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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 31

by R. M. Walker

  “Let’s at least rest a bit. We need to satisfy certain… hungers before we can continue on, Izel. My jaguar has been pacing for the last three hours. It’s driving me nuts,” Acalon says, in a seductive yet annoyed voice. He feels the mating call just as bad as I do.

  “You want to fuck me in the woods?” I ask, with hands on my hips. My arousal can surely be scented from a mile away. I have been wet most of the day thinking about last night, or should I say, early this morning.

  “That’s exactly what I am saying, and the fact that you said ‘fuck’ makes me want you more,” he growls out as he takes measured steps toward me. He looks every bit the predator he is at this moment. I will never fear him, but, gods, does this make my pulse quicken.

  I start to back away, making him work for it when suddenly my hands are braced at my side while a firm body is pressed to my back. Tenoch is holding me still for his alpha, and I am inclined to stay still and see where this is going to lead. I erect a simple barrier around the three of us, encasing us all in a bubble of my own magic. Nothing can get through.

  Acalon smiles when he sees the pink glow of my magic covering us. Tenoch gently pushes me forward, pulling off my quiver and placing it on the jungle floor next to us. Acalon reaches us and grabs the hem of my tunic, pulling it off over my head, exposing my breasts to the cool night air. My nipples pucker in response, and I bow my body toward him. My arms wrap around his neck and I jump into his embrace. He catches me with ease and cups my ass, holding me in place. I grind myself against him and let out a low moan. His large body fits my smaller one perfectly.

  He walks us over to where Zolin is standing, leaning against a huge ceiba tree with its trunk wrapping around us like a shield. We are in our own little corner. Dropping me down for a moment, Acalon bends over to take my pants off. He kisses a trail up my legs to my soft core, while Zolin reaches around, and grasps my breasts. I feel worshipped, like a goddess of the jungle. Opening my eyes, I look for Tenoch, who has taken residence on one of the tree trunk bends, his hand wrapped around his cock. My heart picks up its pace as I get all the feelings through the bonds of my three mates. They are all so aroused and ready to please me, and the mere knowledge of that makes me come all over Acalon’s mouth.

  “You are otherworldly, Izel. I’m so hard watching Acalon eat that glorious pussy. Your breasts fit perfectly in my hands. I can’t wait to fuck you from behind, as you swallow Acalon’s cock. Are you ready for us? Ready to come all over my dick?” Tenoch growls in my ear. His words send an excited shiver up my body, and I don’t think I could possibly be more turned on than I am right now.

  “Yes, I want to feel you inside of me. All of you. I want you all inside of me at the same time,” I whisper into the night air.

  “When we return home, we will make sure you are worshipped in every way. Right now we need to do this quick and rough, to settle our jaguars,” Zolin says. Acalon’s tongue is still expertly swirling circles around my clit. Reaching down, I grab his hair in my hands and start to massage his scalp encouraging him to go faster and harder. Fingers plunge into me, and I scream out in ecstasy. Fucking me harder, he increases the speed of his tongue. When he can feel me get to the edge, he creates a seal around my clit with his mouth and sucks. I come instantly, gripping his fingers with the walls of my pussy.

  “Oh, my gods, Acalon!” I call out, into the night. Being out in the jungle with my mates is pure bliss. I am quickly thrust forward as soon as Acalon stands. Tenoch spreads me wide and enters my dripping pussy. His large size makes me squeeze my eyes shut in such exquisite pain. He begins to move, and I open them again so I can see Acalon’s dick before he enters my mouth. I lick my lips and look up at him. His jaguar eyes are ablaze. They seem to sparkle and glow as I take him into my mouth, sucking and licking. Tenoch isn’t gentle in his movements. I am thrust forward and have to brace myself on Acalon’s huge, muscular thighs.

  “You look magnificent filled up. I can’t wait till later to taste your sweet pussy again when we get back home. But for now, I am going to come all over your ass as Tenoch fucks you. Would you like that, our sweet little witch? The feel of me spurting my hot seed all over that beautiful, round ass of yours?” Zolin says, his hands travel up and down my back while Tenoch rams into me, and I suck Acalon’s cock. I moan out my approval with a guttural hum, which makes Acalon buck into my face.

  “Fuck, Izel,” he groans, and places his hands in my hair, as I did to him. I feel like I am on fire, the heat of all these men surrounding me. Tenoch tenses behind me, and I feel him pulse inside. This makes me growl in contentment, as I feel hot liquid splatter across my ass to add to the fluids, I have running down my legs. This feels so fucking amazing. Acalon comes in my mouth, leaving a salty and bitter taste on my tongue. I swallow him down, claiming him as he did me.

  Finished and spent, I stand up and let the night air cool down my hot skin. There is a flush all over me, and I feel so fucking powerful in this moment. I conjure a rain cloud in our little corner of the tree and look up as the water rushes down around us, washing away the evidence of our lovemaking. I get sweet kisses all over as we do the best, we can to get clean. I dry off our bodies and clothes with a warm wind I cast, and we dress right away.

  I counter the barrier spell, and we take off again looking for anything that will lead us to the witches. The jungle is awake at night, all of the nocturnal animals calling out to each other. The trees create an eerie canopy blocking out moonlight in certain parts.

  Walking past the river that is south of the town, I notice an imprint in the dirt that wasn’t there the last time we patrolled. It’s a small indent that looks like it could be from a boot. I quickly run over to examine it better.

  “What is it, Izzy?” Zolin asks, coming up behind me, and looking around for danger. I can feel the alertness of all three men. Something isn’t right here.

  “See the way the ground dips here? When we were over here before this wasn’t like this. I think it could be a boot or paw print,” I explain. Looking closer to the river, I can see the earth is disturbed again. I jump down the hill toward the riverbed. The current has washed away most of it, but there are definitely drag marks. Someone was here.

  “Guys get down here. I think we have something!” I shout. All three of them land gracefully next to me. I begin to pace back and forth, looking to see if I can find the direction the drag marks go. It appears to be going into the water but from where? All of a sudden there is a rustle in the water, and the current breaks with a splash. The head of a giant crocodile pops up. At first, you can only see eyes, but as he comes toward the shore, his jaws and massive teeth become visible. I have never seen one this big, and up close before. They usually wait for their prey to enter the water or at least stay near the shore.

  A shimmer of magic coats the air, and the crocodile turns into this impossibly huge man. He is fully clothed with long black hair, and skin the color of sepia. His eyes glow a deep green, and I am mesmerized in an instant. This man is beautiful.

  “Hello,” he states simply. I hear three impressive growls behind me, and see that Zolin has shifted, and both Acalon and Tenoch have their guns trained on the stranger.

  “Hi,” I say, with little concern. His magic seems to mirror my own. I can tell he is super powerful, but I don’t feel malice or taste evil on my tongue. Black magic always tastes bitter.

  “I see you have come to find the missing witches.” he states while walking toward us. Zolin’s muscles ripple, and I can see him about to jump at the croc. I pull on the bond between us and send him reassurance through it. He needs to trust me.

  “We are. They are from my coven. I am Izel, Protector of the Moonbeam,” I say, extending my hand out to him. He clasps my hand inside his, and the power surge that bursts forth causes the night to light up. My pink magic glows and mixes with his green. A chill is spread through my body, and I extract my hand from his grasp. I can feel how uncomfortable the guys are, but they respect the fact that I know wha
t I am doing.

  “Mazatl, Shaman and the last crocodile shifter left in my tribe. The wolves are upsetting the balance, and the Queen is quite annoyed,” he explains. He seems a bit shocked by the power shift that just happened.

  “Queen? What Queen?” I ask, curious as to who this man works for, and who he is. I haven’t heard of a Queen in this area in a very long time.

  “The Dark Queen, Lucifer. She is the monarch of the UnSeelie Court. It lies very far north from here, but the wolves — they’re messing with the magic of Faerie. She wants it stopped,” he says, with a bit of a smile on his face. You can tell that he enjoys his job. “The question is, Izel, if that is your intention as well?”

  “If you mean, do we intend to see the wolves dead?” I ask, and he nods his head. “Then, yes. I plan to decimate every last one of them.”

  “Good, no need to kill you four then,” he says, with a smirk. Acalon bristles beside me and takes a step forward. He is ready for a fight.

  “Never talk to my mate like that again,” he warns. His jaguar eyes have come out, and the tension in the air builds.

  “Relax, jaguar. I mean her no harm. I only wished to know your motives. Now that I know they align with mine, I will not have to take measures to remove you from the situation,” he replies. His body language is at ease, but there is something in the air. His magic is so strong, I can feel the remains of it.

  Zolin shifts back into his human form and my three guys create a human barrier behind me. It is good that they are going to let me take the lead on this. I am filled with joy and respect at this moment. They understand what I need from my mates. I consider the pros and cons of working with this croc. He seems to have his own agenda, but we could utilize his expertise on the situation. I am desperate to find my coven mates. It’s worth taking the chance, if I can save their lives.

  “If you’d be willing, we’d be interested in a partnership until the wolves are caught. My town isn’t too far from here, and we can offer food and shelter until the job is done,” I say, with eagerness. I feel like Mazatl is going to be the missing key to finding the witches.

  “Agreed. I think that between our magic we can find them. I sense you are quite powerful. Did you know you’re half Fae?” he asks. I can feel the confusion down the bond. The guys couldn’t have sensed it.

  “Yes, my father was Fae. My mother a witch. Her last dying words were to tell me the truth. It’s what makes my magic a seven,” I say. Turning to the guys I give them a sympathetic look. I was going to tell them, but our mating was so fast. “I’m sorry I didn’t mention it before now. I had all intentions of giving you my background after we got rid of the wolves.”

  Tenoch steps up alongside of me and grabs my hand. “We don’t care what or who you are. We are mates, now and forever. Trust in that. Trust in us, and we will follow you through this life, and into the next,” he whispers to me. I pull back from our hug and place a chaste kiss on his mouth. His lips are soft on mine, and a spark of something flares to life in my belly.

  “Did you come to the riverbed because you saw something?” Mazatl asks.

  “Yes, I saw the imprint of some drag marks that led into the water; just over there,” I say, pointing to where he came out of the water. “I don’t know why they would be that close to the water, but maybe they thought it would hide the marks better?”

  “No, they dragged her over here, so that she could be eaten. There are non-shifter crocodiles in this river, and they were hungry. I came upon it too late. I am sorry,” he says, apologetically. He seems genuinely sorry.

  My shock and anger are filling me up. My magic wants to release my fury on someone. “Was she alive when she was eaten?” I ask, looking at him, and hoping the answer is no.

  “Yes, but she was too far gone. She didn’t survive the change well. She was deformed and screaming incoherent things. She wouldn’t have lived anyway,” he explains.

  This does not make me feel any better. They made her into what she was and then killed her with a brutal death. My determination to find these men has increased tenfold. “Do you have any idea where to start looking?” I ask. “Mazatl. They must be stopped.”

  He looks around like he’s thinking about how to phrase what he needs to say. I feel his magic start to form, and then his eyes glow that impossible green. His pupils form slits, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up with the strength of his magic. “They are hiding in plain sight. Use your Fae powers to see the protection spell hiding the building they are using,” he says, with a deeper voice. His shaman abilities must allow him to see through the spell. “There must be a witch helping them, wolves can’t perform magic,” I exclaim. Looking at Tenoch, I turn and ask, “Did you find anything when you were pretending to clean the kitchen?”

  “I didn’t find anything concrete to lead us to a particular trader in your coven. It’s possible, especially since this new information has come to us, but we can’t be sure,” he replies, with sympathy. He knows this would be crushing to me. I feel betrayed, even if we don’t know for sure, and my anger takes on a new level.

  “Yes, now let your Fae magic come forward, and see past the spell,” he says, turning his back on us, and walking further down the riverbed.

  I reach inside myself to where my Fae-half lives. It’s such powerful magic that I hardly use it. Fae magic is wild and Faerie responds to it more than my witch powers. It’s raw power that took a long time to learn how to control and it scares the fuck out of me.

  My pink magic begins to glow and fills the forest with an eerie light. I can feel the energy run throughout my body, reaching out into the darkness, and searching for the barrier. Mazatl turns to me with a shocked expression. His power mingles with mine, and I can feel how powerful we could be together. We could be unstoppable. But he isn’t my mate. He’s something else. A teacher, a confidant. Someone who could show me how to use all this Fae magic.

  “Let the power go, it will seek out the barrier,” he says.

  “I can’t unleash it. It is too unpredictable, and I don’t want to hurt anyone,” I reply, nervous about what it would mean to let it go.

  “My magic will contain it, and when all this is over, I am going to show you how to wield it better. A Fae such as yourself, regardless if it’s only half, should be confident in your strength. You have such great power,” he says, looking at me with awe. His face shows sadness, and I am not sure why this would make him sad.

  Without any further hesitation, I let it go. All that magic and power released into the world. It’s like a blast of pink light, and then green mixes with it, encasing it in a bubble. The magic shoots out and makes its way forward. It flows through the trees twisting and turning. I jog to keep pace with it, jumping over underbrush and making sure I don’t stumble on random tree roots. The thick jungle stops up ahead, and a large clearing is visible. We’re at the border of coven land. Just beyond that clearing is the Starlight Coven’s forest.

  The magic suddenly shoots upward and explodes into a million tiny sparkles. It looks like a fireworks display. It’s amazingly pretty, and yet could be so dangerous. The little specks of magic soon form over a barrier that is encasing a building, one that shouldn’t be here. A grey square structure, with several windows and four turrets at the top of each corner. It looks like it is made out of some sort of stone, but it’s something I have never seen before.

  “What is this place?” Acalon asks, looking up at the barrier in wonder. I am a bit impressed myself. This is literally right in our backyard.

  “This is where they are housing the witches that have been taken. There should be a portal here somewhere. They are sending in supplies, and bringing humans back and forth from Earth,” Mazatl says.

  “Your Queen sent you to find out about the portals, didn’t she?” I ask, with raised eyebrows. I am expecting a lie to come out of his mouth, but I only get the truth.

  “The Queen wants out of Faerie and is looking for any means possible. I was sent here to find o
ut how they are getting the humans in and out. I think we’ve just found the answer,” he says, pointing to the far side of the building. A swirl of colors appears, and the air is cut in half. Two people step through carrying a box of some sort. They go to the back of the building, and a guard lets them in. The portal closes behind them — like it was never here. No one has noticed our magic, or us standing at the tree line.

  “This means you were never here to help the witches? You tricked us,” I accuse. He is using me for my magic.

  “Yes, I have never hidden my intentions from you, you didn’t bother to ask what my true intentions were. We are helping each other, you get your witches, and I gain access to the portals,” he explains. I hate his reasoning, but then I think about the witches. The Protector in me prevents me from rejecting his offer. He knows he has me in the tough spot.

  “Does the barrier prevent them from seeing outside as well?” I ask, swallowing my pride.

  “Yes, it’s like being in a totally soundproof room. It is good for secret keeping, the witch who cast this was a friend before she joined the enemy. I can see her magical signature all over it,” he says, with a sad glint in his eye. They must have been good friends if he seems this upset, and this can also mean only one thing.

  “Then this isn’t the work of one of my coven mates; it’s an outside witch. We were wrong,” I declare. He nods his head in agreement. This relieves a huge weight on my shoulders.

  “So how do we get in? It’s not like we can just walk through,” Tenoch asks, taking a step forward, and placing a hand on the barrier. My magic responds and runs up his arm. He shutters at the contact.

  “We have to break the barrier first, and then we need to breach the building. While you and I could take down the barrier, we won’t have enough energy left to fight. We need more witches,” Mazatl says.

  Knowing when to fight and when to flee, I see the logic in his explanation. We don’t know how many wolves are in there, or the condition of the witches, and we need to make sure that we can win this. Going in hot-headed and blind isn’t the way.


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