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The Perfect First

Page 16

by Hughes, Maya

  I whirled around, my nakedness completely forgotten. “Are you kidding me? You nearly gave me a heart attack.” I shoved him with both my hands, but he didn’t move. He was a solid wall of delicious muscle.

  His gaze dropped to my chest, to my breasts, and the temporary insanity was wiped away. I lifted my hands to cover myself but he caught my arm. “Don’t do that, Wild Child.”

  A thrill ran through me whenever he called me that. It had started as a joke, but the more he said it, the more if felt like anything could be possible, like I had it in me to be a little wild and crazy sometimes. His fingers ran along the inside of my wrist. Blood pounded in my veins like a jet engine ready to take off.

  “Don’t hide from me.”

  “I’m not.”

  Like there was a magnet attached to my eyeballs, my gaze dropped to the part of him I’d only seen through a foot of water and felt against me. I wasn’t the only one naked. This time, his cock was ready for its close-up. My pulse raced under his gentle hold on my wrist.

  The air whooshed out of my lungs and I stared at him, slack-jawed like I’d just been introduced to a new wonder of the modern world. Despite all the five-dollar words I knew, there was only one word I could muster. “Wow.”

  “Damn, you know how to make a man feel appreciated.” He smirked as his other hand skimmed along my arm, every cell in my body aware of what was happening, what I’d wanted to happen since he slid into that booth and sat across from me.

  My cheeks heated, but I didn’t try to cover myself. He bent over and picked up something from the coffee table a step away.

  The glass of white wine in his hand caught the little bit of light streaming in through the gauzy curtains in front of the pool house windows. “Nix recommended a few bottles from his dad’s wine cellar. Do you want some?” He held out the glass. The clear liquid swirled against the sides at his movement.

  I nodded. My voice would have been a quaking mess if I’d even managed to get a word out. I could use some liquid courage—a whole vineyard full, but a glass would do.

  “Good.” He smiled and stepped in closer. Dipping two fingers into the glass, he pulled them out, dripping with wine, and ran them over my chest. Down between the valley of my breasts, he painted a line with his fingers before cleaning it up with his tongue.

  My shoulders shook. I let out a shuddering breath as the wine formed into small droplets streaking their way across my skin.

  “I’ve never had this kind of wine before, but I want a whole lot more. Do you want more?” His voice deepened, his struggle for control all too real. My nipples tightened almost painfully. I needed his mouth on me.

  Biting my lip, I nodded. Tendrils of my wet hair flicked forward, trailing water down my body.

  He dipped his fingers into the glass again and painted the top of my not quite D cup. His lips attacked the spot then he ran his tongue along my skin. His patience was only matched by his ability to tease.

  It seemed like the glass was nearly halfway empty when his lips finally made contact with my straining nipples. Every nerve in my body was centered on those peaks, and the way his tongue and teeth worked in unison nudged me toward an edge I’d never experienced before.

  “Do you forgive me?”

  I blinked twice, my earlier anger evaporating like the wine left on my skin.

  “Forgive you for what?” My words were shaky at best as he set down the glass and ran his hands over my nipples, rolling them between his fingers and sending shocks straight through my body to my pussy. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to ease the building pressure.

  “Lying to you.” His words were strained like this was taking as much of a toll on him as it was on me.

  “On one condition.” My words were a breathy whisper.

  “Name it.” His lips were inches away. All this and we hadn’t even had a proper kiss yet, not that there was anything proper about kind of breaking into someone’s pool house to get naked together.

  “Take me to bed.” I looped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. My body was one match strike away from being engulfed in flames, and he was holding the matchbox. I braced myself for him to pull back or change his mind, to tell me this was a mistake or say I deserved better.

  Instead, he bridged the gap in an instant, and I consumed his lips like an inmate presented with a last meal. He tasted like wine and chlorine.

  Momentarily breaking the kiss, he bent his knees and scooped me up in his arms. “I thought you’d never ask.”



  She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. More than any win on the field, any pair of limited-edition Adidas, she was so many things, and I couldn’t even believe she was there with me. Take me to bed had to be the sweetest words ever spoken. The emotional charge of them was almost more than I could handle, so I focused on the mechanics of it: lifting her into my arms and kissing her while she squirmed, squeezing her thighs together in my hold.

  Nix had given me full access to the pool house. I’d prepared ahead of time, making sure we’d have everything we needed. Nudging the bedroom door open, I stepped inside with Seph in my arms. Her lips peppered my neck and shoulder with kisses, sweet kisses like a touch from the gods.

  Standing in front of the bed, I set her down on her feet. She glanced up at me, the confusion bright in her eyes even in the low light.

  “I wouldn’t want you to get into bed with these wet things on.” I stepped back and stared down at the purple triangle of fabric covering her pussy. The heat of her had made it hard to think straight back in the pool, had made it difficult to keep from peeling it off her and taking her in the clear, blue water.

  Her throat jumped and she swallowed. I could practically hear the cartoon gulp. Kneeling down, I ran my hands over the smooth curves of her hips. My fingers dipped below the waistband and I squeezed her ass.

  She went up on her tiptoes. I looked up at her through the valley of her breasts. Her eyes were filled with the kind of humbling trust that would have brought me to my knees if I weren’t already there.

  Moving my hands lower, I pushed at the waistband of her underwear, rolling it down over my hands. Like I was my own torturer, I pulled them down her legs one inch at a time, my eyes getting well acquainted with the shape of her body, the smell of her. They fell free from the curve of her ass and down her thighs, pooling at her feet.

  She ran her fingers through my hair, her nails skimming along my scalp. I groaned at the pulsing pleasure coursing through my body. My dick smacked against my stomach between my spread legs. Resting my hands along the backs of her thighs, I nudged her back until her knees hit the bed.

  Sitting down with a bounce, she reached out to me. I came to her like a moth to a flame, the fire within me burning with desire. “We can go slow.” I tried to keep the strain out of my voice. My need to make this special and go slow warred with my cresting need to be inside her.

  “I’ve been going slow my whole life. Restrained, calculating, methodical. I want to feel you, and this feels more right than anything I’ve done in my life.” She leaned back, her arms behind my neck bringing me with her.

  Our bodies were flush against each other on top of the cool bedspread. My cock nestled at the apex of her thighs, and the wetness coating the head of my dick wasn’t from the pool. My mouth watered to taste her. I wanted it second to only one thing, but I could exercise some patience.

  Shifting my hips back, I sank lower on the bed. I pressed a kiss against her stomach, circling her belly button. She shuddered beneath me.

  “Grab the pillows and put them under your head.” I kept going toward the part of her I needed to get properly introduced to first.

  With a question in her eyes, she grabbed the pillows from the top of the bed and stuck two under her head, propping herself up so I could see her, so she could see me.

  I dropped a kiss on the small patch of hair right above her clit and she sucked in a sharp breath.

s wasn’t on your list, but I thought I’d improvise.” Settling my chest on the bed, I spread her open. Pink and glistening, she was ready for my mouth. “Are you ready?”

  She sucked in a shaky breath and nodded her head.

  Worry shot through me. Am I going to fast? “Do you want me to stop?”

  If she shook her head any quicker, she’d get whiplash. I couldn’t hold back my smile. Opening her wider, I lathed her clit with the flat of my tongue.

  Her hands shot to my head, tightening her grip on my hair. I glanced up and her gaze was riveted to mine, not wanting to miss a moment. That made two of us.

  I feasted on her sweetness, driven to draw out as many of her cries and moans as possible. I watched her watching me. I didn’t need to be told this was a first; I felt it and saw it in her eyes. The dazed and dreamy look surpassed every other I’d seen before. My cock strained against the comforter, each movement torture because it wasn’t where I wanted to be, needed to be. As I sucked her clit into my mouth, her thighs trembled, and her hold on my hair was going to make me bald.

  Her back arched off the bed and her eyes snapped shut as she threw her head back. Her hold tightened even more.

  I gently kissed the inside of her thigh and wrapped my hand around her wrist. “You’re going to give me a bald spot.”

  “Come here,” she said, panting. Her chest rose and fell, and she didn’t let go of my hair.

  Crawling up the bed, I did as my lady asked. Her arms settled around my neck with her hands running along my shoulders.

  “How about an encore?” I rested my forehead against hers.

  “Maybe later.” The corner of her mouth lifted.

  She lifted her legs and hooked them around my hip. My cock slipped between the lips of her pussy, running along them, gathering more of her essence and nudging at her opening. Her fingers raked down my back and she moaned as my head tapped against her clit.

  A moment of clarity shot through my head and I shifted us to one side, reaching for the pack of condoms I’d stashed on the nightstand earlier. Ripping it open in what had to be record time, I shifted my hips and rolled on the condom.

  Dropping my forehead against hers, I stared into her eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

  Her hands came up to the sides of my face, their warmth settling deep into my skin. The light brown of her eyes was like melted caramel. Running her thumb across my bottom lip, she closed her eyes and parted her lips.

  I closed the hairsbreadth gap between us. Our tongues mimicked the gentle rock of our hips, and her heels dug in deeper against my ass. This wasn’t like the kiss out in the pool. It wasn’t playful and teasing. This was raw and carnal with a helpless lust that threatened to consume her, and I was the only cure.



  My body was on fire. The heft of his cock resting against my clit made my thighs tremble around his body.

  I wanted all of him.

  I needed all of him.

  The stories and studies about first times didn’t matter. This would be different because it was us. Reaching down between us, I wrapped my fingers around the head of his cock. The thick mushroom tip would be a challenge, but I was up for it. A shudder wracked his body and I smiled against his lips.

  I wasn’t the only one ready to come out of my skin. Lining him up against me, I lifted my hips and squeezed my thighs around him all at once. His body lurched forward, not expecting my assault.

  He plunged deep into me so quickly, my back arched off the bed and a vise tightened around my chest, squeezing my lungs, the sharp burn stealing my breath away. I kept my arm wrapped around his back, the other pinned between us.

  He froze and tried to pull back. “Seph, what are you doing?” He planted his hands on the bed, but I held on, moving with him. Tugging my arm free, I wrapped it tighter around him.

  I clenched my lips between my teeth. The metallic taste of blood invaded my mouth. I’d bitten my own lip trying to hold back the yelp, knowing he’d probably call the whole thing off. Relaxing my mouth, I breathed through the stretching, raw ache in my pussy.

  “It’s okay.” I buried my head in his shoulder.

  “It’s not okay—I hurt you.” His voice was filled with accusation, not at me, but at himself.

  I held on to the back of his neck and ran my fingers through his hair, shushing him. “Give me a second. It’ll be okay.” I breathed through my mouth and some of the burn ebbed away. Shifting, my clit rubbed against him. A flicker of the pleasure from before came sparking back, small little shocks with each shift that canceled out the pain. I moved again and that flame grew.

  “We were supposed to go slow.” He ran his hand along my back, the rough pads of his fingers caressing and comforting me. It brought tears to my eyes. Why hadn’t they mentioned this in the papers I’d read? How you could want something so much with another person? How they could hold you close and help you discover a whole different side of yourself?

  “You know me, always rushing into things without thinking them through.” I hitched my legs higher on his hips and he sank in deeper. I moaned into his shoulder again, my teeth scraping across his skin.

  “Yeah, sounds exactly like you.” His words were clipped and strained. His muscles tightened like he was hanging by the thinnest of threads.

  Lifting my butt, I rolled my hips, and more of his cock slid into me. This time my breath was stolen away by a pleasure that pulsed from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. “You can move now.” I ground my hips on him, the pleasure blooming and growing with each passing second.

  His head jerked back. He stared into my eyes for a hint of deception. “Are you sure?”

  Lifting myself, I slammed my hips against him in a thrust that lit me up like a Christmas tree. We both groaned and his arms locked around me so tightly I could barely breathe. Leaning back, I took him with me, back on top of me on the bed.

  “I’m sure.” The words came out like a choked whisper.

  Bracing his arms on either side of my head, he stared into my eyes, searching.

  My hips lifting seemed to be the answer he was looking for. Brushing my hair back from my face, he thrust his hips forward, burying himself deeper in me. My back arched off the bed and I moaned out his name. Apparently, that was the magic word.

  His slow, measured thrusts transformed with each hitched breath and moan ripped from my lips. I met every movement and clung to the razor-sharp edge of the climax hurtling toward me. He canted his hips and my body shot forward. This wasn’t a leisurely stroll of an orgasm; this was careening over the side of a cliff into free fall.

  My nails bit into his back and I screamed louder than I’d ever thought possible. His thrusts got more erratic and his cock thickened inside me, stretching me to my limit. Slamming his hand against the bed beside me, he braced himself on his arms, driving into me one last time. His cock pulsed inside me, triggering another orgasm. This one was a wave cresting in slow motion, spreading warmth throughout my body. I collapsed back onto the bed.

  Resting his forehead against mine, he stared at me. The sharp pants of his breathing matched my own. My smile was so wide my cheeks ached, along with a few other parts of me.

  “That was unexpected.”

  Uncertainty clouded his eyes and, if anything, made him even sexier. He was worried. “Was it okay?” He lifted his hips, pulling himself free from me. The cool air of the room replaced the warmth of his possession of my body.

  “That’s supposed to be my line.” I brushed the hair back from over his ears and ran my hand along his cheek. “It was more than I ever could have hoped for.”

  His relief was absolute. Rolling off the bed, he got rid of the condom and ducked into the bathroom. He came back with a towel and washcloth.

  I pushed up onto my elbows. His knee sank into the bed and he dragged the warm cloth over my skin. My heart fluttered at his gentle touch.

  He wiped away the marker of my first time from between my legs and gently dried m
e. I blinked back tears at his tender care. Now that would freak him the hell out. He put everything back in the bathroom and climbed back into the bed with me, dragging down the sheets on one side.

  We got under the covers and he held me in his arms. “You sure you’re okay?”

  I ran my fingers along his muscled chest. “I’m more than okay, Reece. Are you sure it’s okay with Nix that we’re here?”

  “He’s the one who suggested it when I was trying to come up with a place for a late-night swim under the stars. He’s totally fine with it.”

  I slapped my hands over my face, the flush from earlier returning, only this time it wasn’t from sexual release. “That means he knows.” How was I going to face him again? Hey, Nix, your guest room bed is the perfect banging spot.

  Reece peeled my hands away from my face. The tips of my ears had to be on fire.

  “I didn’t say anything about the naked part. Don’t worry.” His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “You’d tell me if you weren’t okay, right?”

  “Stop worrying. I’m fine—better than fine. Sore”—his muscles tensed—“but that’s to be expected. There had to be a first, and I’m glad it was you.”

  A cloud flashed across his eyes and he pulled me closer, hugged me tighter, and held on to me like I was a buoy in a hurricane.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked softly.

  His lips tickled my shoulder. “Nothing. Let’s get some sleep.” He pulled the blankets up higher.

  Glancing up at him, I swallowed. Putting on the bravest face I had, I reached down between us and palmed his semi-hard dick. “Do we have to?”

  His neck tightened and he sucked in a sharp breath between his teeth. “You’re sore.”

  “I am, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still want you. I think I know exactly what can help me feel a lot better.” Tightening my grip, I pumped my hand up and down his length.


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