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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 11

by R. M. Walker

  Of course he did.

  He had to.



  Hell. There’s something wrong with this woman.

  Humans instinctually cower beneath Gods. Women come into my bed and lay like good little submissive females. But not Jules, no, she pins me to my bed. My wrists are locked by her much smaller hands and she rides me like I’m here to pleasure her, not the other way around.

  And I’m trying to care. I really am. But instead, I’m groaning as she rides me harder.

  She suddenly releases my wrists and starts to lean back. I try to grab her breasts, and she slaps my hand away, then leans back to take me deeper, her hands locked around my ankles.

  Oh fuck! I should get mad. I should put this human in her place, but she’s taking me so deep, with such abandon. My cock is loving the full, perfect view of her body on top of mine.

  I feel my shaft swell. I bite down on my tongue to keep from coming too soon, but seconds later, she’s orgasming again, riding me, her grip tight on my ankles, her rhythm intense.

  At last, I give in to the feeling of her tight pussy holding me. I explode inside her warm, welcoming body, a string of curses coming from my lips.

  She pushes her tangled blonde hair back from her face and lies down on top of me, her breasts pressed against my chest. Her head snuggled beneath my chin.

  Our heavy breathing fills the air. My room smells of sex, and her sweet smell. Is it vanilla?

  I close my eyes, contentment rushing over me. Never before do I remember wrapping my arms around a woman. I’ve never enjoyed the closeness of a cuddle after sex, never enjoyed the smell of a woman or the feminine curves of her body.

  Usually while my dick is still slick with a woman’s pussy, I’m pushing her out of bed. Being immortal means that these times are just a blip in my daily life, a task that needs fulfilling and little more.

  What is it about Jules?

  Was it that she refused drinks with me and then went to look for another man?

  Yes, that pissed me off. When I climbed out of my booth and saw her sitting there, her beauty contrasting the darkness of the bar like the moon peeking out between clouds, I’d felt immediately angry. Has anyone ever refused me before?

  I smirk. No. Never. Not nymphs. Or goddesses. And certainly not humans. No one.

  But Jules had refused me not once, but twice.

  I can picture in perfect clarity when she walked away and asked that human to go home with her. The rage that rushed through me made every muscle in my body tighten. Just the idea of him touching her had enraged me.

  Jules was mine! Every fucking curve of her body. Every inch of her flesh.

  If that man had made me, I would’ve killed him in that moment.

  I freeze. Where had this anger come from? Jules was just another woman. Right? A beautiful human, but just a woman to warm my bed for a night, like any other.

  Suddenly, she lifts her head from my chest, those stunning blue eyes of hers lock onto mine, and I feel a tremble move through her body. “Ready for round five?”

  Oh hell, she’s ready before I am? “Aren’t you hungry? Or tired?”

  She bites her bottom lip in a way that’s sexy as hell and takes my spent cock slowly out of her pussy, then back in. Twice more and I’m hard again.

  “I don’t want food or sleep. I just want your dick. Is that okay?”

  I nod, speechless. She just wants my dick?

  Slipping off of me, she goes to my wall, places her hands above her and speaks over her shoulder. “Ready?”

  My gaze travels over her naked form and clings to the little tattoo on her hip. It looks familiar… somehow. But then, I look at her delicious ass and all thoughts of the tattoo are gone.

  Rising, I move to stand behind her. Roughly, I grasp her hips and bend her closer to me. “How do you feel about a cock in your ass?”

  She looks back at me, a little mischief in her eyes. “Nice of you to ask first.”

  Then, she grabs one of my hands from her hips and places it on her pussy. “Stroke me off, and you can fuck whatever part of me you want.”

  Normally, I’d be irritated by a woman telling me what to do, but as my fingers plunge into her wet folds and start to stroke her, all I feel is pleasure. I’m entranced by her sounds, loud and out of control, and the way she spreads her legs further and bumps her ass against my hard dick.

  Continuing to stroke her, I grasp my shaft with my other hand and angle myself into her ass. She pushes back against me as I take her inch by inch deeper. When I reach my hilt, we’re both breathing hard again.

  “Come on, Ajax,” she moans. “Oh, don’t make me wait!”

  Hell, I stroke her faster, grip her hip, and start to fuck her glorious ass. It’s just as tight as her pussy, but it holds me differently. Presses me differently. And I find that I like every inch of this woman. Gods, does she know how to satisfy a man!

  Perhaps she’s experienced. A guttural sound tears from my lips. No! She’s mine. Mine! If I ever meet another man who’s touched her, I’ll kill him.

  And then my thoughts go to Connor and Brad.

  That’s different. They’re my best friends. My outcast brothers. I’d love to call for them, to have them help me fuck this woman to satisfaction.

  I wonder if they’ll feel this way about her too, this overwhelming claim over her.

  But I won’t call them. It isn’t worth the risk that Jules won’t like to be shared.

  She slams her hands against the wall, screaming my name. Her ass tightens. My fingers squeeze her clit and she’s orgasming again.

  My brain explodes and all my blood rushes to my dick. I fuck her like mad and come, her name a prayer on my lips.

  We’re back to panting. I have her pressed against the wall.

  Suddenly, I want to bind her perfect pale wrists and keep her tied in my room, a creature for my pleasure and my pleasure alone. That instinct leaves me even more confused.

  I like variety. Not just one woman. Don’t I?

  She looks back at me. Some of the heat has left her gaze, leaving behind an unexpected vulnerability. “Ajax… should I go?”

  Go? Like hell!

  I sweep the hair back from her face and kiss her softly. “Come into bed, sweetheart.”

  Pulling out of her, I pick her up, and love how her arms wrap around my neck. I lay her gently on the bed, and for a minute, she doesn’t let go. We just stare at each other, unable to look away, unable to say anything that might break this spell.

  Fuck. Something’s wrong with me.

  I kiss her again, and she releases me.

  Climbing onto the bed, I gather her against me. And even though my brain is calling me crazy, my body loves feeling her against me. It’s so… right. So perfect. Like she was made for me.

  “Are you sure?” she whispers.

  I run a hand along her side, loving when she trembles.

  “Just be gentle with me, I’m more fragile than I look,” I tell her under my breath, half intending her to hear, half not.

  She looks back at me, eyes wide, and I laugh.

  She smiles.

  “We’ll fuck again soon,” I tell her. “But there’s nothing wrong with sleeping a little first.”

  “It doesn’t mean anything,” she says.

  “Not a thing,” I agree. I can’t believe how relieved I feel when she relaxes against me.

  I continue to stroke her skin until I feel her breathing even out. Even then, I can’t stop touching her. I lie awake watching her. In sleep she looks so… different. It hits me for the first time that she always has such a strong air about her, but right now, she just looks tired and fragile.

  My hand freezes on her flesh and I lay back on the pillow, glancing up at my ceiling. Fucking hell. This woman is pure trouble.

  I stay awake, staring up at the ceiling.

  She has something I like. Something I need. No one has ever had anything I need.


br />
  I’m crying. Sobbing. Sitting over the bed of my dying child. “Sam, please just keep breathing! Sam! Sam, please!”

  My sobbing grows louder. I can’t lose him! He’s my heart, my whole soul! If he dies, I die.

  If my love could keep him alive, he’d live forever. And I will it to be so. I will my love to save him with all my might, but he remains sick and pale. The monitors beside his bed won’t stop beeping, and I smell nothing but death.

  “Sam! Sam!” Stay with me, please! Please! I need you!

  “Shhh,” someone says. But the voice seems far away.

  I feel arms wrap around me. I fight, struggling against the hold. Sam needs me. I can’t rest. I can’t relax. I can’t be held. I need to stay at his side. If I don’t… if I don’t…

  “Sam!” I sob harder.

  And then, the hospital and my son fade away, and I’m staring at a strange man’s face. I start to struggle.

  “Jules! Fuck, Jules, it’s just a dream!”

  My name brings me back. It’s not a strange man who holds me. It’s Ajax, his hair messy around his chiseled face, his expression worried.

  I calm, taking in deep breaths.

  He wipes the tears from my face, his eyes wide and intense. “What the fuck were you dreaming about? Who’s Sam?”

  I yank away from him, sitting up. I’m naked. In his room. And completely vulnerable.

  Pulling my knees up to my chest, I try to gather myself, to calm the emotions washing through me.

  What am I doing here, at my sexy next door neighbor’s house? I’m a Reaper. I should be alone, not in the arms of some man. I was taking a moment of comfort and happiness. I don’t deserve it. I fucking kill people for a job! People who are loved just like I love my Sam.

  The door to Ajax’s room opens loudly. “What the hell is—?”

  I look up from my knees, shocked. Connor and Brad are standing in the doorway, looking between me and Ajax.

  “You fucked Jules?” Brad asks, sounding completely shocked.

  “Why the hell is she crying?” Connor asks, and there’s a dangerous note to his voice I’d never expect from him.

  Connor crosses the room with anger blazing and covers me in the tangled sheet. “Did he hurt you?”

  Ajax roars, a sound I could never imagine a human making. “Of course I didn’t fucking hurt her! What do you think I am?"

  Connor turns to him, fists clenched, and Ajax leaps from the bed.

  Grabbing the sheet, I come to stand between them, pressing a hand to Connor’s chest. “He didn’t do anything. I was just remembering… dreaming. It was just a nightmare.”

  All eyes turn to me. My heartbeat fills my ears.

  “Why are you guys even here?”

  Ajax answers, his voice gruff. “Meet my roommates.”

  My jaw drops. How did I not realize they were so close? “You three live together!”

  “A better question is what are you doing here?” Brad asks, crossing his arms over his bare, and very muscular, chest.

  I swallow hard. Trying to come up with an excuse.

  Ajax glares. “She’s our new neighbor – bought the house next door to ours.

  Connor’s eyes seem to widen even more. “Well, I think the bigger question is what are you doing with him?”

  Shit. I wanted simple… and this is far from simple.

  I shrug. “We met at a bar and had sex. I’m fine. He’s fine. We’re all fine. Case closed.”

  At last, some of the tension leaves the room, which is exactly when I realize I have my hand on Connor’s delicious chest.

  Snatching my hand back, I feel a blush darken my cheeks. I gather my sheet closer to my chest. “Uh, maybe I could have some privacy to change.”

  Connor grins. “Do you want to change… or maybe invite us to join you?”

  I feel my cheeks grow hotter and look to Ajax for help.

  He raises a brow. “Up to you.”

  He can’t be serious… hell, he is!

  “I think I’ll just change.”

  Connor shrugs, a small smile curving his lips. “Suit yourself.”

  Brad speaks up from the doorway, his expression unreadable. “Get dressed and head downstairs. We have some things to discuss with you.”

  He’s talking about the fight in the alley. There’s no way I want to discuss that. Pretend it didn’t happen? Yes. Discuss it? No way, at least not yet, but I feel trapped.

  Brad and Connor head for the door. I look to Ajax. He looks like he has no intention of going anywhere.

  I clear my throat, suddenly uncomfortable. “Actually, could you go too?”

  His gaze sweeps over me. “I’ve already seen you naked.”

  “That was last night,” I say, like it’s the most practical thing in the world.

  His entire body stiffens, and Connor and Brad look back at him curiously.

  “Morning or night doesn’t matter.”

  I continue staring at him. Is he really just going to stay?

  He huffs and then strides toward the door, his big naked body mouthwateringly incredible. When he’s about to pass me, he turns toward me, yanks me into his arms, and kisses me.

  I’m limp against him when he finally pulls back, breathing hard, my head spinning.

  “We’ll talk downstairs.”

  I nod, and he steps away.

  It takes everything in me not to let my knees crumple. Damn that man knows how to kiss!

  The three men leave, closing the door behind them. I dress quickly, my mind spinning. Last night was incredible. I was on a Reaper high, but still, it was the first time since I died that I felt… well, alive. And happy.

  I freeze, thinking of my children and my husband.

  My eyes fill with tears, and I rub at them angrily. I’m supposed to move on from them, but moving on feels wrong. It feels like a betrayal.

  I’m a mess right now. I can’t possibly face the three men that confuse the hell out of me.

  I need to get out of here.

  Going to the window, I open it. The storm drain is right next to the window, and looks sturdy. I yank on it a couple times. Yeah, it could hold my weight. They’ll think I went down that way.

  The hell with it, I’d do anything to get out of here right now.

  Closing my eyes, I will myself into my new house.

  I appear in my bedroom, my head spinning. I’m still not used to traveling this way and it takes me a second to get my balance.

  Fuck, I need to eat, rest, and clear my head.

  Going to the bathroom, I run a shower and stand in it for far too long, letting the warm water rush over my flesh. I want the water to clear away the night, my guilt, and my unanswered questions.

  But unfortunately, it’s just water.

  Sighing, I scrub my hair and body with soap until I finally feel clean, then dress quickly. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I feel strangely empty. Strangely alone.

  But I don’t have to be.

  I tell myself I’ll just go for a second. Just long enough to see them. There’s nothing wrong with that. Right? No one even has to know.

  Closing my eyes, I teleport.

  Again, I’m standing on the familiar building in a town that was once my home. The cold surrounds me again and steals my breath. I don’t remember it being this cold, or maybe I was used to it.

  I move to the edge of the building and peer out, searching for any sign of my family. But our apartment? It’s empty.

  Panic uncurls in my belly. They were here yesterday. Where the hell could they be?

  My son. My daughter. My husband.

  They couldn’t have just disappeared!

  “I took care of it.”

  That voice again! I whirl around to see Drake beside me.

  “Where the fuck are they?” I shout, losing all control.

  Did he kill them? Punish them? The man didn’t have a heart. He was capable of absolutely anything.

  He stares back at me calmly. “Your husband was offered
a better job. Your children will start school at one of the best schools in the country. They’ll live in a beautiful house. They’ll have the dog they always wanted. They’ll have everything they could ever imagine.”

  Except for me.

  “Where are they?” I shout again, ignoring his answer that didn’t tell me anything I needed to know.

  Where’s my family? They need me! I need them!

  Drake's eyes turn back to me and his voice softens. “The Reapers are powerful, Jules. We took care of everything. We had to do it. It was what you needed."


  Rushing toward him, I pound my hands against his chest, tears streaming down my face. I need to see them. I need to watch them grow up. I need to know they’re safe.

  If I can’t… then, I’ve really lost them. Forever.

  “You couldn’t move on. I saw that. So I helped.”

  You’ve destroyed me. Taken the last part of my old life and snatched it away.

  I look at him through my tears. “I hate you so much.”

  He doesn’t speak for a long minute. “I know.”

  The wind whips around me, and I cry. Not little tears, but sobs that destroy me, tearing me apart. They would tear through my very soul, if I still had one.

  He awkwardly pats my shoulder. “You saved them. Do you understand me? You’re a hero. But most heroes… no one ever knows what they sacrificed. No one sees their scars. No one sees their tears. Yet, it doesn’t make their sacrifice any less real.”

  No, if this were a story, I wouldn’t be the hero. I’d be the villain.

  But there’s nothing I can do about it.

  Several minutes pass before I pull away from him, wipe at my eyes, and stare at the empty apartment. If Drake made this decision, nothing I say or do will change it.

  My hands are tied.

  “What do I do now?” I ask, broken.

  Drake stands beside me. “You find something to keep you going. Something to keep you living.” He takes a deep breath. “Or someone. I don’t really care which. But it needs to happen.”

  Because if I don’t, I’m not a good little Reaper in his clan. This isn’t about me. It’s about what’s best for him.


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