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Broken Bridges (Bridges Brothers Book 2)

Page 13

by Lia Fairchild

  “Mr. Phan is a sweet man.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, thoughtfully. “You know, a couple times I left the house so upset I didn’t even have my purse, and he brought me food as I sat here. I think he just knew.”

  “That’s amazing, but…”


  “I hate thinking of you like that. Alone. Upset.”

  We’re quiet as we finish up and pay. I drape my arm around her shoulder as we stroll to the door, but something catches my eye and I stop. I examine the colorful painting on the wall of a young Asian couple riding bikes through a little town. “Mr. Phan?” I turn my head to Ari.

  She nods. “And his wife when they were first married.”

  “But how…”

  “It’s from a picture his wife had. She wanted to give him something special for their anniversary. She died not long after.”

  “I’m sorry.” I pull Ari closer and rub her arm. “But Ari…your talent…it’s amazing.”

  She turns her face up to me with surprise and gratitude, eyes glistening. “Mason, how did you know it was my painting?”

  “I just did.”

  Chapter 16


  The day I’ve anticipated and dreaded is finally here, and I don’t know how to feel. Obviously, I’m nervous about “breaking in” to Alex’s place to get my stuff. And I feel guilty bringing Mason with me, but I don’t see any way around that because he refuses to let me go alone. The other night after eating at Mr. Phan’s restaurant, we drove around until dusk and then went to the place I used to call home. We parked down the street and made small talk about nothing at all. I think we both were avoiding the situation. Then, as the sun began to set, something came over me with the settling shadows. As if the curtain of my existence with Mason was coming down, signaling the close of our time together. So, I blurted out, “I’m not going to Kiki’s after I get my stuff.”

  “Really?” Mason seemed surprised but happy.

  My declaration startled me and I backtracked. “I don’t know…she has a child and going from staying with Alex to you to Kiki…”

  His face fell. “Uh-huh.”

  I blew out a breath. “No, I didn’t mean it like that. Shit. Mason, you’re not just a place to stay. You’re…” I was afraid to say what I was feeling.

  He took my face and pulled me toward him. He placed a hard kiss on my mouth that had so many unspoken words. “I’m what?”

  What could I say? I wasn’t totally sure about anything except that when I think of leaving him, it feels like someone has my heart in a vice-grip.

  Lights flashed ahead, surprising us both, and we jumped back against our seats. A car rounded the corner and pulled into a driveway. When the garage door shut, Mason drove slowly by, and we laughed and swore like juvenile delinquents. It was nice to see Mason out of his reserved element and it reminded me of when he punched that asshole in the bar. Peeling Mason’s layers is another thing I’ve become addicted to. Then our fun came to a screeching halt when Alex’s car came along side ours as we exited the neighborhood. I turned my face away and slouched in my seat, praying he hadn’t noticed me.

  Now, decked out in all black, I step over to the mirror and check my appearance. I almost laugh until the seriousness of this falls over me. Is it really worth it? I inventory all that I have under that roof: some clothes, a crap-load of painting supplies, and a box filled with pictures and mementos of my mother. Hell, yeah, it’s worth it. Those are the only link to my past, my heritage. In this moment, my heart aches for my mother. “Perdóname por favor, mamá.” I ask her forgiveness out loud because it feels like it’s been so long since I talked to her. I suppose it’s both good and bad. I miss her presence, but I’ve found something in Mason that makes me need my mamá less.

  “Your mother would be proud of the woman you’ve become.”

  I startle and turn to find Mason standing in the doorway, a twin to my criminal attire. “You know what I just said?”

  “I’m learning.”

  My heart gallops in my chest, and I run to him and throw my arms around his neck. I plant a quick kiss on his lips and feel a sting behind my eyes that feels a little over the top for the situation. Still, it’s the little things that make me happy.

  His arms come around my waist and pull me tight against him. “Mmm. Is this my reward?”

  “Sí, señor.”

  “You sure you’re ready for this?”

  “I was going to ask you the same thing.” The closer Mason and I get, the more I feel guilty putting him at risk.

  “As long as we are on the same page, right?” He loosens his hold to give me a stern look. “If the locks are changed, we leave.”

  I avert my eyes because I’m not so sure I will agree to that when the time comes. “Yeah.” I give him one more kiss and pull away back to the mirror. “And, don’t you be a hero in there if something bad happens.”

  He folds his arms and catches my gaze in the mirror. “Something bad?”

  “I don’t know. Like if he’s there for some reason. I wasn’t some battered wife, you know. And I see you getting that look in your eye when we talk about him.” If I’m being honest, that protective vibe he gets is sexy as hell.

  “I wouldn’t mind having a conversation with him, yeah. Say, his face and my fist?”

  I turn back to face him so he knows I’m serious because as sexy as that is, I’ve done something to Mason to bring this side of him out, and that might not be fair. Plus, he doesn’t exactly have the whole picture. “Look, he yelled a lot, got in my face, and one time…one time he grabbed me, hard, and of course I pushed back and he hit me. I’m not making excuses—”

  He bolts forward and takes me by the elbows. “Then don’t.”

  I sigh, the intensity in the room filling me with desperation. “It was one of those heat-of-the-moment things. He was wrong…but so was I,” I plead, unable to tell if I’m convincing him or me. If I was so sure, then why haven’t I just gone back? Why didn’t I just face him and try to get my stuff?

  His lips pull to a tight line. “You won’t convince me, Ari. Maybe I’m old fashioned in this world that has turned upside down, but I was raised that you never, never, raise a hand to a woman.”

  “I know…but I—”

  “Have some fire in you?”

  He smiles and I can’t believe he gets me enough to know what I’m going to say. I give a helpless shrug.

  “It’s not too late to bring the police in.” His tone tells me he still has hope. “His cousin can’t have that much power. You’ll explain—”

  “No! Please… I—” My chin drops in shame and I know there’s no avoiding this now.

  “What is it?”

  “I…didn’t want to say… I was embarrassed to tell you.”

  That look—the one he had when he first took me in—shows on his face and I cringe. He steps back, waiting with expectant eyes. “I won’t judge you.” But the words don’t match his face.

  I jut my chin out with faux confidence. “Well…when he threw me out, I sort of…grabbed a rake off the neighbor’s yard and started beating the shit out of his car.”

  Mason lets out an exasperated breath. “And the neighbor witnessed this?”





  I fold my arms like a defiant child. “I didn’t notice he took his phone out and was taping me.”

  “Geez, Ari!”

  “I know.”

  The room falls silent and I watch Mason from the corner of my eye, taking it all in. What must he think of me? I wait for the disappointing gaze to fall on me. For the harsh lecture. It doesn’t come; instead, he steps closer. His hand brushes down my cheek, and his mouth fights against a bow. Shaking his head, he says, “What the hell am I going to do with you, Ariana Mendez?”

  I curl my lips up and lean into him until he wraps an arm around me.

  “Let’s do this,” he says leading
me to the door. “Then I never want to hear his name again.”


  Once again, we sit in the car down the street from Alex’s house. Mason is sending emails on his phone like he’s not the least bit nervous. “Whenever you’re ready,” he says, not looking my way.

  “I just want to make sure he’s not there.”

  “No lights have come on, and we’ve been here over an hour.” He pulls the keys from the ignition and raises his brows at me. “Why don’t you wait here and I’ll go knock on the door?”

  My heart pounds as reality sets in. “Then what?”

  “If he happens to answer, I’ll pretend to be a sales person.” He reaches into the back seat and grabs a stack of papers. “I have these flyers from one of my contractors.”

  We agree on his plan but when I see him walking toward the house, panic has me jumping out of the car and following him. Mason doesn’t notice until he’s almost to the door. He stops short and whisper-shouts, “What are you doing, Ari? Get back in the car.”

  “I changed my mind.” I push past him. “If he opens that damn door, I’m going to demand my stuff!”

  He grabs my arm before I can raise a fist to the door, spinning me back to him. “Wait!” His expression is a mix of surprise and fear but beneath it, I swear there is an underlying lust. He cups my jaw and pins me with his dark gaze. “God, you’re a fiery one. How about you save that for later and let me handle this?”

  I decide to let him have his moment, because he’s lighting me up—and making me laugh—when he’s pushing past his Clark Kent. I move behind him and lace my fingers in his while he knocks with his other hand. No answer. Mason glances back at me and then rings the doorbell. No answer.

  I suck in a deep breath, pull the key from my pocket, and hand it to my man. He slips it into the door but it doesn’t go in all the way. He jiggles it, pushes and tries to crank it left and right. It won’t open. Shit!

  “Let me try. Sometimes it sticks.” I know it’s pointless but I go through the motions with no success. “Damn it!” I turn to the side to make sure no one’s around, then head to the side of the house.


  I know Mason’s going to be upset but my blood is boiling that Alex has this control over me and my life. I can’t let it go. I’m at the back gate, which is thankfully not locked, when Mason catches me. I slip inside and he follows.

  “Ari, stop,” he whispers.

  I feel his strong hands on my shoulders and it calms me some. I pause at the side door to the garage. “I’m sorry but I have to get in there. Just let me try.”

  “You said—”

  “I don’t care!” I glance over my shoulder. “You can go if you want. I’m not leaving yet.”

  He runs his hand over his jaw, looks out to the street, and then back to me. “Try it.”

  I turn the handle but it’s locked. My anger is turning to frustration and tears threaten at the back of my eyes. Steeling myself, I mentally scan the possible entry spots. “There’s one more option.” I take Mason’s hand and lead him around back to the kitchen window. We left it open a lot, especially in the summer but with him gone, I’m guessing it will be locked. When my fear is confirmed, I can no longer contain my emotion. The tears don’t fall but they anger me so that I turn on my heel and scramble around the yard.

  “What are you doing? That’s it, Ari. It’s over.”

  The intensity of his words doesn’t stop me. I pick up a large rock and rush to the window, the force of my anger winding my arm back. Mason steps in front of me and cuffs my wrist with his hand. Our eyes lock and he moves his head back and forth. “No. I won’t let you do this.”

  My breath is heaving out, but I have sense enough not to take my anger out on him. “You didn’t ask for any of this, Mason. You can walk away. Just leave.” We both know I don’t mean it.

  He brings my arm down and takes the rock from my hand. “Not going to happen. I won’t leave. And I’m not leaving you here”—he gestures over his shoulder—“to do this.” He tosses the rock over to the grass. “Trust me. We will figure this out another way. Together.”

  We peer at each other, the glow of the street lamp providing dim lighting, for a few intense moments before my breathing slows and guilt takes over. “I’m sorry, I’m such a screw up.”

  “You’re not. You just trusted the wrong person. Now, will you trust me?”

  “I just want to be done with all this, but I feel like”—tears spill down my cheek—“inside there is…”

  “Your mother?”

  I nod.

  He wraps me in his embrace and I let more silent tears fall. We walk back to the car and then drive in silence until we end up at the beach. The breeze is refreshing and cleansing as I lay with my back against Mason’s chest. It’s safe here. Under the half moon, the waves crashing along the shore like a symphony playing just for us.

  “I know they’re just things, but it’s all I have.”

  “You don’t have to explain. I understand.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, Ari. Just answer me this. Do you trust me?”

  I run my hands up and down the arms that hold me. Arms that have grown to feel like home. A place I’m not ready to leave. “Entirely.”

  “Then let me take care of this.”

  Chapter 17


  After a quick video call with the field team in my project manager’s office, I head back to my office. Our accountant, Lori, shoots me an odd expression as she passes me, and then I see the cause. Megan approaches my door just as I do. Her expression is typical and tells me she wants something. I note my first reaction is apathetic and because of that, my next emotion is relief. She has no hold on me and I also don’t feel any negativity toward her. I don’t, however, feel like giving up any time to her or whatever it is she’s here for. I make that clear by stopping outside my door with my hand on the knob.

  “Megan, I’m surprised to see you here.”

  She leans in and executes a quick air kiss by my cheek. “You’re looking well, Mason. It’s good to see you.”

  “You too.” I nod noncommittally but hold my stance at the door.

  Annoyance flashes across her face before she buries it, attempting to casually sweep her hair over her shoulder. “Well, I was just in the area and wanted to check with you one last time about my offer.”

  I was so wrapped up in the places my brother and I had scouted, I actually forgot about the one Megan had mentioned. Another sign that whatever she’s selling, I’m not interested in buying. “Thank you, but we’re actually moving forward on another property.” I grin at the thought of working on this with my family. This investment will be a personal project, aside from Bridges Construction.

  “Oh, well good for you.” Her smile seems genuine but you can never tell with her.

  “Thanks. It’s a small start, but we’re excited.”

  Megan glances around and then leans in. “And are you finally rid of our little…problem?”

  Heat shoots up my neck and I reach to loosen my tie, forgetting I hadn’t worn one. It could have been the scorching days that drove me to go without but likely Ari’s influence as well. “She hasn’t been a problem…and she’s going to stay a little longer.” That last bit of info might have been a mistake, but I shouldn’t have to hide anything.

  “What for?” Her voice has an edge to it.

  I decide Megan needs a push to let go. I’m not trying to hurt her, but she needs to understand. “Why don’t we head inside for a moment?”

  She follows me in and I shut the door but stay standing. Her arms are folded as she waits, and I can see in her face she knows what’s coming. “After that little show she put on when I was there, I guess it makes sense.”

  I let out a breath of frustration. “That was not as it seemed. Megan, you talked down to Ari. She was just trying to get a rise out of you.”

  “How mature of her. I forgot she’s practically an inf

  I ignore her comment because responding would only put us exactly where Megan wants. Regardless of the fact that I am, actually, a bit unsure about the age difference. But, I simply give her a disapproving look.

  “Oh, so there’s nothing going on between you two?”

  “Not that it’s your business, but yes, we’ve grown close. And she still needs my help. But I like having her at my place.”

  “She’s a child, Mason. You don’t want to do this.”

  My phone buzzes on my desk and I step past her to see if it’s urgent. It gives me time to react calmly. Seeing it’s only Lori asking if I need an out, I turn to face Megan. She won’t let this go, so I decide to face it head on. “She’s not a child.” I pause as she shakes her head. “She’s as much of a woman as—”

  “Don’t!” Her mouth tightens, but her angry reaction turns sorrowful in an instant. She steps forward and takes my hand, pinning me with wide pleading eyes. “Let’s not do this. I didn’t come today about the property. It was an excuse. I came because…” She reaches up and slides a hand behind my neck. “I miss you, Mason. Miss us.”

  I gently take her hand from my neck and bring it down to her side. “I’m sorry—”

  “I thought once Ari was gone, we could start over.”

  “Ari’s not going anywhere,” I state matter-of-factly.” “Even if she moves out, she’s staying in town…and in my life.” I don’t need to get more specific than that. I debate whether I should mention she just got a job at Mr. Phan’s restaurant, but I keep that to myself.

  Megan takes a step back, resigned by my words, which is not something she is used to. “Well, I can see you’ve made up your mind.” She runs her hand over her hair, her face something unreadable. “But I can’t leave without telling you it’s a huge mistake. This girl is a mistake.” She turns her back to approach the door. “She’ll only continue to bring you trouble.”

  I ignore she has a point. “I think you’re wrong.” Ari has brought trouble with her, but I believe in second chances, and I believe all the good things about Ari will rise to the top and the other stuff will fade to the background. “And if you’re not, it’s my mistake to make.”


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