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Page 18

by Cyndi Friberg

  Her pelvis was flush with his tight belly, or she suspected he would have found even more erotic places to caress with his hair. He guided her hands to the bed on either side of her head then kissed his way down her neck. She arched, needing to feel his chest against her breasts and the weight of his body over her.

  “Easy, love.” He breathed against her nipple an instant before his lips fastened on to the sensitive peak.

  Gods how she ached. It felt like forever since they’d been like this with nothing between them but anticipation. “Please, Seth, I need you. I need you now.” Rather than join their bodies, he slid downward and draped her legs over his shoulders. She moaned, knowing how much he liked to tease. “This is not what I meant.”

  He chuckled as his lips brushed against her folds. I know what you meant, and I know what you need. Now let go and let me enjoy my mate.

  He continued to caress her with his hands, and hair, as his mouth drove her utterly crazy. He took her right to the edge of orgasm over and over, using their link as ruthlessly as his tongue. Desire flooded her mind as his tongue circled her clit. Her senses flamed, and her soul burned, desperate for the ultimate joining.

  Do you accept everything I am, everything I’ve been, or will ever be?

  Yes, she cried, so ready for this. I want you now and always.

  He lunged up and over her, filling her completely with one demanding thrust.

  Their soul bond anchored within her mind, permanently connecting her with him. She cried out as pleasure burst, sweeping away rational thought. Her legs slid down his arms, catching in the bend of his elbows. His hips rocked, creating a motion that kept her soaring for long blissful moments.

  She raised one of her hands to his chest, unable to reach his face. Her vision gradually cleared as the staggering pleasure receded and stared into Kage’s love-filled gaze, but the features were unfamiliar. She tensed and fought against her instinctive need to pull away. This was Seth, her mate. Kage was only an illusion.

  He felt her reaction and smiled. “This feels wrong to me too, but I needed to know you would accept him.”

  “Always. I know that you’re one and the same, but I fell in love with Kage.”

  A subtle ripple swept downward, remolding his features and form. Soon she looked into the ruggedly handsome face of her beloved overlord. Her universe was back in balance, and she smiled. “In time I will learn to know him better and—”

  He silenced her with his mouth and started moving again. I started my life as Seth dar Aune. He will always be a part of me. But I am and will forever remain Kage Razel, mate to Ezalondra Alonov of the Sarronti.

  Eza Razel, she stressed. I am proud to be Sarronti, but I want nothing to do with the Alonov name.

  Eza Razel, he grinned. I love the sound of that, rebel elf.

  His tempo sped, and the kiss deepened as their mutual passion consumed their need for words.

  She opened to him, sharing freely, unafraid and as ravenous as her mate. They moved together, straining toward a mutual destination, a shattering completion only attainable for soul bonded mates.

  Their mouths fused and their bodies locked. Their hearts beat as one. Then the universe broke apart. Pleasure showered down upon them, creating a perfect union of bodies, minds, and spirits. They flowed through each other, clinging and sharing as the pleasure went on and on.

  They floated down gently, returning to reality by degrees. Eza blinked and shivered gradually realizing Kage had rolled them to their sides. Their bodies were still entwined. They kissed and stroked each other, unable to bear the slightest separation. Their soul bond was wide open and fully functional now. She could sense his emotions as clearly as her own.

  “The link won’t feel so intrusive once we calm down,” he told her, his lips lingering against hers. “And all too quickly you’ll figure out how to shut me out when you’re angry.”

  “It doesn’t feel intrusive, just different.” She hooked her leg over his hip, ensuring that he stayed right where he was. “Does it bother you?” She knew it didn’t. She’d feel his anxiety if it did. What she felt was his concern that it would bother her.

  “What is does to me will be obvious in a moment or two.” His warm chuckle rumbled as his mouth sealed over hers again.

  I thought our need for each other would ease once the link was anchored.

  He drew back, nearly out, then grasped her butt as he pushed back in. Apparently, we’re not there yet.

  Well then, you’re not trying hard enough, she teased. I’m clearly giving it all I’ve got.

  He laughed and rolled her beneath him, separating their mouths in the process. “You know how I love a good challenge. If this isn’t hard enough, I’ll keep trying until you beg for mercy.”

  Her only response was a joyous laugh and the firm tightening of her inner muscles.

  Chapter Ten

  Energy surged through Isolaund, making her feel jittery and ruthless. Never before had she felt so strong, so capable of destroying her enemies. Spasms of pain echoed through her mind and body, but the sensations were no longer a deterrent. They fed the destructive malevolence urging her into action. Her insides cramped and her hands clenched. She absorbed the discomfort and thought of the only thing that mattered, killing Kage Razel.

  She’d spent the past three days in a healing trance, recovering from her ordeal and learning to control her new abilities. Her gifts weren’t actually new. The basic skills were the same, yet each ability had grown stronger and much more destructive. Finally, she was ready. Before the sun next spread its poisonous rays across the Sarronti sky, Kage Razel would cease to exist. And not just in this reality. She intended to destroy him so completely that he would never experience an afterlife.

  Another image formed within Isolaund’s mind and a fresh rush of hatred washed over her. Ezalondra Alonov. Of all the Ayrontu who might have turned traitor, Eza had never even occurred to Isolaund. Eza’s bloodline was ancient. She was rich and well-respected. What in all of creation could have tempted her away from the world below? Her choices made no sense, but that didn’t matter. She was now the overlord’s whore, which meant she too must die.

  Isolaund shook away the momentary distraction and focused on the final outcome. Without their fearless leader, the Outcasts would scatter like insects. She’d watched them closely since their arrival. They were nothing without their precious overlord. She didn’t understand the source of his power, but he was not like the males who followed him. There were a few with interesting abilities, but the rest were common mercenaries, expendable creatures only useful as weapons’ fodder. Kage was unique and dangerous, perhaps the greatest threat the Sarronti had ever faced.

  And the Guiding Council refused to see it.

  This was likely the only chance she’d get to restore order to the world below. The Ayrontu were meant to rule as they had always ruled. Any other arrangement was simply unnatural. Her attack needed to be precise and effective. Everyone believed she was powerless without her battle cats. She was about to prove them wrong.

  She started to summon all three of her mind slaves then hesitated. Tajon had only given her three of the newest shadow lenitas, and they were all she would ever have if she didn’t free him. Indrex had been an obvious choice for implantation, yet she hesitated to use him now. Anyone involved in this raid would likely be replaced on the Guiding Council. Indrex was high councilor. She needed to be extremely careful not to reveal him as a shadow agent.

  She already had two members of the council under her control. Both were low-level designations, so they were much less important than Indrex. She had to summon Jantis Pahice. He was a sentinel, which was how she intended to board the Viper. Her other shadow agent was from Ghost City, so he had access to certain technologies not available in the world below. Keeping this attack fast and lethal was the best strategy, so she only activated Jantis. Once Tajon was out of stasis, he would be able to help them fight their way off the ship.

  The ability to tu
rn the lenitas on and off was the primary upgrade in this set of implants. Tajon had promised the feature for the past four revisions, but he’d yet to produce. According to Tajon, she could now use a shadow agent for a specific task, then deactivate them until they were needed again. The agent was left with a mild headache and a faint sense of disorientation. Tajon assured her they would have no memory of anything they did while under her control. She had tested the function after the last revision, but the ability was only partially effective. The agent sought out a healer shortly after the field test, so he clearly remembered something.

  Jantis stepped out of a transport portal a few minutes later. His expression was blank, gaze staring eerily into nothingness. She should implant his replacement with the upgraded lenitas when and if Jantis was tossed off the council. Being able to activate a sentinel whenever she needed one would be very helpful indeed.

  Pleased by the decision, Isolaund pinged Farlo Alonov. She’d already checked his location to make sure he wasn’t doing anything important. He’d been in one of the elite lounges as per usual.

  His response was audio-only. “Yes, Lady Isolaund. What can I do for you?” He sounded intrigued and a little smug. He’d obviously guessed that she had been allied with his father, likely presumed they’d been lovers. The thought made Isolaund shudder. Cagor Alonov had been a disgusting pig. Was Farlo really vain enough to think she would now turn her interest to him? Probably. Ayrontu males all thought they were irresistible.

  “Do you have a few moments for me? I’d very much like to speak with you.” She allowed a throaty purr to enter her voice, doubtlessly feeding his overinflated ego.

  “I always have time for a beautiful female. Where shall we meet?”

  She fought back an eye-roll then shivered. Farlo was little more than a boy, and most men couldn’t satisfy her. “Is it too bold to suggest my private quarters? My questions are rather personal.”

  “Of course not.” He chuckled, clearly pleased with himself. “I’ll be very discreet.”

  This was proof positive that the fruit never fell far from the tree. Farlo was just as insufferable as Cagor had been.

  She turned back to Jantis and said, “Sit and pretend to be interested in anything this obnoxious child has to say. Do not speak unless he asks you a direct question, but make your expressions more natural.”

  Like a holographic image she’d programed, the sentinel moved to the nearest chair and sat. He turned his head toward the door, and he suddenly looked as if he were expecting a long lost friend.

  Thank you, Tajon. The upgraded lenitas were functioning perfectly.

  Farlo arrived a short time later. His cocky expression faltered when he saw the other male. “I thought this was...what is he doing here?”

  She raised her hands, fingers splayed, palm out. “Silence. Lower your shields and show me everything you saw while aboard the Viper.”

  Farlo stood just inside the door, mouth hanging open. His shields lowered, and images swirled then focused. His first memory was awakening in a holding cell. She spun the memory stream forward. She had no interest in the Outcasts’ detention facilities. Farlo had been conscious when they freed him, so he had to have seen more of the ship. Farlo spoke endlessly with one of the human females. She must have been a prisoner too. At one point, her face reflected physical abuse. Impatiently, Isolaund searched for the day Farlo was released. The female slumped on the narrow bed, deathly pale and unresponsive. Kage flashed into view and ordered, “Sleep!” Farlo immediately dropped into a graceless heap.

  What the hells? Isolaund had no idea Kage could issue such powerful compulsions. She’d always been able to influence others, but her energy infusion made her orders impossible to ignore. Apparently, the overlord possessed a similar ability. She would have to guard herself against it when they met face to face.

  Though motionless, Farlo struggled against the command. His mind drifted in and out of awareness as he was loaded onto a crude hover cart and taken through several corridors. She tried to follow the progress, but the missing sections made the path disorienting.

  Farlo blinked several times, even managing to open his eyes. She froze the image with a triumphant grin. There it was. The primary clinic, what the Outcasts called “main medical.” According to her most dependable resource, this is where they were holding Tajon. And the report made sense. The lack of natural mediums on a spaceship would hamper Tajon’s abilities, but a sculptor could pass through any physical barrier. The only way to contain one was to keep them sedated or in stasis.

  “Come here.” She motioned Jantis over, and he immediately obeyed. Too bad she couldn’t mass produce the lenitas. Everything would be so much easier if she could command everyone like this. She touched Farlo’s shoulder and then Jantis’, passing the image from one to the other. “Can you take me there?”

  “Of course, mistress.” Jantis’ voice was as expressionless as his face.

  She eased her hold on Farlo’s mind, deciding to scan the rest of his memory just to make sure there was nothing else that could help her.

  “What am I supposed to do with this one?” someone asked, their tone sharp and impatient. Farlo’s eyes were closed again so she couldn’t see who’d spoken.

  “Commander wants him chipped, standard surveillance cluster with a locator beacon,” one of the guards responded to the impatient question.

  Understanding slammed into Isolaund. “Shit.” She snatched back her hand and rendered Farlo unconscious with a flick of her wrist. She would deal with this when she returned. Tajon would know exactly what needed to be done. If the chip worked as intended, those fucking Outcasts had seen and heard everything that took place in Farlo’s presence since he returned to the world below. Luckily, Farlo spent most of his time drunk, asleep, or whoring.

  Calming herself with a long, deep breath, she paused to review her agenda. Free Tajon, kill Eza, kill Kage. She smiled, feeling particularly cruel. She wanted the last thing Kage ever saw to be the life leaving his lover’s eyes.

  Isolaund motioned toward the wall through which Jantis had entered as she looked at the sentinel. “Time to go.”

  A PULSE OF SOUND CUT off what Eza had been about to say. Emergency interrupt, Kage realized. The tone was so shrill Eza pressed her hands over her ears and looked at him for an explanation. An image superimposed itself over the diagram Eza had been explaining to Kage’s advisors. They were in the war room strategizing about how best to deal with the proposed construction and coming influx of refugees.

  “We’ve got a serious problem, sir,” the communications officer said urgently. “I’ve been watching the feed from Farlo’s bug, and Isolaund just used him to identify main medical. I think she intends to...”

  Kage teleported out before the young male could finish. The only way to bypass Outcast security was to open a transport portal, which meant Isolaund’s attack would be fast and focused.

  Stay there! Kage told Eza, his psychic tone emphatic.

  If Isolaund finds her way onto the ship, she won’t be alone.

  I’ll deal with it. Stay there.

  He felt a moment of rebellion, then nothing at all. That hadn’t taken long. Eza had always been able to erect strong shields. It shouldn’t surprise him that she could shut him out so easily.

  Forcing the distraction out of his mind, he materialized in main medical. The circular room was in chaos. Technicians took shelter behind overturned carts as projectiles sped through the air from every direction. Tajon, though not in sight, was obviously out of stasis. Damn it. How long had Isolaund been here?

  “Silence!” Isolaund’s voice rang out, and Kage felt a strange tightening in his throat.

  What the fuck? He spun toward the sound of her voice and found the crazy Sarronti bitch striding toward him, the promise of death in her crystalline eyes. The stasis units were on the other side of the clinic. Where had she been? He started to speak, to demand she get off his ship or die, but his vocal cords refused to function. How the he
lls had she known about his compulsions? He reached for her mind instead, but her psychic shove drove him backward.

  “Not this time, Overlord.” She sent a pulse of energy toward him, her features twisted into a spiteful glower.

  He deflected the pulse, careful not to hit any of the fleeing medics. The shot had been intense and accurate. Where was Isolaund getting this power and control? She was infinitely stronger than she’d been at the arena. In fact, he sensed higher concentrations of energy than ever before.

  Guards rushed in, weapons drawn, but they hesitated, waiting for his orders. No one, including him, wanted to kill a female. It went against everything they stood for, everything they believed.

  But this was no ordinary female.

  Without taking his eyes off Isolaund, he told the guards, Contain the others. Make sure the sentinel doesn’t allow her to escape.

  Tajon’s projectiles continued for a moment, followed by the sharp report of pulse blasts. A loud crash sounded in the lab to Kage’s left, then Tajon emerged from the wall, leaving a jagged opening behind. An Outcast lunged through the opening firing one final blast as he pitched forward. Tajon flew toward Kage, then dropped to the deck, senseless but alive.

  Isolaund muttered a curse, obviously angered by the loss.

  Another Sarronti stood off to Kage’s right, looking lost, almost childlike. That must be the sentinel. According to Eza they generally stayed well back from the fighting. Guards quickly surrounded the sentinel. Could he create a portal in the deck? It didn’t matter. If he escaped, they’d find him later.

  Kage had one target, and she stood right in front of him. He watched her closely. If she were male, she’d already be dead. Even so, he was about to suppress his inherent need to protect females and unleash his full power on this obsessed bitch. She just stared at him, poised to strike. She was clearly waiting for something, but what?


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