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Her Guardian Series Box Set

Page 43

by G. Bailey

  “Ben and Jerry's?” Atti asks me, while I wince at Dabriel.

  “Yes, the chocolate brownie flavour. Jaxson bought it for me,” I say.

  “Then, bro, you had it coming,” Atti pats Dabriel on the shoulder with a laugh. I smile at them both as I feel hands slide around my waist, and I’m pulled back against a large body as cold lips kiss my neck.

  “I missed you,” Wyatt says into my ear.

  “Me too,” I say. I laugh as Wyatt picks me up, and we move quickly away from the other guys. I take a deep breath when he stops and lets me go.

  “Wanted me alone?” I ask him, and he grins as he lightly kisses me.

  “Yes,” he says, no other explanation needed. I glance around to see we are on the balcony I was just looking up at. There’s a blanket on the floor, with a selection of food and some roses in a vase. I smile up at Wyatt with a big grin.

  “I want to show you something first and maybe get you some more clothes,” he glances down at my leather outfit. I nod and pull my wet hair out of the bun, and undo the plait. It falls in waves as he just watches me.

  “You’re beautiful, Winter,” he says, making my heart pound in my chest. Then he walks away to the new doors. Someone has replaced the stone ones that were destroyed with large, glass doors. I like it. We go into the newly painted white hallway; the floors are still the old stone but smoothed down. There are new lights on the walls, and the archways to Elissa’s bedroom have new, wooden doors. There used to be white curtains in the past, but the light-wooden doors suit it better. They are shaped perfectly to the archway, and Wyatt pushes the door open. I walk in, and my first thought is that the room has changed so much. Where there once was a raised stone alter and stone floors, there is now an even, cream-carpeted floor. The new, arched windows are massive, letting lots of light into the room. There’s a beautiful, wooden fireplace on one side and two small, white doors on each side of it. The main thing in the room is the huge bed in the middle, with a large, white headboard; it looks like it could fit at least five people. The bed sheets are white to match the white fur rug in front of the fireplace.

  “We will get other things for the room, but this is all yours,” he tells me, and my jaw drops.

  “The four rooms next door are for each of us, they’re just down the corridor, but I’m sure we’ll take turns sleeping with you,” he says, making my cheeks go red at the thought.

  “We could live together, all of us,” I say in a whisper.

  “When we have peace, we will,” Wyatt says to me and comes over to kiss my forehead.

  “Then we will fight for peace,” I say, my words feeling like a promise.



  I smile at the old council member who goes on about how he is going to support me, if only I were stupid enough to not know he wants a price for the support.

  “The older brother returns,” the sarcastic voice of my younger brother says behind me.

  “Excuse me,” I say to the angel from the council whom I was speaking to. I turn to see my two younger brothers standing right behind me. Both of them are dressed in white, looking like twins when they’re not. Their hair is more blonde than white, and it’s cut short, not like most angels who keep their hair long. Zadkiel is the one that spoke; his light purple eyes make his narrow face seem cruel. Or maybe it’s because I know how fucking cruel he can be.

  “I have never truly left,” I reply, crossing my arms.

  “The council feels otherwise,” he smirks.

  “A council you are not on nor have any control over, Zadkiel,” I say. His fists tighten as the few symbols he has start glowing on his arms. I resist the urge to smirk at the weak show of power. Govad, my other brother, just watches us with distaste. Govad has white hair that stops at his shoulders; he looks more like me than my other brother. He’s only a few inches shorter than me, and his eyes are darker than Zadkiel’s. He hasn’t spoken a word to me since I stopped him from killing another angel over a female. The fight was not needed and unfair, seeing as the other angel was not aware the female had been promised to my brother. My brother did mate with her in the end, and I offered the other man my protection. He was lucky he didn’t sleep with her and make a bond; Govad would have had a real excuse to kill him then. Govad only speaks to my brother and is just as cruel. The only reason I can put up with him is because he doesn’t want the throne. Zadkiel’s thirst for power will be his undoing in the end, and it makes a problem for me.

  “I will when I am king,” he replies eventually.

  “No,” I say with a smirk, my skin lights up with all my symbols. A little fear shines in his eyes, but he is quick to turn around and walk out of the room. Govad follows closely behind him, and he doesn’t meet my eyes. I look up at the old painting on the wall in the entrance hall to the council. It’s of my father, and it’s gigantic. My father has grey hair in this painting, a sign of how long he lived before he died a natural death. The narrow face and light purple eyes are just like Zadkiel’s, and I look very little like him. I look like my mother, with all my father’s power.

  “The council will now see you, prince Dabriel,” a young female angel says. She bows to me as I walk past and into the dome room the council sit in. They all watch me from their seats, each looking older than the next. The only one who is young is Lucifer, and he nods to me. He still owes me a favour for his future. I wouldn’t say I like the dark angel, but I wish him to be on my side. I need a dark angel to sway the council with me.

  “Why was I called?” I ask, getting to the point, so I can return to Winter. I don’t wish to be away from her for long anymore. I’ve fallen for her, and the threats against her life are too high.

  “The demons have been attacking our people, prince,” Gabriel snaps out. I look over at him; he looks stressed and angry. Gabriel’s hair is nearly all grey, and he sneers at me. He will never be on my side, as he supports Zadkiel.

  “We can’t see any attacks made by demons. We can’t see them coming, and the witches’ wards aren’t working,” Gabriel snaps out. It doesn’t surprise me; I’m more surprised that more angels haven’t died from the attacks. If I can’t see any part of the demons’ future or anything about the king, then they would not be able to see them coming. This is a shock for the angels, so used to seeing any attack before it comes to their doorsteps.

  “I am aware of the issue. The vampires and werewolves are now living in a protected castle. The castle is the old home of the goddess,” I tell them, and each of them stares at me with mixed looks of shock and disgust.

  “Impossible!” Gabriel spits out.

  “No, it is not. The castle has a large ward, much stronger than any witch can give us, and the prince of the witches has used his magic to hold it. It also has its own ancient magic,” I inform them.

  “What are you telling us this for?” Lucifer asks me.

  “We should move our people there,” I say, and they all go silent. Not one of them says a word as I meet each of their eyes.

  “Our people are at war. It is now the time to come together and fight. We can win if we are all together,” I tell them.

  “It’s only a month until we choose a king. Is this truly the conversation you wish to have with us?” Raziel asks me, and I nod at the dark angel. Raziel has always been impartial, and I hope he does side with me on taking the throne.

  “Yes. I care not for a throne if all my subjects are dead or turned into demons,” I tell them.

  They whisper quietly amongst themselves for a long time before Gabriel speaks, “We will not work with the vampires or werewolves. The war can be won on our side,” he says. I knew what they would say, but I’d hoped they would be smarter than this.

  “You are all old fools who will get our people killed!” I shout out.

  “Zadkiel believes that we should fight. They can be killed, but it takes a few angels to take down one. We would like it if you stayed and fought with us,” Gabriel smiles at me.

  “He is
wrong, and our people will pay for the mistakes of my brother’s bloodthirsty nature,” I spit out.

  “I do not believe we should make a decision now. There is much to be discussed and a war on the way which we must defend ourselves from,” Lucifer says, and his eyes meet mine for a second, knowing he is giving me time to save the angels from themselves.

  “Agreed,” is repeated around the council. I turn to walk out, but I hear, “Do you have any visions, prince Dabriel? Your brother does not,” Lucifer says, and I stop in my tracks.

  “Yes, but none are certain or of any use. I can’t see anything other than blood and death in our future. I believe that we can work together to change this,” I say, and I don’t look at them as I walk through the doors, slamming them open. My wings spread open, and I take off out of the front doors, into the sky. I fly for a while before I see the old house I used to meet Atti at when he came to get me as a child. The house is in ruins, but it’s away from humans and angels. I land just seconds before I’m knocked to the ground. I swing around and punch the person in the stomach, using my wings to fly into the sky. Zadkiel’s eyes meet mine as he shoots into the air, and heads straight for me.

  My younger brother was always the stupid one. My symbols kick in, and I fly down to meet him. I’m bigger than Zadkiel, so it’s easy to slam him into the side of the house. Bricks fall all over the ground and around our heads as I wrap my hands around his throat. He tries to fight me off, but he has seriously underestimated me. I’ve always been abnormally strong.

  “D, what the fuck?” Atti’s voice comes from behind me, and a hand is slapped on my shoulder. I don’t see anything other than Zadkiel’s gasping and panicked eyes. His hands clawing my arms as I hold him down. If I kill him now, there won’t be any competition for the throne. My people would have to listen to me.

  “Fuck, he isn’t worth this,” Atti says as I look down at my brother. The guilt wouldn’t be worth it, and I don’t want to take the throne this way. I let go, listening to Atti’s words, and stand up slowly, taking a few steps back.

  “I will have the throne,” Zadkiel laughs and coughs out. I laugh humourlessly, myself, as I step forward, and Atti appears in front of me, blocking my gaze from Zadkiel and his fucking laugh.

  “He is an idiot, D, don’t waste your time,” Atti says as he places his hands on my shoulders.

  “I can just about fucking see you when you’re glowing like a torch man, let’s go,” Atti says, and it’s hard not to smile.

  “Fine,” I say, and Atti moves us. His magic feels like being on one of those human roller coasters Atti convinced me to go to once. I didn’t see the point, but Atti kissed Winter for the first time on one, and Winter loved it. Atti is good for Winter, more than he realises, because they are very alike. They both like to see the humour in life when times are getting bad. I don’t know how to do that, but she still seems to like me.

  “Why are we here?” I ask Atti when I see he has brought us to his house. Winter isn’t here; she’s at the castle seeing Alex and Leigha for the night. She expressed that she missed them and wanted some time alone.

  “Boys’ night,” he says, and I just don’t know how to reply to him.

  “Pardon?” I ask, and he laughs.

  “Atti means we need to chill out for one night, and Winter is safe with her friends,” Jaxson comes into the lounge with two beers in his hand. He hands me one just as Wyatt comes in.

  “Fucking hell, is that what you brought me here for?” Wyatt asks and takes a sip of his beer. I watch in humour as Mags follows Wyatt and jumps on the sofa next to him as he sits. Mags jumps into his lap, and he holds his hands in the air.

  “You just stroke her, or do I need to explain to you about how to deal with a girl on your lap?” Jaxson says with a laugh.

  “I would have said pussy,” Atti jokes and laughs. Jaxson smirks at Atti and sits next to Wyatt. Mags gets up and sits on his lap as he strokes her.

  “I’m not a cat person,” Wyatt glares at Jaxson and moves away.

  “So, we are discussing cats all night?” I ask, because I don’t wish to do that. Mags is a lovely cat, but it’s pointless when we have much more pressing issues.

  “No. I got Avengers on DVD and beers. I’ll go and get pizza from New York in a bit. You can’t beat that shit,” Atti says, and I laugh as I take a seat.

  “Boys’ night it is,” I groan out.

  “You guys are such fucking losers, I swear I have no idea why we are friends,” Wyatt grumbles.

  “Because you love my ass,” Atti says with a big laugh, and Wyatt throws a book at him. “I’m just joking, fucker, chill,” Atti laughs as he stops the book in the air with a wave of his hand, and a gust of air throws it across the room.

  “Such a dick,” Wyatt says, but he relaxes in his seat and drinks his beer.

  It was a good night.



  "So, who is this guy we are waiting for?" I ask Dabriel. Atti brought us to a little café in the middle of town near the university I used to go to. The café is empty other than the waitress who brought our two teas over. I drink a little of my tea, it’s nice and normal. I could be on a normal date with a hot guy, you know, if he didn’t have wings. I know the waitress can’t see the wings, or she would have run out screaming. I know this dark angel we’re meeting is meant to be able to see my past, but I don't know who he is. Atti is picking us up here in a few hours, as it’s not safe to go back to my apartment or to pack lands anymore.

  "His name is Lucifer," Dabriel answers.

  "Like the fallen angel out of the bible?" I ask, but it's not Dabriel who answers me.

  "Yes, human, that was me."

  I glance up at the man, or angel, who spoke. He is the very opposite to Dabriel. He has long black hair with dark brown skin. His eyes are a dark purple, and his wings are full of black feathers instead of the bright white of Dabriel’s.

  "I'm not sure I can class myself as human anymore," I tell him; he tilts his head to the side to look at me.

  "Perhaps," Lucifer says and takes the seat opposite us at the small table. The bubbly waitress with blonde hair comes running over. Lucifer orders a cup of tea. It's so normal, that it's weird.

  "You don't look like much," Lucifer tells me.

  "Let’s get on with this," Dabriel growls out. His tone is pissed off and goes with the scowl he’s aiming across the table at Lucifer.

  Lucifer laughs and offers me his hand over the table. I hesitate a little when I see the glowing symbol in the middle. It glows grey against his dark skin and looks like a half moon with an arrow going through the middle of it.

  "I would never offer my power to anyone, let alone a human who is now a vampire. I owe my children's lives to Dabriel. That debt will be repaid, as I do not wish to have it over my head," Lucifer says.

  I look at Dabriel, seeing his reassuring smile before I slide my hand into Lucifer’s cold one and watch as his eyes glow black.

  "So little, how I wish I could protect you," Isa, my mother, says to me. She is crying as she holds me in her arms. I'm only a toddler in this vision, with the little bit of brown hair that I have up in pigtails. I’m standing in front of her as my mother sways me from side to side. My little yellow dress matches the yellow top my mother’s wearing. I don’t know why I’m focused on that and not how my mother looks at me with such love that it hurts.

  I guess because it hurts to admit I miss her. I miss a mother I can’t remember.

  The vision changes quickly, and I'm in an empty street that looks familiar.

  "We could just kill her; he won’t know, and her power will keep us on earth," a crackly voice says behind me. I turn, seeing Isa on the ground. She’s bleeding from her mouth, her clothes are torn, and she’s watching the sky as two blue shadows stand over her. They keep flickering between real men in black clothes and the blue shadows.

  "Do it," Isa whispers. The shadows hold her down, their hands over her chest, and she screams. I screa
m along with Isa as she dies. I recognise this dream; I had it when I was ten.

  The vision flashes again.

  This time, Isa is with my father, Joey. I recognise him from the dream I had before. His brown hair is like mine, and I have his nose. They’re both looking at the little baby in their arms, wrapped in a knitted, pink blanket. The room is bright with a raging fire in the fireplace, and the windows to the little house are covered in snow.

  "Winter, her name is Winter, and she will save them all," Isa says gently.

  "I like it," Joey says and kisses her. The baby cries, and they both smile down at her—at me.

  I blink when I realise we are back in the café. The waitress stands, holding the mug of tea, and stares at us. I attempt to pull my hand back, but Lucifer holds on.

  "Put it down, thank you," Dabriel tells the woman. She shakes a little as she puts the tea next to Lucifer and runs off.

  Lucifer finally releases my hand, and I sit back in my seat. His eyes are completely black when he finally looks up at me. They slowly turn back to purple as I watch. It's the opposite of the way Dabriel’s go white when he sees the future.

  "I saw other bits, but those are the only important things I will show you. The rest is small," he tells me.

  "To you, perhaps; it’s all I have of my birth parents. Thank you," I say, my voice a little cracked. It hurts in my chest, the feeling of those memories, of parents I never knew, but I just saw how much they loved me.

  "I am sorry for your loss," Lucifer says, and he stands. "My debt is repaid, my prince," he looks towards Dabriel.

  "It is," Dabriel answers. Lucifer goes to walk away, but Dabriel stops him. “I saw another child, a young one with dark wings and dark eyes. This one will need to move soon before the war takes him. You know whom I speak of, and I know the decision you will make. It’s the only way,” Dabriel says. I don’t understand what he’s saying, but apparently, Lucifer does, because he turns to face him with fully black eyes. Lucifer comes back over to the table and stands at the end. He joins his hands together, grey symbols appearing all over his skin. He has as many as Dabriel, well maybe a few less, but it’s impressive. I watch as he rests his bent head on his hands.


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