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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 49

by R. M. Walker

  After all, Geron was mine and I was his.


  About the Author

  Nikki Landis is an award-winning and Amazon bestselling author of paranormal, sci-fi, and reverse harem romance.

  She lives in Ohio with her husband and amazing family.

  In her spare time she enjoys watching sunsets and curling up with a good book.

  Nikki loves to hear from readers.

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  An Earth Evolved Novella

  Ann Swan


  The Major

  “Were the tax forms dropped off at the accountant's office?”

  Across the room, my pretty little assistant punches at the screen in her hands a few times. “Yes, Ms. Day. I also ordered some necessary upgrades to the manual security. Last week was a bit of a fiasco,” Claire answered. She was gorgeous in that golden blonde way, but without the usual bitch that went with it. I relaxed backwards in my chair a little, letting my legs spread wide. Business was good here at the Cage.

  She stood there, totally unfazed by the man in the green cape and mask on all fours greedily licking my slit from top to bottom, waiting for me to give him permission to suck my throbbing clit.

  I spared him a glance. His eyes eagerly met mine, and I could see the hopeful anticipation there that I’d give him his bounty. Big mistake, mister. I wagged a finger at him and tsked. Never let a former villainess know when you really want something. She’s sure to make an effort to keep it from you.

  Turning my attention back to Claire, she rolled her eyes and mouthed the word “men” at me. I shook my head at her and twirled a finger at my temple, the sign for crazy, and mouthed the word “heroes” back at her. It was a long-standing joke between us, but since we’d opened the Cage five years ago, we’d probably seen every kind of crazy this side of the universe.

  I stood suddenly, a wet smacking sound coming from Major’s lips as they disengaged from my cunt. I paused to press a heeled boot to his back, grinding hard into the muscles around his spine until I heard a grunt of pain from him. I’m sure if I cared to check, his cock would be rock-hard and as thick as a baseball bat. I didn’t care though, not really.

  Major was not here for pleasure. Major was here for the same thing all the other heroes and villains alike came to the Cage for. To let go. To give control to someone else, and ultimately, to allow themselves to be out of control.

  “Stay there until I tell you to move... and don’t touch yourself. You do not have my permission.” I pulled the heel out of his back.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” I nodded, but he couldn’t see me, not like that was my problem. I was confident he’d kneel there all night if I left him. Always such an eager beaver, that Major. So straitlaced while running missions in Poppytown and working with injured vets. So needy when he came crawling to me, dying inside with the weight of it all.

  It was the same with so many of the Supers we serviced. Repressed, depressed, and suppressed—a powder keg of unfulfilled desires and needs that no one could help them with. That is, no one except me.

  I walked over to Claire in my heeled boots and corset, naked from the waist down—unless you counted the liberal coating of saliva and arousal on my thighs.

  “Wait!” she yelped at me, scooting back from the white line painted on the floor of my office, holding up her electronic pad. “Can’t you rein it in a little?” I fucking hated being told to wait, but I also didn’t want to have to pay for another replacement pad, so I just scowled while she opened a nearby locker that would save it from my dampening field, my super power. I didn’t always short them out, but it happened often enough to piss me off.

  I gave her a long, pointed look. “I could, but I don’t feel like it. I’m working.” A click and audible buzz told me her items were secured, so I stepped over the safety line and grabbed a thick folder of papers from her. “Why do you even bring that stupid thing in here?”

  “You’re cute when you get that little angry wrinkle between your eyes.” Claire poked toward my face with the capped end of her pen. I batted her away. “Oh yeah. Just like that. Gimme some sweet wrinkle, baby.” She dissolved into giggles, hunching over her armload of files and snorting in a way that was totally contrary to her looks. There weren’t many people who could stand up to me in personality, or in powers, but Claire did. It’s why we made such great partners. She was just so naturally sunny in disposition and ruthless in business, we balanced each other out.

  “All right, stop your shit and tell me what needs my signature.” We were fifty-one to forty-nine percent partners on everything, with me getting that extra one percent since the business depended on my powers to run. Claire indicated a number of green-colored flags poking out of the thick contracts telling me where I should sign, and I juggled the papers for a moment, trying to do it in the air, before realizing how stupid that was. “One sec.” She nodded.

  Crossing back over the line, I strode past the Major and over to the red leather couch. Bound hand and foot, with a black ball gag in place, was the Lieutenant. He’d been the Major’s sidekick for a number of years, but his biggest fantasy was seeing the Major as a submissive. To watch his boss eagerly begging to lick the bottom of my shoe or taking lashes for permission to please me while his own cock throbbed an angry purple red of neglect—oh yes, those were the things that turned Lieu on. Taking care of them both at the same time was very little work for twice the money, and I loved it.

  Leaning down, I licked a trail along the leather gag restraint to his ear and whispered, “Watch this, you’ll love it.” I felt a tremor in his taut limbs and watched as a spurt of precum glistened in the light, joining the veritable puddle of the stuff he’d accumulated this session.

  Walking back over to the Major, I knelt slowly, flipping his cape up and over his head and exposing his naked back. I allowed masks and capes in the Cage’s playrooms, but nothing else. I didn’t want to be responsible for damaged suits. Those things were fucking expensive.

  “Turn.” I gave the command and then reached above the seven-pointed clover insignia that was his power mark, and pulled on his thick brown hair. I kept pulling his body in the direction I needed until his nice and firm, but slightly hairy, ass was pointed at Lieu. I bent and slapped his ass as hard as I could from this angle, enjoying his jump in anticipation. “Spread your knees.” He did so eagerly, and my glance toward his sidekick told me the view was much appreciated. Let’s see if I could get him to come without ever laying a finger on him.

  “All right, Major Disappointment.” I smacked the heavy papers down onto his back. “Would you like to pleasure me now?” I asked sweetly.

  The cape covering his head bobbed up and down, and then he spoke, “Yes, please Ma’am. I would love to bring you pleasure.” I spared a glance for Claire who stood quietly by the door, looking bored. She didn’t get the thrill I did, from not only holding sway over these titans I’d fought against for my entire career as arguably the most famous villainess ever, but to make them pay me to render them helpless and see to my pleasure? Well, that was the biggest heist I believe I ever pulled, and totally legal.

  I reached back with my left hand and quickly ripped the rubber band I’d wrapped around his straining cock and balls off. He gasped, then ate the sound, since he was only allowed to make sound when I allowed it. “Well, that’s too bad then. I have work to do right now and can’t be bothered with your pitiful needs. I want you to reach back with your right hand and stroke yourself, slowly. Whe
n you think you’re going to come, stop and tell me. You may begin.”

  He didn’t complain, and I felt the soft wobble of his body as he stroked his oversensitive shaft, while I read through the contracts to purchase the building on the other side of the Cage. I wanted to expand our rooms and services, and mid-level masochists, like the Major, were paying for my success. I made a note to tell Claire her signature line was missing when I heard heavy breathing coming from the couch, and the push of flesh against leather. A few more moments and Lieu would be spent, and then I could wrap this session up.

  I drug out the last few signatures as the Major grunted and groaned, trying too hard not to get to the precipice of release. I’d never seen a man so bent on frustration, but I didn’t kink judge. Muscles bunched and shaking, he finally called out his surrender, quivering and fighting to hold back the tide of orgasm.

  “Ma’am- I’m... almost...” He slapped his right hand back down onto the ground as if it might need to be shackled away from his dick in order to behave. I slid the papers into the folder and then ran a jet-black fingernail down his back. I followed the natural progression between his round ass cheeks, and tickled his puckered asshole, then across his taint until I slid my hand firmly around his swollen and purpled balls.

  He sucked in a breath, and I could feel him shaking his head no. “Oh, you don’t want this?” More shaking. I doubted he could speak at all right now without begging further. The huffing breaths behind me turned quickly into soft moans. Almost there.

  Finger by finger I wrapped my left hand around his shaft, slowly closing my fist, and then millimeter by millimeter I dragged my tightly wrapped hand down his dripping cock.

  “No.” The word was a whimper, a plea that squeaked out quietly from under the green cape of shame. Now he’d done it. We were near the finish line, and my victory was close.

  I stroked him viciously. “Did you just tell me no? Your Mistress?” No response save the choking moans of Lieu nearing his own climax. “Answer me, submissive. Did you tell me no?”

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am.” I wasn’t sure if he was crying or choking on the massive load of cum he must be hoarding with all that disgusting restraint. If I had more time, I’d wipe his tears and jerk him off with those instead.

  “I’m sorry too,” I whispered gently, pumping him steadily now, feeling his body tensing and his power vibrating against my null shield. The loss of control that he both hated and craved so much was near. “I’m sorry you won’t be allowed to pleasure me this time, since you’ve been so naughty.” A cry of release from behind me was my cue, and I let go of the Major’s—ahem—major appendage just as it was beginning to ready itself for the big finale.

  He shook like a thoroughbred after the Kentucky Derby, sweating and exhausted, and I patted his head through the cape, wiping the sticky precum that coated my hand off on it. Rising to my feet with the finished contracts I paused for a moment, thinking of a suitable punishment. It was all part of the game, but I still needed to have my fun too.

  “Major. If you truly want to please me and show me how good you’ll be next time, clean Lieu up for me with your mouth before you untie him.” The younger man on the couch woke from his post-coital haze, his cock springing to attention before I’d even finished the sentence.

  I chuckled, grabbing my short silk robe off the back of the chair and breezed out of the office.

  “Give them five minutes, then barge in to tell them they’ve taken too long and I’ll be very angry. Make sure you sanitize my couch, please,” I told Gaston, the butler who attended to my office and the VIP playroom next door.

  “Oui Madame.” My favorite words.

  Claire took the contracts and handed me a bottle of chilled water after I belted the robe. I always had dry mouth after a denial session for some reason. “You, my friend, are an artist.”

  Smiling with the smug satisfaction that only comes from knowing with absolute surety that you are the best, badass bitch on Earth, I winked at her. “Well, duh.”



  “You want to catch dinner with me tonight?” Claire sat on the edge of the massive infinity tub in my private apartment bathroom, popping bubbles with the end of her pencil. We had no boundaries, or at least we didn’t used to.

  I trailed a sudsy finger over her deliciously crossed thighs; they were an impenetrable fortress unless you knew the secret entrances. I reached out, lower, to tickle the back of her knee and she squealed a bit breathlessly. “Do you mean actual dinner, or do you miss me?”

  I felt her tense, then release a breathy sigh. “I can’t really miss you when I spend sixty hours a week with you, you know?” I pulled my hand back into the water, and she relaxed again.

  “Okay then. Just dinner, and no dessert.” I waggled eyebrows, then poured lavender scented soap onto the pouf I’d been washing with, turning my back to her. “If you’re going to be Miss Professional, then can you wash the merchandise? I mean, I’d hate to get a bad Yelp review.”

  We both burst out laughing. The only people that publicly reviewed boudoirs and whorehouses were either desperate for people to think they were having sex so they left all five stars with vivid descriptions of their own prowess, or were religious fanatics who left all one stars with threats of hellfire and damnation. Either way, we’d found the old adage, that no publicity was bad publicity, to be true. Our clientele was ninety percent Super, but we had a waiting list over six months long for those other ten percent worth of spots.

  I melted under her touch, she knew how to melt me better than anyone. She was only scrubbing my back, but her hands were sure as she pushed hard into the tense spots and trailed lightly over the sensitive areas. I felt the pouf make gentle circles over the large crossed out zero on my back and I shivered involuntarily—the power symbol had appeared long after the day my abilities arrived, contrary to everyone else’s.

  After Claire and I had opened the Cage together, we’d quickly fell into a FWB relationship. Those first two years, we’d both lived in rooms on the top floor as we renovated the old five story building. It had been a massive undertaking, especially with the need to add so much additional shielding to protect the electrical necessities from me, and to add rooms to accommodate some Supers’ abilities, should I not be there to stop them. There had been no time for anyone outside of the business except each other, and when we hadn’t fallen asleep at our desks, we’d more than likely end the day wrapped around one other.

  Several times we’d fucked in front of a particular villain whose power was seduction. Women threw themselves at him faster than he could push them away, so what he really needed was to be made to sit on his hands and watch.

  “Ahem. Getoutofthetub.” She fake coughed into her elbow, tossing the pouf into the tub with me and standing. I had a glorious upskirt view of her long, bare legs and a hint of red panty. “Just dinner. Lupita’s, at eightish?” I climbed out of the water, naked and dripping. She didn’t even spare me a glance. Hmpfh.

  “Since when do we do girls' dinner at Lupita’s? You hate Mexican food.” I grabbed the jar of buttery cream off the counter, which was next to the mason jar full of mixed black and white beads, and began to apply it liberally all over. With the amount of times I had to shower or bathe a day, I’d be as scaly as a snake if I didn’t moisturize.

  “Since Diego will be coming.”

  Arghh. “You know I hate it when you call them by their people names.”

  “Oh, come on, Fara. I’ve been seeing him for eight months now. It’s time you get to know him.”

  “I knew there was a catch. I already got to know him when I was shoving an icy dildo up Fuego’s ass. Very well. I currently know everything I need to know about him.” I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my short black hair, then marched into the closet.

  Claire pinched the bridge of her nose. “This is very important to me, Fara, okay? I thought you understood that I can’t... share you anymore.”

  I grabbed clothe
s off a hanger at random, shoved my legs into dark jeans, and scowled at her. “It was never sharing. They were the job, you were... something for me.” I pulled on the top in my hands, getting tangled in it while I raged.

  “Hey, hey. Hold on.” I felt her cool hands pull it back up my arms, then turn it around. “You had it backwards.” I yanked it down and turned away from her placating look. “I don’t want to fight with you again over this. It’s an old argument—”

  “Yeah, and one we never seem to finish,” I interjected, moving to the makeup table. Claire walked up behind me, and I saw her face. This trying to have a normal relationship thing was big for her, and I could never stand to be Null with her. For Claire, and Claire alone, I was Fara Day. I bit back the hateful, angry things I wanted to say and instead went with, “Okay. I give in. I’ll have dinner with you and... your friend.” I wasn’t about to fucking call him Diego, and besides, he’d be gone in a few months anyway and then it would be just Claire and I again.

  All I needed to do was weather the storm.

  She clapped her hands like a small, excited child and hugged me from behind. “Great, yay! You’re gonna love him Faby Cakes. You just have to turn off the job for a little while.” I stood looking at my reflection. Jeans, wine colored blouse, minimal makeup. Good.

  “Can’t turn it off yet. I still have a six o’clock appointment with that new Supe, Tremor.” She reached into her pocket for the paper printout of my schedule she kept for when she was near me.


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