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Power Players Box Set- The Complete Series

Page 14

by Cassia Leo

  When we finally manage to start getting ready, Cash lets me shower first while he makes a call to Knox Security to request a special team, though he won’t tell me what this special team is for. I assume he’s devising some crazy plan to scare off Benny and his goons, but I hope he knows what he’s doing. Though my father has never admitted it, I suspect Benny already got away with taking one parent from me. I believe he’s fully capable of making my father’s — or Cash’s — death look like an accident.

  As I step out of the shower and begin towel-drying my body, I hear muffled voices outside the bathroom. One voice is definitely Cash, but the other voice sounds like an older version of him. I tiptoe closer to the door to better hear them.

  “So you lied when you said you were engaged?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t lie about settling down. I’m going to propose to her tonight. I want everyone to know this isn’t an act. I’m… I’ve never been this serious about anyone, Dad. She’s changed me.”

  My heart thuds loudly in my ears as I clutch the towel against my chest.

  “Well, you certainly look and sound different. I look forward to meeting her.”

  “Her name is Kara.”

  “I look forward to meeting Kara. Your mother was very pleased when you asked for your grandmother’s ring. Take care of it, son. Don’t let her down.”

  “I will take care of it, and I promise I won’t let either of you down.”

  I grab onto the edge of the marble vanity top and attempt to breathe. Cash is going to propose to me tonight? I look up at my reflection and realize I have a goofy grin on my face.

  Why am I happy about this? I barely know him.

  Do I?

  He claims I’m the only person, other than his father and the first responders, who know what happened with Vanessa on that beach. He’s the only person other than my father who knows about Benny and my father’s debts. I haven’t even told Suzie about my dad’s bookie. Not to mention, Cash and I just minutes ago confessed our love to each other.

  I grip the countertop harder as my knees get weak. Oh, my God. Cash is going to propose, and I’m totally going to say yes.



  I’ve never been so fucking nervous in all my life as Kara and I head down to the Grand Ballroom on the third floor. The charity dinner and “Casino Night” will both benefit clean water initiatives, so I plan to gamble away a ton of money before I propose to Kara and leave gambling, booze, and women behind me.

  “Are you okay?” she asks as we approach our table at the head of the ballroom, where my parents are already seated. “You look tense.”

  I attempt to swallow, but my mouth is dry. “I’m fine, baby,” I say, adjusting my bowtie uncomfortably.

  She doesn’t look convinced, but she maintains her composure as I introduce her to my parents.

  “Mother, Father, this is…” I pause for a moment, as if I’ve forgotten her name or how to introduce her. “This is the love of my life, Kara Langley.”

  “Smooth save,” she whispers, turning my mother, who’s seated at the table, wearing a sparkling silver dress. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Westbrook.”

  “Please call me Anne,” my mother replies, rising from her chair to pull Kara into a brief but warm embrace. “Oh, none of that shaking hands nonsense,” she insists, grabbing Kara’s hands as she lets her go. “Look at you. You’re absolutely marvelous. Just as beautiful as I imagined. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to meet you, dear.”

  Kara’s face is flame-red as she smiles back. “Thank you. I… I didn’t know what to expect, but this is a very warm welcome. Thank you.”

  My mom offers her the seat next to her, and my chest swells with pride as they proceed to chat all throughout dinner. They discuss Kara’s gorgeous red dress and how we met at the Billionaire Club. I’m surprised at how Kara maintains her enthusiasm when the conversation shifts to clean water initiatives, my mother’s favorite charity topic. As much as I enjoy watching them get to know each other, by the time we’re finished with dinner, I want my girl back.

  “I hate to interrupt this gab-fest, but I believe Kara owes me a dance,” I say, grabbing the napkin off her lap and placing it on the table as I stand up. “Shall we?”

  She smiles as she puts her hand in mine. “We shall.”

  Her hand trembles as we walk toward the small dance floor, where a half-dozen other couples dance to the sweet sound of “Black Coffee” by Sarah Vaughn. As I place my hand on her hip and take her other hand in mine, she’s frozen as she stares at my chest.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, tilting her face up.

  “Nothing,” she replies, wrapping her free arm around my neck. “Everything is perfect. I’ve never…felt this happy.”

  I kiss her forehead as we sway to the music. “I’m just getting started, baby.”

  After a few more dances, Dex interrupts us to tell me he’s meeting the new security team in the lobby to lead them inside. Kara and I retreat into the adjacent ballroom, where a dozen tables have been set up for “Casino Night.” We purchase some chips from the cashier station, then I lead Kara past the poker and craps tables, heading straight for the blackjack tables near the bar.

  “Teach me how you play blackjack,” I say, pulling out a stool for her to sit.

  “You already know how to play blackjack,” she remarks with a look of sheer skepticism. “Besides, I thought you were giving up gambling.”

  I chuckle as I straddle the stool next to her. “I am. After tonight, my gambling days — and nights — are over,” I say, tracing a cross over my chest. “Cross my heart. I just want to see how you play.” I lean in to whisper in her ear, “It’s sexy as fuck and you know it.”

  She smiles as she shakes her head. “I need some chips,” she says, holding out her hand.

  I dig four $10,000 chips out of my pocket and place them in a neat stack in her palm. “Show me how it’s done, sensei.”

  She places the stack of chips on the table and bets one on the next hand. As the dealer places two cards in front of her and the man sitting on her other side, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Pulling it out, I’m surprised to see a text from my father.


  Meet me on the terrace. Celia and Warren want to discuss the terms of keeping you on board.

  I glance around to see if Dex is coming back yet, but I don’t see him anywhere.


  Can we discuss this later?


  It’s good news. This should be quick.

  “Who’s that?” Kara asks as the dealer pays out her $10,000 winning bet. “You didn’t even see me play that hand.”

  “It’s my dad. He says the board has good news. Dex should be here any second. I’m just going outside to chat with them. I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, okay?”

  She shrugs. “You’re going to miss out as I school this dealer,” she says, winking at the guy as he deals her another hand.

  I lean in and whisper in her ear, “No flirting with the dealer or I’ll really go caveman on you when we get back to the room.” I kiss her cheek. “I love you, baby. I’ll be right back.”

  She laughs, but she never takes her eyes off the cards as I get up to head toward the terrace. As I step out into the clear desert night, I look around at the small groups of people chatting, but I don’t see my father or any board members anywhere. Sliding my phone out of my pocket again, I shoot off a text asking my dad where he is. I watch Kara through the glass doors as I wait for my father to reply, but he never does.

  As I begin to head inside, a man with slicked hair and an ill-fitting tuxedo steps in my path. “Excuse me,” I reply, suppressing my urge to clock the guy.

  “Are you Cash Westbrook?” the guy asks in a Russian accent as two huge meatheads appear at his side. “I’m Mykhail. Benny’s cousin. You know my cousin Benny Bagramov? Because he knows you and your girlfriend.”

  “I don’t know what the fucking you’re talking a
bout,” I say, trying to squeeze past them, but they block my path. “You don’t know who the fuck you’re messing with here. I suggest you let me through or this is gonna get ugly.”

  Mykhail laughs. “What are you going to do? Going to call your little bodyguards? I think they’re a little tied up at the moment.”

  I laugh. “Where’d you learn English? Did you go to super-villain school, or something? Get the fuck out of my way.”

  Mykhail pulls his jacket open, showing me a semi-automatic Glock in a holster on his waist. “You can go with me or we can take Kara. Your choice. If you leave with me, Kara and her father will be unharmed.”

  I shake my head. “Your guys will never get past Hector. He was special forces, SEAL team six. He’ll rip your men to shreds.”

  “And how about your other bodyguard. What is his name? Dexter? Do you know where he is right now?” he asks, his smile widening as he sees the fear in my eyes. “Don’t do anything stupid, Mr. Westbrook.”

  I glance over their shoulders into the ballroom, my heart hammering against my chest as I watch the man sitting next to Kara look directly at me and smile. Kara is too busy concentrating on the blackjack table to notice anything. If the man were to pull a gun out of his jacket, she wouldn’t see it coming. I couldn’t get her attention right now unless I shouted her name at the top of my voice. Even then, she wouldn’t be able to react fast enough.

  Where the fuck is Dex?

  I let out a heavy sigh as I turn around. “I’ll go wherever you want, but you leave Kara and her father out of it. They don’t have anything to give you, but my dad will pay anything ransom you want to get me back.”

  But as soon as these words come out of my mouth, I realize it was my father’s phone that texted me to meet him on the terrace.

  “Where’s my father?” I ask, unable to hide the tremor in my voice.

  Mykhail and his men laugh. “He’s fine. A little banged up, but he’ll survive.”

  The hairs on my arms stand on end as my body floods with adrenaline. They took my father just to get his phone. Now, they’re getting away with me and who knows what they’ve done to Dex. I’m an idiot if I think they’re going to take me for ransom and I’m going to live to see another day. I’m an even bigger idiot if I think they’re not going to hurt Kara or her father as soon as I’m out of the picture.

  With all the power and adrenaline I can muster, I shove the heel of my hand into Mykhail’s hooked nose and take off toward the ballroom as his slow goons chase after me. I hear a crackle of static and one of them shouts in Russian. I watch in horror as Kara’s head turns toward the man sitting next to her, nearly falling out of her stool as he pulls his jacket back and retrieves a gun from his holster.

  I burst through the door into the ballroom and another guy next to him grabs her around the waist. The other guy stands up, points his gun at me, and fires. I duck behind a craps table as the ballroom erupts into panicked screams and people running in all directions. Glancing behind me, neither Mykhail or his goons are anywhere in sight. They must have changed tactics and decided to take Kara instead of me.

  Without any regard for my safety, I stand up and race toward the guy with the gun as his friend drags Kara kicking and screaming toward the exit behind the bar.

  “Somebody stop him!” I shout, painfully aware I’m not going to get to her in time as I dodge the other guy’s bullets. “Fuck!” I roar as I duck behind the same blackjack table where I just left Kara.

  I fucking did it again.

  I cover my face as I try to block out Vanessa’s blue skin and glassy-eyed stare.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.



  As soon as the man with the tree trunk arms pulls me outside, my sinuses are assaulted with the smell of burnt rubber. But it only lasts a second before someone else yanks a hood over my head. I’m lifted off the ground and someone else grabs my feet as I’m carried away. By the way my captors are bouncing, it feels as if we’re descending a staircase, which would make sense since the ballroom and terrace are on the third level of the hotel.

  “If that’s you, fuck you, Benny!” I shout through the dark fabric as I continue kicking and fighting, making their job as difficult as possible. “Fuck you and your needle dick! Fuck! You!”

  I’m determined to spout as many insults as I can before I’m knocked out with a needle in the neck or a fist in the face. But it doesn’t take long. As I’m tossed into the back of whatever vehicle they’re using to abduct me, the top of my head slams into something hard. Propelled by the full weight of my body, the force knocks me out in an instant.

  I don’t know how long I’m out, but it can’t be long because I’m still bumping along in the back of — what is this, a van? My hands are now tied behind my back and the hood is still over my head, but it’s no longer covering my mouth, as if it’s been taken off and put back on poorly while I was unconscious.

  “She’s breathing fine,” a man with a Russian accent insists. “Her head’s not even bleeding. You worry about yourself. Don’t worry about the girl.”

  “Fuck you!” says another man’s muffled voice, but this one I recognize. It’s Dex. “My boss is going to make you all wish you were dead when he finds us.”

  “Dex!” I shout.

  “Kara!” he shouts back. “Don’t fight anymore. Just do whatever they say. Knox will find us.”

  “I’m so sorry, Dex. I didn’t mean for this to happen to you.”

  “Shut up, bitch!” the Russian roars, then he lands a hard kick in my back. “You should listen to him and don’t fight or talk. Save your voice for later when we all take turns fucking you.”

  The food in my stomach shoots into my throat as my body floods with visceral terror. I try to hold it in, but I can’t. And I thank God the hood isn’t still covering my mouth as I vomit my steak and salad all over my shoulder and the floor.

  “What the fuck!” the Russian shouts, stepping on my bad thigh as he tries to get around me.

  I scream at the slicing pain in my hamstring and he laughs as he shoves my face in my vomit.

  “Clean that up!” he commands, laughing as I sob and try to wrench my hands free from my restraints.

  “She’s gonna aspirate!” Dex shouts. “Pick on someone your own size you piece of shit.”

  I can’t see Dex, but he must be even more restrained than I am. Dex is at least 250 pounds of solid muscle. They probably had to drug him to subdue him.

  The Russian pulls me up into a sitting position, making no attempt to make me comfortable as I cry from the pain in my leg. “You’re disgusting. Look at you. Almost as disgusting as your father.”

  I swallow my pain and wipe the vomit off my mouth by swiping my lips across my shoulder. “My father would wipe the floor with you. You’re too dumb to gamble, so you get other people to do it for you. You’re pathetic.”

  He lands an open-handed smack against my temple and I see bright flashes of color dancing before my eyes in the darkness of the hood.

  “Kara, stop talking,” Dex begs me. “Don’t give them any reason to hurt you. Please.”

  “Listen to your babysitter, Kara,” the Russian warns me as the vehicle comes to a stop. “We’re here. It’s showtime, baby.”

  I fully expect to be removed from the van and led to the next location. Instead, I feel a sharp sting in my neck as I’m stuck with a needle. I gasp for breath as panic sets in. But it doesn’t last long before my muscles become cold and slack and I pass out again.



  I should have expected this. I should have known when Kara told me about her father’s bookies that they would find out about our relationship. I should have seen this coming a fucking mile away.

  Why did I leave her alone at that fucking blackjack table?

  “Fuck!” I roar, then I take off running toward the stairwell on the opposite end of the hotel, the one that empties into the parking garage.

  No doubt the hotel elevators
will be packed with panicking guests right now, and the police and first responders will probably use the stairwell closest to the scene of the shooting. I don’t have time to give a statement to police, and Kara’s abductor was pretty clear that I should not alert authorities.

  I explode through the exit door and pull my vibrating phone out of my pocket as I begin descending the stairs. My heart races as I see I have another text from my father, which is certainly from the Russian.


  $2 million for Kara. We will throw in your dad for free. 2-for-1 deal of a lifetime. Will probably kill bodyguard for fun. Call cops and they all die.

  My stomach vaults as three images are sent. The first is my father in the back seat of a dark sedan, duct tape stretched across his mouth as blood trickles from his nose and a swollen cut on his cheek. The next picture is Dex sitting in the back of a van with his feet tied together and his hands tied behind his head. His torso is tied to the steel security screen separating the front of the van from the back. The third picture makes me want to set the fucking world on fire.

  The third photo is a picture of Kara lying on the floor of the same van, her eyes are closed as a male hand shoves her face into a pool of vomit. I want to turn away from the image, but I force myself to look at it, to let it fill me with the raging fire of a thousand suns. I let the fury overtake me until I feel as if I’m almost outside my own body, analyzing the situation from every angle, using my anger as a tool to make better use of every single second I’m away from Kara.

  These motherfuckers will regret the day they touched her, and they’ll regret it for the rest of their lives.

  I burst out of the exit door into the parking garage, thankful that Kara’s captors insisted I can’t involve the authorities. Knox Security is much more experienced at handling these types of situations than Vegas PD. They’re so experienced that, as I’m about to call the emergency number Knox Savage gave me when I became a client of his two years ago, my phone rings before I can even dial the number.


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