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Traitor's Crown (Stones of Terrene Book 3)

Page 43

by RJ Metcalf

  “Can we talk?” Her words were nearly lost in the wash of music and chatter. She swallowed and straightened, meeting his eyes for a heartbeat before she broke the contact. “Outside, maybe?”

  It was still raining outside, and it was cold, but there were overhangs, and if she was ready to talk, he’d follow her wherever she felt comfortable.

  “Of course.” He tried to modulate his words to be soothing, but he doubted she could hear it.

  Raine nodded and turned on her heel, utterly graceful, walking as easily in her dress as she would on the deck of the Phoenix in sparring clothes. She slowed as she passed a table of filled glasses with some bubbly beverage. She contemplated the drinks before picking one up for herself and heading toward the door.

  Ben followed, snatching a drink for himself too. Odds were good he’d need one by the end of this conversation.

  He let her lead past gilded archways with scalloped ceilings and one side open to the garden. The sound of hundreds of raindrops hitting the grass and bushes provided a soothing background to the noise of the party behind them, but did nothing to ease the staccato rhythm of his heart. The walkway opened to a circular patio with a fountain in the center—and even more importantly to him—a sloped roof to shelter them from the weather. Raine sat on the wide edge of the water feature and set her drink down to her left, then tucked her hands under her thighs, head bowed.

  Ben hesitated. Should he wait for her to invite him to sit next to her? If he just stood there, it’d feel too much like he was judging her for something that didn’t need judging. He wanted to be on equal level with her. He took the risk and joined her on the fountain, leaving two hand spans between them on the freezing cold plaster.

  She stared down at the toes of her shoes, which peeped out from under her dress, struggle written across her face, and she bit her lip. She squeezed her eyes closed, as if fighting back tears.

  Ben couldn’t let the silence linger, couldn’t let her back down from whatever she came out here to tell him. “Do you trust me?”

  Raine’s eyes flew open, and she looked at him without flinching away, searching for something in his eyes that he wished he knew she wanted, so he could provide it. She blinked slowly, the wrinkle in her lip easing up. “Yes.”

  The tightness in his chest abated just a smidge. He reached out, checking his speed, being sure to not spook her as he touched her elbow lightly. “Then talk to me. We succeeded in taking out Lucio, we realize that we’re both Void Born, and then we were arrested and you … were sent to the Hollows. We’ve barely talked since.” He gave her a gentle grin, letting her see his desire for openness without trying to pry. “So. Friend. What’s on your heart?”

  An odd, broken smile twitched her lips. “I haven’t had a genuine friend in many years.”

  “You have one now.”

  Tears slipped down Raine’s cheeks, shimmering in the soft lights of the patio. Her shoulders hunched.

  Ben spoke softly. “What happened in there?”

  He didn’t have to specify where. There was only one place that she’d been without him that had left such an indelible mark.

  “You saw the man I kil—” Raine’s choked on the word and her voice dropped. “I killed?”

  Ben nodded, his skin prickling. He’d wondered. He’d suspected. He’d put clues together. Was he right?

  “His name was Simon.” She closed her eyes, blowing out her breath in a white puff. “He raped me in there.”

  Anger chased the chill from Ben’s skin while sorrow squeezed air from his lungs and pain gripped his heart. This was one time that he’d desperately hoped to be wrong. How he hated being right. “I’m so sorry.” As if words could fix something as atrocious, as damaging, as life-changing as that.

  Raine didn’t respond to his words as regret radiated off her. “My pit boss arranged that fight.” Her lashes fluttered. “And Andre warned me to not lose myself.” A breath shuddered out of her, and she stretched out her hand to her glass, lifting to her lips. She held it there, gazing into the slow bubbles before tossing it back in one long swig. She set it down and clenched her hands into fists. “I lost myself.”

  A thousand emotions raged through Ben as she folded in on herself, arms around her middle as she bent over as far as her corset would allow, silent sobs shaking her shoulders. He should have been there. Whatever happened, however it happened, if only he’d been there to protect her.

  But Andre had been there and it still happened. Would it have been any different if Ben was in the Hollows too? Or would they still be trapped, both as prisoners?

  If nothing else, Ben wished he’d been there to comfort her right after. And to be the one to serve justice to the scumbag who’d dared to take what wasn’t his.

  Ben scooted closer, leaving the body-heat warmed plaster for the cold expanse that separated him from Raine. He gently wrapped his arm around her, testing, poised to back off at any inclination that his touch was unwanted. She leaned into him, and he fully embraced her as she turned her face into his shoulder, her tears being absorbed by his borrowed suit jacket.

  “I failed.”

  Her soft words broke the quiet, and he tilted his head to try to hear better. “What?”

  “I tried to fight him off. I failed.”

  He didn’t have to see her face to hear and feel the shame oozing from her. Lead replaced his heart, and he pulled back slightly, trying to silently encourage her to look up at him. “It takes practice. And luck. And even in the most perfect of circumstance, you can’t always win.” How he hated himself. Had he given her a false hope in Antius? That she’d be able to defeat anyone who came her way with evil intentions?

  He shook his head. “Raine. You can do everything right. You can be in a place you considered safe, with people who are supposed to look after you, supposed to protect you, and even though you did nothing wrong, nothing to deserve it, ask for it, it can still happen.”

  Memories of Sara raged through Ben’s mind, stirring up old wounds. Anguish, heartache, and bitter, bitter grief. Holding his sister similar to how he held Raine; Sara sobbing, empty-eyed and broken. Blaming herself for what her wardens chose to do against her. Preying upon her vulnerability.

  He shuddered, trying to contain the indignation and fury that wanted to march back to that shelter and give those base born imbeciles a piece of his mind. Raine had already had her piece with Simon, but now she had a new layer to struggle through. He gave a gentle squeeze, feeling her shoulders shudder as she cried. “You were sent to an unsafe place. You fought. You didn’t ask for it. This isn’t your fault, Raine.”

  “I’m used, Ben.”

  He didn’t try to hide the flash of anger that burned through him at her words. “No.” He shifted and tucked his finger under her chin, lifting her face so her red-rimmed eyes met his. He fished Finn’s handkerchief out of his pocket and pressed it into her hand. “He used you, yes. He did something unspeakably evil against you. But you are not used. You have the same worth as you had before you ever walked into that hell-hole. You are not less. You are more.”

  Raine paused, handkerchief covering half her face as she stared at Ben in confusion.

  “You are stronger than before,” Ben explained, almost tripping over his words in his haste for her to understand how he saw her. “You learned. You picked yourself up and you’re learning to move forward again. You’re a fighter, Raine. This may have knocked you down, but it’s not the end for you.” He shook his head. “I won’t lie. It’s going to be hard. This is similar to what Sara went through. There will be good days. There will be bad days. There will be days that you feel angry, and days that you will grieve. Days will come that go by without you even thinking about it, and days that it won’t leave your mind.” Ben eased back, trying to rein in the passion of his words, not overwhelm her. He gently picked up her free hand, pressed it between both his palms as he looked her in the eye, intent. “For every day that I’m still in Terrene, I’ll be here. With you. Through ever

  Fresh tears welled in Raine’s eyes, brimming at the edges before spilling down her cheeks again. For once, she was an open book with her walls down, and he could clearly read the surprise and the hope, the softening heart and the sorrow lurking beneath. “You intend to return home, don’t you? To Earth?”

  Her words cut through him, and this time he was the one who dropped their gaze. “I have to go back. Sara doesn’t have any other family.” And Raine didn’t have much more family herself, just Finn, who was getting older, and then she’d be alone in a world hostile to her. But his sister was alone in High Normandy, likely grieving, assuming he was dead. He couldn’t be with both, and the pain of that knowledge left his bones aching. And it was too easy to see that same hurt in Raine’s body. But it wasn’t like he even knew how to return home. “I don’t know if I’ll even find a way back,” he muttered.

  Her smile was brittle and broken as her hand curled within his. “You will.”

  He stayed silent, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb while he thought. Finn had given his blessing to the idea of Ben taking Raine back to Earth. It hadn’t even been his suggestion to start with, but the idea of returning home and bringing Raine with him filled Ben with a nervous energy that made him desperately wish for the impossible.

  He didn’t want to dwell on that idea too much. It felt like a false hope at this point. But … what would Raine do if she went home with him? She couldn’t be a swordswoman there like she was here. Maybe military, too? Or an herbalist, like Finn? Or something else? But her returning home with him required a miracle that he knew was impossible. He sighed and rubbed his free hand against his forehead.

  “There is … one idea,” he stole a glance at her, catching the gleam of light in her eyes as she watched him. “It’s one that I wasn’t going to mention yet, but it came up, and, well …” He shrugged, dropping his gaze.

  He tried to swallow moisture into his suddenly dry throat. Why was he so nervous? It wasn’t like he was actually proposing or anything. Just suggesting something that would likely be utterly irreversible, if they even found a way. Would it be too much to even mention it right now?

  “Ben?” Raine nudged her shoulder against his, a glimmer of her humor lightening her voice. “What’s the idea?

  He blew out his breath, watching it fog in the cold air. Just ask. Casually. Ben shrugged one shoulder, acting as if it wasn’t too big an idea. “If I ever find a way back—”

  “When,” Raine supplemented.

  Ben shot her a grin that didn’t fully reach his eyes, too nervous to let her sudden optimism distract him. “When I find my way back, what if you came back to Earth with me?”



  Victor glared at the blue morning sky visible through patches of heavy gray clouds. He crumpled a corner of the newspaper on his table, then smoothed it out, chagrined to let his temper get the best of him when out in public. He surreptitiously glanced about, but no one paid any mind to him, most of the conversations swirling around him discussed the story of the Doldran princess and her star-crossed lover Guardian, or whispered concerns of the rumors regarding the coming Elph invasion.

  He toyed with the fork by his plate. What pleasure he’d have gotten from their fear tasted bitter in light of the recent news he’d received thanks to helpful, young Markus.

  Artemis was dead.

  After all these years apart, all this time, working separately and yet together to achieve his goal, she was gone.

  He gripped the flatware, trembling with rage. At least Markus managed to retrieve the activation stone from Artemis’s body. Giving that order just in case had proven to be a smart move after all. But his plans for Titus had failed. The south was united against the coming armies of Uncle Avery and the other Coven leaders. Brandon, the Void-cursed prince of Doldra was not only alive, but he’d somehow found a way to beat the blood-bond.


  What magic did that son-of-a-whale have that Victor didn’t?

  And how could Victor strike back at Brandon, make him feel the same impotent resentment and fury as Victor?

  Two women walked by, their annoyingly high-pitched voices carrying on about the royal wedding two nights ago. Victor raised an eyebrow at the newspaper, the grainy image of Zak and Jade on the front page. Jade would be even harder to touch, now that she was a Monomi and even more inseparable than before to the Guardian brat. But she was definitely the strongest link to Brandon.

  Victor rubbed his chin as he watched out the cafe window, his gaze falling on a young, dark-skinned couple strolling by on the side of the paved road. The man wasn’t wearing a kitchen apron, and the lady wasn’t wearing mechanic overalls, but Victor recognized them instantly, and a plan immediately popped into mind.

  There were other ways to get to Jade.

  To be continued in Blood Bond.


  Traitor’s Crown Register

  Abigail Hamade – Princess of Antius

  Adeline Doldras/Jade Stohner – Princess of Doldra, mechanic on the Sapphire

  Andre Catalina – Bodyguard and adviser to Prince Weston, deceased

  Artemis Maheras – Tattoo artist and assistant to the doctor of the Hollows

  Ben Dubray – Skyfarer, Void Born

  Brandon Doldras – Prince of Doldra, former berserker

  Briar Sasperil – Chef on the Sapphire

  Burners Guth – President of Lasim

  Christopher Saroot – Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Elinora Stohner – Head of the Stohner Shipping Yards, grandmother to Adeline/Jade

  Esther Monomi – Wife to Zebediah, Zak’s mother

  Everett Windsor – Ruler of Aerugo and Proxy Ruler of Doldra

  Ezekial Thorne – Sage and ally to Queen Violet, deceased

  Ezran Hamade – Emperor of Antius

  Finn DoPonce – Family friend of the Stohners, herbalist, and sage

  Francene Whelan – Marchioness, Mistress of Pleasures, Weston’s ally

  Garnet Stohner – Chief Liaison/Communications, Slate’s twin sister

  Jaxton Taylor – Doctor on the Sapphire, deceased

  Kaius Jakoluv – Advisor to Emperor Ezran

  Kerlee – Dragon hunter on the Sapphire

  Krista Cedrus – Mechanic on the Sapphire

  Lucio Perone – One of the Seven Sages, deceased

  Lynx – Pit fighter of the Hollows

  Marie Bertozzi – Chancellor of Piovant

  Michael Worthington – Mechanic on the Phoenix, husband to Rebecca Worthington

  Muku Varium – Chieftess of Vodan, wife to Sichi

  Niles Herrerra – Head bodyguard for Prince Weston

  Pamela – Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Pistoia Darst – Master engineer and Weston’s teacher

  Preston – Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Rachel – Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Raine DoPonce – Finn’s granddaughter, swordswoman, and Void Born

  Rebecca Worthington – First mate on the Phoenix, sister to Samantha Stohner

  Rowan Floret – King of Perennia, brother to Violet Windsor

  Samantha Stohner – Captain of the Phoenix, wife to Slate, adopted mother to Jade

  Samuel Thistle – Advisor and uncle to Queen Violet

  Sara Dubray – Sister of Ben Dubray

  Sapphire Doldras – Wife to Brandon, deceased

  Sichi Varium – Chief of Varium, husband to Muku

  Silas – Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Simon – Inmate in the Hollows

  Slate Stohner – Captain of the Sapphire, adopted father of Jade

  Titus Dusing – General of the Hollows

  Victor Kalende – Former first mate on the Sapphire, traitor, Elph

  Violet Windsor – Queen of Doldra and Aerugo

  Weston Windsor – Prince of Aerugo

  William Cedrus – Shipwright of the Sapphire, Krista’s father

h Monomi – Third eldest of Zak’s siblings, Jade’s bodyguard

  Zak Monomi – Combat Medic and Security Officer on the Sapphire, Jade’s bodyguard

  Zander Monomi – Zandra’s first born, deceased

  Zandra Monomi – Second eldest of Zak’s siblings

  Zane Monomi – Eldest of Zak’s siblings, deceased

  Zebediah Monomi – Leader of the Monomi clan, Zak’s father

  About the Author

  During the day, Becky is a stay at home mom of two active little boys. When she has ‘free time’, she enjoys reading, writing, baking and sewing.

  After many years of creative writing classes, writing fanfiction drabbles and daydreaming, it was high time to start writing her husband Mike's story. She dove into the world of Terrene and hasn’t looked back—except for when she runs out of dark chocolate.

  Any free time not spent in Terrene is typically expended on hosting dinner and game nights, running amok with the two little monkeys or watching nerdy movies with Mike.

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