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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 66

by Cami Checketts

  The beach was quiet, which was surprising. “How do you keep gawkers off your stretch of beach?” All California beaches were supposed to have public access.

  “The closest public access is a mile away on the north and my neighbor two doors down has some grandfathered restrictions so he’s able to deny public access from the south.”

  “Jerky rich people.”

  “For sure. We get some early morning joggers but that’s about it.”

  He directed her into a dining area with a rectangle table all set for dinner with salads, water, and rolls already on the table. The views of the ocean were beautiful. She was grateful she didn’t feel any fear with their latest ocean experience, but she knew Holden could protect her from anything.

  Holden pulled her chair out and she sank down. He sat next to her and extended his hand. Navy smiled, loving that he was a believer. At least she knew that private fact about him. She nestled her hand in his and listened to his short but heartfelt prayer. They started with the delicious Waldorf salad and continued with chicken Monterey, rice, and veggies. Navy was stuffed, but still managed to eat a couple of bites of the chocolate mousse cake.

  Their conversation through dinner was sometimes light and sometimes heavy as they reminisced about the experience on the island and the news that Ryan had woken and recognized his parents but only remembered selective moments from being on the island.

  They stood from the table and Navy said, “Thank you, that was delicious. Or should I thank your chef?”

  “Definitely thank my chef. Jorge is amazing.”

  “Jorge is your personal chef? You lucky bugger. Didn’t he want the night off?’

  “You’d think so but he insisted he wanted to ‘cook in his favorite kitchen without a silly storm disrupting his genius’.” Holden grinned.

  “Nice accent. But what have you done the past twelve weeks while he’s been on set with me?” It hit her for the hundredth time how little she knew about this man. She respected his need to keep his private life safe from the media but if they were going to have a relationship she needed insight.

  “Been jealous he was near you.”

  Navy smiled, placing a hand on her chest. “Stop. You’ll give me a big head.”

  Holden directed her to a set of couches that looked out at the beach. The sun was tucking down into the ocean and wispy clouds around it burned red and orange. He sat close by and turned to her. “Were you serious about dating me?”

  “Do I look serious about dating you?” Her heart was thudding quicker and quicker.

  His eyes traveled over her face. “You look beautiful.”

  “See. I figure a billionaire like you needs a trophy on his arm.” Navy was being silly but Holden’s eyes darkened.

  “You are more beautiful than any trophy wife. You’re independent, feisty, smart, and strong. You’re incredible, Navy.”

  While Navy appreciated the compliments her head was spinning. “Was that a Freudian slip, the um … wife thing?”

  Holden’s eyebrows arched. “Definitely.” His gaze was intense. “I will move as fast or slow as you want to move, Navy. It’s probably no secret that I want to be with you, but I don’t want to rush you and scare you away.”

  Navy nodded. There was definitely that possibility. She had been in relationships, some serious, some just to waste time. Settling down with one man had never really been an option. Mostly because for over a decade she’d had this secret wish for the man seated next to her, but also because she was very independent and headstrong.

  “You talk big, boss man, but we will need to take it slow and see if you really can tackle all my relationship issues.”

  “You have relationship issues?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m thirty-four and have never settled down. If I wasn’t realistic enough to realize I have issues, my mama would make sure I knew it.”

  Holden took her hand, running his thumb gently over the back of it. “I can’t imagine you have any issues, Navy Quinn. I think the men you were dating just weren’t worthy of you, or smart enough to know what they’d found.”

  “Oh? And you are worthy of me, and smart enough to know what you’ve found?”

  “You’re still way out of my league, but I’m definitely smart enough to not let you go.” He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss.

  Navy settled in closer to him. “Well, if we’re going to try this serious dating stuff, I guess I need to know a little more personal info.” Holden was such an enigma. Even as close as she felt to him right now it was disconcerting to pry into his well-protected-from-the-public personal life, and the thought of discussing the situation between him, Colt, and Kim Heathrow was terrifying.

  “Such as?”

  Navy chickened out on the very first question. “Titans or Patriots?” She had a brother on each team and he had ownership in the Titans so it was really an unfair question.

  “What if I said Denver Storm?”

  “Then I’d just walk out the front door.”

  He chuckled. “Those are really my only options?”

  “They are the only options for anybody. Come on. This answer could determine your future.”

  His eyes widened but she could tell he was laughing. “It would be like choosing who is my favorite child.”

  “You have children?” She was ninety percent certain he was teasing but it really bugged her that she didn’t know.

  “Many, and I love them all.”

  She shoved him. “It’s an easy question: Titans or Patriots.”

  “Patriots.” His answer was quick and decisive.


  “Because Mack Quinn is your little brother and he’s a rock star. Nobody gets by that guy.”

  “Ryder Quinn is also my little brother and is also a rock star. Plus you’re financially invested in the Titans.”

  “Yes, that’s all true, but you’re more protective of your baby brother so the Patriots was the clear answer.”

  “Smart man.” She knew he was brilliant because of how successful he was, and she loved his answer. “You might truly be smart enough to not let me go. How much do you know about me?”

  “Never enough. Tell me more about your family. I mean I know who they all are but I’d like to know the dynamics.”

  “What do you know?” It was interesting how he had deflected to her family instead of letting her know more about him, but she knew they had to talk about Colt to have a hope of a relationship. Her heart thudded faster and faster. It had been at the back of her mind for long enough she wanted to just push it away and not have anything come between them.

  “Well your mama is tough and no-nonsense but your dad is very quiet and stalwart.”

  She smiled, relieved they were starting here and wishing she knew anything about his mama. “You try living with my mama for forty years. You’d be mute too.”

  “Ouch. You don’t get along with your mama?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “We’re too much alike.”

  Holden smirked at her. “So you’re saying if I do talk you into spending the next forty years together, I’ll turn into a mute.”

  “Oh! That was low. I don’t think I’m quite as mean and demanding as my mama.” She was being unfair. Her mama loved all of them, but she’d always been softer on her boys. Navy had never lived up to her expectations. Then she realized what else Holden had alluded to. “Forty years?”

  Holden smiled.

  “I didn’t think we were that … settled,” she said.

  His eyebrows arched. He rested his arm along the back of the couch and she turned toward him but tucked her knees up under her to create some distance. She could hardly think past kissing him but they had to talk about the Colt and Kim thing before anything would be settled, most especially her stomach. She shouldn’t have eaten so much at dinner.

  “So this is it,” she muttered.


  “Our time for mature adult conversation.”

  He tilt
ed his head and smiled. “I’d rather just kiss you.”

  “At least we’re on the same page there.”

  He grinned and took her hand, lifting it to his lips. The back of her hand tingled from his lips lingering on it. He tugged her toward him, and because she had her knees tucked up, her balance was off and she fell against his chest. Holden chuckled, wrapped her up tight, and bowed his head to hers. Their lips connected and warmth rushed through her. Her lips seemed to explode with the gentle pressure of his mouth.

  He rested his forehead against hers and murmured, “Why would I want mature conversation when I could be kissing you?”

  Navy laughed. She lifted her legs out from under her and rested them across his lap. Holden tucked her close against his side. She laid her head against his shoulder and thought she had better get out what she needed to say, then proceed to kiss him for a very long time. It was easier to say the words without looking at him, so she started with:

  “I was thinking about when I was trying to help Ryan back in the bunker and how I told him we’ve all made mistakes.” She took a deep breath then rushed out, “I was upset with you for cheating with Kim and breaking Colt’s heart but I forgi—”

  “Excuse me.” Holden pulled back and tilted her chin up so she had to look in his eyes. “Did you just say ‘cheating with Kim and breaking Colt’s heart’?”

  “Yes.” She blinked up at him, confused. “I know she was two-timing both of you and we all make mistakes.”

  “Navy.” Holden held up a hand. “Kim is my cousin. She never two-timed anyone.”

  Navy scooted away from him. “You kissed your cousin?”

  “No.” He leaned toward her. “I think Colt has been feeding you lies.”

  Navy reared up and poked a finger at him. All good feelings disappeared and anger simmered quickly. “Don’t you ever say my brother’s name and ‘lies’ in the same sentence again.”

  Holden straightened and his mouth tightened. “Am I allowed to tell my side of the story?”

  “Not if it makes my brother look bad.” She would never listen to her brother being disparaged. Kim was Holden’s cousin? That changed the story but didn’t make either of them innocent when they had hurt Colt so deeply.

  Holden pushed off the couch and strode away from her. Turning back, his dark eyes were troubled. “What I have to say will make him look bad.”

  Navy sprung to her feet. “I guess it’s time for me to go then.”

  “Navy.” Holden raked his hand through his hair and took a slow breath. “You’re going to risk what we have between us because you’re too protective of your brother to even hear what he did to Kim?”

  “What he did to Kim?” She ignored the first part of the sentence. Of course she didn’t want to damage her and Holden’s blossoming relationship, but her family always came first. She couldn’t be with someone who would criticize her brother and who her brother also didn’t like. She would never drive a wedge like that between her and a brother. “Do you have any clue what Kim did to him?”

  Holden harrumphed. “Wow. It’s getting deep now. Kim is a shell of a person because of Colt Quinn’s inability to remain faithful to any woman, and you’re going to claim that Kim hurt him?”

  That was it. She knew her brother had issues with dating too many women and she had tried to get him to stop, but nobody, not even the man she thought she was falling in love with had the right to sling mud at him. She felt like she was back in middle school when she had caught the school bully standing on Colt’s chest. Colt had only been eight and the rage and injustice had fueled her strength. She’d taken the bully out then, and she’d do it again.

  “Never put my brother down. He wasn’t into dating a lot of women until he thought Kim cheated on him with you! His heart was broken and he turned into …” She could tease Colt about being a philandering man or a Romeo but she wouldn’t give Holden the satisfaction. “Your cousin is the reason my brother is broken and I will not sit here and allow you to call him a liar and put all the blame on him.”

  She whirled and rushed for the entryway. Holden’s footsteps slapped the slate floor as he gained on her. Throwing the front door open, she hurried out into the calm evening air and across the front patio. The beauty of the landscaping and the evening was lost on her.

  Holden grabbed her arm. “Navy, stop!”

  Navy jerked free of his grasp and whirled to face him. Her eyes stung and her chest heaved with emotion. She had thought Holden might be the one for her, but she’d obviously been wrong. That hurt almost more than the righteous indignation of him calling Colt a liar, accusing Colt of being the one who cheated on Kim, and not understanding that his cousin had forced her brother into the womanizing path he still walked to this day.

  “Please, Navy.” Holden held up his hands. “Let’s talk this out. We can’t let your brother and my cousin come between us.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “And you just drove the nail into your own coffin.”


  “You obviously aren’t loyal to family and maybe you think it’s fine what Kim did to my brother. I would never put you before one of my brothers. Never! Maybe you just don’t care for Kim like I do for Colt.”

  Holden folded his arms across his chest and looked intimidating as all get-out as he glowered down at her. “I love Kim like a sister.”

  Navy stared at him. “You know the really pathetic thing, Holden? I don’t even know if you have a sister. You’ve shared nothing with me. I know zip about you except you kiss good, are a considerate boss, and react well in an emergency.” Her heart was crying that she knew so much more, that before the last ten minutes she had thought he was one of the most upstanding and impressive men she knew—and the little fact that she loved him—but she pushed all of that away. He hadn’t trusted her with anything and now he was bagging on her brother. “We have nothing to build a relationship on but a crazy, traumatic few days. It shouldn’t matter one way or another if we don’t pursue being together.”

  His jaw clenched and a muscle worked along it. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t give her anything.

  Navy turned away from him, stormed down the stairs, and onto the driveway. The limo was still sitting there as if waiting to whisk her away. The driver jumped out and ran around. He glanced at Holden.

  Holden studied her for a few seconds then nodded to the driver. The man opened her door. “Thank you,” Navy whispered. She turned and flung at Holden. “By the way, I quit again.” Without waiting for an answer, she slid in and rested her head against the cushion.

  The driver shut her door, hurried around, and got in. “Back to your home, ma’am?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Navy turned and looked out the window. Holden was staring at the vehicle, but thankfully he couldn’t see her through the darkened glass. His shoulders were rounded, and for the first time since she’d met him he didn’t look like the confident, tough, hockey star and billionaire. Seeing him like that almost made her want to tell the driver to stop and try one more time to talk things out with Holden.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. No. She was just too unstable to be reasonable right now. Also, she had obviously just been caught up in the craziness of the past few days. Kissing Holden, the drama of the storm, and everything they went through together made her think he was the one. She couldn’t really be silly enough to believe she loved him. Even though she had known him for over a decade, because of his private nature she didn’t really know him at all. It was all just inflated emotions. She was right in choosing Colt and telling Holden off.

  Tears stung at her eyes and slid down her cheeks. She pressed at her mouth to hold back a sob. If she was right, why did this hurt so badly?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Holden went through the next week in state of chilled denial. He kept himself busy organizing the Muscle Up finale in a completely different way than it had ever been done and dealing with all of his other businesses as well. Navy’s agent ha
d corresponded her regrets that she wouldn’t be attending the finale. He knew it was only because she wanted to avoid him, and it hurt.

  He worked fourteen to sixteen-hour days, only taking breaks to exercise, eat, or sleep for short amounts of time. Sleep wasn’t his friend as he dreamed of Navy. He couldn’t shove any of the memories of her from his mind: how impressive she’d been to him, or how hard he’d fallen for her.

  He had loved her fire and feisty attitude, until it turned on him. She had been completely irrational and unwilling to even listen to his side of the story. That Navy thought he wasn’t loyal to family and didn’t care for Kim as much as she cared for Colt had royally ticked him off. She’d been right though that he was too private and hadn’t allowed her into his personal life. He hadn’t even told her about his parents’ struggles or losing his little sister, Callie. His relationship with Navy was probably one of those that flared quick and died quick. He should be able to move on just as quick. If that was true, why did he ache for her?

  He tried to call or text her several times, but she never answered or responded. The night before the finale Holden reached desperation point. He wanted to go to Navy, but knew she’d refuse him, and he didn’t want another blow up with her.

  Colt. This was all her brother’s fault, and he suddenly realized that everything hinged on Colt. Holden had a crazy idea. Reaching out to an acquaintance who was a private investigator, within the hour he had Colt Quinn’s cell number. His hand trembled as he pushed the number and heard it buzz.

  “Yes?” Colt answered on the second ring.

  Holden cleared his throat and pushed it out. “This is Holden Jennings. I’m in love with your sister and she won’t date me because of the deal with you and Kim.”

  “The deal with me and Kim? Really? You’re going there? That takes guts, man.”

  Okay, his opening line hadn’t been his best but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this unsure of himself and he’d do anything to be with Navy, even grovel to her brother.


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