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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 80

by Cami Checketts

  Yanni hit Colt with a vicious uppercut and slammed his head into his. Colt faltered for half a second, but came back at Yanni with his fists moving fast, pummeling Yanni with hit after hit.

  Ricki ran toward them, and Kim cried to Colt, “Watch out!”

  Colt turned and Ricki thumped into him from the side. Yanni jumped on Colt, trying to knock him to the ground. Colt stayed upright, which Kim thought was a miracle, but he was being smacked and kicked from every side, and his moves were all defensive now.

  She tried to pry herself free from the stupid ropes, but they were tied too tight. Rotating to her knees she struggled to stand and finally got upright, then ran, crashing into Ricki and pushing him away from Colt.

  Ricki shoved her back to the ground, onto her back, and knelt on her, pinning her down. Kim cried out in frustration, but at least Colt had a fair fight now as Ricki had to restrain her. Colt and Yanni exchanged kicks and punches. It was a vicious flurry of arms and legs, the men grunting as they fought but not saying anything. Kim prayed desperately. Colt slowly backed Yanni into the rear panel of the Jeep. Colt suddenly grabbed him around the neck and slammed Yanni’s head against the vehicle.

  “Yes!” Kim screamed as Yanni yelped in pain.

  “Stay down, Miss Kim.” Ricki pushed off of her, jumped to his feet, and tried to run at Colt. Kim kicked at him, and Ricki sprawled onto the concrete, cursing.

  Colt focused on her, worry filling his blue eyes.

  “Colt!” she screamed. Yanni grabbed something metal out of the open back of the Jeep. He brought it up quickly, and smacked Colt in the side of the head.

  Colt went down hard, and Kim cried out, pain and anguish ripping through her. He didn’t move, lying on his side, his eyes shut. She tried to worm her way over to him. “Colt!”

  Yanni stood over Colt, looking victorious, even though he had blood dripping from his lip, and his long hair was all over the place. He dropped the metal jack into the back of the Jeep again and pulled out a dull black pistol.

  “No!” Kim screamed.

  Ricki yanked her to her feet, preventing her from reaching Colt. She threw her body weight forward, pulling from Ricki’s grasp, and flung herself over Colt’s face and chest. Yanni would have to shoot her to get to him.

  “Move her,” Yanni commanded.

  Kim clung to Colt and prayed she could save his life.

  A snarl and a bark brought Kim’s head up. Bowzer flew over the asphalt and knocked into Yanni. Yanni sprawled onto his back, still clinging to the gun. Colt stirred underneath her.

  “Kim?” He sat up, holding onto her.

  “Don’t move,” Kim begged, but at least he was alive.

  Yanni’s hand with the gun rose, pointing straight at Colt. Bowzer sunk his teeth into Yanni’s other arm, and he screamed but still pointed the gun. “Move her!” he yelled again. Even with the Pit Bull trying to tear his arm off, all Yanni seemed to care about was getting a clear shot at Colt.

  Ricki ripped Kim off of Colt from behind. Kim screamed out. With her arms tied she couldn’t hold onto Colt. All she wanted to do was grab him, somehow protect him from Yanni, and then hold him forever.

  Colt was only feet away from Yanni, and nothing was between the gun and Colt. The bullet would surely kill him. Colt scrambled to the side but didn’t get far before the retort of a gun filled the morning air.

  “No!” Kim yelled, hitting her head back into Ricki’s and struggling to free herself.

  A scream of pain followed the sound of the gun firing. She focused on Colt but couldn’t tell where he’d been shot. There was no blood spurting from him, and he hadn’t been thrown back by a bullet. He stood unsteadily and rushed at Yanni. Kim’s gaze went to Yanni. Blood spurted from the hand which had held the gun, but was now empty. He shoved Bowzer off of him and cradled his bleeding limb.

  Bowzer came at him from the side and flattened him again. Yanni curled up in a ball, protecting his head as blood continued to pour from the injury to his hand.

  “Good boy,” John said from behind them. “Just hold him down now.”

  Kim’s gaze spun to the older man. He had a large sniper’s rifle in his hand, and he nodded tersely.

  The gunshot. It hadn’t come from Yanni, it had come from John.

  Yanni writhed and squirmed, moaning in pain, cursing the dog, but he didn’t try to push Bowzer off.

  Colt swept the gun off the ground and pointed it at Yanni. The side of Colt’s head had a goose egg, and his eyes looked unfocused, but he was alive.

  “Police will be along shortly.” John aimed the gun straight at Ricki. “Stand down now, boy, or I’ll blow off more than a few fingers.”

  Ricki put his hands up, his eyes wide. “So sorry, Miss Kim,” he said quietly.

  Kim glared at him. “Apology not accepted, you punk. Get these ropes off of me.”

  “Do it,” John said.

  Ricki nodded, untied the knot, and loosened the ropes. Kim pushed to her feet and ran to Colt, the ropes falling to the ground. He kept the gun trained on Yanni but opened his other arm to her. Kim wrapped her arms around his midsection and hugged him fiercely. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded, cradling her with one arm. “I am now.”

  “Oh, you.” Kim stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “I want more of that soon,” he whispered against her hair.

  “Done,” she said back. Clinging to him, she ran her hands over his strong back to assure herself he really was all right.

  Shrill sirens split the air as the police converged on the scene. Colt and John obediently put their weapons down. An ambulance appeared and treated Yanni, then he and Ricki were cuffed and hauled off. Kim, Colt, and John were taken to the police station and separated for questioning. Colt declined medical care though he still looked a little unsteady to her.

  When she finally was allowed to reunite with Colt, she flung herself at him and couldn’t let him go. He laughed and teased her, “I knew you couldn’t get enough of me.”

  Kim just smiled and tried to focus as the police went through the steps to release them, and then loaded them up in the back of an older sedan and drove them home. Colt cuddled her close the entire ride, and she was content to simply be in his arms.

  When they reached her house, Colt opened the car door and helped Kim out. He leaned back in and shook John’s hand. “Thanks, man. I read you wrong.”

  “It’s all right. Take good care of her, she’s a sweetheart.”

  Colt glanced back at Kim. “Yes, she is.”

  He released John’s hand, shut the door, and wrapped his arm around Kim’s waist. They walked slowly toward her house. Kim stopped on the front porch and turned to him. “Are you really okay?”

  He laughed. “I’ve had so much worse, love.”

  She tenderly touched the bump on the side of his head. “You have to have a concussion.”

  He wrapped his hands around her lower back. “Well then you’ll have to stay by my side and watch me all day and all night.”

  Kim snaked her arms around his neck. “That sounds like a beautiful plan.”

  “It does?” His eyes lit up.

  “With one change.”

  He swallowed, looking suddenly unsure of himself, very un-Colt-like, and asked, “What’s that?”

  “I watch you as we fly to America. We have a wedding to get to.”

  “That sounds like a beautiful plan,” he said. “With one change.”

  “What’s that?” She smiled up at him. He was brave and strong, and he was all hers.

  “You kiss me the entire flight.”

  “The entire flight—” Kim laughed.

  He cut off her laughter by pressing his lips to hers. Kim pulled herself closer against him, and he took his time exploring her lips, and then her mouth. Wonderful sensations flowed through her—passion, desire, love, and safety.

  When he pulled back he grinned, but then his eyes grew serious. “Can you trust me then, love?”

  Kim sta
red at his handsome face. “With my lips?” she tried to tease.

  Colt chuckled. “Yes.” He softly caressed her lips then murmured, “Trust that I’ll always be faithful to only you, love.”

  She searched his blue gaze, knowing the desire and love in them was a hundred percent sincere. “I can do that.”

  He whooped, and then kissed her soundly. Kim knew they still had a long road with their relationship and her OCD, but as long as they traveled it together she would be all right.


  Colt and Kim stood close together, her parents and sisters on her other side next to Holden’s mom and dad, as Navy walked down the aisle. Her long, blond hair flowed freely without any veil, and her petite body looked perfect in a fitted white dress. The dress was off the shoulders and draped to the floor. Navy was a breathtaking bride. Kim glanced at Holden. His dark eyes shone with joy as his bride approached him. Navy’s dad put her hands in Holden’s, and the couple looked so happy.

  The wedding was simple with only the ocean as their backdrop and no one but Navy and Holden standing with the preacher. The Quinn brothers were all with their wives, and Kim felt a rush of joy. She was meant to be part of this family. She adored her sisters and parents but she welcomed the love of the Quinn family.

  The congregation sat, and Kim’s gaze wandered from Navy and Holden to the ever-tough Griff with his arm wrapped around the A-list actress Scarlett Lily. Kim had always known Scarlett as a redhead, but blonde looked great on her. The country singer, Kaleb, and his gorgeous, dark-haired wife, Jasmine, sat cuddled together. She had a very obvious baby bump and an even larger mischievous grin. The Texas Titans receiver Ryder and his wife Bree, who could be Jasmine’s twin, held on to their blond son, who was chanting, “Kiss my Aunt Navy, kiss her.”

  Everyone laughed and Holden said, “I’m with you, Tate.”

  Holden squeezed Navy’s hands, and Navy said to the preacher. “Yes, please hurry.”

  Kim finished perusing Colt’s family with the huge Mack Quinn, a lineman for the Georgia Patriots, and his beautiful, brunette wife, Sariah, and then of course Colt’s parents. His tall, quiet father and his feisty, petite mother.

  Colt had shown her pictures and got her up to date on everyone as they flew home this morning. Home. Colt squeezed her hand, and she knew she was home with him. Who knew what they’d do next or where they’d end up? It didn’t matter as long as Colt held her hand. At the moment, habits and schedules didn’t even tug at her.

  She focused back on the happy couple as they finished their “I do”s and were pronounced man and wife.

  “Finally,” Holden said, then he swept Navy completely off her feet and gave her a kiss that was better than anything Hollywood could conjure up.

  Everyone clapped and cheered as the kiss continued on and on.

  “Our turn next,” Colt whispered in her ear.

  “What?” Kim whirled to face him and pushed at his chest. “You don’t just say that without anything to back it up.”

  Colt chuckled and pulled her to her feet. “What, love, you need a formal proposal?”

  “Yes, you jerk.” Her heart was racing, and her head felt light. She and Colt had barely reunited and hadn’t left each other’s side except to spend some time with their families, shower, and get ready for the wedding. He couldn’t possibly do a formal proposal right now.

  She noticed the crowd had refocused from Holden and Navy to her and Colt. “Excuse us,” she murmured, not liking stealing Holden and Navy’s moment.

  “No,” Navy called. “We want to be part of this.”

  Kim’s cheeks reddened. She turned back to Colt. He went down on one knee and pulled a ring out of his suitcoat. It was a massive round diamond that sparkled and shone in the sunlight. “Colt?” she whispered. “When did you? How did you?”

  “Kim Heathrow.” He grinned cockily and ignored her questions. “You are the only woman in the world for me. If you won’t marry me, I promise to die an old, cranky, celibate man.”

  Everyone laughed, but Kim could hardly breathe.

  “I love you and only you,” Colt continued, his blue eyes sparkling but also earnest and beseeching. “Please say you’ll marry me.”

  “Colt.” Her head was spinning. She tugged him to his feet. “You understand I have issues?” she whispered.

  Colt chuckled. “Oh, love. We all have issues, look at Navy.”

  “Hey,” his sister protested.

  Colt winked at his sister then focused back on Kim. “But we can work through anything, together.”

  She stared at him as he held the beautiful ring on the end of his first finger and grinned at her.

  “Did you …” She glanced at her parents who were seated close by. “Ask my daddy?”

  Griff spoke up. “Come on, we trained the boy right.”

  Kim’s cheeks got even hotter. Her dad nodded. “The kid’s a smooth talker. I didn’t stand a chance.”

  “I taught him everything I know,” Kaleb spoke up.

  “You’re still the master though.” Jasmine leaned over and kissed her husband.

  “Yes, love,” Colt said, bringing her focus back to his blue gaze. “Your father was very gracious when I explained we’d caught your stalker, and I’d build a house next door if he wanted, unless you want to take the role Scarlett has for you and act again.”

  “I’d love to work with you,” Scarlett said.

  Kim’s eyes widened. “Thank you,” she managed. The thought of acting again made her feel light and happy, but nothing could make her as happy as the man standing in front of her, waiting for an answer.

  “I love you!” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Of course I’ll marry you.”

  He slid the ring on her finger then gathered her in his arms again. His family, and her family, and the friends of Holden and Navy that she didn’t even know, were all whooping and cheering.

  Kim couldn’t focus on anyone but her handsome fiancé. Colt’s lips met hers, and the world exploded with happiness and desire. Forgiveness had never tasted so good.

  Don't miss the rest of the bestselling Quinn Family Romance series:

  The Devoted Groom - Kaleb Quinn

  The Conflicted Warrior - Ryder Quinn

  The Gentle Patriot - Mack Quinn

  The Tough Warrior - Griff Quinn

  Her Too-Perfect Boss - Navy Quinn

  About the Author

  Cami is a part-time author, part-time exercise consultant, part-time housekeeper, full-time wife, and overtime mother of four adorable boys. Sleep and relaxation are fond memories. She’s never been happier.

  Sign up for Cami’s newsletter to receive a free ebook copy of The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance and information about new releases, discounts, and promotions here.

  If you enjoyed the Quinn Family Romances, don’t miss the new Steele Family Romances. Read on for an excerpt of Her Dream Date Boss.

  Her Dream Date Boss

  Mae Delaney refastened her long, dark hair into its standard ponytail, pushed her large glasses firmly into place, smoothed down one of her favorite T-shirts, and made sure the screen angle didn’t show she was in yoga pants at two p.m. She ran some pineapple lip gloss over her lips and practiced her smile in the mirror. “Look at you, you stinking hottie. You’re going to slaughter him.” The self-talk helped a tiny bit. She was the furthest thing from hot, and her thick glasses made it impossible to see her dark eyes, which her best friend, Kit, reassured her were her best feature.

  Her stomach fluttering, she pushed the button on video chat to call Slade Steele: the most charming and handsome man on the planet, owner of Steele Wholesale Lending, and her boss.

  Slade’s perfectly sculpted face filled the screen, complemented by his deep brown eyes with lashes longer than her own and a trimmed beard that only served to highlight his intriguing lips. He was gorgeous but so down-to-earth and kind. She
scoured the internet nightly for Slade Steele sightings. Over the last few months, she’d seen him on humanitarian trips with his church, helping a child who’d lost his mom at a hockey game, taking his beautiful little sister who had Down syndrome to the premiere of a chick flick, and playing rugby with teenage boys at the park. In one of the rugby pictures, he’d had his shirt off. She sighed inadvertently.

  “Hi, Mae. How are you today?”

  “If I was any better, I’d be exalted already,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Well, lucky for me, you’re still on this planet.”

  “Lucky, lucky you. Do you ever stop and thank the good Lord that you get the blessing of talking to me most days of the week?”

  He grinned. “Yes, ma’am, I do.” His eyes trailed over her T-shirt, and he read it out loud. “People in sleeping bags … are the soft tacos of the bear world.” Chuckling, he said, “Does that mean you have an aversion to tacos?”

  “No, sir. I like tacos. I just don’t want to be a taco.”

  He grinned. “Good to know.”

  All of Mae’s nerves settled, replaced with a deep longing to track him down, throw herself against his well-formed chest, kiss him good and long, and tell him she’d loved him for almost two years now. Then maybe they could go for tacos. But thinking about his well-formed chest … Could she touch it at their first meeting, or would that be an inappropriate action for a good Christian girl? She’d never really dated, so she had no idea. Hmm. It might be worth it. She might not get exalted as quickly, but she could repent later.

  “Mae. Mae?”

  “What? What just happened? Is it hot in here?” She fanned her face.

  Slade laughed. “I’m not sure what your weather is like in Sausalito, so I have no idea. It’s steamy hot in Boston.”

  Steamy hot? Oh, my. She wanted him to say those words again. Even better, maybe he could say them after they kissed the first time. Focus, Mae. “Dang man reminding me of the sad state of my life.”


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