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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 18

by R. M. Walker

  The clock tolled eleven and I rallied all the strength I could muster.

  “We’re here, Elle,” Des said into my ear. “You got this.”

  I clawed at the edge of the ledge, gaining just enough of a purchase to bend the lever sideways, pulling it straight from the wall. It flew from my hand directly towards Angus’ balls, my life’s farewell gift.

  I fell.

  Sky and fireworks and wind roared past me as the lessening height tore through my entire body, flying out through my lungs in a scream. And then I crashed into something hard, and the dropping became... gliding. I twisted my eyes to make sense of the collision and found myself in James’ arms. We were floating.

  No – we were flying.

  “You’re super,” I said faintly, meaning it to be a question as the edge of the world slipped away.

  “You are too, Elle,” he said, kissing my forehead before everything went black.

  * * *

  Everyone always talks about break-up sex being the best. Clearly, they’ve never had God-you-saved-mankind, you-actually-don’t-hate-women sex, which was officially my new standard.

  “You were so unsurprised it was me,” I said, naked body pressed into the side of his as I propped myself up on an arm.

  James flipped his head over to me playfully, eyes narrowed. “You are the least subtle person on the planet, Elle.”

  I cleared my throat as his fingers stroked my skin mindlessly, leaving a trail of invisible shapes across my shoulders, breasts, neck.

  “I’m gonna have to fall off tall buildings more often,” I sighed happily.

  James laughed, the sound so pure and uninhibited that I needed a round two that second. I reached down and ran a finger across myself, gathering lubricant. My fingers moved to him, gliding easily along his cock. It grew in my hand as I twisted up and down its length, paying special attention to the sensitive tip.

  “I don’t think I can get enough of you right now,” I breathed, and he hummed in acknowledgment, lost in how I made him feel. I moved my mouth slowly to his hip bone, licking and kissing him, following the path of his happy trail. My lips wrapped around him, tongue rotating in slow, deliberate circles, as my nails grazed his balls.

  James shivered, and I squeezed one of his balls, massaging the thin skin between my fingers. No woman in the world finds herself willingly attracted to balls, and yet there is nothing that can compete with the look on a man’s face when his are touched. I took him deeper into my throat, bobbing up and down and sucking hard as I rose to the tip, giving him a little swirl of my tongue before diving back down on him.

  James jerked his hips up and sighed, unable to take the torment that was my expertise. I snaked the fingers of one hand up his stomach, playing with the hair that grew over his chest, drawing little circles into it with my fingertips until I found his nipples. I rubbed my palms against one and he clasped my hand, using it to draw me up to him. He took my jaw into his broad hand and leaned up, abs tightening, to meet my face. The kiss was long and hard, and he sucked my lower lip between his teeth before biting gently.

  I moaned in reply, and he pulled my hips onto him, taking his cock in his hand and directing it into me. I slid onto it slowly, terrified but emboldened.

  It filled me completely, and at the perfect angle. I moved up and down, setting hands on his chest and bouncing my hips. He gazed up at me in what I thought was awe. I was in awe, at least. So far so good – no broken bones. No broken boners.

  He reached around to grab my ass, wanting me to go harder. So I did. With growing confidence, I thrust against him, grinding my clit in circles against his pubic bone. I went as hard as I possibly dared, dropping my hands on either side of his body for a better angle.

  The bed frame snapped under the vigorous shift in weight. The mattress collapsed sideways and James burst into a fit of laughter. I loved the way it felt inside me, his laughter. He scooped me into his arms, pulling me down on top of him so that my head rested in the crook of his neck.

  “I have an idea,” he said, brushing my hair back from my face. He lifted his hips and began to drill into me. I wrapped my arms around the top of his head, breath jagged in his ear. Slowly, we began to rise higher and higher until we were floating a few feet above his bed, spinning as he thrust into me, kissing me gently.

  “...Flying sex?” I said, pushing him over so that I was on top again.

  “Less resistance,” James smiled from beneath me. “Have at it.”

  I did, and he was right. All this time, I’d just needed to date a flying man.

  As I came, his fingertips digging into my hips, his mouth slightly parted as he watched me shiver against him, I knew that this full-on O definitely would’ve caused an earthquake.

  * * *

  Somewhere between sleepy post-sex bliss and consciousness, James reached for his nightstand drawer. He withdrew the masquerade mask, and set it playfully on my face. “Who are you, strange woman in my bed?! Suddenly I don’t recognize you!”

  I laughed, moving the mask away and kissing him on the neck.

  “I’m still sorry I didn’t catch you after the ball,” he sighed. “Could’ve saved us a lot of confusion.”

  I smiled, placing a hand gently against his heart. “After tonight, I think it’s safe to say you caught me after all.”

  About the Author

  Jessa Lucas is the author of the romantic, twist-filled fantasy series TEMPTED KINGDOM, a fairytale mashup that follows one headstrong siren trying to break a curse, escape a tower, and take back her kingdom for good... all while juggling her five mysterious watchmen. Jessa’s favorite things are her two ferocious furbabies, slow mornings with a big cup of coffee, and running away to Paris whenever funds allow. She writes her heroes like she takes her coffee – tall, dark, and crafted with a little overindulgence in mind.

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  A Song in the Night (Tempted Kingdom 1) -


  A New Beginnings Short Story

  M Lizbeth

  To Pegs and Crystal, for keeping me focused and pushing me to finish this book when some life stuff was getting me down. Min Joon is for you, Pegs ;).



  I got the job! I tell my best friend, Kat, in a text, right before I toss my phone on my bed. Walking toward my closet, I unzip the side zipper of my black pencil skirt and shimmy it down over my hips, letting it hit the floor. Stepping out of it, I pick it up and throw it on the chair in the corner of my room just as I hear my phone ding.

  Smiling to myself, I head over and snatch it up, knowing who it's from.

  -Yes girl! Celebrate tonight?

  -I dunno girl, you know I'm more of a glass of wine and a good movie Friday night kinda girl.

  -Don't I know it. Not tonight though, we're going out and you're going to let me dress you up and maybe we can get you laid ;)

  -I wish. You know most guys don't even see me once they see you.

  -Bitch please, you just haven't met the right man, or men, to see how delicious your curves are.

  -Fine but I want to look HOT! Bring everything and do your magic on me.

  -You got it babe, see you around 5.

  God, I love that girl. We became best friends in a coffee shop one evening when it was pouring outside and my coffee had gone cold. My table had the only other open chair and after asking if the seat was open and making small talk, she watched me take a drink of my cold coffee and grimace. I remember her looking around, which I thought was odd at the time, and then said watch this. She moved her hand slowly toward the cup and in the matter of a minute my coffee was steaming. I looked up just in time to see the orange glow of her eyes dim. I didn't freak out like most norms do being around people with powers, so she stuck around and we just clicked. When we got up to go our separate ways, she g
rabbed my phone, called hers and we made plans to have a girls’ day the following weekend. We've been friends ever since.

  I look at the time and realize I have about thirty minutes to shower and change before she comes over to start getting us ready. I say us because I may be able to do the basic makeup, but I can't style my hair or do my eyebrows to save my life. Unlike Kat, who is my lifesaver for times like this.

  Shimmying out of the rest of my clothes, I throw them on the chair, grab my towel, and go take my shower.

  * * *

  An hour later, I'm sitting in front of my vanity while Kat is messing with my hair, completely spaced out. She had brought over a bottle of wine to pregame and I'm sipping on mine while I half listen to her talk about which club we should go to tonight. She knows that going out is not a regular thing for me, so we go big or go home basically.

  "Are you even listening to me?" She playfully tugs my hair at the question.

  "Honestly, not even a little bit," I retort, bringing my glass up to hide the smile on my lips.

  "Bitch," she gives me a playful smirk and goes back to doing my hair.

  "As I was saying, they're back in town and will be at Cloaked tonight."

  "Who's back?" I look at her in the mirror and she gives me her knowing smirk.

  "You can't fool me, I know you know exactly who I'm talking about. Let me tell them we're coming."

  "No, Kat, you know they only date other powers and I am not about to be a notch in their bedposts. Besides, don't they have a girlfriend by now? That miss uppity, perfect-tits bitch was all over them at your parents’ Christmas party and I walked in on them sharing her. Not an image I can get out of my head." God, that was hot to watch. Not her, her fake tits were not hot to watch stand still while they bounced her around them, but watching them fuck one girl, that had become my fantasy ever since I walked in on them. Of course I would never tell Kat that, but I swear she can tell and that's why she keeps pushing me toward them.

  "Bitch, please, you know you wanted that to be you and if you let me, I'll make you irresistible to them tonight." She pats my head, letting me know she's done with my hair but before I get the chance to look up at it, she spins my chair around.

  "If you make me spill this wine I will sit my ass in my reading chair and you can go out by yourself tonight, Kat," I tell her as I dramatically put two hands around my glass and hold it to my chest, giving her my best death stare.

  "No way in hell are you staying home tonight. But tell me, am I making you look like sex on a stick to get their attention or are we playing it safe tonight?" She gets down on my level and looks me square in the eye.

  "Remind me again why you keep trying to set me up with them. I'm a norm. You know powers and norms don't mix well." I look up at her with a sad face. My family had always treated me differently because I didn't have powers like the rest of them so that must make me defective.

  As if she could sense my thoughts, she gets down to my eye level and grips my chin. "Girl, get those thoughts out of your head. You are not defective; you are an amazing soul that lights up a room with her smile and her heart. I think they'd be good for you and you would certainly keep them on their toes. I know Mason puts on the asshole persona and you would put him in his place. Come to think of it, the angry sex between y'all would be hot as hell." She fans herself and we break out in laughter.

  After we pull ourselves together from our little laughing party, I look up at her and tell her to do it. She gives me a triumphant squeal and gets to work opening up her makeup case. I don't know why I'm feeling so confident but I do need to get laid and I'm tired of telling her no. Smiling as she tells me to shut my eyes, I bring up the last time I saw them.

  Lets just hope they don't remember me, because I'm pretty sure I ran out of there like my ass was on fire with someone's laugh chasing behind me.



  Well, well, well, I think to myself as I read Kat's text. Her little norm friend she's been bringing around the last couple of years is coming out to Cloaked tonight and Kat says she's looking hot. Damn, I remember her face when she walked in on us sharing that girl from last Christmas. I don't even remember the girl’s face but I do remember Lexi and I about blew my load right then and there when I saw the raw desire overcome her body as she watched us take the girl between us. Just thinking about it gets me hard and I have to adjust myself before my boys start ribbing me for getting hot over a memory.

  Mace laughed as she came to and ran from the room, convinced she'd never be able to handle us, but I saw that fire and want in her eyes. Maybe her mind didn't but her body sure wanted us, and she had a body made to handle us. She was short little thing but she had an ass and hips that made you want to grab on as you slammed into her from behind...

  "Yo, Rai, you ready, man? I want to get there before we get mugged by hot chicks!" Mason yells down the hallway.

  I smirk as I come out of my thoughts. If I know Kat, I know she's going to make Lexi looking like sex on a stick and Mason won't be able to resist. Maybe I should warn them, but I want to see their reactions when they realize who she is and see if they want her as much as I do. Kat says she's not intimidated by powers, nor is she one of those power groupies.

  This is going to be one amusing night, and maybe, just maybe, we'll get to take home the girl and have one hell of a night.


  Min Joon

  I'm sliding my silk shirt on when I hear Mace yell down the hall. I know he'll be calling my name if I don't hurry it up so I leave my shirt unbuttoned and use my power of speed to finish combing my hair and shut down all my computers. We just got back from taking down some rogue powers and were due to blow off some steam, but if I were being honest with myself, I'd much rather stay here and catch up on some reading. I'm not a club person but I do like sex and we made an agreement that when we pick up a girl, it's for all of us.

  I may look like a nerd but I'm a kinky fucker just like my brothers, and damn if watching them make a girl scream doesn't turn me the hell on. I like to watch more than participate. Don't get me wrong, I love feeling a girl’s pussy wrap tight around me as I make her cum but there's just something about watching her watching me that gets me so turned on. We want to find that one girl that we can share in the long run but most chicks just want the fantasy not the reality, which was fine for awhile, but now I'm getting tired of all these nameless faces. I want to come home to, or even go out with one woman that we get to keep, forever.

  Shaking my head back to reality, I sigh and go meet the guys in the living room. Chance is sitting on the couch playing some online DC game from the looks of it. He's kind of like me when it comes to wanting to stay in and chill instead of going out, but again, we share chicks, and it's almost tradition to come home from a job and blow off steam, AKA get laid.

  "You almost to a saving point, Chance?" I ask him as I walk past him into the kitchen to grab water. I always chug some water before we go out, I don't like drinking when I'm super dehydrated and I know we'll be drinking tonight.

  "Yea, I just finished a quest and saved so I'm good to go," he responds while getting up and placing his controller on its charging base. This is Chance’s room. We have a huge entertainment center with different gaming systems and their respective games on each self, a 65-inch TV mounted on the wall with sexy bombshell DC and Marvel posters on each side.

  We might have powers ourselves but that doesn't stop us from loving a good comic hero and those sexy as hell women in them. Damn, maybe we should role-play with a chick one night and have her dress up in some risqué outfit. I'd love to peel off some poison ivy leaves and get on my knees and lick her petals. I laugh at my own joke when I realize the guys are looking at me.



  "All done," Kat tells me as she twirls my chair around so I can get a look at myself. My teal hair is up in a faux hawk with braids coming in off the sides to give me a badass Viking woman look. Kat gave my eyes a simple look with a
killer wing and some vibrant red lips to match my kickass shoes I love to wear when we go out. Hot damn does my best friend do good work, I think to myself as I get up and go to my closet to pick out an outfit.

  "Uh, no way," she exclaims while picking up a bag off the floor and handing it to me.

  "No way what?" I look at her quizzically.

  "Girl, I love you but you told me I could dress you and dress you is what I'm going to do. So go get those killer heels and put this on. Chop chop, we have places to go and hot guys to see," she tells me with a wink and all but pushes me into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

  Peering into the bag, I shake my head.

  "Hell no, Kat, I am not looking like some two-bit skeazy slut. Why couldn't you bring me some sexy pants?" I yell through the door.

  "Because as hot as your ass is in sexy pants, you want them to notice you, right? Trust me, I will not have you looking like trash. Just put it on!" She yells back and I huff out a breath.

  "Fine, but if some rando weird creep grabs my ass, I'm blaming you when I punch them," I mutter back, pulling it out of the bag.


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