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Her Guardian Series Box Set

Page 1

by G. Bailey

  Her Guardians Series


  G. Bailey


  Her Guardians Series 1-4



  Winter’s Guardian


  1. Winter

  2. Winter

  3. Winter

  4. Wyatt

  5. Winter

  6. Winter

  7. Jaxson

  8. Winter

  9. Winter

  10. Winter

  11. Dabriel

  12. Winter

  13. Winter

  14. Atticus

  15. Winter

  16. Winter

  17. Winter

  18. Winter


  Winter’s Kiss

  19. Winter

  20. Winter

  21. Winter

  22. Winter

  23. Winter

  24. Winter

  25. Winter

  26. Winter

  27. Winter

  28. Winter

  29. Wyatt

  30. Winter

  31. Jaxson

  32. Winter

  33. Winter

  34. Wyatt

  35. Winter

  36. Winter

  37. Dabriel

  38. Winter

  39. Atticus

  40. Winter

  41. Winter

  42. Winter

  Winter’s Promise

  43. Winter

  44. Winter

  45. Winter

  46. Winter

  47. Wyatt

  48. Winter

  49. Atticus

  50. Winter

  51. Winter

  52. Winter

  53. Winter

  54. Winter

  55. Winter

  56. Winter

  57. Winter

  58. Winter

  59. Winter

  60. Dabriel

  61. Winter

  62. Winter

  63. Jaxson

  64. Wyatt

  65. Winter

  66. Atticus

  67. Winter

  68. Winter

  69. Atticus

  70. Winter

  Winter’s War

  71. Atticus

  72. Jaxson

  73. Wyatt

  74. Dabriel

  75. Winter

  76. Winter

  77. Winter

  78. Winter

  79. Winter

  80. Winter

  81. Winter

  82. Winter

  83. Winter

  84. Winter

  85. Winter

  86. Winter

  87. Winter

  88. Winter

  89. Winter

  90. Winter

  91. Winter

  92. Atticus

  93. Wyatt

  94. Winter


  Stay in Touch

  Join Bailey’s Pack

  About the Author

  Bonus epilogue scenes

  Bonus epilogue scenes

  Her Guardians Series Copyright ©2018 by G. Bailey.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The author acknowledges the trademark owners of various products, brands and/or stores referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Wolf. Vampire. Witch. Angel. What happens when you’re destined for all four?

  When Winter started university with her best friend Alex, she didn’t expect to find herself in the middle of a supernatural war. Who knew saving a stray wolf could earn you the alliance of the pack.

  With danger, romance and old prophecy’s ruling Winter’s life, is love enough? Can Winter find the strength she needs when family secrets are revealed and threaten to destroy everything?

  Two bonus epilogue chapters exclusive to this box set at the end!

  Winter’s Guardian

  Her Guardians Series

  When Winter started university with her best friend Alex, she didn’t expect to find herself in the middle of a supernatural war. Who knew saving a stray wolf could earn you the alliance of the pack. To make things more complicated, the broody and very attractive Jaxson is tasked with keeping her safe from the growing vampire threat in town. It’s a shame he can’t stand her and enjoys irritating the hell out of her. When she finds out her new boyfriend has his own secrets, can she trust anyone anymore?

  What happens when you get yourself stuck in the middle of a war?

  *Reverse Harem*


  The blue-sided human will choose a side.

  When four princes are born on the same day, they will rule true.

  Her saviour will die when the choice is made.

  If she chooses wrong, she will fall.

  If she chooses right, then she will rule.

  Only her mates can stop her from the destruction of all.

  If the fates allow, no one need fall.

  For only the true kings hold her fate, and they will be her mates.

  “The prophecy has come true. I found out that the vampires’, angels’, and witches’ royal sons were born yesterday,” my sister says to me, a look of worry on her faultless face as I hold my little baby closer to me.

  I look down at the sweet, little boy in my arms. The new shifter prince, my son and the last royal male wolf. His green eyes are glowing as he looks up at me like he holds the entire earth in his sweet eyes. I know the goddess will protect him.

  “Then it’s true. The goddess planned this all,” I whisper.

  “We must make sure they are close. Despite our wars and disagreements, the children should grow up together,” she tells me, and I know she is right.

  “We have a lot of planning to do, sister.” I stare down at my little boy as I speak to her, “You are right, if they are to have any chance of winning the human’s heart, they must be united.”

  “Yes, my queen.” My sister bows her head at me and leaves the room. If only I could protect my child from the responsibility he now has on his tiny shoulders.

  The responsibility of saving the whole world.



  “So, class, please start by reading page thirty-two in your books," the professor goes on, as my class starts after he walks in. The professor looks as ancient as the old room we are all sat in, with his brown hair and beard and very dated clothes that look like he hasn’t washed them in a while. I push my own out-of-control, wavy brown hair over my shoulder, wishing I had tied it up this morning. It’s a hot day, and the room is stuffy because of the lack of opened windows, making my hair stick to the back of my neck. I glance over at my best friend, Alex, who has her head on her desk, lightly snoring. I chuckle before kicking her leg and waking her up. She moves her waist-length, straight, red hair off her face to glare at me. "I was resting, Win," she mutters, hiding her eyes with her arm and huffing at me.

  "The professor is here," I giggle, trying to whisper to her as she nearly falls off the side of the desk, while half asleep.

  "Oh, what page?" She yawns, looking like she is going to drop back off to sleep already. I sigh, remembering how she actually has a boyfriend to keep her up all night. I, on the other hand, can't find a good one. The last time I had a boyfriend was over a year ago, and I found out he had a b
ad habit of sleeping around at parties. The unfortunate way I found this out was when I walked into his bedroom at his party, to find him in bed with two other girls. Let’s just say he has put me off men for life, or at least for a while.

  "Thirty-two," I roll my eyes at her grin.

  "I might nap instead, I had a long night," she winks.

  "Don't rub it in," I groan.

  "Well, you’re coming to Drake’s party this weekend, and no, you don't have a choice. I bought you a dress, and I found you a date," she grins. I don’t know which one is worse about that sentence: the fact she has bought me a dress, which I know will be way too slutty for my style, or the unlucky guy she has found for me. I decide to go with the second problem first.

  "A date? You know I don't date," I hiss, while she continues to grin.

  "Hey, you can't judge every man because of one. This guy is nice, a friend of Drake’s." She makes that annoying face she knows I haven’t ever been able to say no to since we were eight. I will never forget when I first met Alex. My mum had taken me to get an ice cream from the local ice cream van. Alex had just gotten hers in front of me, and I decided to get the same because her ice cream looked good. When the truck left, Alex tripped and dropped hers. My mum and I rushed over as she cried her eyes out over her ice cream. I offered to share mine and then, when I saw her at school the next day, we were inseparable.

  "Fine, but if this doesn't go well, I'm blaming you," I laugh.

  "Winter Masters, is there something wrong?" my professor asks, causing the whole class to look at me. I can hear Alex's quiet snort as I answer.

  "No, sir. We were just discussing the work," I say with red cheeks. The professor raises his bushy eyebrows at me. I know he doesn’t believe me. Damn, I wouldn’t believe me, either. I’m a terrible liar.

  "Well, discuss it more quietly next time, I'm sure the whole class doesn't want to know about your dating life,” he replies. I hold in the urge to hide under the table at his blunt reply. A guy about my age puts his hand up at the front, drawing the whole room’s attention to him. The boy has messy, brown hair that’s covered up with a backwards cap. He is quite muscular under his top and shorts from what I can see. I’ve heard a few comments about how attractive he is, which he definitely is, but I can’t remember his name.

  "I would like to know, sir," he says loudly before winking at me over his shoulder. I know I’m redder than a tomato now, and one glance at Alex shows how funny she thinks this is. I’m leaving her to sleep through the class next time.

  "That's enough, Harris. All of you, get back to work. I am running tests on this next week.” He picks up a large pile of papers, most likely the tests he made us do last week and hasn’t bothered to mark yet. I watch as he goes to his desk and pulls out his phone. I’m sure he is playing some game by the way he is typing, but he definitely isn’t marking the tests.

  “Also, while I remember, you need to find work experience in the next week or you'll be helping me sort out the university lost and found…for four weeks." I swear the old professor even smirked, but I didn’t see him do it. I bet they would be getting him more coffees than they would be doing anything else.

  "Have you heard back from the local vets yet?" Alex asks, opening her book as everyone else starts reading quietly.

  "Yes, they called yesterday, and I'm all sorted." I grin, remembering jumping up and down in happiness after the call. I had applied months ago, and no one from our course was accepted, but I held out hope as I hadn't been rejected. My back-up was to work at a local farm with half our class. Studying to become a vet is hard work, and there isn't much work experience available. This is an English class, and we have to pass it to stay at the university. That’s why Alex, who is a music student, is taking this class with me.

  "That's great," she smiles widely, making a few guys next to us turn to look at her. Alex is that very pretty girl you always wanted to be. She is tall with boobs and hips that are perfect no matter what she eats. I look at a McDonald’s meal, and my ass gets bigger. I’ve been told I'm pretty, but I like my food too much. So I have curves, unlike my skinny-ass best friend. My best qualities are my shiny, brown hair and blue eyes, which I have to admit, suit my golden complexion. We don't say anymore and get on with our work. At the end of class, I hand in my permission forms for the work experience, before finding Alex with her boyfriend, Drake, outside class.

  "Hey, do you still need a lift?" I ask when I get close to them.

  "Nope, thanks, honey. I'm going to Drake’s, but I will see you tomorrow to get ready for the party." She winks, leaning against Drake. Drake is a good-looking guy but is kind of strange-looking, and I can’t put my finger on why. Honestly, he looks like a typical, scary-ass man all the time. He has dark, nearly black eyes and black hair that’s cut in a buzz cut, but he makes it work. It’s the eyes that give him the strangeness; they are too dark, darker than I have ever seen anyone’s. I always thought that he must spend a lot of time in a gym or something because he is all muscles. Alex has told me he is well off, but I knew that anyway from the car he drives and the designer clothes he wears. It's not just the looks and money, it's more how much older he acts, when he must be around twenty, like us. Alex doesn't answer many questions about him, but they have dated a while, so I'm guessing she really likes him.

  "My friend is looking forward to your date," Drake says coldly in a slight Russian accent. Alex says he’s not actually from there, but his parents were, apparently.

  "Me too," I lie and frown at Alex's chuckle.

  "I love you, Win, never change," she says to me, as she gives me a hug before we wave goodbye. Drake doesn't say anything else, but that's normal.

  I click my old, red Rover open before sliding in. My mum bought it for me as a going away present, and I love the old car, though maybe not the unusual stain on the driver seat I can’t seem to get rid of; I think it’s red pen. Well, I’m hoping it is anyway. As I drive home, I try to think about ways to get out of this date, but eventually come to the conclusion that it couldn't go that badly. Right?



  “You’re joking, right? I can't wear this." I gesture to the tight, red dress I'm wearing. My hair is up in a messy bun with a few wavy strands around my face. My makeup is perfectly done, thanks to Alex, but I have to admit I don’t look anything like myself.

  "You look hot, Win," she says, pretending to cool herself down by waving her hand at her face. I look back to the mirror and glance down at the dress. It stops around mid-thigh, and the top part has a slit down the middle at the front, stopping just before my underwear, and making it impossible to wear a bra. Not that I'm worried, I’m not big chested enough to really have an issue.

  "He is going to think I'm easy if I’m wearing this," I say, sighing and turning around with my arms around my waist.

  "No, he is going to think he is a lucky fucker," she laughs before straightening her own dress. Alex is wearing her little, black dress, which is a little too little but looks nice.

  "Alright. But again, I'm blaming you if anything goes wrong." I laugh to myself, knowing this could only go wrong. I shut the door to my bedroom before leaving our apartment. Alex and I have a two-bedroom apartment near the university, which we rent together. It's cheap enough, and the area isn't too bad, but we still make sure we lock up.

  "So, what's my date’s name?" I ask as we wait outside for Drake to turn up. We are lucky the weather has been so good recently. Welsh weather is known for its constant rain, and our town is right in the middle of the mountains. Calroh is a small town but has a great university, and that’s why we chose it, also the cheap apartments to rent helped. It’s right in the middle of two large mountains and surrounded by a large forest. There’s only one road out of town, but the town is well-stocked enough to look after itself with many large superstores.

  "Wyatt. I haven't met him, but Drake speaks highly of him," she grins at me.

  I think of his name for a second, trying to imagi
ne the guy. "So, is it getting serious between you and Drake?" I ask gently, knowing Alex doesn't like to speak about relationships. Not her own at least.

  "I don't know. He is so secretive that I–" she stops talking as Drake’s car pulls in front us. I glance at her, and I am wondering what the end of that sentence was, but she shakes her head, smiling before opening her door. I do the same, sliding into the back.


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