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Deuces Wild

Page 10

by Goode, Ella

  Fast halts. “You let Mallory drive your car?”

  “Would you give me your mothereffing keys?” I shout. I’m not here for a damn discourse on how picky about I am with my car. We’ve got an actual emergency on our hands. “Aly was with her.”

  “I can drive.” He slams the phone back to me and takes off, streaking across the parking lot to his car. He’s already in the vehicle and has the engine started by the time I reach it. I knew that little detail would get him moving.

  “Took you long enough.”

  I’d laugh if I wasn’t so damned scared. “Just drive.”

  While Fast tears out of the parking lot, I call my dad, not caring that I’m probably interrupting dinner or some kind of European sex fest he’s got going on. Thankfully, he answers instead of making me go to voicemail.

  “Son, what a nice surprise. It’s siesta time here, though, so can I call you back in a few hours?” There’s a distinct sound of slurping in the background that I tell myself is someone having a smoothie for lunch and not something else, more disgusting, that might turn me off of sex forever.

  “I need the contact information for Mayor Al and an attorney.”

  “What’s wrong?” Dad’s voice is suddenly alert and business-like.

  “My girlfriend”—no, I need him to be seriously invested in this—"your future daughter-in-law got picked up on some bogus charges. I need to make sure that they let her go, and, more importantly, that they don’t repeat this mistake.”

  “I’m not certain what is more disconcerting—you asking for my help or you saying that you’re going to marry a girl you towed home just a week or two ago. Nonetheless, as always, I’m happy to help you, son. Don’t worry about Mayor Al. I’ll place the call myself. The attorney will meet you at the station.”

  Relief turns me into a puddle and I slump against the car seat. “Great. Thanks.”

  “It might be advisable for you to cut off the root of the problem—whatever that may be. The family resources are at your disposal. Before you marry I would ask that you have your beloved sign a prenuptial.”

  “Unnecessary,” I bark into the phone. “Can you go any faster?”

  “Do you want to get picked up by the police?” Fast growls.

  “Why not? We’re going to the same place.”

  “I’m not sure what good it is if you’re locked up.”

  Unfortunately, he’s right so I go back to arguing with my dad.

  “The prenuptial is merely another contract, like the marriage license, and it allows for convenient separations,” he’s saying.

  “I’m not separating so it’s not going to be a problem.”

  “Fine. You won’t leave her, but that isn’t always the problem. Sometimes she wants to leave you.” He says it softly but there’s still hurt there. I don’t know what went wrong with my parents’ relationship—maybe it was sick to begin with. Once, when I was little, during one of their arguments I overhead, my mom yelled that she wasn’t a piece of property that could be bought and sold. Even if it their union wasn’t one that started out in a good place, that didn’t mean Mallory and I weren’t going to last.

  “If she wants to leave, I won’t let her.”

  Dad laughs. “What will you do? Tie her to the bed?”

  “If I have to, yeah. Gotta go. We’re at the station.” I turn to Owen. “What would you do if Aly said she was done with you?”

  Fast’s head whips around. “What the hell are you talking about? Did Mallory say something?”

  “No. I just wanted to know. Would you let her go or would you keep her?”

  “Keep her,” he answers immediately.

  “Me too.” Even if Mallory wanted to leave me, I wouldn’t let it happen. She gave herself to me. She had to know it was a forever promise, not one that lasted until she was tired of us. If I had to, yeah, I’d absolutely tie her to the bed, lock her in a room, build a castle and cast a spell that wouldn’t allow anyone inside but me. If anyone is going to imprison her, it isn’t going to be the town police. Oh, hell no. Mallory belongs to me.

  Chapter 28


  I knew the second I looked into the rearview mirror and saw those lights flashing that I was done for. My anxiety ramped up as I watched the two officers from the party step out and head toward the car. For one second I considered gunning it but I knew that would only make things worse. I was caught and Carter wasn’t here to save me. I should have stayed outside, like he told me. The man was bossy but it was always for the best reasons.

  It’s all a blur after that. The next thing I knew I was in handcuffs riding in the back of their police car. They seemed awfully pleased with themselves. Especially the tall one that was asking all the questions at the party. I keep my mouth zipped shut as they read me my rights. I could see Aly following us in Carter’s car and I knew she would get in touch with someone.

  I place my hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing, grateful that they cuffed my hands in front of me instead of behind my back. I’ve never been in trouble before and my nerves are showing. I sit on the long bench against the wall in the processing room as they shuffle paperwork around. From what they’ve told me, once I’m done here they will book me and take my mug shot. From there they’ll lead me to a holding cell where I’ll stay until I can post bail. This situation is overwhelming and my entire body shakes with nerves. I asked to make my phone call but I don’t know Carter’s number by heart and these two officers aren’t going out of their way to help me.

  A female officer comes into the room and sits next to me. “You doing okay?”

  I almost break down in tears but I hold it in. “I need my phone to look up a number to make my call,” I say, hoping that she’ll show me some compassion. She gets up, leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with my phone. She loosens my cuffs a bit so I can maneuver. My hands shake, hating the feel of the cold metal on my skin. She hands me my phone. I take it from her and hit the contact for the only person I know that will come running to my side.

  “Mallory.” He answers on the first ring.

  “Carter.” I get choked up before I can finish saying his name. “I’m scared,” I whisper. More than scared. What if I have to see Ricky? I don’t want to see him or my mother.

  “Don’t cry. I’m almost there. Everything is going to be fine. I’ll never let anything happen to you.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. A sense of relief fills me knowing that he’s on his way and that I finally have someone on my side. I know he’ll fix this. Carter won’t let anyone take me from him. His possessiveness should scare me but all I feel is comfort in it. I know he’ll stop at nothing to get to me. “Anyone touch you?” he asks. The possessiveness is thick in his voice now. I’m not sure what to say because I don’t want him coming in here and getting himself thrown in a cell next to mine.

  “They just put cuffs on me,” I say. I hear him suck in a breath. “Hold tight. I’m coming for you,” he reassures me. I think he hangs up but a beat later he speaks again. “I love you.” This time his voice is soft and I know he’s trying to soothe me. It makes my eyes water more at the tender side of Carter that is for only me. “Be my strong, smart-mouthed girl. I’ll be there in a second.”

  “I love you too.” Even though I’m sitting in a police station, I smile at his words because not a single person on this earth has ever uttered them to me before. They give me strength. While I wish the circumstances were different, they are still nice to hear. I press the button to end the call and hand the phone back to the female officer. She gives me a soft smile before getting up and leaving me alone in the room.

  I close my eyes, leaning my head back and wondering what is going to happen next. I know Carter will handle it but what will that entail? I can still see the smug looks on the cops’ faces when they picked me up. Yay for them. They got me. A girl who was trying to run from a shitty situation. From a man who deserved more than me taking his wallet. If anyone should be in custody it should be him. I kno
w these types of people. All they see is the poor girl who doesn’t belong in their community. They don’t bother to look any further than the surface. I’ve dealt with people judging me my entire life because of my mother’s ways so this is no different.

  I see the tall cop approaching me and brace myself for whatever it is that he’s going to say. “I hope you like your new accommodations. Don’t worry, I’m sure your cell will be an upgrade from the trailer you came from.”

  I keep my mouth closed as he grabs my arm and begins to lift me off the bench. I get up and begin walking with him. His grip is tight on my arm but I don’t do anything that would give him ammunition to use against me. I have to fight not to cry out in pain as his fingers dig into my arm knowing it’s going to leave a mark. I also know he’s going to regret it. I’m not alone anymore. He can push me around in this moment but he is going to pay for that hand he just put on me. I know it.

  “Detective Murray. Detective Grant. In my office now.” A loud voice fills the room. When I look up I see an older man. He commands attention so I’m guessing he’s their superior. Detective Grant loosens his hold on me after guiding me back to the bench that I had previously been seated on. I inwardly smile, knowing that Carter is already working his magic. I barely get myself seated back on the bench when Carter’s deep voice booms through the police station.

  I don’t fight the smug smile that pulls at my lips. Sometimes loving the asshole is better than Prince Charming. In truth, though, my Carter is both. He lives up to both names when it comes to me. Everyone else in this station is about to meet the Carter that others steer clear of. Except me. I welcome all sides of him with open arms. He’s hooked me. Damn him. The deep rumble of his angry voice turns me on while I’m cuffed in a police station. I'm sure he’ll take care of that later too.

  Chapter 29


  A white-haired guy with a Santa beard is standing on the police station steps when we pull up. I run past him but he grabs my arm.

  “Carter Franklin?”

  “Sorry man.” I shake his surprisingly firm grip. “Don’t have the time.” Some of these old men love to talk about the good ol’ days when they played ball. I usually entertain them because fuck if that’s not going to be me someday. Today, though, I’ve got to get to Mallory.

  “I’m Kevin Bailey. Your father called me and asked me to meet you here to discuss an unlawful arrest.”

  I back up immediately. He doesn’t look like any of the sharks my dad employs. Those guys are all slicked-back hair and dark blue suits with prep school striped ties. They look like they were churned out of a lawyer factory. This man is one red suit away from being mistaken for Jolly St. Nick.

  He smiles, his cheeks turning into red balls. “Come inside and I’ll assist you. Why don’t you tell me the details?”

  Being a good quarterback is all about making split second decisions. I consider his offer for a half second and then start talking. “I found Mallory in the back of my car a week and a half ago. She’d run away from her home because her mom’s boyfriend was making moves on her. She had no money of her own so she took this guy’s wallet. I think it had a few hundred in it. A couple days ago, I had a party at my house. The cops came looking for her and I said she was my cousin.”

  “And they questioned no one else?”

  “We all backed him up,” Fast offers.

  Santa looks over my shoulder at my teammate. “Well, a very steady group of friends,” he observes. “That says something about you.”

  “Nothing good,” Fast interjects. “We all hate him because he’s an asshole.”

  I flip Fast off.

  “Better to be feared than loved, so says Machiavelli,” Santa says cheerfully, not at all deterred by my teammate’s sarcasm. Santa must have some smart-mouthed elves.

  “I don’t want to interrupt this budding bro fest between the two of you,” I say, “But Mallory’s cuffed and in a jail cell so we need to get in there now and get her out. Do you have a plan?”

  “I do, but I’m curious about yours. You do have one, don’t you?” Santa peers up at me.

  “Yeah. It involves talking about how the chief of police spent a holiday at my house snorting coke off of a model’s ass.” I have a lot of dirt on that man. My dad has even worse shit on Mayor Al, which is why the town official doesn’t do anything without my dad’s approval.

  “Ah, well, let’s hold your powder on that one and try my way first, shall we?” Santa suggests.

  “I want her out today,” I tell him.

  “Of course. No other outcome is acceptable.”

  Those are encouraging words so I follow him into the station. There’s a small lobby and a woman sitting behind a glass barrier. To my left is a door. I try it but it’s locked. Meanwhile, Santa greets the dispatcher by her first name.

  “Debbie, you’re looking pretty as a picture. How is your newest grandbaby?” he says, tossing his briefcase up on the counter. As she answers, he begins to unbuckle the battered tote and draw out some paper.

  “She’s a doll, Mr. Bailey, an honest to God doll! I have pictures here.”

  “I want to see them. Here, you take a look at these while I take a look at your precious baby girl.” The two make an exchange.

  While Santa looks over the photographs and Deb starts paging through a legal document, I crack my knuckles. This is taking too long.

  “You said you’d give him a chance,” Fast whispers in my ear.

  “It’s been at least a minute since we walked in here,” I growl. I want her out now.

  “Mr. Bailey, are you suing the station?”

  “I don’t wait, Deb. I sincerely don’t want to but the men here have taken an innocent into custody and we can’t condone that kind of behavior, can we?”

  “But Mr. Bailey, the sheriff from Hottenberg sent the arrest papers over.”

  “I didn’t realize the Hottenberg sheriff was in charge of our town,” Santa says.

  “Of course he isn’t, but—“

  “Best bring the girl out here so we can see that she’s all right. I don’t want to tack on any claims about physical abuse.”

  “Oh, Mr. Bailey, we would never allow any of that.”

  Santa responds with a disappointed look that causes Deb to lower her eyes in shame. Fuck, what goes on here?

  I clear my throat to let Santa know that his chance is about up. He acknowledges me by raising his hand.

  “Deb, I don’t want to press you but I have young Carter here and you can only hold back an angry bull for so long.”

  Deb gives me an uncertain look. I bare my teeth at her.

  “Well, I don’t know…”

  I take a step forward. She jumps to her feet. “I’ll be right back.” She scoots her chair back and disappears out a back door. My fight instinct kicks in and I launch myself toward the glass barrier. My shoulder makes impact but the bulletproof glass holds. I look around for a weapon but the only thing I can see is a row of plastic chairs bolted to the ground.

  “It’s all right, Carter. Deb is fetching your girl,” Santa tells me, taking a seat in one of the dumpy chairs.

  “How do you know? She’s not even a police officer.”

  “She’s got keys.” He’s so fucking placid and unconcerned. That should alleviate my anxiety but it doesn’t.

  I turn to Fast. “You got a jack in your car?”

  “Yes but why?”

  “Because I’m breaking this wall down and I need some tool.” I stomp toward the exit. As I’m reaching for the handle, a buzz sounds from behind me and a small voice calls out, “Carter?”

  I spin around to see Mallory flying across the lobby and into my arms.

  Chapter 30


  Carter catches me easily as I hold him tight, burying my face in his neck. “I’m sorry,” I say against his warm skin.

  His scent immediately calms me. He’s my home. The only real one that I’ve ever known. He’s done so much for me in the sh
ort time that we’ve known each other. I can’t imagine where I would be if it wasn’t for him leaving his car doors unlocked. I shiver at that thought because I know I’d still be in that jail cell with no hope of getting out. I don’t think I’m ever going to leave his side again. This time my poking Carter went a little too far but that isn’t going to stop me from continuing to try to ruffle his feathers in the future. I better get used to him being around because he's never going to let me out of his sight after this little fiasco.

  “Did you just say sorry?” Carter says, almost sounding pissed about it. I lean back to look at him. He's got his hand on my ass holding me in place with my legs wrapped around him. I kiss him. I can’t help myself. I’m so grateful to have him in my corner. He can be grumpy about whatever it is he’s over here frowning about but he’ll have to wait until after I’m done kissing him. Whatever it is will have to be put on the back burner until I get my fill of my man. I deepen our kiss, silencing him for as long as I can. I knew deep down inside that he would come to get me, but seeing is believing. I now know without a doubt that this man is always going to be here for me. Even if I steal his car.

  He pulls back from the kiss. “Fucking hell. We’re in public,” he reminds me. I feel his hard cock dig into my stomach. Not only are we in public, we are in the middle of the police station. A shiver runs through me when I think about the officers that took me in. Worry starts to overwhelm me at the thought of seeing them again. Carter shifts his hold on me as one of his fingers comes to lift my chin, causing me to look into his eyes.

  “Why are you saying sorry? Those fuckers mess with that fight in you?” he challenges me.

  “Fine, I’m not sorry that I stole your car.”

  “That’s my girl.” He kisses me this time. It’s too fast and he puts me on my feet before I want him to. The only thing I can think of is getting out of here. I want to be alone with Carter so that we can make out at home where no one is watching. Home. The simple word settles something deep inside of me. Carter leans down and kisses my neck, causing a different kind of shiver through me.


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