve got that waiting in your bed?’ whispered Madison, waving over. ‘I’d handcuff him and make sure he got a lot of loving.’

  ‘You do know that’s a crime?’ replied Sophie, thinking the same thing. ‘Anyway, he’s always busy so there’s no chance of that.’

  ‘I mean, he’s got it easy. Taking snaps and earning a fortune.’

  ‘Don’t tell him that,’ giggled Sophie. ‘It’s art, you know.’

  ‘Hello ladies!’ he shouted out, walking towards them. ‘Have you had lunch?’

  ‘Your wife didn’t eat all her sandwich down to me giving her indigestion,’ Madison replied flirtatiously. Sophie swore the woman’s skirt would ride up every time she spotted a good looking man. ‘How’s it hanging, gorgeous?’

  ‘Very well,’ he replied, smiling at her.

  ‘What are you doing here and where’s the bike?’ Sophie asked, looking around.

  ‘I had to put it in for a service not too far from here. I can’t pick it up until tomorrow. Can you give me a lift home?’ he sweetly replied. ‘You are going home, aren’t you?’

  ‘I was having a late lunch and then leaving.’ She turned to Madison. ‘I’ll see you next week.’

  ‘Have a good weekend,’ she replied and toddled off in her high heels.

  ‘What has upset you?’ he asked, putting his arms around her waist, and pulling her closer. ‘You look fed up.’



  ‘It’s nothing. I had some bad news. It’s at times like these I wonder if I’m doing anything to help these women.’ She let out a little groan before burying her face in his leather jacket. ‘Ignore me.’

  ‘Want to go for lunch so you can unburden? My treat,’ he whispered.

  ‘I’m not hungry.’

  ‘You can watch me eat.’

  And so she did.

  Jonah wanted to go to an American diner to eat a hamburger as Sophie nibbled on a small pot of coleslaw, occasionally taking one of his French fries, making him smile in response.

  Sophie told him what had happened with Fadwa, and how she was worried and disappointed. Jonah nodded and seemed to be thinking it all over. Finishing his burger, he sat back and wiped his mouth.

  ‘Soph, you don’t have to work, you do know that?’

  ‘Pardon?’ She stopped eating the coleslaw and looked at him. ‘Stop work?’

  ‘Mrs Bauer, your husband is comfortably off, which means, so are you. If it pisses you off, then stop.’

  ‘I can’t just stop work!’ she said, pushing the pot away. ‘I have to work; have some purpose. These women need my help. I need to set a good example to my child that I’m not sitting at h
ome, twiddling my thumbs. I’m doing something for society.’ He started to laugh and leant forward, kissing her forehead. ‘What’s so funny?’

  ‘You are.’ He grinned and stroked her face. ‘I love you so much, do you know that?’

  ‘And the adoption will take a total of six months at least,’ she said, seeing his smile slip. ‘Which means it will be after her second birthday.’

  ‘Let’s have more babies,’ Jonah whispered. Sophie frowned, watching the sexy smile appear on his lips. ‘I love the idea of trying.’

  ‘I bet you do.’

  ‘And, in a way, it’s not a bad thing waiting a bit longer. I’ve got a booking in Tokyo for ten days in July,’ he mumbled under his breath. ‘Next month.’

  ‘I know the months in the year.’

  She sat back and looked straight at him, not believing the second most stupid thing she had heard that day.

  Fadwa being the first.

  ‘I see,’ she said, sipping her water. ‘This is something pre-booked you forgot to tell me about?’

  To Sophie, it was like history repeating itself.

  First Harry, now Jonah.

  She had lived in a little bubble since they hooked up ten months ago, and now it was all going to burst.

  It was a no brainer who held the large pin in his hand.

  ‘Harry arranged this, I guess?’ she asked, seeing Jonah look sheepishly away. ‘That’s fine. It’s a perfect reason why I won’t give up work. I’d hate the idea of sitting around waiting for you to come home.’

  ‘Soph, don’t be like that,’ he said, trying to grab her hand, which she immediately put under the table. ‘It’s an amazing project. I’m going to be doing a piece for Harpers.’

  ‘You’re going away with models? And here was me thinking you wanted to do something substantial.’ She tried not to choke on her words.

  ‘It pays the bills.’

  ‘I can pay the bills.’ Sophie bit her lip, seeing he was starting to go a little pink. ‘Of course, it’s going to be an amazing project!’ Shaking her head, there was no point getting upset, so she forced a smile. ‘I’m pleased for you.’ He was about to open his mouth and say something. ‘Get the cheque. I’ll meet you outside. I’ve got to go to the toilet.’

  Getting up, she took her bag and marched off, unable to think of where Harry would send her husband next. She figured his way of trying to break the marriage would be to throw temptation in the way of Jonah until he finally cracked. By shipping her husband all over the world on reasonable long assignments would be his plan. Knowing as soon as Sophie started to get upset, Harry would then bend Jonah’s ear.

  There was no way she would play into his hands.

  Examining her face, she put on a smile to show she was happy for him.

  ‘Fucking models,’ she mumbled, walking back to the table, only to find he wasn’t there.

  She turned to see he was standing outside, looking at her, and holding her other bag and jacket.

  ‘I’m happy for you. Tokyo is supposed to be amazing,’ Sophie quickly said and smiled at his unconvinced expression.

  ‘I’m not going to do anything to wreck our relationship. We’re married and I believe in monogamy.’

  ‘Well, I’m a lucky girl, aren’t I?’

  ‘Soph, I’m not Harry.’

  ‘But he’s not too far away from us now, is he?’ She took a deep breath and stepped closer. ‘I would never stop you from achieving your ambitions, and it doesn’t matter how far or how long. All I need to know is that you’re coming back to me.’

  ‘Try keeping me away.’

  He then kissed her, giving a passionate and long smooch.

  But all Sophie could think about was getting rid of Harry out of their lives, once and for all, seeing he was going to try and split them up, one way or another.

  Though she had no idea on how to do it, or whether it could be done.

  Not if Jonah was involved.

  ‘You married her?’

  Onya was glaring at Jonah as he stood with Natalie at an exhibition in Shoreditch. Had he known she was going to be there, he wouldn’t have gone. ‘Sophie?’

  ‘Hello,’ Natalie said, trying not to laugh. ‘You’ve heard, I take it? They got married last October, isn’t that right?’

  ‘Don’t shit stir,’ he mumbled, not wanting to cause a scene. ‘It’s got nothing to do with you, Onya.’

  ‘You think?’ she replied, forcing a smile. ‘I mean, Sophie James?’

  ‘Sophie Bauer; my wife.’ He noticed she scowled at him in response. ‘We’re very happy, thanks for asking.’

  As hard as he tried to hide it, Jonah couldn’t forget the level of deceit from his ex-girlfriend. She was the last person he wanted to speak to. And he still had his own axe to grind.

  ‘Are you still screwing Harry? At least we’re keeping it in the family,’ he said, watching the full horror of his remark take a grip on her face. ‘If you want to speak to me, make an appointment with my manager. Frankly, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.’

  ‘Jonah,’ she gulped, stepping closer. ‘Whatever you heard was a lie. And, well, you started to neglect me.’

  ‘Oh please?’ Natalie said before whispering. ‘I’m going to refresh my drink. Do you want to come with me, Jonah?’

  ‘It’s fine. I’ll have a little chat. Hopefully, Onya will go away.’

  Watching Natalie walk off, he examined the woman standing in front of him, looking like she was scrambling things in her head, trying to find something to say.

  ‘That night he hit my wife, the night she caught you fucking him in Milly’s nursery.’

  ‘Jonah,’ she said, now backing away. ‘I don’t know what she told you but-.’

  ‘She didn’t say a word.’ He stepped closer. ‘It was Harry that told me as if I should know about it. All Sophie did was to try and protect me from getting hurt. I took you on holiday, even though you were screwing my agent behind my back for goodness knows how long. So don’t say anything to me. Turnaround and walk way, just like I am going to do now.’

  He turned and went towards the bar, seeing Natalie talking to Kay.

  Then he noticed Harry walk in, spotted Onya and then Jonah.

  Never had he seen the man turn so quickly away and walk back out.

  ‘Is it something I said?’ Kay laughed out, kissing Jonah on the cheek. ‘I noticed Onya was cornering you.’

  ‘Hey,’ he said, kissing her back. ‘She’s the last person I want to speak to.’

  ‘Sophie said you’re flying out after the weekend to Tokyo. Any chance of taking your slime ball manager and dropping him out of the plane. He is going with you, isn’t he?’ Then Kay smiled. ‘Does your wife know about that?’

  ‘She supports what I do.’ He sipped his drink, knowing all he wanted to do was go home to make love to Sophie. ‘I’m leaving in five minutes.’

  ‘Jonah! You need to circulate,’ Natalie said, knocking back her drink quickly. ‘And I’m going to Tokyo too. Do you think I’d allow my star pupil to go away with Harry James? He’d make him abscond and get him into all sorts of trouble.’

  ‘I’m an adult. I can look after myself.’

  ‘You’re too nice,’ smiled Kay. ‘That’s your problem.’

  Knocking back one more drink, he slipped out through the side door, hoping to leave without speaking to Harry or bumping into Onya again. Just as he was about to go, he heard a raised voice.

  It was Onya’s.

  ‘You can’t do this!’ she snapped, sounding upset. ‘You promised me!’

  ‘It’s too soon,’ Harry said in a low tone. ‘Why the rush?’

  ‘Don’t you make me wait longer than I have to!’

  ‘You waited all these years, what’s a few more?’ he said, laughing. ‘Onya, you know you’re the only one for me.’

  ‘Why did you tell Jonah about us? He didn’t need to know. I thought you paid her to keep her mouth shut.’

  ‘She didn’t tell him.’ Harry
cleared his voice. ‘I take it you spoke to Jonah?’

  ‘I mentioned him being married to that stupid bitch! You should have hit her harder that night.’

  ‘That’s low even for you.’

  Jonah felt his fist clench on hearing the words. There was an unsurmountable pang of anger in his chest.

  ‘You better not lay a hand on her,’ Jonah mumbled very quietly, not knowing what he should do next.

  ‘Let’s get married. You should have been with me but went off with her. Cut your losses and let’s start afresh.’

  Jonah stood there gobsmacked when listening to Onya’s words.

  It now started to make sense why Onya was so angry about Sophie.

  Harry dumped Onya to marry Sophie.

  ‘It’s too soon!’

  ‘If it wasn’t for her, we’ be together! And now she gets Jonah!’

  ‘It won’t last,’ he said, letting out a large sigh. ‘Sophie can’t take it all without there being any comeback.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘You think I’m going just to step back and see her interfere with Jonah’s career? You must be joking. That marriage is failed, mark my words.’

  ‘And why should you care?’ she snapped, getting increasingly angry. ‘It’s not as if you still love her, is it?’

  The silence afterwards spoke volumes, and the hard slap Harry sounded like he received from Onya only confirmed it.

  Harry James was still in love with his ex-wife.

  Jonah’s wife to be precise.

  And this worried him far more than he was willing to admit.

  ‘Two days and you’ll be home.’

  Sophie was speaking to Jonah via webcam.

  His smile lit up the living room, even though he was thousands of miles away. Amelia had already waved and kissed the screen a hundred times on seeing him. That’s when Jonah got tearful. She once again wiped the monitor clear of her child’s saliva.

  ‘And did I tell you how much I missed you?’ she sighed, looking at his stubble and wondering if he felt the same.

  There was a little niggle that he was relieved to step into a child and wife free zone.

  Then he looked at her, taking his hand and stroking her face on the screen.


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