Bitter Sweet Kisses

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Bitter Sweet Kisses Page 24

by S M Mala

‘I want to be home with you and my baby girl,’ he whispered. Sophie noticed the tears. ‘This has been far harder than I thought.’

  Now she needed to ask, as it was killing her.

  ‘How was the bastard? Trying to get you drunk and make you do things against you will?’ she said with a little smirk. ‘I hope he hasn’t got some footage to blackmail you with.’

  ‘Harry’s been very well behaved and civil.’ The reply knocked her sideways. ‘Don’t look so shocked.’


  ‘Yes, really.’ Jonah smiled. ‘He talks about you a lot.’

  ‘That’s novel, considering he doesn’t know much about me.’ Sophie glanced at Amelia dancing in the living room. ‘Even less about his biological child.’ Then she turned to look at him. ‘Don’t you dare go out with him on the last night. I bet he’s got some triads waiting to kidnap you.’

  ‘Triads are in China,’ Jonah laughed, shaking his head. ‘And he flew back a few days ago, something about business. Natalie’s with me and you know she’s ever so well behaved.’

  ‘I bet she fancies all the Japanese people.’

  ‘Goes without saying,’ he laughed then moved closer to the screen. ‘I told Harry I’m not going so far next time. And you can always come with me.’

  ‘But not to Japan? I always wanted to go to Tokyo.’

  ‘You never said.’

  ‘You never asked.’ Sophie noticed the frown and smiled. ‘You’ll know for next time.’

  ‘Do you want to take off your top and show me what I’m missing?’

  ‘I’d prefer to show you in person.’ Sophie moved closer. ‘Can we go out when you come back? I’ve not been out for ages.’ She let out a miserable sigh, wanting to spend time alone with him. ‘Even a movie and dinner would be lovely.’

  ‘I’m going to shower you with so much attention. You’ll be sick of me after a week.’

  ‘I’ll never be sick of you, Jonah Bauer. That’s a fact.’

  After logging off and bathing her baby before putting her to bed, Sophie sat down with a glass of wine.

  Her phone started to ring with the name ‘Harry Bastard’ flashing.

  ‘You fucker,’ she mumbled and wondered what he was up to.

  Then she thought it might be about the adoption and realised she would have to play nicely.

  ‘Hello,’ she said, waiting to hear what drivel he was going to spout. ‘What do you want?’

  ‘A chat,’ came the wistful comment. ‘With my ex-wife.’

  ‘You’re not supposed to contact me.’

  ‘I’m not supposed to come near you, and who said I can’t phone?’

  ‘How did you get my number?’ she asked, frowning hard.

  ‘Your young husband.’


  ‘I saw it in on his list of contacts and decided to make a note,’ he laughed, immediately winding her up. ‘He has lots of numbers, you know.’

  ‘Does he?’ she replied, knowing what he was up to.


  ‘That’s nice.’

  ‘And you trust him?’

  ‘I certainly do,’ Sophie said, narrowing her eyes at the challenge of Harry’s shit stirring. ‘Should I be concerned?’

  ‘He’s a very handsome man. Women were throwing themselves at him. Since his new found fame, temptation is out there.’

  ‘I love Jonah and he loves me.’ Sophie grinned at her next comment, knowing she would have to lash out first. ‘After sleeping with Jonah, I don’t want anyone else. He is the best. I’m surprised at Onya unless she likes her men more mature.’

  ‘I could say that about Onya and you, considering you are way older than her.’

  ‘I sensed you’d say that,’ she smiled, seeing he had more bitch in him than any woman she had ever met. ‘If you’ve called to try and cause problems, then forget it.’

  ‘You’re overly sensitive.’

  ‘And you’re a waste of space.’

  ‘Come now. We have to be civil for the sake of the child.’

  ‘Don’t you dare use Amelia as a bargaining tool?’ Sophie closed her eyes and the first image that came into her head was him banging Onya up the arse. ‘Whatever you want, make it quick.’

  ‘I was never quick, and you know it.’

  ‘Yes, it was a prolonged agony.’

  He started to laugh.

  She clicked he was on a mission to flirt, but Sophie hadn’t forgotten how he treated her. The months he rejected her physically and emotionally because he could.

  Then feeling destitute after the split.

  Deep down Sophie thought he got a kick out of it; the power of hurting.

  ‘I don’t want to speak to you, let alone see you.’

  ‘You know, I was wondering on the flight back home if you did it on purpose. Manipulate the guy knowing that it would bring you back to me.’

  ‘Get over yourself!’ she laughed out loudly. ‘You’re so conceited. I must have been blinded when I met you.’

  ‘Love does that to you.’

  ‘Now I’m not in love. I can see things more clearly.’ There was silence. ‘I think you’re upset that I’m with Jonah.’ She heard the deep breathing. ‘I guess there are many things I don’t know about you, aren’t there.’

  ‘What are you implying?’

  ‘You know what I’m saying.’

  ‘I’m not gay.’

  ‘You’re many things I know that can’t be labelled.’ Sophie bit her lip. ‘Did you sleep with lots of other people when we were together? I’m not going to get upset. I was tested and all is fine.’

  ‘I think that’s disgusting!’ he replied, getting angry. ‘What do you take me for?’

  ‘This is what I am trying to figure out.’ She thought hard. ‘I’m not judging you. I heard things before we even met.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘You had an avant-garde attitude towards relationships. It didn’t matter whether they were male or female, it’s what you were attracted to.’

  ‘Don’t you dare pull up that bullshit! I am not in love with Jonah, okay?’

  ‘I never said you were,’ she replied, and hearing something odd in his voice. ‘Are you?’

  ‘Am I what?’

  ‘In love with Jonah?’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, Sophie. Don’t start saying things to create a rift between him and me.’

  ‘If Jonah and I were drowning and you could save one person, who would it be?’

  There was a large pause on the other end.

  She waited for his response.

  ‘Frankly, right now. Neither one of you,’ he replied.

  Sophie knew he was lying.

  ‘Harry, don’t call me again. We don’t have a relationship, and I don’t think we did for a long time. I hoped it was a blip, but it wasn’t. There was a major crack.’

  ‘We could have fixed it.’

  ‘That can never be fixed as it’s completely unrepairable, very much like you.’ She took a deep breath. ‘You’re the one that causes it, because you are the crack, Harry.’

  ‘That’s a bit unfair and-.’

  ‘The thing is. No matter what you say to me, or to others, I know there’s more to this than meets the eye. You might not see it, but I do. You like my husband a lot more than you’re making out, and I hope for your sake he doesn’t realise.’

  ‘Don’t shit stir!’

  ‘Then don’t deny what is clearly true. You slept with his girlfriend, and when you knew he was getting close to me, you hated it. I thought you were jealous because he was giving me attention but it was because he wasn’t giving it to you. And now we’re married. I bet you’re really pissed off. That’s the only reason you’d want to be with me again because that means that I can’t be with him. I’ve got you sussed, Harry.’

  The next thing she heard was a dead tone.

  He had hung up.

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  As soon as Jonah had got through arrivals, he was shoc
ked to find Harry waiting for him. ‘Has something happened?’

  ‘Not at all!’ Harry said, giving him a warm hug. ‘I’ve just said goodbye to a client and I knew your flight was coming in. I’ll give you a lift home.’ Then he looked around. ‘No Sophie?’

  ‘I told her I’d meet her back at the house.’ Not wanting to seem ungrateful, he smiled at Harry. ‘I can get a cab.’

  ‘Let me drop you back. It’s on my way.’

  ‘I don’t think-.’

  ‘Listen, I’m not going to come near your house. I know I can’t. But I do know where you live. I have to with all the paperwork. Anyway, I thought it might be good for us to chat.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘The adoption.’

  Realising he couldn’t refuse his agent’s kind offer, Jonah went along with it and followed the man to the car park. He noticed Harry was animated; talking about all the new projects.

  When they were in Tokyo, he couldn’t fault the man. He was both courteous and well-behaved. Harry was sober and extremely attentive.

  Jonah was waiting for the cutting remarks about Sophie.

  There were none other than Harry reminiscing about the good times.

  It was at those moments he wondered what Harry was really up to.

  And in turn, Jonah spoke about Sophie and Amelia, emphasising how happy they were as a family. He relished telling Harry about how the little girl called him daddy, and people they met even mentioned a resemblance. Plus he mentioned what she liked and disliked, and how she loved musical books so she could sing along, especially the ones with pigs that went oink.

  It made the little girl laugh.

  But he could see something burn deep behind in Harry’s eyes when he spoke. He wasn’t sure if it was sadness, anger or jealousy, but Jonah knew he would always have to keep on his toes.

  Especially as he realised, Harry was still in love with Sophie.

  ‘I don’t want to rain on your parade, Jonah, but when we were in Tokyo, I saw how women were flinging themselves at you. You can’t tell me you weren’t tempted.’

  ‘No, I wasn’t,’ he honestly replied.

  ‘I mean, getting married so young to an older woman with a child from another man.’ He let out a little sigh. ‘Isn’t that asking for trouble? Are you sure you want to adopt? You’ve not been together a year.’

  Driving out of the car park, Jonah sat in silence, mulling the comment over.

  ‘That woman is your ex and the child is yours. I’m aware of the complications but I love them.’ Jonah then thought hard. ‘Are you going to sign the final papers for the adoption? There’s a lot we need to do with the courts.’

  ‘Do we have to speak about it now?’

  ‘We might as well.’

  Harry sat back and slid his shades down over his eyes while they drove.

  Jonah had a sinking feeling and didn’t want Harry to know he was holding Sophie and his future in the palm of his hand.

  Or Harry realised, and liked the power he had over the both of them.

  ‘I still care about Sophie,’ Harry replied, looking at him as the car stopped at traffic lights.

  ‘You’re using the present tense.’ His heart was thumping hard in his chest, knowing what Harry meant. ‘You care for her still, even after what you did?’

  ‘I can’t just let it go, Jonah.’

  ‘You have to. She has moved on and-.’

  ‘So quickly?’ Harry shook his head, as if unable to let it all sink in. ‘The pair of you meet and marry within weeks? It’s not going to work.’

  ‘This is not the sort of conversation I want to have with my wife’s ex.’

  ‘I’m your friend, Jonah, first and foremost. If it were any woman, I’d still ask you the same question.’ He turned sharply off the main road and drove through a quieter area. ‘I don’t think you know what you’ve let yourself in for. Marriage is a trap; an unforgiving snare to bring a man to his knees. You lose your ability to breathe and be free. Do you want that? You’re creative. You have to have your wings freed or it will kill you.’

  ‘I’m not like you,’ he said, forcing a laugh. ‘I don’t think like that. Being with someone you love gives you the freedom to breathe and be free.’ Jonah thought hard before saying the next bit. ‘And being with Sophie gives me more than that.’

  He looked out of the window, feeling the thrill of seeing them again.

  There was only one thing on his mind.

  To kiss his wife within an inch of her life then to take her to bed, give or take Amelia’s afternoon nap.

  Harry was silent and Jonah felt a change in mood.

  The car stopped at the end of his road, as Harry turned to look at him.

  ‘I will be there for you, no matter what. Jonah, I value our friendship. I know you think I have behaved badly towards Sophie, but I regret it.’

  ‘Okay,’ Jonah replied apprehensively.

  ‘I need to tell you something. I made a mistake and shouldn’t have let her go.’

  ‘Harry, don’t say shit like that,’ he replied, trying not to get agitated.

  ‘Christ, don’t have kids. That will spoil everything. I think that was the reason why I acted the way I did.’

  ‘Why would it spoil things?’ asked Jonah, seeing Harry look at him as if he was an idiot. ‘I want kids. I want to be a dad.’

  ‘Really? When I was making love to my wife, trying for a baby that was probably the best time.’

  ‘Give it a rest.’ He started to feel Harry was goading him into something. ‘Don’t talk to me about Sophie.’

  ‘Can’t we discuss sex like friends?’

  ‘Not if she was your wife and now she’s mine.’ Jonah cleared his throat. ‘And Onya? You want to compare notes on her?’

  ‘I think when you hurt a woman they don’t want to have anything to do with you. Can you blame Onya?’

  ‘I’m not going to hurt Sophie. You did that.’

  ‘You are naïve, but I forget you’re young. Mind my words. Kids will destroy what you’ve got.’

  ‘You forget, I have a child with Sophie.’

  ‘My child.’

  ‘Don’t stop the adoption. That’s-.’

  ‘As long as you guys play nicely, then I won’t,’ he said, looking agitated.

  Jonah glanced at Harry and wondered what game he had in mind.

  Whatever it was, he knew the man could only win if he cheated.

  ‘Stop it.’

  Sophie laughed at being carried to the bedroom while Amelia slept in the afternoon. ‘You need to shower.’

  ‘Come shower with me.’

  He had pounced on her when he came through the door, before smothering Amelia in kisses. She seemed to love her daddy doing that, and Sophie thought her husband looked very sexy.

  Now he was leading her to the bathroom, smiling.

  Not once did his happy face slip as soon as he got home.

  Jonah was quickly undressing her while kissing her face.

  ‘You shower. I had one this morning,’ she said, trying to hold off his grappling hands.

  ‘I need you near me,’ he replied, the brown eyes widening. ‘I’ve missed you.’

  ‘Oh, I love you,’ she said, putting her arms around his neck. ‘Shower and I’ll meet you in the bedroom.’

  Seeing him push out his bottom lip made her smile, as she headed towards his case and noticed his washing while she took everything off and stood in her underwear.

  ‘Don’t they have a laundry in Tokyo?’ she shouted, knowing the sound of the water was drowning her out.



  Unpacking his things and sniffing at his clothes, she smiled. He was back and she felt safe again. All her happiness returned on knowing he was going to be in her bed.

  Then she thought about Harry and the phone call.

  She hid her surprise when Jonah told her Harry had driven him home. When Jonah mentioned the nasty little quips that were made regarding ma
rriage and the adoption of Amelia, she bit her tongue.

  And she held back her laugh when Jonah earnestly mentioned that Harry wanted to win her back.

  That she could tell had wound up her husband, and was complete bullshit.

  Jonah walked back into the bedroom, dripping wet and trying to dry out his ears. He then placed his wet backside on the duvet, grinning up at her.

  ‘You’re still dressed,’ he asked, roughly drying his hair.

  ‘I was going through your dirty washing,’ she replied, touching his face. ‘You know Harry’s an arsehole, don’t you?’

  ‘It’s the way he says things. He was fine in Tokyo but soon as he gets back home, his comments irritate.’

  ‘He’s a shit.’

  ‘That was the past. We are the present and the future.’ He placed his lips on her tummy, kissing it gently. ‘I need to make up for not being with you.’

  ‘And you’re next trip is when?’

  ‘Lots of assignments at home, so there’s no going off for ages. And can you take off your underwear, please?’

  Stepping back, she undid her bra, tossing it to the side and slide down her knickers, watching his face light up. He then grabbed her waist so that he could throw her onto the bed.

  Jonah tossed away the towel and pressed his body against hers.

  ‘Soph, you do love me, don’t you?’ he asked, and she could see the concern.

  ‘I have never loved a man the way I love you. You shouldn’t have to ask. You should know.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Don’t let him wind you up. That’s what he wants to do. To make you doubt how I feel and then he’ll do the same to me. Harry’s good at that.’

  She grabbed his head and kissed him gently, sliding her tongue in to taste him.

  Her head span and her hands stroked his smooth, strong back.

  It quickly got heated as he moved his palm between her legs, resting it on her crotch, before rubbing her with speed.

  Sophie’s orgasm was very quick as he opened her thighs and started to screw her gently, all the time looking down. She touched his face, pulling him closer, wanting to feel his mouth against her lips.

  The thrusts became harder and she heard his breathing get heavier, his tongue taking over her mouth.

  He then pushed in as far as he could, grinding deeper and deeper.


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