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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 18

by Crist, J. D.

  "That sounds like fun," Emily grinned. "I better get home and started myself."

  "I hope you guys have fun," Jessica smiled.

  "You too," Emily replied.

  Emily left the store and walked back out into the cool air. The temperature was dropping faster these days, and Emily felt like she was bundling Hope up like an Eskimo every time they left the house.

  "Ma'am, do you have a moment?" Emily turned to see both Cole and Jose walking towards her.

  "Unless it's essential, I really should be heading home.

  "Allow me to carry that for you," Cole said as he took the groceries from her.

  Emily considered insisting that she could do it herself but was too cold to fight about it.

  "We just wanted to apologize," Jose spoke as they began to walk.

  "I'm not up to talking about this," Emily replied.

  "And we don't mean to push, ma'am, but you should clean out a wound so it can heal," Cole looked ashamed as he spoke. "We know an apology won't mean much now, but we just want to try at least to get things out in the open."

  Emily stopped on the front porch and removed Hope from the carrier, and held her in her arms.

  "I just don't understand," Emily felt herself blurt out. "I had explained why and you guys did it anyway."

  "We didn't plan it," Jose began. "We were clearing the stores and just couldn't stop talking about what happened that night."

  "I kept thinking that bastard could get his hands on my little girl," Cole said more to his shoes than Emily.

  "We know how strong you are, and he almost got you. We wanted to make sure that he was not around to hurt our girls," Jose spoke next.

  "Shawn told us that you had said no," Cole started. "But we kept talking and asked if he would be able to live with Jeff getting his hands on Hope."

  "That's when he changed," Jose said. "And we headed out the back door."

  "Did you think he would be waiting for you at the dealership?" Emily asked.

  "We thought he may have set up his camp there," Cole explained.

  "His camp is at a farm. I've been there, remember?" Emily asked.

  "But you have never told us where so we thought…." Jose began.

  "I've never told you because I was afraid something like this would happen!" Emily felt herself yelling now.

  "We understand that now," Cole spoke. "We do."

  Emily stood for a long time, allowing their words to sink in fully.

  "I understand you wanted to protect your daughters," Emily said calmly. "I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have nightmares about Jeff getting Hope. But we have to be smart, or we risk leaving them without us to protect them."

  "We agree," Jose spoke.

  "We are going to get him, and I would like to trust you both enough to have you by my side when that day comes." Emily smiled at Jose and Cole. She could see they were both shocked by her words.

  "If you have concerns or fears, come talk to me," Emily continued. "I trust you both and would like if you both could trust me enough to talk to me."

  "Yes, ma'am," Cole and Jose both spoke.

  They sounded like children that had been scolded.

  "You both better get home," Emily smiled.

  "I will see you tomorrow."

  Jose and Cole both nodded, and after Cole had set the groceries down, they headed home. Emily carried the groceries inside and felt grateful for the warm air that wrapped around her.

  Emily placed Hope in her new highchair while she set to work cooking. This would be the first Thanksgiving dinner Emily ever had where her family was not present. She worked through preparing the various dishes, talking with Hope and Marley as she went. Hope had plenty to say, but her words were not quite understandable yet. Emily didn't mind, though, as she enjoyed their little conversations.

  Once there was nothing left to do but wait, Emily picked up Hope from the highchair and went to the living room. Emily had every intention of reading Hope more of her book, but Hope's screams stopped her in her tracks as she walked to the couch. Emily looked down at Hope to see what had upset her and saw Hope pointing at the wall and screaming. Emily looked and saw that Hope was pointing at the pictures on the wall.

  While Hope couldn't say it, Emily knew that she was pointing at Shawn. Emily allowed herself to look at the pictures and found herself focused on her, Shawn, Hope, and Marley. They all seemed so happy that it was hard to believe it was taken less than a month ago. Looking at the picture, they looked like a family. Emily knew that Hope missed Shawn, Emily did too. She missed having him around to talk to. She missed knowing that he was always there for her. But he had made his choice, and Emily didn't know if they could get past it.

  "I'm sorry little one," Emily said in a soothing voice. "Let's go over here and read more about Dorothy."

  Hope continued to cry and refused to settle while Emily tried to read. Usually, Hope was quiet and still when Emily read. But Hope was not letting go of how upset she was, and she was making it known. Emily had barely managed to make it through one page before timers started going off in the kitchen. Emily stood and placed Hope in the playpen before heading to the kitchen.

  While it may not be great parenting, Emily needed a break from the screams for a minute. Hope was still upset and continued to scream to make it known. Emily finished setting the table and returned to get Hope from the playpen. Emily carried Hope to the dining room and had finally stopped crying.

  Emily placed Hope in the highchair she had brought in, and Marley sat by the bowl that Emily had carried in. Everything was almost perfect. Emily took a deep breath and reached for the food to start making their plates. Emily picked up the fork and knife to get the chicken but stopped. Emily glanced to the chair on her left, where Shawn had always sat when he was here. Emily tried to shake off the feelings that over took her, but she missed him. While she wasn't ready for a relationship, she wasn't prepared to lose her best friend.

  Emily slammed the fork and knife back onto the table.

  "Well, shit!" Emily said under her breath. "You win, kid. Let's go."

  Emily picked up Hope and bundled her up in a coat before heading out into the town. The wall shift change must have been taking place as several people were making their way towards the wall. Emily spotted Margaret nearing the COM building. Margaret had just finished her shift on the wall and looked to be on her way home. Emily took off at a run with Marley by her side.

  "Margaret!" Emily called as they got closer. "Margaret!"

  Margaret stopped and waved at Emily as she neared.

  "Happy Thanksgiving, Emily," Margaret smiled at her.

  "Happy Thanksgiving, Margaret," Emily said, breathing heavy. "Can you do me a favor and watch Hope for just a minute?"

  "I'm supposed to be heading home. That husband of mine might burn everything if I'm late," Margaret smiled as she spoke.

  "I know, and I'm sorry," Emily breathed. "I just really need to talk to Shawn and..."

  "Well, I've fixed his cooking screwups before," Margaret interrupted. "Who am I to stand in the way of young love?"

  "No," Emily replied. "We are just friends, and I'm going to get my best friend back."

  "Oh, I know, dear," Margaret smiled. "And trust me, the first fight is always the worst. I'm sure you two will figure it out."

  Emily couldn't bring herself to waste any more time explaining that she and Shawn were just friends. Instead, she simply nodded and watched Margaret walk into the COM building with Hope.

  "You too, boy," Emily said to Marley. Marley looked at the door and back at Emily. "I'll be fine," Emily insisted. Marley turned and followed Margaret into the COM building.

  Emily turned and ran over to the apartments. Emily ran up the stairs two at a time and then down the long hall to Shawn's door. Emily knocked loudly and quickly on the door while she tried to catch her breath. After doing the stairs on the wall, Emily thought she would be in better shape by now. Emily listened and could hear Shawn move through the apart
ment and towards the door. Emily felt her breath leave her once more as the door opened. She stood looking at Shawn, who was holding his sandwich dinner.

  "Emily," Shawn finally spoke. "Is something wrong?"

  "Yes," Emily replied firmly. "Who eats a sandwich on Thanksgiving?!"

  "You ran over here to yell at me for my choice in dinner?" Shawn seemed even more confused.

  "Yes," Emily felt herself losing her nerve now that she was here. "I mean no, not really."

  "So, why are you here?" Shawn asked.

  "Because you were supposed to be having dinner with us," Emily blurted out.

  "I had planned on it, but after the dealership, I thought you wouldn't want me there."

  "What happened at that dealership ruined everything." Emily felt her anger turning to pain. "I lost my best friend because of what happened at that dealership!"

  "I know. I'm sorry," Shawn spoke. "I don't regret wanting to go after that prick, but I do regret going behind your back and hurting you."

  "You did," Emily felt tears in her eyes and hated it.

  "Emily, I'm sorry." Shawn stepped forward as he spoke and pulled Emily into his arms.

  Emily allowed the tears to escape as she felt Shawn's arms wrap around her. They stood for a long time, neither of them saying a word. Emily finally felt the tears stop but allowed Shawn to continue to hold her.

  "So, should we go eat before dinner gets cold?" Emily finally asked.

  Emily felt Shawn pull away and looked up at him.

  "Unless you would rather just keep eating your sandwich?" Emily smiled.

  "I think I can save it and eat it tomorrow," Shawn smiled.

  Shawn walked back into the apartment and set the sandwich on the counter. He then joined Emily in the hall and shut the door to the apartment.

  "Where are Hope and Marley?" Shawn asked as if just realizing they were not with Emily.

  "Margaret is watching them in the COM building," Emily replied as she turned to leave.

  Shawn followed her down the hall and back outside. The sun was setting, and the temperature was dropping even more. Emily wrapped her arms around herself and suddenly realized that she had forgotten to get herself a coat when she left. The wind cut right through her and Emily wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm.

  "Where's your coat?" Shawn asked.

  "On the coat rack at home," Emily replied. She looked and could see Shawn shaking his head. "So, maybe I didn't think this plan all the way through," Emily laughed.

  "Well, I know what that's like," Shawn smiled as he took off his coat. "Put this on before you freeze to death. The last thing we need is to have to wait for spring for you to defrost."

  "Very funny," Emily said as she took the coat and wrapped herself in it.

  Emily and Shawn walked together to the COM building to pick up Hope. Margaret was sitting in the chair by the radio singing to Hope, and Marley was waiting for them as soon as they entered the door. Marley seemed surprised to see Shawn with Emily but soon was bouncing around excited to have his friend back.

  "Thank you, Ms. Margaret," Emily said as she took Hope. "You are a lifesaver."

  "It was my pleasure," Margaret smiled.

  "Everything okay?"

  "Yeah, we're friends again," Emily replied.

  "Well, I better get home to make sure there's something edible for dinner," Margaret smiled as she made her way out the door.

  "I heard that dinner would be getting cold if we don't hurry," Shawn said from the doorway.

  "You're right," Emily smiled as she walked towards him with Hope.

  "Hey there, Hope." Shawn spoke to Hope for the first time in weeks. Hope began to try her best to get out of Emily's arms and to Shawn.

  "Fine, you like him better. I get it." Emily laughed as she allowed Hope to crawl into Shawn's arms.

  "Well, mom says no, where I say yes," Shawn laughed. "Of course, that makes me the favorite."

  "Let's get going," Emily laughed as she led them back out into the street.

  Soon, they were all gathered in the dining room and enjoying the chicken dinner Emily had prepared. Emily felt at peace for the first time in months. She felt herself laugh freely as they all enjoyed the meal. Once they were all stuffed, Shawn helped Emily tuck Hope into bed.

  "This was nice," Shawn said once they were back downstairs.

  "It was but don't get used to it," Emily smiled. "I'm not cooking like that again until Christmas."

  "Are you inviting me to Christmas dinner?" Shawn asked.

  "No, it's a requirement." Emily gave him her best serious face.

  "Yes, ma'am," Shawn laughed. Emily walked over to the couch, and Shawn sat down beside her.

  "I hate what he did to you," Shawn spoke.

  "Not just that day but even before I knew you. But I hate that I hurt you even more."

  "I know," Emily smiled. "Jeff will get what he deserves, but for now, we need to take care of our family here, in Sanctuary."

  "You're right," Shawn agreed. "I won't do anything else until you give the okay."

  Emily nodded and leaned back against the couch.

  "Let's put it behind us and move on," Emily sighed.

  "I can do that," Shawn said.

  Emily and Shawn talked for hours. Shawn didn't attempt to leave until Emily accidentally let a yawn escape.

  "You should get some rest," Shawn said as he stood.

  "Probably," Emily said. "I really should finish cleaning up before I do."

  "Why don't you go rest, and I'll take care of it?" Shawn offered.

  "You were a guest," Emily replied. "Guests don't do dishes."

  "I thought I was family, and family helps with the dishes."

  "You're right," Emily smiled. "Plus, I am too tired to argue."

  "Then I win," Shawn laughed. "Now, you go to bed, young lady."

  "Yes, sir," Emily yawned as she walked towards the stairs.

  Emily dressed for bed once she reached her room and then proceeded to Hope's room to get Marley. Emily slowly opened the door and could see that both Hope and Marley were fast asleep. Marley looked up as Emily made her way over to the crib. Hope looked peaceful as she slept, and Emily knew that it was because the tension was gone. Emily kissed Hope on the head and walked back towards the door. Marley followed and headed to Emily's room while Emily shut Hope's door. Emily could hear Shawn downstairs doing dishes as she headed into her room. Emily crawled into bed beside Marley but didn't fall asleep right away. Emily laid awake until she heard Shawn leave and the front door close.

  Emily thought back at the events of the day and her heart felt warm. The three men that she thought had betrayed her had simply been trying to protect the children. Emily felt sure that none of them had anything in common before the flash, and they probably would have never known each other existed. However, inside these walls, they were all family. They all cared about each other and wanted to keep everyone safe.

  Emily reached over and ran her hand through Marley's soft fur. Marley was still awake, and Emily felt him begin to sniff at her hair.

  "It's hard to believe, boy," Emily whispered to him. "A year ago, it was just you and me against the world."

  Emily could feel Marley's tail hitting against the bed as he wagged it.

  "It's still you and me," Emily laughed. "We just got more people to protect."

  Marley moved closer to Emily as if knowing she needed to go to sleep. Emily wrapped her arm over the big dog and snuggled her face against his fur. It didn't take long for Emily to fall asleep.

  Chapter 17

  Emily felt like the next month went by in a blur. They had not had any new groups come in, but they had not ventured out due to the cold. Things stayed busy inside Sanctuary. Everyone worked together and decorated main street to look like a movie set with all the decorations. Father Nathan planned a Christmas pageant for Christmas Eve. Hope, as the only baby in Sanctuary, would be starring as baby Jesus. Even Marley was going to be part of the show, starring a
s the donkey.

  Emily had just finished getting Hope and Marley ready for their time on stage and was making her way to the church. Everyone in town was walking the same direction, all eager for the show. Emily was happy to see Shawn waiting for her in front of the church.

  “Well, now the show can start. Our stars have arrived,” Shawn announced as he came towards Emily.

  “That they have,” Emily smiled.


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