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Falling for Millie Kay

Page 4

by Flint, Ember

  Here I am, standing in a kitchen in the middle of the night, wearing ridiculous fluffy Christmassy PJs and trying to come up with something else to say to him.

  Come on, Millie Kay, words: you know how to use them.

  Say something.


  I blink when I realize he’s talking again, and the moment is broken.

  “What’s your name, babygirl?” he asks in a deep chocolaty baritone that nearly has me keeling over.

  The cute term of endearment makes my heart stutter and then start to beat even faster.

  I gulp down air, clutching the keycard in my hand until the plastic edges prick my skin.

  “I’m Millie… Millie Kay Jones. N-nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise. I’m Logan Decker.”

  I nod like an idiot, trying to recall if I read his name off our guests list and then it clicks. “You’re one of the four guys from Denver!”

  He nods. “And you’re one of the owners.”


  Logan smirks. “So, there was another sister after all,” he says, and I frown.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “I’ll tell you another time…”

  I tilt my head to the side, folding my arms over my chest.

  “So, how’s the bro-cation going on?” I tease.

  He chuckles. “I can’t believe he actually used the word with you guys too. Or is it like a real thing?”

  I giggle. “It was in the email… and no: it shouldn’t be a thing.”

  Logan throws his hands into the air and sighs. “That’s what I said!”

  He gives me a smile that could put the sun to shame and takes another step toward me, crowding me against the kitchen island.

  I should feel threatened. I mean, I don’t know this guy from Adam and I’m tiny and he’s so flipping big compared to me, but I just want him to come even closer for some reason.

  “So, Millie Kay, Sue Ellen, Sadie Mae and PJ?”

  “Pixie Jo,” I explain. “Our mom is southern,” I supply, anticipating his next question and he nods.

  “You’ve got a beautiful name, babygirl, it suits you.”

  I gulp, my heart picking up speed as Logan cages me in, his mouth a mere breath away from mine now.

  “Why do you keep calling me that?” I ask.

  One of his long fingers comes up to stroke my cheek and I lean into the caress. It feels natural. Like we’ve done this a thousand times and I’ve only forgotten about it and now I’m finally remembering.

  “Want me to stop calling you like this?” he asks, his voice low and gritty.

  I shake my head. “No, I… I like it.”

  And it’s true.

  “But why?” I insist on knowing.

  Logan shrugs. “‘Cause you are.”

  “Wh-what am I?” I ask, my voice faltering when the tip of his nose touches mine as he comes even closer.

  “My babygirl,” he whispers onto my mouth and then he is kissing me, singeing my body and soul with the gentle caress of his lips and tongue.

  For a moment I just freeze all over and then I try to kiss him back even if I know I must suck at it: I’ve had only one kiss in my life and it was years ago when I was a sophomore in high school.

  That kiss was nothing like this one, though.

  Logan seems to get that I’m inexperienced, and his lips gentle on mine as he coaxes my tongue to follow his lead and I melt into him completely, my legs nearly giving out on me.

  I never even dreamed for a moment that you could feel this much with just a kiss, that such a simple gesture could hold this much meaning and tell you without words everything you need to know.

  His lips on mine are playing a toneless melody that sings into my soul and resonates with everything within me.

  I don’t understand any of this, but I know this is where I’m supposed to be, this is where I belong.

  I don’t care if we just met.

  I don’t care if I know nothing of him.

  He is right: I am his babygirl, and he’s so… mine, I already know we’ll never let each other go.

  I never had something that was this much mine, that meant this much to me.

  I don’t understand it, but I want it. I want everything he can give, and I want to give him anything.

  I’m pretty sure of what I feel even if I can’t rationalize it. I don’t need to.

  I just need him.

  I finally got something to be thankful for that is just mine.

  He breaks the kiss, but doesn’t let go of me, his arms wrapping around my waist so comfortably, so easily, making our closeness feel almost like breathing.

  “Happy belated thanksgiving,” I pant, looking up into his half-hooded eyes.

  Logan smiles down at me and I know I’m going to love and cherish this very smile for the rest of my life.

  “Happy thanksgiving, babygirl, sorry I was late. Timing isn’t my finest quality.”

  I smile bigger. “I didn’t make it to my own Thanksgiving party, how’s that for bad timing? That’s why we missed each other.”

  Logan sighs, giving me another brilliant smile. “But cookies saved the day.”

  “Don’t they always?!”

  He chuckles, but then sobers up.

  “Would have I met you tomorrow?” he asks, his long fingers playing with the ends of my hair.

  I shake my head. “I was planning to just veg in my PJs with Chunky Monkey and have a ‘Supernatural’ marathon.”

  He grins. “A girl after my own heart…”

  “You’re a fan?” I ask.

  He nods. “Of both Chunky Monkey and ‘Supernatural’ as it turns out.”

  I giggle. “Then it’s fate!”

  “It’s fate, babygirl,” he confirms, and my laughter turns into a moan when he starts to kiss me again, his mouth devouring mine as I feel a shiver run all over me.


  We spend the next four hours together, wandering the empty halls, kissing, getting to know each other, and trying to guess when would we have met over the weekend if it wasn’t for our reciprocal sweet tooth and PJ’s cookies.

  Talking to him feels both amazing and natural at the same time and it makes me feel excited and at ease all at once, a strange, but heady combination I never knew existed.

  I wish I could stay in this moment forever, even as the sun starts to chase the night away and at the same time I wish I could fast forward many tomorrows from now just to see us then, ‘cause I already know we’ll be there together.

  When we start to grow tired we still don’t want for this to end, so we snuggle on one of the main hall’s sofas under a warm tartan checkered brown blanket and, for the first time in my life, I understand all the romance books I’ve devoured up until now.

  Whenever I would read about love at first sight, chemistry and ‘just knowing you have met the one’ I would always roll my eyes, reluctant to believe such things really could exist outside of a novel or a movie, but here I am now, sitting in the circle of this man’s arms as we both watch the snowflakes pepper the sky and I ‘just know’ all of those things I didn’t believe in are real, or at least they are for us.

  I’ve got so many questions; I need to know everything about him. I’m so sleepy my eyes close on their own accord, but just like in that Aerosmith’s song, I don’t want to close my eyes and I don’t want to fall asleep, because I don’t want to miss a thing about this, us, him.

  This holiday started out normal enough, turned utterly crappy in the blink of an eye and then, just as fast, magically transformed into the best day I’ve ever had.

  That’s life for you, I guess.

  I smile, burrowing into Logan’s warmth, loving his scent and the way his arms feel around me, the way they belong around me.

  Good timing might be everything for most, but sometimes bad timing ends up being the best timing that could ever
happen to you.

  Chapter 6


  An insisted ray of light is beating on my eyelids and I wake up with a frown on my face until I feel the sweet weight of Millie Kay in my arms and last night slams into me, turning my scowl into a stupid little grin.

  I hug her closer to me and she moans softly into her sleep, her cold nose nuzzling my throat and making my swollen cock throb even more.

  I’ve been hard as a rock since I saw her and my erection didn’t go down for a moment while we talked and hung out in the kitchen, and then here in the hall, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t just turned hard again: my dick simply refused to accept it wasn’t getting what it wanted tonight and probably stayed upright even as I slept.

  It hurts like a son of a bitch now, but I don’t mind.

  I’ve never been this happy in my entire life and if I have to suffer a little bit to be a gentleman and give this girl time and space I’ll do it, I’ll do far more without a second thought, because I already know what she is to me and what she could be for the rest of time.

  I clutch her even closer and I feel her hands tighten around my arms, she’s holding onto me like she never wants to let go. I love it.

  She comes around after a little bit when the glinting sun hits her face with a dazzling silver glare, reflecting off the white blanket of snow covering the entire world outside the frozen window.

  “Did we fall asleep?” she asks, her voice a little slurred.

  “Hmm, hmm.” I nod, sighing and I help her turn her face into my chest when I see that the light is really starting to bother her.

  I stroke her cheek, looking down at her, still amazed by the enormity of this.

  She’s all sleep-tousled and adorable right now, her long silky brown hair sticking to one side of her face and her lips still puffy from all my kisses.

  “I wish we could stay just like this,” she says and then freezes when she realizes she said it aloud.

  “Me too, babygirl.”

  She’s got a hold of me unlike anything I’ve ever felt in my life. I don’t understand it, but already I know I won’t be able to live without it.

  I kiss her lips softly until I feel her relax against me and then I stand up, holding my hand out to her. She clasps it without hesitation.

  “Let’s go to bed, you’re so small, I think I can manage to smuggle you into my room easily enough.”

  Millie Kay giggles, but it’s a nervous laugh.

  I pull her to my chest. “We don’t have to do anything… I just don’t want to let you go yet, babygirl… and upstairs we’ll have more privacy and be comfier. We’ll just sleep.”

  Millie Kay nods and sighs, running her hands up and down my chest.

  “Maybe we could do more,” she whispers, blushing scarlet.

  I feel my cock rush to full attention at her words.

  I gulp down. “More? Like what, babygirl?” I ask her.

  She looks away and I tighten my arms around her, my body eager to provide comfort in a gesture that’s already involuntary, second nature even if we just met.

  She picks her head up, her big blue eyes looking straight into mine through her dark lashes.

  “Like… everything.”

  “Everything?” I repeat, amazed that she could want this as much as I do.

  “Yes, everything, Logan, but I have to tell you something first and I don’t know how.”

  I kiss her forehead, pulling her closer into my chest.

  “You can tell me anything, Millie. Just say the words and I’ll worry about the rest.”

  For a moment she says nothing at all and then I hear her breathing hitch as she looks up at me again, raising her head from my chest.

  When she speaks again, I can barely hear her sweet voice, she’s talking so low.

  “I’ve never done this before.”

  My eyes widen. “You mean—?”

  She nods and I feel my heartbeat in my ears as every single drop of my blood slips south, lust clouding my brain in a fuzzy blanket of desire.

  Before I can fully realize what I’m doing, I’m picking her up and carrying her into one of the elevators, only one thing in my mind right now.

  I need to get us to a bed yesterday.

  I kiss her hard all the way up and then through the hall and don’t even slow down as we stumble to the door of my suite. I fumble with the keycard and when I finally manage to open the door I nearly fall through it, dragging her down with me.

  Millie Kay laughs, clutching both of my shoulders as I guide us through the suite’s communal living room and straight into my bedroom, not stopping until she’s bouncing off the mattress.

  I’m so turned on, I can barely breathe as we kiss like mad, hands traveling up and down each other’s bodies with an urgency I’ve never known before and I’m only too glad to see she shares with me.

  There’s so much left to say between us, so much I want to tell her, so much I want to know, but it can wait, I know we have forever and I’m never letting her go.

  Right now our bodies are doing the talking and it goes beyond physical need. I’m aware we don’t know each other, but there’s no awkwardness between us, it feels like we have done this before, like we’ve always known each other, and our bodies are somewhat aware of this even if our minds struggle to keep up.

  I feel like my soul is ready to leap out of my skin and lie at her feet.

  Keeping my lips on hers, I strip her down to her underwear and she does the same for me, her touch untrained but sure at the same time, like she wants this, needs this, just as much and doesn’t know how to go back, how to stop.

  I look down at her while she lies in the middle of the bed, flushed and panting for me, her long dark locks spread over my pillow, her lips swollen, her cheeks rosy and her eyes wide and trusting as they look up into mine and reach into my heart.

  Her soft, plump curves are encased in a simple dark blue cotton set, the tiny panties have little snowmen all over them. I smile down at her. How can someone be this fucking cute and at the same time this damn hot?

  I just can’t wrap my head around these strong, unprecedented feelings I’m having.

  She’s new and she’s familiar at the same time and all this experience feels like a never-ending déjà vu: it’s like my brain knowns we just met, but my soul doesn’t believe it’s possible.

  Having her here for my taking like this, looking so sweet and vulnerable, is doing things to my heart and my cock is so hard it’s fucking painful.

  I want to consume her with my lust, make her mine, mark her all over, sink myself so deep inside her, I’ll never find my way out again and at the same time I feel like I want to wrap her in cotton balls and keep her safe forever.

  I need to bind us together in the most primal of ways.

  By the time we’re done here, no man will be able to get close to her without knowing that she’s fucking mine.

  She is so fucking precious, I feel privileged to see her like this as my hands run up and down her silky warm skin. She is blushing so deep right now, she’s glowing, it makes me feel like I’m touching a star at the other end of the universe. I want this to last forever.

  I’m in awe of her, of this.

  “You’re so fucking pretty, babygirl” I whisper, my voice so low and rough I can barely recognize it. “Sit up a little for me,” I ask her, my lips hovering onto hers as I talk, her hot breath fanning onto my mouth.

  Millie Kay does as I ask, and I move between her open legs, leaning down on her to unhook her bra, leaving her only in her little panties.

  I fall on her like a wolf, but she smiles at me anyway, her hands stroking up and down my back as I trail kisses down the column of her neck and to her chest.

  Maybe I should go more slowly: she’s a virgin after all, and I don’t know how much experience, if any, she has with this stuff, but I’m dying to suck on her little rosy nipples and bury my face in the heavenly plumpne
ss of her large breasts and I can’t stop myself.

  She squirms under me as I tug at her hard nubs with my lips, and I roll my tongue over and around them before sucking one and then the other into my mouth as she softly moans my name, tensing up and arching into me while I lower my much larger frame onto her, bringing us closer.

  More pre-cum slides down the ridge of my cock, dripping down to my taut balls as I taste her sweetness.

  Fuck, I can’t wait anymore: I need to taste her, all over.

  My hard dick is peaking from the waistband of my boxer briefs now, the large, swollen head bumping against her panty-covered cunt.

  I pull away from her and stare down between us. I see a tiny wet spot right in the middle of her panties and my nostrils flare at the knowledge that she’s as turned on as I am. The wetness is not all from her though: I can see drops of my own pre-cum mixed in and the sight makes me fucking growl.

  I peel her tiny panties down her legs, my eyes glued to her center as it slowly gets revealed to my hungry eyes, my aching cock punching against the tight material of my boxers to get to her, pre-cum smearing their front even more.

  I throw her panties behind us on the bed and then follow the twin paths leading to her glistening pink pussy climbing from her ankles to her curvaceous hips with both hands and she gasps my name when my fingers stray to the inside of her creamy thighs.

  Her sweet cherry-fresh cunt is ripe and engorged for me, wetness hanging from her delicate pink folds like dew on the petals of a dusky rose while I stroke the dark tuft of hair crowning it and then I look up at her.

  Her face is practically up in flames.

  “It’s okay, babygirl, you’re safe with me. I just want to love you. Love every inch of you. Will you let me?”

  She nods, but it’s not enough for me.

  “Say it, Millie: tell me I can have everything from you.”

  She huffs out a little breath, her voice catching as she speaks. “You… you can… have all of me. I want you to.”

  I lie flat between her legs, spreading her knees farther apart and place her thighs over my shoulders so I can open her completely for my eyes, mouth and fingers.


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