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Ruins of Majesta: Vol. 2.1 Creatures and Cupcakes

Page 23

by Taj McCoy El

  She stared at the letter. It felt forced. Her mother would see that as soon as she said yesterday three times. And then even more so when she explained herself for no reason. So she edited it back a bit and took a different tack.


  3:21 EST

  Hey, Mom, how are you? I know it’s only been a few hours for you, but I wanted to check in and let you know that I’m fine. It was so good to see you and dad. I’m pretty sure you’re sleeping and that’s good. I’m okay, so take care of yourself…

  Nope too worried. Her eyes rolled up in thought. How worrying is this? Me, worrying over writing letters so that mom won’t worry…


  3:22 EST

  Hey, Mom, how are you? I wanted to check in and let you know that I’m fine. It was so good seeing you and dad. I’m pretty sure you’re sleeping and that’s good. Message me when you wake up. And see if you can get me the reports on all the testing they’re doing, especially the tech teams reports

  There, that should do it. Mayah read it one last time and hit send.

  “Now let’s get back and do some crafting. Riker, Deanna, time to head out.” She called to the rodents who were playing by the door. Mayah walked out into the sunshine with her new beast companions in tow.


  Mo and the gang had just reached the edge of the woods. They had decided to take the straight route through the pastures, in the direction that Driskel had pointed. That had proved to be a mistake. They fields were riddled with Go’phrin. A lovely dog-sized herbivorous creature who lived to make ankle and knee breaking tunnels right beneath the surface of the verdant fields. Mo and Mephi had fallen onto their faces more than once. Ziggs laughed like a deranged robot as he floated over the ground without so much as a bobble. This led to a few altercations between the skunk and the trash can. They all ended with Ziggs floating just out of Mephi’s reach while he egged the skunk man on. And every time Mephi would stumble into a hole and fall cursing to the ground.

  “You no good pile of evil scrap metal wannabe!” Mephi yelled. “When I get my hands on you, you’ll wish you were a plastic watch calculator.”

  “beep- Now that’s just hurtful. Ha ha ha ha. Maybe if you could walk straight I wouldn’t tease you. -boop” Ziggs’ tinny voice mocked Mephi urging him to keep attacking.

  Instead Mephi turned to walk away.

  “beep- I wouldn’t walk that way -boop” Ziggs said in his normal monotone.

  Mephi’s just growled and kept walking.

  “beep- Don’t say I didn’t warn you. -boop”

  Mephi turned while walking. “Warn me about whaAUUUUUUUGH!!!!” His arms flew up as his body disappeared up to the waist into the earth.

  “beep- Told ya! -boop” Ziggs rocked back and forth. “beep- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. -boop”

  “Gnarlz blasted trash can I hate you!!!!” Mephi yelled, as he struggled to pull himself out of the hole. Mo came over to help out, and they finally succeeded.

  “What is your damage, man?” Mo asked spinning on Ziggs.

  “beep- I have received zero damage. Ha ha ha ha. -boop”

  Mo activated speed and ran directly at Ziggs leaping into the air he slammed in Ziggs with both feet toppling the box to the ground and landing on top.

  “You can see the holes in the ground, and you’ve been letting us struggle through this field for the last half hour? Shaz this I’m out! You guys can do whatever you want. I’ve wanted this to be a team but it’s never gonna work is it?” He angrily clutched his temples and roared as he stepped down off Ziggs’ prone form.

  He turned and pointed at Ziggs. “Why would you be so cruel to us? We’ve done nothing but help you.”

  “beep- Calm down it’s just a game. -boop” Ziggs rose back to perpendicular.

  “Why do you think that?’ Mephi yelled. “Is it because your parents give you everything you want? You do realize that for some of us this is all we have. Our only chance at a halfway normal life!” He turned to storm off but then stopped and looked at the unsure ground around him clenching his fists in frustration.

  “Ziggs, I’m not rich and I can certainly use the money.” Mo patted his chest. “But did you really think about if this might be hurting us?” He looked at the circle of circuitry that he usually focused on while speaking to Ziggs. “Why would you hold us back? Just because you think it’s funny???”

  “Let me guess…” Mephi growled over his shoulder, “You’re some rich kid who has all day to play and jerk me around? Well. I. don’t. Have. TIME!!! I have people counting on me and I can’t let a stupid troll-bot get in my way.”

  Mo could see Mephi close his eyes and attempt to hold back the tears. A salty aroma of burnt plastic garbage and moist sewage emanated from Mephi’s body. Mo took a deep breath so that he wouldn’t have to breathe for a minute and stepped away from Mephi. Seeing Mephi truly angered and disheartened about letting someone down resonated deeply with Mo. He corralled his anger and swallowed it.

  “You!” He said pointing at Ziggs, “Well, I’m through with you. Mephi I’ll get you the cash for your portal—somehow.” He turned and began walking away.

  “Whoa. Booms, are you okay?” Mephi asked.

  “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me anymore.” Mo said over his shoulder. "I don’t want to hold you up from your important journey. As he walked, he sent out a message to Josh Bannon


  Hey, Josh I wasn’t going to ask you for the buy-in money, even though you offered. It’s a matter of pride for me, but I need at least a few gold to repay a debt, enough for a portal anywhere in Majesta. Can you help me out please?

  A few hundred feet later he received his reply.


  Sure thing. Had the buy-in money transferred to your account right after we talked about it. It’s just awaiting your approval. Plus, it’s nothing for me. Use this well and you might strike it rich.

  Mo couldn’t help but chuckle at Josh’s benevolence. I guess it does make sense to take the piddling gift from the rich guy.

  The strength had returned to his stride and took a giant step forward only to have his leg sink in to the hip.

  “Flarfing…shazzing…gnarlz-blasted…gun-toting, two-handed sonnova-Shaz loving…” His fists tore at the earth as he railed in frustration and struggled to free himself. Suddenly Mephi was at his side pulling him upward.

  “You okay?” Mephi asked brushing him off.

  “Yeah I’m fine. Thanks for the hand.” Mo said wiping the dirt off.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Ziggs floated up. “beep- I’m sorry. -boop”

  "I could’ve told you that.” Mephi’s said hotly.

  “beep- You’re right. I haven’t been thinking about what your motivations are for playing. And while I’m not rich I don’t have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. -boop”

  “Just what are you trying to say?”

  “beep- I don’t have a lot of friends and being in-game is one of the few times I get to be around people. -boop” Ziggs settled on the ground and remained silent.

  “AND…!!!!” Mo pushed.

  “beep- Well…see…-boop” Ziggs bounced around and the colors flowing through its circuitry went into a random wave of rainbows.

  “beep- Instead of showing weakness I tend to troll everyone so that they think I’m one of them -boop beep- So I apologize for giving you guys so much trouble. We work well together and think we should at least finish this quest. There’s no telling how far reaching the reputation loss will be. Then, if you want nothing more to do with me, I’ll accept that. -boop”

  Mo straightened and looked away from Ziggs. His face calming, and then becoming pensive.

  “Mephi, what do you think? I’ve got money for your teleport if you want it. And I release you from having to wait for my sister. If we do this, we do this because we want to. Not because there’s an ax hanging over our head

  Mephi scratched his chin. "I could use the XP same as everyone else, and this seems like an okay way to get it. And since the trash can looks like it can show some humanity, I’ll stick around—for a bit.”

  “Well, it looks like that is settled. …for now.”

  “beep- I can guide you through the field. Sorry I didn’t do it before. But you have to admit, it was kind of funny. -boop”

  Mephi growled, and Mo just shook his head, scowling.

  “Let’s go get some chickens.” Mo said sullenly.

  Ziggs led them through the field without incident after that and they reached the woods rather quickly. The density of the trees thickened quickly. Twisted oaks reached up and quickly devoured the sky as they trudged forward silently, listening for the sounds of chickens. Ziggs spotted some scratch marks and bird poop that might have been from a chicken. So, they searched the area and found more chicken sign. They followed the greater concentration of markings and found a clearing where fluffy white chickens bobbed their heads and pecked the ground.

  “Well, at least we found the chickens.” Mo sighed

  “So, what’s the plan?”

  “Flush and grab?”

  “What’s a flush and grab?”

  “We send Ziggs to the far side of the clearing and it runs out making as much noise as it can. As they run away they’ll be heading straight to us so we grab as many as we can.”

  “Sounds good especially since sir armless won’t be of any help.”

  A panel on Ziggs’ side flipped up and a mechanical arm with a robotic hand on the end popped out and made a rude gesture. “beep- Armless this, stinky. -boop”

  Mo couldn’t help but laugh and Mephi actually chuckled too, giving the robotic arm a fist bump.

  “Good one, trashbot. Now go scare me up a chicken sammich.” Mephi chuckled.

  Ziggs floated away and Mephi and Mo hunkered down to wait.

  “Did you know he had arms?”

  “Not even a clue.”

  I wonder what else he’s hiding from us.”

  “Probably about as much as we’re hiding from each other.”

  “Probably…” Shaz didn’t mean to let that out, Mo grimaced. When he looked up Mephi was looking at Mo expectantly. Mo nipped that in the bud.

  “Nope! Wrong time. Wrong place.”

  “Yeah I guess you’re right.” Mephi conceded and turned his attention to the flock of chickens. While Mo thought, …Though I would like to know about your secrets. but my secret’s a little deeper than yours.

  The party chat beeped

  Ziggs: I’m in position.

  Booms: Whenever you’re ready.

  A squealing sound of metal on metal echoed through the clearing and Ziggs floated out of the woods flashing and strobing his circuit lights attempting to herd the chickens. Mo dashed forward grabbing any chicken he could get his hands on, followed by the slower Mephi. Ziggs squealing and flashing attempted to herd the chickens towards Mo and Mephi. Mo and Mephi were flailing, falling, and occasionally grabbing a chicken. This went on for about ten minutes,The chickens retreated to the trees and the trio decided to take a break.

  “They’re faster than I thought they’d be.” Mephi groaned leaning back against tree.

  “They’re not fast, you’re just slow.” Mo finished stuffing the chickens into the sacks

  “beep- Hey, that’s my line. -boop”

  Mo ignored Ziggs. “So, how many did you grab, Mephi?”

  “About eleven, you?”

  “Seventeen. And I just had a thought, how are we going to get these chickens back to their new coop?”

  “We’ll tie a couple of bags together and make a harness for Ziggs. Trashcan’s gotta be good for holding stuff.”

  “beep- What am I, a beast of burden? -boop”

  “Yep!” Mo shot.

  Ziggs floated down resting on the ground. “beep- Guess I owe you for that don’t I? -boop”

  “Yep!” Mo repeated.

  Mephi couldn’t believe his ears. With an incredulous look on his face he clutched his side with laughter and rolled over onto the ground, the peals echoing through the forest.

  “What’s so funny?” an irritated Mo asked.

  “You’ll find out!!” he said between guffaws. “And Ziggs, best of luck to you.”

  There was a rumbling from inside of Ziggs and all its lights went out as it rocked back and forth.

  “Ziggs? What does he mean good luck?”

  Ziggs stayed quiet and Mephi laughed even harder.

  What is wrong with these people?

  “Well, since you guys are all weird and the chickens are coming back let’s get to work.” Mo stood and gave Mephi a hand up. He walked past Ziggs giving him a bang on the lid saying, “Let’s go.”

  Ziggs glowed a purplish pink, and then began floating behind the others.


  Mayah took one last stroll towards the temple. She saw the skaduweesps in their prescribed area from a few city blocks away from the line in the road. Riker and Deanna pulled up short, sniffing the air cautiously. Seeing the shadow creatures Deanna edged away from the temple.

  It’s okay guys, we’re not going there—at least not today. This is the perfect testing ground though. The weesps can’t come out into the sun and I’ll have to make some time to toss grenades at them.” Yes, toss grenades and hear their shrieks of agony as I extract the XP from their lifeless husks. YESSSSSS. Mwahahahahahaha…

  Mayah rubbed her hands greedily. It was definitely time for crafting. She scooped up the rötten, who emitted terrified shrieks, and started jogging towards the portal stone.

  Once back in the safe zone Mayah checked her timer for Vergie and quickly put down the rötten and said, “Now there’s someone I want you to meet. She’s kinda big and may scare you but she’s also family—kinda like a big sister. Now stay right here. …and don’t make a sound.” Mayah jabbed her finger to the spot where Riker and Deanna stood.

  Mayah walked about ten feet away and cast Summon (S). Vergie appeared like someone poured smoke into a vergax shaped mold. Mayah grabbed her face before she could do anything else and looked deep into her eyes.

  “We’ve got some new friends…” Mayah had to firmly pull Vergie’s face back to hers before the big cat could look past her. “…And it is very, VERY important that you not hurt them.” She continued staring into Vergie’s eyes. Vergie’s head nodded in between her hands. “Okay they are very small and probably very scared of you. But they’re FAMILY…okay?”

  Vergie nodded again.

  “Okay have a seat and I’ll call them over.”

  Mayah waited as Vergie dropped her rump into the grass.

  “Now move slowly until they get used to you, okay?”

  Vergie chuffed.

  “I’ll have treats for everyone after introductions,” Mayah whispered into the vergax’s ear.

  Vergie licked her lips happily and Mayah wrapped an arm around Vergie’s front leg.

  Better safe than sorry. This is cat and mouse after all.

  She called Riker and Deanna over. Vergie’s head whipped instinctively towards the noise and zeroed in on it. The rodents instantly stopped in the tall grass.

  “They’re family.” She reminded Vergie in a calming tone while stroking her head. “C’mon you guys. Come a little closer. Meet your big sister.”

  Riker popped his head up and his beady eyes went wide as he squeaked loudly and dipped below the grass. There was a little scuffle, and then they started moving towards Mayah again, although slowly. The rötten stopped just out of Vergie’s reach. They peered through the grass and squeaked frantically.

  “It’s okay. She’s not gonna hurt you.” She looked at Vergie. “Are you girl?”

  Vergie chuffed and rolled her eyes miming maybe.

  “You aren’t going to hurt them, or you’ll get no snacks,” Mayah said sternly. “Ever.” She added for emphasis. “So, you’re not going to hurt them are you?”

  Vergie chuffed again and reluctantly shook her head no.

  “That’s my girl.”

  Mayah let go of the vergax and sat leaning against her leg. “Cmon guys, come introduce yourselves.”

  Riker approached first. His whiskers quivered while sniffing up and down his fur all bristly as he tried to make himself bigger.

  “This brave little guy is Riker, and the shy one behind him is Deanna.”

  Deanna moved forward when she heard her name. One dainty tippy toe in front of the other whiskers trembling and twitching. Mayah stretched out a hand and Riker climbed up on it as Vergie lowered her nose to smell the creature. Vergie took a long deep sniff, and then sneezed. It sounded like a lion getting shot out of a cannon.

  Riker flew from Mayah’s hand and scrambled back into the tall grass. Deanna disappeared so fast Mayah missed it.

  Vergie chuffed repeatedly. It took Mayah moment to realize Vergie was laughing.

  “Bad Vergax!!! Baaaaaaad…!!!” Mayah shook a finger at the vergax and went to collect her new friends. “Sorry, for Vergie being rude. BAD kitty!!!”

  She carried Riker and Deanna over to Vergie and sternly demanded, “You will be nice and polite, or I will never give you snacks or summon you again and I mean it. THAT. Is. NOT!!! how you treat family!!!”

  Vergie hung her head and let out a sorrowful but loud meow. After a second her eyes became apologetic and looked up at Mayah.

  Stupid beg eyes…

  “Do you promise to behave?”

  Vergie let out another sad meow, rolled onto her side and exposed her belly while looking at Mayah sheepishly out of the corner of her eyes.


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