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Her Guardian Series Box Set

Page 46

by G. Bailey

  "Katy or maybe Lucinda," he tells me. I didn’t realise he knew her.


  “They are both strong, and Jaxson has made Katy a guard. Lucinda is an alpha of strong blood. I believe one of them would be the ideal person to have at your side."

  "I will ask Jaxson. She’s only sixteen, and Lucinda has a lot of responsibilities," I say.

  "And you are only twenty. Age is just a number for us, we don’t have the pleasure of being innocent for so long. Our children don’t know a time without death and war," Atti says, his eyes watching the dancers.

  "Twenty-one in two months," I say, and Atti smiles.

  "We will have to celebrate," he winks.

  "Only if the whole world isn't destroyed, you mean," I joke a little too loudly. Several people look my way. Okay, maybe a bad joke.

  "I'm going to feed you so you stop talking. I have better ways to keep you quiet, but we can't do those in public," Atti winks at me again, and I laugh with warm cheeks. He walks us closer to the table of food, his arm tight around my waist.

  "Oh, chocolate cake!" I point at a large chocolate cake, and he walks us over. He cuts me a big piece and then gets me a fork.

  "I would try the whole romantic feeding you thing, but I'm honestly scared you would try to eat me and not in the good way," he laughs.

  “What’s the good way?” I innocently ask him, and he smirks.

  “The same good way I would enjoy eating you,” he winks, and I blush, my mouth closed around a piece of chocolate cake.

  “And, baby,” Atti says as he moves his head close to my ear, "I can be as slow or fast as you like," he whispers. I nearly choke on my chocolate cake at his seductive words. I was wrong; fucking hell, Atti can flirt like the best of them. I miss this side to Atti, the less serious side.

  “What was it like growing up around here?” I ask him as we eat.

  “I didn’t get out much. My mother was protective, to say the least; she couldn’t cope with me being far from her until I was stronger and able to protect myself,” he says.

  “So, you were lonely?” I ask.

  “No, just bored. You forget I used to sneak out and see the others. When I first started seeing Wyatt, he was an angry kid. It was fun to wind him up. We both came up with this great idea to see the other princes. Jax was cool, but Dabriel tried to kill us. He was a serious one with a stick up his butt,” Atti says, and I laugh at his choice of words.

  “Anyway, my mother finally caught on about my disappearing acts. Witches usually can’t use the power to move until they hit sixteen, so she didn’t know I could do it. She showed me the castle and told me it was safe to play there.” His words are tinted in sadness. “The rest of my childhood was council meetings, fighting in the arena, and learning everything I could about ruling,” he tells me.

  “You will make a good king,” I say.

  He looks down at me. “With you at my side, I will,” he whispers and kisses me. “You had a little chocolate on your lips,” he smirks.

  “You don’t need an excuse to kiss me, Atti,” I grin.

  “I know,” he smiles and wraps an arm around me. We both watch the dancers for a while, lost in our thoughts.

  "Here, my lady, I brought you a drink. They’re made from the grapes I grew in my garden,” a woman says with long, black hair as she stops in front of us; a dark witch. She hands Atti and me two glasses.

  "Thank you," I say and drink some as she moves into the crowd. The grape juice is soft and sweet. It's really nice.

  I eat a few more bites of cake before I start feeling hot.

  "Winter," I hear, and I try to respond, but nothing comes out.



  “Dabriel,” I shout as I hold Winter to my chest, while I pull on my magic to find him. I reappear just inches away from him.

  “What happened?” Dabriel instantly asks as he takes Winter from me. She isn’t awake, and she’s barely breathing. I don’t feel myself move as I watch Dabriel glow white all over to the point that I can’t see Winter anymore. I don’t look at anything other than the light. I feel Jaxson move next to me and put his hand on my shoulder, but I don’t respond. What feels like years later, but is probably only moments, Dabriel dials down the glowing, so I can see Winter. She looks pale and is still sleeping, but Dabriel nods. That nod is all I need, and I rest my hands on my knees as I take a deep breath. Jaxson goes over and strokes Winter’s hair away from her eyes.

  “What the fucking hell happened to her, and why isn’t she awake?” Jaxson snaps as he faces me.

  “A witch gave her a drink, it was poisoned,” I say as I straighten up. I thought I’d fucking lost her; I can’t lose her. Winter means everything to me.

  “D, why isn’t she awake?” I ask, but the door slamming open again behind makes me turn to look. I notice for the first time that we are in the castle, in the kitchens. Dabriel was cooking when I came here, I realize as I spot the stuff on the sides. Wyatt, with Milo on his shoulder, storms into the room.

  “Oreos?” Milo asks as he flies towards the cupboards. Wyatt storms over to us, his eyes completely silver in anger and leans over Winter when Jaxson moves out the way.

  “Why is she sleeping?” he asks.

  “She is–” Dabriel starts, but Milo interrupts as he chews on an Oreo.

  “Dream-calling,” he muffles out.

  “Again?” Wyatt asks sharply. None of us reply.

  “I’ll take Winter back to her room, we will wait for her to wake up,” Dabriel suggests. We nod, and he walks out with her. I clench my fists, cracking my knuckles as I look at my friends.

  “We have a witch to find, and I know exactly where to find her,” I say. Words are not needed as Wyatt and Jax put their hands on my shoulders. I move us to my city, straight into the castle. The guards rush forward, and I raise my arm, using my air power to swipe them across the hallway, and they slam into the wall.

  “No fun,” Wyatt smirks. I walk forward and slam the door to my mother’s old room open. I don’t expect it to be empty and completely ruined. Someone has set the place on fire; the windows are smashed, and there’s nothing left. I can only hope her familiar was buried. Familiars die with us, their lives linked to ours. I have to ignore the painful lump in my throat as I look at the room my mother loved. It increases my anger as I walk out of the room and down the corridor. The next two guards we come across rush at us when they should be running away. Two female dark witches call on fire and try to throw it at us. I blow it away with my air and hold the two witches in the air. Their hoods fall back as they try to escape.

  “Where the fuck is Taliana?” I shout. Neither answers, loyal to their fake queen. I’m about to try different, harsher actions to get an answer when the bitch in question walks in.

  “If you wanted time alone with me, you only had to ask, Atticus,” she purrs out.

  “Not even in your dreams, Taliana,” I sneer and drop the witches. I stalk over to her and stand inches away as I speak.

  “Where is the witch who poisoned Winter tonight?” I shout.

  “I do not know who you are talking of. I swore not to hurt her,” she smiles, a seductive tone in her voice as she moves closer. The scent of whatever perfume she’s wearing hits me and makes me feel sick. She makes me feel sick.

  “Let’s go and discuss this privately. I can make you much happier than the human ever will,” she suggests and goes to place her hand on my chest.

  “Do you think I would ever look twice at you? You killed my mother, and I am in love with a woman who is a million times fucking better than you. Find the witch who attacked her, or I swear I will kill you and anyone that gets in my way. I am not playing fucking games anymore,” I say, and I grab her hand to push her away.

  “Fine, the witch is dead. I didn’t kill her, but someone else did. They used demon powers, destroying her home. I believe she was killed moments after she returned home,” Taliana says.

  “I want to see,” I demand.<
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  “I will take you,” she holds out a hand.

  “No, just the address. I know my city like the back of my hand,” I say, and her face tightens in anger. I’m glad I’m finally pissing her off.

  “Fine, but you will be mine, Atticus,” she says and tells me the address. I walk back to Jaxson and Wyatt who nod, clearly hearing all of the conversation. My brothers always have my back.

  “How did you kill my mother? Dabriel couldn’t heal her,” I say and look back to meet her cold eyes.

  “Injuries from demon-touched weapons can’t be healed, and I will kill Winter with one as well,” she says, and Jaxson’s growl fills the room. Dabriel starts glowing brightly, and I debate whether it’s worth killing her.

  “I will enjoy watching my queen kill you,” I say and call on my power to get us out of here.

  I move us to the street that Taliana said. It’s close to my own home, and we walk down the quiet street until we find the home we need. A few witches in light hoods bow as we walk past. When we get to number seven, the house where the witch lived, it’s easy to see the evil that’s happened here. I wonder what Dabriel would see when he looks at a demon and reads their aura.

  I walk in, as the door is open, and the wards are down. The living room is destroyed, blood covering the walls and floors. Crystal powder is all over the floor, what a waste.

  “I smell the witch’s blood and a demon,” Jaxson says.

  “Why would a demon do this?” Wyatt asks as he looks around the room in disgust.

  “How did they get in the city is another important question,” I say.

  “The witch is dead; she would have had an easier death if we found her first. She clearly suffered,” Jaxson gestures around the room. I take one more look at the room before we leave. Jaxson is right; there is nothing we can do here anymore.

  As soon as Winter wakes up, we will plan a way to make the city safe.



  "Have you come to make a promise?" a sweet voice asks. The voice is familiar, and I struggle to open my eyes. My body feels tired, and I’m not sure why. When I see the purple trees and look down at my feet in the yellow grass, I know why I’m tired.

  Shoot, I’ve dream-called the fairy again. I turn slightly to see her standing at the line of trees a few feet away.

  Lily stands looking over at me, in a black dress with a cut-out in the middle. She isn’t wearing a cloak today, so I can see how she has a perfect body to go with her beauty. All supernaturals have this perfect-looking thing sorted.

  Her long, strawberry-blonde hair flutters in the warm breeze. The air even smells nice here; it tastes like sweets as I breathe it in.

  "For your help?" I ask, turning to fully face her, and I go to take a step forward, but I can’t move. I brush my hands down the white dress I’m wearing and look at her.

  "The demon king will demand the world, and only I can help you. What I ask for in return isn't terrible," she says with a slight giggle.

  "So, explain exactly what the offer is," I say. I can't say we don’t need the help. I saw first-hand how weapons are useless, and it took two wolves to take down one of them. The witches’ powers aren’t going to be useful against demons unless they have weapons that work. The vampires could team up, but we don’t have the numbers anymore. There just aren’t enough of us if he has turned even a quarter of Paris. That doesn’t even include the vampires and humans that were in the castle. The angels won't help, not unless they’re sure they’ll win. Well, that’s what Dabriel thinks. The dark angels’ power to cause pain when they touch someone won’t help kill the demons when they look like emotionless zombies. We don't have a big enough army with the low birth rate and numerous deaths that have happened because of the wars between the supernatural people. The witches and angels fought for years and killed each other. Then, the werewolves and vampires declared war and did the same. This is the most vulnerable time for them, for us all, and we now have the biggest threat on our doorstep. The demons can’t be killed by silver, but we can.

  "I offer you this for a single promise. I swear to send five thousand of my Fray army to your world. They will carry four weapons each, and you may keep three of their weapons for your own men and women. When the war is won, they will all leave and not come back,” she says.

  "How will they get here?" I ask.

  "The war will happen on the Winter solstice, we can travel through the dimensions on that day only. The earth is weak on that day, and that's why the demon king needs to use it."

  "What will you ask in return?" I ask her, crossing my arms, and she smiles.

  "In your world, there is a half Fray child. I wish for you to send her to me when you meet her," she smiles.

  "How do you know I will?" I ask.

  "Your mother told me," she says, and I look away. I don’t know why it bothers me that she had such a good relationship with my mother. I guess I could almost be jealous that I didn’t get that time with her.

  "How would I send the child back?" I ask.

  "When you make the promise, you will only have to touch her, and the portal will open. Ancient magic will take her to me," she says.

  "Why can't you just find her?" I ask.

  "I can’t risk being in your world long, my soldiers will only stay a day to win the war. Fray do not belong in the human world, and half children are rare gifts," she tells me.

  "Do you believe in the goddesses?" I ask.

  "Not yours. We have our own," she replies, she looks up to the sky and then lowers her creepy, yellow eyes on me.

  "Why do you want the child?" I ask. I can’t send any child to someone if they plan to hurt her. Not that I have a clue if Lily is lying to me as she replies.

  "She is royalty. There is little of the Royal Fray left," she answers. I watch her closely, but she looks like she’s being honest. I feel my back warming up, like it’s burning.

  "Make the promise, your mates are calling," she says.

  "I promise," I say, and feel a snap around my wrists like shackles. When I look at my wrists, there are two white lilies in the middle of both of them.

  "I promise my side. Thank you, queen Winter," she says.

  "You never told me your full name."

  "Queen Lily. Queen of all the Fray," she says, and my eyes widen. She is a queen here.

  “One more thing, queen Winter, the portal to the demon dimension must be closed with the king on the other side. The only way to close it is a death. Not just any death, only one with goddess’s blood may close the portal. I am truly sorry.” She lowers her head to me. Does that mean I will have to die?

  “No,” I shake my head; no one can die to close the portal anyway, it’s in the middle of the vampire castle. How would I even get close enough?

  “Her saviour will die when the choice is made,” Lily says gently as I feel myself falling.

  I blink my eyes as I open them, I'm lying on top of Atti, and he’s gently snoring.

  "Atti," I whisper, wondering how long I fell asleep for this time. The last time was two weeks. Lily’s final words come rushing back to me. The prophecy said my saviour would die and someone has to die to close the portal. Only I have goddess blood, so surely, I would die?

  Who the hell is my saviour?

  In a way, I’ve been saved by a lot of people I care about. I won’t let any of them die for me, no way in hell. I'll send my grandfather back to the demon dimension myself and make that choice. It’s me that has to pay the price; it was me that opened the portal in the first place. My heart tightens at the thought, but what choice do I have?

  "You’re awake, thank god," Atti says, and sits up with me. He kisses me gently.

  "What the hell is this?" he asks when he sees my wrists. I glance down and see the Lily marks on both my wrists. The dream was real, and it snaps to me what I’ve done and the choices I have to make in the future.

  "I made a promise with the Fray queen. She will send help when we need it. I have to se
nd someone to her, a child that is half Fray. Lily said a portal will open when I touch the child," I tell him. His eyes widen, and he shakes his head.

  “I don’t know anything about Fray, but how can we know to trust a promise from her?” he asks.

  "You shouldn't make a promise with Fray," Jaxson says, coming into the room. He sits next to Atti and me. I turn slightly to look at him as he takes my hand in his warm one.

  "What do you mean?" I ask.

  "I don't know, lass, but Lucinda talks to plants remember?" he asks, and I nod. I once saw Lucinda on pack lands, with both her hands on a tree, and she was glowing slightly yellow. Jaxson was with me and explained about her power to talk to trees and most plants. I was shocked that they spoke at all. I know, after everything I’ve seen, I shouldn’t be shocked, but I was. It was only a few weeks later that the jewel trees sang with me. Weird shit happens.

  "I told her you had been dream-calling a Fray, and that's what the plants told her when she asked them for me. Not to make a promise with a Fray," he says, and a cold sweat fills me. That can’t be a good sign. Why do I feel like I’ve just made a huge mistake?

  "I made one with the queen," I say quietly. Jaxson looks up at the ceiling, his jaw ticking and his grip on my hand tightens.

  "We will work it out,” Jaxson finally says.

  “The last fight is today,” Atti says.

  "I don't even remember going to bed, we were dancing at the summer solstice and then . . .” I drift off when I realise I don't have a clue what happened. I vaguely remember the queen's friend speaking to me about the fight, and then that’s it.

  "Then you were poisoned," Jaxson finishes, and I can't remember it. Is that why I feel so tired? I felt tired before I went to fairyland, but now, every part of my body is aching like I’ve been working out with Leigha for a week.

  "The grape juice had poison in it, only yours. Dabriel saved you," Atti says. His voice is tense and full of anger. I bet the guys had to stop him from killing someone for poisoning me.


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