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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 53

by Cami Checketts

  “Who are you?” she asked, trying to break the men’s hold. Her heart was racing out of control, and cold sweat pricked at her neck. Griff! He was too far away to come for her.

  “Gilberto Rodriguez.” He gave her a toothy grin. “And you, Scarlett Lily, have the honor of being my queen.”

  “Sutton killed you,” she gasped out. This was the man who had offered a million dollars for her? What would he do with her now? How was he not dead?

  “Ah, Sutton Smith. Very smart of you to involve the enigma in your protection. But I outsmarted him. My double has been at my home, waiting for Sutton Smith’s men to arrive, since I put the million-dollar reward out for you.”

  Scarlett’s jaw dropped and she was sure she looked like a caricature with her eyes wide. This man had outsmarted Sutton and Griff.

  “I am too smart for any of the American cowboys. I have hidden funds worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and you and I will spend as many years as we want on a private island that no one knows I own. I will have to manage my affairs in Columbia, but I can do that all remotely. The million-dollar bounty didn’t work out because you disappeared so quickly, but I knew as soon as my double was killed you’d reappear. Coming personally for you was more work than I wanted, but you’re worth it, and I know you’ll make it up to me.” He leered at her. “So, my love, are you ready to go fulfill your destiny?”

  Scarlett let out a disbelieving grunt. “No,” she said shortly. “I am not your queen, and I’m going nowhere with you.”

  “I’m sorry, love, but I’ve always known you were meant for me. You’ve been in my future, simply waiting for me to come for you.” He spread his hands benevolently and his smile never left his face, though his dark eyes were chillier than the wind in Island Park. He snapped his fingers. “Let’s go.” He walked through her living area and kitchen toward her mudroom.

  Scarlett struggled to free herself, twisting and pulling. She didn’t think they’d kill her after doing so much to kidnap her so she tried to delay them taking her away. Fighting with everything in her the men struggled to gain control of her flailing limbs. When they almost had her pinned, she dropped to the ground and tried to yank free, but the men lifted her up, pinned her between them, and hurried after their boss.

  Terror made her stomach churn. Would Griff be able to find her? If anyone could, Griff could, but how could she leave him a trail to follow when she didn’t know where they were taking her? Would her security cameras pick something up? She’d always felt so safe in her house, but these men had bypassed her security just like that other man and Griff had days ago. It seemed years had passed since Griff had reappeared in her life.

  They dragged her through her garage and out a side entrance. Normally exterior lights lit up this area, but the spot was dark. She could hear the waves crashing on the beach below her house, but no sounds of a vehicle or help approaching. If she somehow escaped this Gilberto creeper, she was definitely changing security companies.

  “Help!” she screamed, praying someone would be walking on the beach or the security who kept failing her would be making the rounds of the neighborhood. “Hel—” Her second scream was cut off as one of the men clamped his hand over her mouth.

  “Mario? Carlos?” Gilberto’s harsh whisper came from the bushes next to her house.

  Scarlett’s captors stopped, pinning her tightly. She squinted to make Gilberto out in the dark and finally could see him bent low over two prostrate bodies.

  Her fear increased, but then she realized that if those were Gilberto’s men, maybe help had come. She tried to scream again, but the man’s hand was too tight over her mouth.

  A large black shadow appeared behind Gilberto and drove an elbow between the mafia lord’s shoulder blades, and he flattened on top of his men without much more than a “whump.”

  The man straightened, and Scarlett peered into the darkness. “Let her go and I might let you live,” his gruff voice said.

  Griff! Happiness and hope made her feel light, even though the men hadn’t released her.

  One man shoved her against the other. He leveled his gun on Griff. Griff flew straight at him.

  “No!” Scarlett yelled as she strained against her captor. Using the man as leverage, she jumped and kicked the other man’s hand. Her foot connected with flesh. The pistol went off.

  Griff rammed into the guy and knocked him to the ground. He pounded his fists into the man’s face until the guy was limp.

  The man holding Scarlett clasped her tighter, one arm around her neck, one around her shoulder. Griff stood slowly, looking like the toughest hero she’d ever seen. His muscles rippled and he was the perfect mix of serious and protective. It was obvious he was going to thump this guy, and it was obvious he loved Scarlett.

  The psycho mafia guy was still holding her tight. He was close to her height, but much stronger than her. She couldn’t budge in his grip.

  Griff focused in on the guy. “Let her go,” he said in a steely tone.

  “I break her neck,” the man muttered. He grasped her chin with one hand and her shoulder with the other.

  “No!” Griff roared, throwing himself at them.

  Scarlett’s stomach plunged with horror, but she had been in too many action shows to not know what to do. She brought her heel up, hard, and it landed right between the man’s legs. His grip on her faltered as he howled in pain. She slipped to the ground and rolled away just as Griff barreled into the guy. The man’s head slammed against the concrete and he went still immediately.

  Griff jumped off of him and whirled to her. “Scarlett?” His voice was shaky and smaller than she’d ever heard.

  “I’m okay,” she managed, pushing to her feet.

  She hadn’t even stood before Griff was scooping her up and into his arms. “Oh, love, oh, Jane,” he kept repeating over and over as he tenderly held her as if she would break.

  A few vehicles raced up to the house and men popped out of them. Scarlett clung to Griff, praying these weren’t more of the mafia guys. Yet Griff could best anyone, so she didn’t know why she even worried.

  The men, and one small woman, strode up to the house. Scarlett recognized Sutton Smith and Jasmine, Griff’s sister-in-law. Sutton’s men started checking the men on the ground. Sutton strode up and reached out to the two of them. Griff set her on her feet and kept one arm around her as she and Griff each shook Sutton’s hand.

  “See why you were the ace for this job?” Sutton asked, tilting his head toward the men Griff had dismantled.

  “The other Gilberto was a phony,” Griff said.

  “Looks like it,” Sutton agreed.

  “How did you get here so fast? How did you know something was wrong?” Scarlett asked Griff.

  “I drove twenty miles over the speed limit the whole way,” Griff said.

  “Just wanted to be with me?”

  Griff bent and kissed her. “Yes, love, I did.”

  Jasmine whistled long and low, but they both ignored her.

  “But how did you know something was wrong?” Scarlett asked. “You’d already taken those two men out before we came outside.”

  “When I pulled up, I noticed the exterior lights were out on that side of the house. I parked in your neighbor’s driveway and worked my way around the back of the house until I found them. Then I sent a message to Sutton before taking them out.”

  “You’re the perfect hero.” Scarlett grabbed Griff’s shirt, pulled him close, and kissed him firmly on the lips in front of everyone.

  Griff smiled. “I just want to be your hero, love.”

  “Who are you and what have you done with my brother-in-law?” Jasmine asked.

  Griff cast a quick, concerned glance toward Sutton.

  Sutton returned the look with raised brows and a half smile. “Knew her a long time ago, eh?”

  Griff lifted his shoulders, cuddling Scarlett closer.

  Scarlett’s insides felt all lit up. She kissed Griff again, ignoring the faint wails of sir
ens that were obviously heading their way, Sutton, Jasmine, or the other men watching. Griff held her in his beautiful arms, but she felt warm liquid oozing down onto her arm. She yanked back from his kiss. “Griff, your arm!”

  He shrugged. “I thought you liked my scars.”

  Scarlett laughed, which was crazy, considering that Griff was bleeding from a bullet wound. “I love every bit of you, Griff Quinn.” She turned to Sutton for help. “Sutton, he’s been shot.”

  “It’s no big deal,” Griff insisted.

  Sutton and Jasmine moved in close to check out Griff’s wound as police converged on the house. She tried to stay close to him, but the police had to separate them for questioning and the EMTs had to check his wound, which luckily was just a graze. Griff declined stitches and asked for Steri-Strips, winking at her. She glanced down at her arm that still had the Steri-Strips on it. The wolf scratches hadn’t even bothered her. But something was really bothering her right now. If she hadn’t kicked at the guy with the gun, Griff would most likely be dead. The thought made her stomach tumble. He was such a brave hero, but possibly too brave.

  Despite the warm breeze, she felt a sudden chill and wrapped her arms around herself. A split second—that was all that stood between Griff taking a bullet through his arm or his heart. She could picture him motionless. The next time he put himself in a bullet’s path, who would be there to protect him? How many times would his luck hold out? That’s all it was—stupid, dumb luck.

  Griff was brave and strong and smart and fierce, but so were the bad guys of the world. And, unlike in her movies, good didn’t always triumph over evil. Could she really live with the knowledge he might be brutally taken at any time?

  She glanced over at Griff, still protesting as the paramedics fussed over him. He turned toward her and flashed one of his heartbreaking smiles. Could she live in a world without him?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The EMTs finished with Griff, leaving him free to focus on Scarlett. She’d been so brave, kicking that guy who would’ve shot him, and then planting her heel in the crotch of the guy who would’ve broken her neck. Fear raced through him, and he didn’t think he could handle seeing her in danger ever again. Jasmine had had a lot of issues with the worry over her past bringing danger to Kaleb. It was a valid concern for Griff and Scarlett too.

  She smiled at him, and his heartbeat quickened. He would protect her. It was the only option. The EMT said he was clear to go. Griff started toward Scarlett, who was now talking with Jasmine. He’d better make sure Jasmine didn’t tell her any embarrassing family secrets. Jasmine was almost as bad as Navy at trying to embarrass him. Normally he couldn’t care less, but he wanted Scarlett to keep thinking he was her personal hero.

  “Griff.” Sutton was at his elbow.

  Griff halted and turned to his boss. The respect he felt for this man was equal to the respect he felt for his own family and his SEAL brothers who had died for him. “Yes, sir?”

  Sutton kept looking at him, his eyes deadly serious.

  Griff’s stomach turned. “What’s wrong?”

  “I need you in Peru … now.”

  “Peru?” No! His entire body revolted at the thought of leaving Scarlett. He knew it would happen eventually, had tried to prepare her for it, but not so soon. Couldn’t he have even a few days to love her before he left her? What if the next bullet aimed his way took his life? What if this undercover job was the one where he didn’t play his precarious part correctly and he was slaughtered?

  “The refugees from Venezuela have been pouring into Peru for a while now. Almost half a million.”

  Griff nodded. He knew all of this.

  “The traffickers have found them in unprotected locations. They arrive with buses and tell the refugees they’re taking them to a safe place with food and shelter. They’re sweeping up entire families, separating and enslaving them all.”

  This was one of the things Griff specialized in. How could he say that he wouldn’t help free hundreds of innocent and vulnerable people to be with one irresistible woman? Saving lives was what he did, and he did it well. He shouldn’t even be tempted to forget his mission in life so he could hold and kiss Scarlett. He glanced her direction. Tempted he was. She was staring at him, and when he met her gaze, her green eyes filled with adoration and her lips lifted in a welcoming smile.

  “I know it’ll be hard to leave her,” Sutton murmured. “But this is what you were made for, son.”

  Griff straightened his shoulders and faced his boss. “She knows who I am, sir.”

  Sutton nodded. “It’s never easy to live our calling if you truly love someone.”

  Griff knew Sutton understood. He didn’t hold himself above his men, and he was often in dangerous situations. His wife, Liz, was supportive, and they loved each other, but as far as Griff knew, Liz had never asked him to stop saving lives, no matter if it risked his own.

  “Thank you for understanding, sir. When do I leave?”

  “You’ve got five minutes.” He turned and strode toward one of the waiting Escalades.

  Griff didn’t waste precious minutes watching him go. He turned to Scarlett. She was so beautiful, and he loved her. The next five minutes would push his sense of duty to the limit.

  Scarlett waited with Jasmine for Griff. His sister-in-law was animatedly telling her that she’d never seen Griff so much as look longingly at a woman, and here he was, head over heels for Scarlett. She smiled and listened, she but couldn’t take her eyes off Griff. When she saw him and Sutton talking so seriously and then Griff square his shoulders, her stomach plunged. He was leaving her. She knew it as surely as she knew that she loved him.

  Griff strode up to them, picked her off her feet, and held her close against him. He kissed her long and hard. Scarlett loved every second of it, but it just reaffirmed her fears.

  “Excuse me,” Jasmine quipped beside them.

  “You’re excused,” Griff said breathily, his entire focus on Scarlett.

  Jasmine chuckled and slipped away from them. Griff released Scarlett, took her hand, and led her around to the back of her house. The soft patio lights showed that his jaw was set in a hard line. The breaking of the waves on the shore usually calmed Scarlett. Not right now.

  Griff stopped and turned to face her. His gaze swept over her. “Have I told you how much I love you?” he asked.

  “Not for at least a minute.” She smiled bravely.

  Griff bent low and tenderly brushed his lips over hers. It was achingly sweet.

  She wanted more and she wanted it now, but she had to know. “How soon are you leaving?” she whispered.

  Griff froze, staring intently into her eyes. Then he straightened and she could see his military shutter go over his face. He was distancing himself from her. She understood. He had to, or this would be too excruciating. If only she had a military shutter … but no, she had nothing but a heart that felt ready to shatter. No, that wasn’t true. She had her actor’s shutter, her make-believe world. She had to act like she was strong. For Griff.

  “Sutton gave me five minutes.”

  She appreciated his honesty. “Where are you going?”

  “Peru. To rescue refugees from the traffickers.”

  “Thank you for being the hero.” She forced a brilliant smile and fell into the role to protect herself. She’d played this part several times, the woman sending her man off to battle. She’d been strong onscreen when her man wasn’t going to make a difference in hundreds of peoples’ lives; somehow she’d be strong now. But her characters had never loved any man like she loved Griff.

  Griff’s shutter slipped and he wrapped his arms around her and groaned. “When I shut you out of my life years ago …”

  Scarlett glanced sharply up at him. This was the one place they hadn’t gone and he quickly ripped through any barriers she’d tried to erect with his honesty. Griff was the real thing and even if he put his military shutter back on she would allow herself to be vulnerable for him. No more
fantasy world. She only wanted Griff. No matter how hard their journey might be.

  “It had nothing to do with you.” He stared down at her, begging her to understand. “I earned a reputation for being invincible, or at least thinking I was. I realized early on in the military that I react differently than most men.” He paused, and his eyes swept over her face. “You’d think with someone as amazing as you waiting for me, I’d understand to be cautious. But when a battle starts, I don’t think—I act.” He swallowed and admitted, “And my action is always to fling myself into danger.”

  Scarlett’s body started trembling. She’d seen what he was describing earlier tonight. “When you leapt at that man with the gun tonight.”

  He stiffened against her. “Yeah. He would’ve shot me if you hadn’t kicked him.” His smile looked as forced as hers had felt a few seconds ago. “Thank you.”

  “How many times have you been shot?” she whispered.

  “Only three—well, four, including tonight—but this …” He tilted his head to his arm. “… was nothing.” Griff wrapped his hands around her arms and leaned back. “We’re wasting our five minutes. I just want to be kissing you.”

  Scarlett smiled sadly. “But you’d be avoiding the tough subject.”

  He eyed her warily.

  “So you broke up with me after college because you were pretty sure you’d be killed soon.”

  He paused and then finally nodded.

  “And now you’re leaving.” She took a slow breath and asked, “Are you planning on dying on this op?”

  Griff pulled her against him and rocked her gently side to side. “I’m never planning on dying. I just wanted to explain that I don’t mean to react recklessly, but it happens—often.” He bent and claimed her lips with his own. It was a kiss full of passion and desperate need. A kiss that said he might not be coming back to her. He pulled back and smiled sadly down at her. “But now I have the most important reason of all to stay safe—you.”

  She reached up and framed his face with her hands. “Please come back to me, Griff.”


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