Deuces Wild

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Deuces Wild Page 8

by Goode, Ella

  I head to the front door, stopping to take in the place one last time. How quickly it has become a home to me. It hurts to leave. Not the place so much but Carter. The people who barely knew me and stood up for me tonight.

  “I’ll always love you, Carter,” I say to the empty room before I make my exit, leaving a part of my soul behind me.

  Chapter 21


  The apartment is dead silent when I get back. The lights are off and the sofa is empty. A smile curves my lips upward. She’s in my bed, waiting for me. My blood starts roaring in my ears as it all starts racing toward my dick. I pull my shirt over my head and make for the bedroom.

  “Everyone says that you owe them a big gesture. Aly suggested you sing during lunch. I didn’t know if you had any vocal chops so I said you’d just buy everyone’s lunch. I told them your mom was a—“ I stop short of the doorway. There’s no one in my bedroom. The bedspread looks like it’s never been touched.

  I dash to the closet. All her clothes are there—at least the ones I bought her. My anxiety tapers off, only to immediately ratchet up again when I see a space at the bottom of my closet where her ratty backpack used to rest. I drop to my knees and search for it, but there’s only my shoes.

  “Mallory!” I shout. “Come out. You got me. I definitely thought you were missing.” I cross to the bathroom and slam my hand against the switches. The lights flicker on but there’s no one here. The truth sinks like a bucket of concrete in a pool. There’s no one here but me.

  I don’t see any signs of struggle. The pillows on the sectional are stacked neatly to one side. My remote is carefully lined up next to my book on Frank Lloyd Wright architecture. The counters are spotless. All signs point to her leaving on her own but it doesn’t make any fucking sense. We were two seconds away from popping each other’s cherry. I had to cut it short because I wanted to make sure everyone got off my property before they destroyed the whole estate. She must’ve slipped out with another student. Another guy? Did she find someone else she liked better? There’s no one with a fatter wallet. Are there guys at school better looking than me? I haven’t ever measured that. What do I know about what girls are attracted to? Ninety-nine percent of them only want down my jock because I was the winning quarterback and because my old man pretty much owns this town. I could look like a troll and have warts on my back and girls would still want to sleep with me.

  But I am an asshole. I know that but I thought she did too and that she didn’t care. I thrust a frustrated hand through my hair. The reasons she left don’t matter.

  I grab my phone and call Fast. “Yo. Aly with you?”

  “Yeah why?”

  “I need to talk to her.”

  “You have your cousin. Why do you need my girl?” Fast sounds irritated. I would be as well if some pencil dick wanted to talk to Mallory, particularly this late at night. But I don’t have time to soothe Fast’s ego.

  “Because I do. Just put her on the phone.”

  “Nah. You don’t get to talk to me like this.” He hangs up.

  I pull the phone from my ear and stare at the screen for a hot second before angrily jabbing the redial button. “What the hell, Fast?”

  “I’m not letting you speak to my girlfriend when you’re pissed off. You could hurt her feelings.”

  “Oh for God’s sake. Mallory is missing.” That’s more important to me than some random girl’s feelings.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I came upstairs and my apartment was empty. Her stuff is gone.”

  He lets out a low whistle. “Damn, man. That sucks. Why don’t you talk to Aly? Maybe your cuz said something to her.”

  I nearly grind my teeth into dust to keep myself from lashing out at Fast. That’s why I’d asked for her in the first place.

  “Hey, Carter. What’s going on?”

  “Did you and Mallory talk about her leaving?”

  “No, she never said a word. The last I saw of her was right after the cops left. She gave me a hug and thanked me for everything. I think she was going to give Owen a hug, too, but you stomped over and dragged her away.” Aly hesitates and then asks, “Is it the cops?”

  “I don’t know. If you see her on the road call me.”

  “Why on the road?”

  “Because she doesn’t have a car.” I hang up before Aly asks more questions I don’t want to answer.

  Mallory doesn’t have very much money because she left most of it here for some reason. This pisses me off more than anything. She’s on foot and can’t get very far. I grab my wallet and keys and bound down the stairs to my car. I slam the Maserati into gear and speed down the long lane. When I get to the end, I pause and try to deduce which way she went. To the right is the school and to the left is downtown. I opt for the left. She’s trying to get away from me, which means the school isn’t a refuge.

  I whip out onto the road and start scanning for hitchhikers. Meanwhile, I call Brad.

  “I need to locate Mallory’s phone number like yesterday,” I tell him. “Price is no object.”

  “Dude. I can ask for anything? Even your sweet Maserati?”

  “Yes.” I don’t even hesitate because there’s nothing more important in this world than Mallory and if it takes every earthly possession I have to get her back, I’ll spend it. Nothing and no one is keeping me away from her. Not even Mallory herself.

  Chapter 22


  Tears stream down my face as I walk farther away from Carter and out of his life. I know that I’m doing the right thing for him but it doesn’t stop the ache that has now formed in my chest. I keep moving, willing myself to go forward and not turn around. Knowing that I’m protecting him from my past which is knocking at my door. I lift my bag up higher on my shoulder and continue walking toward the bus station. I knew I had to head back toward my side of town when I left Carter’s. I couldn’t risk anyone seeing me get on a bus and reporting it back to him. I’d rather risk seeing my mom or her disgusting man of the month, Ricky, than let Carter get pulled any more into this mess than he is already. He’s done so much for me in such a short time. He has protected me and I’m going to do the same for him. No one has ever done that for me.

  The loneliness sets in when I reach the bus stop and realize that I have nowhere to go. I have no one to turn to. It somehow feels worse than it did the first time. When I left my mom’s, I knew I had to and that she didn’t really care about me anyway. She was too selfish to care for anyone else. Leaving Carter is a different story. Letting go of someone that you love is something I’m realizing I wasn’t prepared for. I’ve never had anyone care for me the way Carter did. Even though he can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Remembering all of the sarcastic banter that the two of us shared brings a smile to my face.

  I get to the bus station and open the doors to walk in. The place is dreary with people from all walks of life waiting to go somewhere. I walk up to the counter.

  “System’s down,” the ticket lady informs me before I can say anything.

  “How long do you think it will be?” I ask and immediately regret it when I see the look of annoyance on the lady’s face.

  “There’s nothing I can do. The system is down. It’s down in the entire state. I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t know when it will go back up. Any more questions?” I shake my head no. “Then take a seat and wait like everyone else.”

  I’m about to say something snippy but I stop myself when I see the look on her face. I’m sure all of the people in this room have asked her the same questions. I bet most of them have hemmed and hawed about how they need to get somewhere, thinking that they would get a different result. So I lift my bag up and proceed to an open seat.

  I set my bag in my lap, wrapping my hand around it so I can close my eyes for a moment. Exhaustion is starting to take over. The high from the excitement of the party and everyone standing up for me has finally worn off. The low has now settled over me, making me aware
of the fact that I’m losing it all. It is all so overwhelming and I’m having a hard time processing it. I’m not sure if I nod off or not but I’m jolted awake.

  “Get. Up.” My eyes fly open to see one very pissed-off looking Carter. I sit there in shock. “I said. Get. Up,” he repeats. My eyes water and a tear escapes, making me lose all my bravado. Carter’s face completely changes as he drops to the dirty floor onto his knees in front of me at the bench, bringing us to eye level. “Kiss me.” He issues another demand but this one is soft and pleading.

  I give in, leaning forward, causing our mouths to meet. I savor the kiss I never thought I’d have again. “You scared the fucking shit out of me.” I don’t know how he makes his words sound both caring and angry but he does. “You can’t just take off like that.”

  “I’m sorry.” I really am. I had no idea what the right thing to do was. “I don’t want you in my mess. I can’t let you get in trouble for the things I’ve done.”

  “That’s what you’re not getting, Mallory.” I’m a little surprised by him using my name. “I want all of your messes.”

  I lean forward, using his shirt to wipe my nose.

  “I should spank your ass for this,” he says through laughter. “Now look at me.”

  God, my Deuce really does love issuing orders and I don’t know why they seem to turn me on but they do. I obey this one. I can feel it in his tone that he has something he really wants me to hear.

  “I get taking off when you’re scared. It’s a habit you taught yourself. You don’t need to do that anymore but I get it. I know it’s going to take time for you to see that when it comes to me. Too many people that should’ve been loving you fucked that all up for you.”

  He reaches up, wiping one of the tears from my cheek. Then kissing the spot. This sweet side of Carter is going to be my undoing. I don’t know how much more I can take without bursting into tears. He came for me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the reason the bus system is down. He keeps going. As though he’s trying to make me fall in love with him. I’m already there.

  “I’ll always protect you. That said, I opened that safe in my closet every day making sure you were watching me do it. If you feel the need to run, you’ll need to promise me that you will always take what you need. You should’ve emptied my safe. You should’ve taken my car. It might not be right but with me I want you to always put yourself first. If there is something you can take from me that you need don’t you ever hesitate because I’ll never hesitate in giving it to you. You don’t need to ask for permission. It’s yours.” He takes a deep breath. He wipes the tears from under my eyes with his thumbs as he lowers his lips within a whisper of mine. “I’m yours,” he says as his mouth takes mine.

  Chapter 23


  I’ve never thought I’d be the type to make out in a bus stop. Hell, I never thought I’d ever be in a bus stop but it feels like one of the best places in the world now that Mallory is in my arms. She’s clinging to me like she doesn’t want to let go, too. Our mouths still fused together, I get to my feet. I manage to sling her backpack over one shoulder without breaking the seal.

  There may be a few drunk claps behind us as I walk out of the terminal and to my car.

  I tuck her passion-drugged self into the passenger seat and make my way around to the driver’s side. The night breeze does nothing to cool my over-heated body. I pull down on the crotch of my jeans, try to adjust my hard-on as much as possible, and climb into the car.

  “Want something to eat?” I ask as I navigate out of the parking lot.

  Mallory is curled into her seat like a little cat, her legs tucked up under her, one hand toying with a long strand of hair. “I thought you didn’t like people eating in your car.”

  “Mallory, baby, I didn’t even allow people to ride in my car before you came along.” I reach over and rest my hand between her warm thighs. If I didn’t care so much about her and her safety, I’d march my fingers up her tender skin and right into the heated core of her sex because once I touch her I’m not going to be able to stop. Yet...I’m good with my hands. I’ve got superior hand/eye coordination. I’m a top tier athlete—I shake my head hard. No. I’m not putting my girl in danger just to cop a quick feel.

  “You look mad,” she says quietly.

  “At myself.” I throw her a wry smile. “Half of me wants to tear your clothes off and finger fuck you until you cream all over my expensive leather car seats and the other half is telling me that I need to wait until I get you home so I can fuck you with my dick. I’ve been jerking off about three times a day thinking about how hot and tight your pussy is so the half that wants to fuck you in this dumb car is kinda taking the edge.”

  I feel the heat of her blush from across the car. My hand skates higher or maybe she wiggles down in the car seat. Either way, I only need to stretch out my fingers and I’d be touching her crotch.

  “I, ah, can’t believe you’ve never had sex before.”

  “Why’s that so unbelievable?”

  “Because you’re—“ She waves a hand toward me.

  A slow smile curves up my mouth. “Yeah?”

  I haven’t heard Mallory say a nice word about me and I can’t wait for my first compliment.

  “An asshole and all assholes dick around.”

  I swing the car onto the curb, turn off the engine, pull up the emergency brake and haul her over the console.

  “Wait, wait,” she half screams, half laughs. “I was kidding!”

  “I’m not.” I pop the button of her shorts open, shove my hand down her panties and into the slick cream of her cunt.

  She gasps and clenches around my finger. “What are...why does...oh my God. Don’t stop.”

  “Stopping is the last thing on my mind.” I shove her pants down her long, bare legs. She helps, kicking them off at the end. I drape a leg on either side of mine and then deliberately spread my thighs wide. She moans again as I stretch her tight pussy with a second finger. Juice drips out of her wet cunt onto my palm.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait until you’re riding my mouth and coming down my throat. I’m going to suck your cunt until you’re dry.”

  Her channel spasms at my words.

  “That’s right, baby, lean back and ride my fingers. Fuck my hand. Show me how you’re going to ride my cock.”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she cries but instinct is a hell of a thing because she reaches behind her, curls her palms around my knees and starts pumping up and down on my two fingers like it’s my shaft.

  My cock pulses with excitement and I grow dizzy thinking of what it’s going to feel like to have her wet, hot pussy gripping my dick. No more dry-ass handjobs for me. Oh no. From now on, I’m jacking into her juicy cunt at every spare second. Six minutes allotted for passing period between biology and government? I’ll be bending her over the second floor stairwell with her skirt flipped up and my pants around my knees driving so hard into her she feels my cock in her throat.

  “This feels so good, Carter. So good,” she moans, swirling her hips around in small circles. I stroke her, looking for that tiny patch of skin that is supposed to set her off like a rocket.

  “Keep going,” I urge. “I want to feel you come. Once you do, I’m going to lick your pussy juice off my hand and then you’re going to sit on my face while I eat you out.”

  She looks down her nose at me, sloe-eyed and flushed with arousal. “You have a dirty mouth, Carter.”

  “All the better to eat you out with.” I grin.

  She releases a shaky breath. “You should put your money where your mouth is.”

  Fuck. I love her. Always challenging me. “Watch your head,” I warn. I pull out, grab her hips and haul her up until that hot cunt is mouth high. I latch on to her sex, spearing her with my tongue. She screams, her high-pitched sex sounds bouncing off the small interior. My dick swells to an ungodly size and the orgasm that has been building since I first saw her in the back of my car comes ba
rreling out of my cock. I spill into my jeans at the same time that she comes, creaming all over my tongue. It’s an awesome way to spend time in my car, I’ll say that.

  Chapter 24


  I fidget in my seat as Deuce pulls away from the curb. He reaches over and checks my seatbelt again, giving it a small tug to make sure it’s in place. I smile at his outward gesture to take care of me.

  “What do you want to eat?” He licks his lips as he asks the question and I know he can taste me there. I tasted myself when he kissed me and put me back into my seat. He insisted on putting my seatbelt on so that he knew for sure that it was on correctly. Now I’m starting to think Deuce is the one who is nervous. Despite all of his dirty talk he is still, after all, a virgin. I am too, but Deuce is good at everything he does in life. I can see that being the best at things is important to him. It makes me wonder if he has a trace of insecurity about what is about to go down between us. I was nervous too when he began touching me in the car but my body responded to him as if he had touched me a million times before. As though we were meant for one another.

  “You just ate,” I tease him, getting a small smirk from him.


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