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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 74

by Cami Checketts

  He was observant of everything around them in the open-air restaurant, but knowing Sutton’s guys were watching from their car across the street, where they’d had a couple of pizzas delivered, made it so he could relax and enjoy talking to Kim.

  It seemed she was softening to him, but that might be wishful thinking on his part. She still hadn’t let him explain why he’d acted so immature and dumb five years ago, but the past hour they’d talked about their families, and it had helped him feel grounded with her, more connected to her like they used to be.

  “So Ally is liking working for the Patriots?” he asked. Ally and Shar were twins and a few years older than Kim. They’d always been very kind to him, but he hadn’t seen them in over five years. He really hated to think about the horrific mistake he’d made that may have ruined any chance of him and Kim being happy.

  “She really is. She’s worked hard to get to where she’s at.”

  “How does she feel about Bucky?” Colt had met the eccentric owner of the professional football team at a party with his brother Mack one night. He’d liked the outspoken cowboy.

  “She thinks he’s great. He and my dad would get along, don’t you think?”

  Colt smiled. “Even though your dad’s a Northerner, he’s got a down-to-earth spirit about him.”

  “Northerner?” She laughed. “You’re from Newport, that’s almost as far north as Syracuse.”

  “I was just talking like Bucky would.”

  She grinned and those dimples in her smooth, tanned skin were the best gift he could imagine. He almost told her that but the waiter brought their bill at that moment. Colt whipped out a credit card quickly and thanked the man. “It was delicious.”

  The man repeated gracias a few times and hurried away.

  “Pizza in Costa Rica. Who knew?”

  “Everybody knows Costa Rica is famous for their pizza.” Kim’s delicate brow wrinkled.

  “I guess I’m slow,” he said.

  “You’re definitely not slow,” she threw back at him.

  Colt leaned closer to her. “I’m slow in asking you to forgive me,” he said quietly.

  Kim’s eyes widened. “Five years too slow.”

  Was she finally allowing him to apologize? Colt said a quick prayer, swallowed hard, and gave it another shot. “Please forgive me, Kim.” There was so much more to say but he couldn’t miss this opportunity to at least start the apology.

  Kim simply stared at him, her dark eyes serious and contemplative. If he kept talking, tried to explain how stupid and wrong he’d been, would she listen or shut him out? Moments passed and Colt prayed inside and studied her, looking for any sign of softening. He knew she still felt the connection between them, but he had no indication that she’d allow herself to trust or love him again.

  The waiter brought his credit card back for him to sign. Colt hated the interruption, but he filled in a tip, signed it, and then placed it in the holder. Glancing back at Kim, he knew their moment was gone when she stood and gave him a forced smile that didn’t even give him a partial dimple. “Ready for Baldi?”

  “Can’t wait.” And he couldn’t, but he would’ve rather stayed sitting on these hard chairs all night if she’d allow him to beg her forgiveness.

  Maybe at the iconic hot springs he’d get another chance. He’d read about the romantic spot with twenty-five different pools and even some water slides. With the men watching over them they’d be safe in the public spot, and he could try his best to connect with Kim. He placed his hand on her lower back to guide her out of the restaurant, loving the soft curve of her back under his palm.

  Kim glanced sharply up at him. “Taking these boyfriend liberties a bit far,” she murmured against his cheek.

  Colt arched an eyebrow and smiled. She hadn’t seen anything yet.

  Kim put on a white, floral one-piece, piled her hair on top of her head, locked up her locker, and eased out of the changing area. At the moment, she wasn’t sure why she’d insisted on maintaining her normal Wednesday schedule; besides the fact it had become second nature over the past couple of years.

  Pizza with Colt had been intimate enough. Pizza for heaven’s sake! The man either didn’t know how to stop using his blue eyes or he was feigning innocence while putting his best tool to work on her. His apology had been sincere, and she’d been tempted to stay at the table and talk through what happened, but she was relieved to put that off a little longer. She wasn’t ready for the pain, like ripping a Band-aid off an unhealed wound.

  What made her think she could stay immune to Colt’s charms at one of the most romantic spots ever? She saw him standing next to the entrance to the lockers. Placing a hand to her heart, she muttered, “Don’t go into cardiac arrest.” But how could any woman not have heart issues with that man around? The firm lines of muscle from his shoulders down to his calves were on lovely display as he stood there in his gray swimsuit.

  As if sensing her gaze, he turned toward her. His blue eyes lit up and he gave her a welcoming smile. Walking toward her, he extended his hand. “Where’s the best pool to start with?” His genuine excitement to explore one of her favorite spots made her resistance to his charms even weaker.

  “Some people will tell you to start at the top and go down but I say let’s wander through some of the lower pools, make you experience the cold plunges and the waterslide, and then finish at the top. I love relaxing on the tile beds and listening to the waterfall. You’ll sleep like a baby after.”

  His eyebrow lifted, and she felt heat flush her face as she remembered he’d slept on the floor outside her room last night. Hopefully he’d take the spare bedroom tonight.

  He squeezed her hand. “Let’s do it.”

  Kim tugged him past the first few pools.

  “These are no good?” he asked.

  “Too busy and the music’s really loud.”

  “Ah.” He fell into step with her, his larger hand surrounding hers. She loved this feeling of being a couple again. No! They weren’t a couple, it simply felt nice to not be alone. She had to consistently remind herself Colt wasn’t anything special to her. The problem was she’d been in isolation for so long it felt amazing to be with anyone. Could she convince herself that was all these lovely tingly feelings were—reversal of loneliness?

  “You want quiet intimacy with me?” Colt asked in a low, husky voice. “I get it. Nobody’s blaming you.” He winked.

  Kim laughed and pushed her shoulder against his. “There’s the overconfident jerk I used to know.”

  Colt chuckled. “That’s what I’ve always aspired to.”

  Kim sobered quickly. The joking disappeared as she thought of what a jerk he truly had been. When they’d been together he’d been the kindest, most thoughtful man and she thought she was lucky and in the most ideal relationship ever. When he’d cheated on her, then never responded to her phone calls or texts, her world had crashed down, while he’d continued to be a heartbreaking jerk the past five years, dating countless women.

  She pushed all of that aside, released his hand, and hurried to the pool she always started with. Slipping out of her flip flops, she dropped her towel on a deck chair and walked into the shallow pool. It gradually got about waist deep, and she found a bench and sank into it, relaxing into the warm mineral water and closing her eyes.

  Colt sat down much too close. His shoulder rubbed against hers, and her eyes flew open. She was quickly reminded this wasn’t going to be her usual relaxing Wednesday evening. She glanced around to avoid gawking at the far too handsome and appealing man next to her. Soft blue and green lights made the tranquil water glow and highlighted the lush ferns and palm trees surrounding the pools. There were a few people in the pool but it was quiet with only the music from the pools below floating up to them. The music and conversations were muted by all the flora and fauna that surrounded each pool.

  She avoided his gaze, but couldn’t bring herself to pull away from his bare arm pressing against hers. This was one of the hot
ter pools, and soon she was sweating. The overheating might be due to Colt being so close, but she decided to blame it on the water temp.

  “Ready for a cold plunge?” she asked, letting herself look at Colt.

  “Already?” His eyebrows arched up but his blue eyes twinkled at her.

  “Come on.” She stood. “Stop being a wimp.”

  “You’re calling me out?”

  She nodded, biting at her lip to hide a grin.

  Colt stood also and flexed. His shoulders and chest muscles tightened, and she may or may not have let out a gasp. “I got this.”

  Kim laughed. “Tough guy can handle a little cold water?”

  Colt stepped closer to her, his large frame overshadowing her. Being close to him always made her feel protected, cherished, and loved. Kim started sweating even more profusely.

  “Tough guy can handle the beautiful lady too.”

  “Oh!” Kim grunted and pushed at his chest. His perfectly solid chest. She needed distance, now. Pivoting, she pressed through the water to the cold pool that was off to the side. Climbing the steps, she slid in and the chilly water bit at her feet and legs. She cried out, “So cold!”

  Colt was close behind. He bypassed the steps and vaulted over the ledge and into the cold water. His eyes widened.

  “You have to go all the way under,” Kim told him then she dropped down under the water and sprang back up. The water chilled her clear through, but it was invigorating and she liked it after being so hot moments ago.

  Colt shook his head. “You are wild!”

  Kim laughed. “It’s just a little water.”

  Colt dropped down, and then popped back up. Water streamed off his face, shoulders, and chest. The water around her was freezing, but Kim could’ve stood there and stared at him all day.

  Colt smiled and pushed the water off his face then out of his dark hair. The move did far too many good things for his bicep muscles.

  Kim shook her head quickly to try to clear it. She grabbed on to the edge, lifted herself up, and plopped back into the warm pool. “Ah,” she murmured, sinking down. Her feet tingled, and the heat welcomed her back.

  Colt was right beside her. He also moaned with relief. Then he took her hand and squeezed it. Kim was completely at his mercy, and she had no clue how to break free. His hand around hers felt like she was finally safe and exactly where she should be.

  “So the cold plunge is to make me appreciate how amazing the warm water feels?” he asked.

  Kim nodded, feeling eyes on them. She noticed two young women across the pool. They were making eyes at Colt, but he didn’t appear to notice them.

  “It’s supposed to be good for your skin too,” she said.

  “Ah.” He gently tilted her face toward him. “Do I look better?”

  Kim’s eyes trailed over his smooth skin and those blue eyes she loved so much. She couldn’t resist taking in his lips as well. They were full enough to be interesting but still manly. She swallowed hard and said, “You always look good.”

  Colt smiled and leaned closer to her. Kim drew back. “Moving on. Lots of pools to explore.”

  Colt’s answering smirk showed he knew exactly how tempted she’d been to lean close and taste those beautiful lips of his. “I’ll follow you, love.”

  “Did you notice the girls checking you out?” she asked.

  Colt’s eyebrows rose. “I have to notice everything, but I don’t think they were checking me out.”

  “You’re blind then. You can go flirt if you want.”

  Colt shook his head. “I don’t want to flirt with anyone but you, love.”

  Kim’s back stiffened. He couldn’t be calling her love all of the time. She pulled her hand from his grasp and swam across the pool toward a set of stairs that had warm water rolling down them. They walked up the stairs and into the next pool. Kim sat in the warm, shallow water at the edge. A waterfall splashed harmoniously not too far away. Most pools flowed down into the next pool with either a waterfall or water rushing down the steps.

  “I can see why you come here regularly,” Colt said.

  Kim appreciated a neutral topic of conversation, one that hopefully wouldn’t make her declare her stupid devotion to him. Could it really be true, that he only wanted to flirt with her?

  She turned, and his gaze was focused on her. “It’s … peaceful,” she said, feeling suddenly lightheaded. They hadn’t been in the hot water long enough for her to feel lightheaded. What was Colt doing to her?

  He nodded. “And beautiful.” But he wasn’t looking at the unreal setting, he was completely focused on her face.

  Kim gave him a tremulous smile.

  Colt pivoted slightly, lifted his hand, and grazed his knuckles along her chin. “So beautiful,” he murmured.

  Kim’s heart hammered in her chest. She leaned closer to him, and rational thoughts vacated her brain. Colt turned his hand and cupped her cheek as he also tilted toward her. Familiarity and excitement rushed through her as his thumb tenderly brushed over her lower lip. She drew in a quick breath and slid her hand along his arm to his shoulder. His skin was firm and warm under her touch.

  His other hand found the bare flesh of her back, and he pulled her in tight to his body as his lips finally, finally met hers. An explosion of delicious tingles started from her lips and ran throughout her body. Kim sank into his kiss and the warmth of the mineral water. It was heaven.

  “Make-out session,” someone yelled close by and water hit Kim in the cheek.

  She yanked away from Colt and turned to see some preteen boys laughing as they slung water at them.

  “Oops!” the taller, dark-haired kid yelled.

  The smaller one’s eyes widened. “Dude! That guy’s buff; he’s going to thump us!”

  Kim smiled. Colt was buff and could thump anyone, but she doubted he’d go after two boys.

  “What are you two doing?” A middle-aged lady appeared at the edge of the pool and scolded them, grabbing them each by the arm. “I am so sorry,” she said to Colt and Kim.

  Colt chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sure I did much worse when I was their age.”

  The lady seemed to melt under his smile. “I’m sure you were never trouble for your mother.” She tugged the boys toward the path. “You two keep it up and you’re not going to do the slides again.”

  “Aw, Mom,” the dark-haired kid whined.

  “Sorry,” the smaller blond called to Kim and Colt as they were pulled away.

  “It’s okay.” Colt waved them goodbye. His arm came back around her waist, and he focused in on Kim. “I’m just sorry they interrupted.” He smiled his too-charming grin and leaned in.

  Kim was sorry they’d interrupted too, but it was just the splash in the face she needed. One day. Colt Quinn was here one day, and already he had her forgetting the pain of the past five years and melting into his lips. She slid out of his arms and stood, pushing through the deepening water toward the waterfall.

  Colt was quick to follow. “You okay?” he asked, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  Kim ignored him and hurried under the falling water. It hit her hard on the head and shoulders. The pounding might give her a headache, but maybe it would bring her to her senses. She couldn’t fall for Colt again. He’d ruin her forever. She could never move on and be happy with someone else if she had more time to love Colt and then he dumped her, shattering her heart again. She tilted her face up and let the water pound against her forehead. He had probably already ruined her from ever being with someone else. The past five years of being a loner had proven that.

  Arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back against the rock wall. Sheltered by the waterfall, the cascading water made a gorgeous and loud backdrop. Colt tenderly cradled her against his chest, leaned down to her ear, and said, “Am I moving too fast?”

  Kim blinked water from her eyes and tilted back to meet his clear blue gaze. Too fast or five years too slow? “You’re taking this fake boyfriend thing too far,�
�� she had to almost yell to make sure he heard her.

  His lips brushed her ear as he bent close and said, “It’s not fake to me, love.”

  He proceeded to softly kiss the skin next to her ear, and then trailed kisses along her jaw that had fire racing through her. Kim’s heart was pounding so hard she wondered if he could hear it over the water pouring down next to them. His lips were almost to her mouth, and she found herself slowly turning to meet him head on.

  Colt suddenly pulled back and focused in on her. It was almost as if he were asking for permission to really and truly kiss her. Kim knew she couldn’t be strong if he did. She met his gaze, trying to stay tough and prove to him that she would not fall prey to him again, but his beautiful body so close, his words that felt so sincere, and the very recent touch of his lips on hers had her not sure which way to run.

  She dredged up all her girl power, pulled back from his arms, and yelled, “I will not be another one of your loves!”

  Colt’s eyebrows lifted, and then he shook his head. “Kim … it’s not like that.”

  Kim did not have the strength to listen to him tell her what it was like. She’d been idiotic to bring him here. Her body was begging her to throw herself into his arms and kiss him under this private waterfall. Her mind was luckily still stronger than her drive to be close to Colt. She turned and pushed through the water again, moving as fast as she could under the cascading sheet then through the chest-deep water to the set of steps. It was misty and steamy and oh so romantic in this pool. She had to get out of here.

  Colt was only a step behind as she climbed to the next pool. She knew it was either go to the spot where Yanni was right now or run for the path and the locker room. But if she went for the locker room they’d go back to her house, and Colt could still try to pressure her. This was better.

  The next pool was the calm bar location, as opposed to the party-type bar close to the lowest pools. There was a soccer game playing on the big screen, and behind the bar stood a good-looking muscular man with a full beard, his long, dark hair tied back in a ponytail. He was serving someone a daquiri as Kim hurried through the now waist-deep water to a seat at the bar. Colt reached her and took her elbow.


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