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Revenge is Sweet

Page 5

by Richard Johnson


  The next week was a blur. He taught me how to write with a brush and an ink-stone as he found paper for me and I started this journal. I did Tai-Chi and felt the power flow and between that and the sex I healed quickly and he grew younger. “Were I still a Weir, we’d both be healed after one session,” he commented as I lay there panting with his strength. The food I ate in massive amounts was just material to be used to build tissue, it was the sex and exercise that changed it into what I needed. I remembered how to kiss and what and when and learned that I enjoyed his lips on my own as well as my neck and nipples and especially between my legs which he did so often and well I had to beg him to stop and lay on top so I could feel him fill me up before I died from pleasure.

  Totally healed, he moved to Karate then Kendo and knife-fighting. He said that firearms are fine but eventually you run out of ammo and sometimes you need to kill silently. The time I defeated him and knocked him down, he laughed, jumped up and held me telling me that he was so proud of me. That night was equally wonderful and as we fell asleep, he said to my willing ears, “Soon we will leave and head for the main-land and seek a StarGate that will take us back to your family.”

  I was happy and sad at the same time. I wanted to find and rescue my mother and sister whose names I remembered being Stella and Gratia but I never wanted this joy to end. I lay there in his arms, listening to the now-steady rhythm of his heart and wondered what would I find. Most of my memories were still missing and I had none of Earth save of pain and torture. I did have flashes like when I watched the gulls fly overhead and remembered a flock of terrals migrating or I’d bite into a rice ball and remember making rice snacks with my mother to take to my father in the fields, then I’d cry. So they slowly came back to me.

  Sometimes the memories would return when I was training. Like he was teaching me how to hide, how to sneak up on pray so they’d not know I was there and suddenly I’d remember watching my ravine stalk a bird. “Humans evolved in the open plains. Danger came from below, safety was hiding below so humans rarely look up. Be above them and you will triumph.” Other, more pleasurable times he would say, “A man has the same pleasure areas that a woman has, so what you enjoy, I will too.” When I asked how I was remembering when so much of my brain was gone, he said, “Memory is redundant. Important memories like your mother’s name are stored in a dozen or more places. They could destroy some but not all copies. It just takes time to pull them together. Some are gone forever but most will return.”

  I was wearing what he called a Kisode while he wore the same and a hakama, the kisode being a soft robe that went to my knees but allowed my tail freedom and the hakama being almost like a skirt but actually pleated pants with open sides. He looked sexy in that and I loved how I could hug him then pull his sash which was tied behind and underneath to cause the front of his hakama to fall open and reveal his manliness to my waiting hands or lips or even my breasts at times. Although I loved when he climaxed inside me and that helped me to heal, sometimes I found I wanted to taste it and would feel the saltiness on my tongue before I swallowed. And once I let go and felt it on my breasts and rubbed it into my skin which I became convinced were softer and more beautiful afterwards. No matter what I wanted, he was willing and I like to think he enjoyed it as much as did I. One time I heard him cry for me to do something we had never done before. I saw the images, felt the need and heard his words then I stopped and saw that his lips weren’t moving. He had thought his desire and I estanned them. “Humans have no real telepathy. This is an advantage you have for you can read their surface thoughts and implant your own thoughts into their minds, make them not see you or make them think their friends are their enemies.”

  Eventually I was able to learn how to use a sword. He gave me a stick and showed me two ways of fighting, one with one hand and my body in line which he called ‘Fencing’ and the other with two hands and facing my opponent which he called “Kenjitsu”. Kenjitsu used the curved ‘katana’ he had taken from those men he had killed earlier and was the usual weapon here though they had a number of lengths of this. Even the tanto which was a knife was too long to use for much though he taught me a dozen ways to kill a man with just this tanto from stabbing in the back to slashing to the front.

  “Although we will be using firearms when we rescue your family, a knife and sword are quiet and won’t warn the fellows of those we need to kill.”

  He showed me how to draw, hold, cut and thrust with the swords and he had to remind me, “You are easily twice as strong and much faster than a human male so can easily kill them before they can prepare. In war, use these advantages and remember what they did to you and your family so never hesitate to kill them if you feel your life is in danger for they will gladly kill you and if you surrender, it’s back to the medical lab for you and your family. Me they will simply torture and execute as a traitor because they don’t understand that sometimes the greatest patriotism is doing what is right even if it opposes the government.”

  It didn’t take long for me to grow used to the weight of the katana at my hip and he would often surprise me by throwing something at me and expect me to detect its arrival, draw, cut and attack in one motion. During these times I had to be careful to not hurt him for he was right, I was far stronger than was he but he never became angry with me when I won. His praise was wonderful to hear and I won more and more often as my skill increased. What I won at first through strength and speed changed to winning by skill though his skill was still greater than mine. “I never touched a sword until I was older than you, but I learned fast and well and have had more years practice then you ever will. Once you and your family are safe, I expect you will hang that steel over your hearth and forget about war and killing.”

  I wasn’t certain about that. I found that the more I practiced, the better I became, the greater my confidence in myself. I loved his praise but I also loved the thought that I would never again be treated like a lab-rat by anyone and could easily enforce that thought. I also wanted to keep this sword and help him save and protect others. After having suffered so, I wanted to prevent anyone else from enduring what I did and intended to keep on fighting.

  He also added the staff and spear and offered, “when we reach the mainland, most people will stare because of our alien features. Even my hair, skin and eyes differ from the locals. But most will be friendly and we will only have to fear rogue Samurai and bandits. We will kill any bandits we meet to give you practice and experience for when we rescue your family. But do not be overconfident. Just because you are faster and stronger than they, they are veterans of many battles and are alive because they are very good at what they do.”

  I intended to survive and become better myself. That night after our usual lovemaking, I lay in his arms and reached over to touch my sword, listening to his heartbeat and thinking about those who had hurt me and how I would kill them in revenge. “Revenge, child,” he said, reading my desires, “may be necessary but it can eat away at your soul. Try to kill without emotion for when you enjoy death, it consumes you and you may become that which you are fighting.” He then kissed me on the top of my head and stroked my hair as he fell asleep. I lay there for awhile and then got up and practiced the kata moves he had taught me until near dawn.

  That last night he took me to the beach and stripped me but instead of loving me as I expected, he took his sword and drew a circle in the sand around us. Then he called to the rising Moon and pulled me to him, telling me to think of him being like me, to focus on him being a Weir too. Then we had sex.

  I want to say we made love but it was just sex, raw, animal sex and he kept chanting something in Spanglic that sounded familiar but wasn’t though I found it easy to follow. My head swum, I was dizzy as I went crazy rubbing and moving as he grew harder and harder inside, his hands everywhere and no where, and when we both climaxed, I felt like the world had ended.

  When the sun
rose, the tide lapping at our feet, I saw him standing in the water, naked, and I ran to him. “How much do you remember?” he asked. I held his hand in mine, feeling his single thumb and holding his hand with both mine, then answered, “about last night? Somehow you were there and someone else was there. I felt like I was there and not there at once, like someone had stepped into my body and pushed me away.”

  “Good. You see what happened, I’m younger and you are fully healed though some of those scars will never fade completely. Now we are ready. Most humans are kind and generous but they are also stupid and afraid of strangers so we must go carefully. They will fear us and there are a few like the ones back at that medical center that we must avoid or kill. But often the evil have power and if we kill the wrong ones, they will take their revenge on the innocent. I’ve kept that boat ready since the bandits arrived a couple weeks ago and we can use it to reach the mainland. There is a StarGate in that direction, maybe a week’s travel but it will get us to a place where we can make money to hire men to help us. Some will for money,

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