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Link (Dragon Riders MC Book 1)

Page 6

by Savannah Rylan

  I picked up my office phone and dialed the main number, wondering how much I could talk myself into over the phone.

  “Bones Motel, this is Deidra speaking.”

  Bones. Fabulous. Idiots. “Yes. Hello there. I’m looking to speak with a man by the name of Mr. Jonathan Branson?”

  She paused. “Uh, who?”

  “His nickname is ‘Skeleton,’ I believe.”

  “Oh! Yes! Well, he’s kind of busy at the moment. Can I take a message?”

  “No. But you can put me on hold. I’ll wait.”

  “Are you sure? He could be a while.”

  “Yes. I’m sure. After all, a lawyer’s got all the time in the world.”

  She gulped over the phone. “You’re a lawyer?”

  “Yes, ma’am. So, let Skelly know that at his earliest convenience, he really needs to pick up the phone if he doesn’t want to be dealing with the police just yet.”

  There was scrambling on the other end of the line as I leaned back. Hope’s soft snores started filling my office, and my prayer was that Skeleton didn’t hear. I drew in a deep breath as I watched the time tick by on my laptop. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. If this man thought he could out-wait me, he was certainly mistaken. One time, I’d sat in an uncooperative police department for four hours before I finally got what I wanted.

  I had plenty of work to keep me busy while I sat on this silent phone call.

  Then, he picked up. “Bones Motel, this is Skeleton.”

  I put on my best smile. “Mr. Branson, my name is Joanna Slater. How are you doing this evening?”

  “Probably better than you.”

  “Not sure that’s possible. However, I’ll cut to the chase since you seem to be a busy man: it’s unlawful for you to keep contracts regarding your employees in a place where they can’t access them. If it has their signature, they’re legally bound to a copy. You know this, right?”

  He chuckled. “You’re cute. Want a contract of your own?”

  “Hardly. I’m actually calling to discuss a—”

  He interrupted me. “Well, if you don’t want a contract of your own, then get the fuck off my phones. Because if you feel, for one second, that you can call and intimidate my people just to get your hands on some signed pieces of paper? You’ve got another thing coming.”

  “Threatening a lawyer doesn’t usually end well, Jonathan.”

  “Call me whatever you want, bitch. I know your kind. You want a contract? Come down and sign one. Otherwise, come with a warrant. Because you ain’t gettin’ shit until you do.”



  I read the message on my phone over and over again, just to make sure I read it right. Ice had sent me a message last night out of thin air, and I didn’t like what he had to say one bit.

  Ice: G.J.’s had another shipment come in. Can’t figure out what’s in it. Nothing good, I’m sure.

  I shook my head as I deleted the message.

  The Golden Jags had really been stepping on some toes lately. Rumors said they purchased the old Bones Motel on the outskirts of town a few months back. But no one’s been able to get close enough to the damn thing to figure out what the fuck they purchased it for. Surely, not to get into the motel business. But the running theory was that in exchange for paying them for drugs, people were able to rent rooms in order to get high.

  And I didn’t like that shit one bit.

  Not in my hometown, anyway.

  I looked at the clock and sighed. I needed to get my ass out of bed anyway. It was almost eight in the morning, and I had a church meeting with the guys at the bar in an hour. It didn’t help that I had a raging erection, either. Because the past two weeks had been filled with nothing but thoughts and dreams of Joanna. I couldn't wash her away from my memory. No matter what I did and no matter what kind of company I kept, she was always there.

  The memory of her had ruined two wonderful encounters with buxom women I’d been looking forward to for months.

  And now, I didn’t know what the fuck to do with myself.

  “Fucking hell,” I murmured.

  Two weeks. It had been two weeks since that woman had come into my office. And every night at the bar, I kept an eye out for her. Every day on my travels, I watched the sidewalks to see if I could spot her. Hell, I didn’t pass a fucking office space without looking at the name to see if I could figure out where the fuck she worked. It was bad. I had it bad.

  Something I’d never experienced before.

  “Come on. Snap out of it,” I murmured.

  I dragged my tired ass to the shower and settled on a cold one. Anything to get my aching boner to go away. It worked, but barely. Every single muscle in my body ached from shivering by the time I got out. But at least my cock had dwindled enough to look decent in my jeans.

  Because the last thing I needed was to be at attention in front of the guys.

  I’d never hear the end of it.

  After drying off and getting dressed, I headed out to my bike. Even during my drive to the Iron Horse, I thought about Joanna’s arms wrapped around me. Her thighs, sliding down mine as she grew more comfortable in my passenger’s seat that night. How she practically hugged me by the time I got her to her home, with her thighs clutched against mine and her hands fisting my leather jacket.

  Damn it, that woman was sexy.

  I parked my bike and slid off my helmet. And when I did, I fell into Boss Mode. I pushed thoughts of her away from my mind as I walked inside, finding most of my men sitting at the round table in the middle. Meant for big parties at the bar as well as our church meetings, I raised my hand and signaled for a beer. I sat down and silently waited for all parties to show up. And after the last guy sat down with his own bottle of beer, I cleared my throat.

  “Call to order for church,” I said.

  The guys tapped their beer bottles on the table, signaling that they were ready.

  “Good. I want to start this meeting off by saying that I got a disturbing message from Ice last night. Did anyone else get anything from Ice?”

  Ash raised his hand. “I did, Boss.”

  I nodded. “Anyone else?”

  The guys shook their heads at me, and I drew in a deep breath.

  “Apparently, the Golden Jags had a shipment come in around two in the morning. But no one can put their hands on exactly what they just shipped in. Our assumption is more drugs to peddle. However, there have been rumors flying around that the Golden Jags are dipping their toes into gun-running as well.”

  Sly snickered. “There anything they don’t do?”

  Bowser, my Vice President, finally spoke up. “You know they bought that motel, too. Have we figured out what the fuck they’re using that for yet?”

  “I think I can shed some light on that.”

  I froze at the sound of her voice. My eyes darted over to Sly as his face hardened over my shoulder. I shot him a look that told him to keep his fucking trap shut before I stood up and turned around, watching that gorgeous woman walk through the bar doors. She was here. Joanna. With her swaying hips and her raven black hair and her…

  Bags beneath her eyes.

  Bowser stood up. “I’ll take care of her.”

  Sly chuckled. “Over my dead body. I want a crack at her first.”

  I snapped my fingers, and everyone shut up as Joanna’s eyes locked with mine.

  “Link, we really need to talk. It’s urgent,” she said.

  “I’m in the middle of a professional meeting. Can it wait?”

  Her eyes looked around me. “Professional, my ass. Your office. Now.”

  Sly laughed behind me as I stood my ground.

  “With all due respect—”

  “Do you want answers to that motel? Or no?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What do you know about it?”

  “Take me to your office and you’ll figure it out. But neither myself nor my sister have time to dance around this. I thought you could help. If you can’t, th
ough, I have to use my time looking somewhere else instead of standing here with you guys. If it’s all the same to you.”

  I studied her closely. I took in the bags underneath her eyes and the crooked stance she wore. Part of her blouse was untucked from her skirt and I didn’t think she realized she wore two different earrings in each ear. Something was very off, and the look in her eye was more determined than ever.

  “Guys? Wait here. Joanna, let’s head to my office,” I said.

  Sly scoffed. “You can’t fucking be serious right now.”

  I whipped around on him. “One more outburst from you after I give a command and I’ll have your leather cut. Got it?”

  Sly glared at me, but he nodded. “Got it.”

  “Good. Joanna?”


  “Follow me.”

  We made our way back into my office, and the walk alone made Joanna winded. She was tired. She obviously didn’t get any kind of sleep. And that made me worried about what she was about to tell me. I ushered her inside and peered down the hallway, seeing the guy’s shadows gather at the door leading back into the bar. They were curious, and I didn’t blame them. I was just as curious.

  Which was why I quickly shut my office door and turned to face Joanna.

  “Talk. Now,” I said.

  She wasted no time filling me in. “Two weeks ago, my sister—who I’m a bit estranged from right now—showed up at my office damn near midnight with bruises on her face.”

  “When exactly did this happen?”

  “After I left the bar the last time. I ended up at work and got some things done. Then, she showed up.”

  “You said you two were estranged?”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Everything’s the point. Gather your thoughts and talk to me.”

  Joanna closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath before she leaned against my desk.

  “Hope came to me with bruises on her face. Ligature marks around her neck. The last I heard, she was in California with some guy. But apparently they broke up and she stole from him. It was a whole big thing.”

  “What does this have to do with the motel?”

  Her eyes opened. “Do you know anyone by the name of Skeleton?”

  I blinked. “Uh, yeah. A bit. He’s the president of—”

  “The Golden Jags. So, they really are a bike club in town?”

  I nodded. “Yes. A ruthless one, too.”

  “They’re trafficking women and using them for sex. That’s what the motel’s used for.”

  I girded myself. “You better have some serious shit to back that up, Joanna.”

  “I do. My sister. That’s why she came to me. In California, she met Skeleton in a bar. They went on a bike trip after he sweet-talked her into a life of luxury and roped her into signing a contract. She’s his property. She’s a sex doll to him. And according to her, she’s been servicing men in a hotel room assigned to her for the past year.”

  I ran my hand through my hair. “Fucking hell. Can she prove any of this?”

  She shook her head. “Just her testimony. And I’ve had a devil of a time getting my hands on the contract she signed. All she wants is out, and I figured some fun little legality proceedings might help me. But I’m getting nowhere.”

  “And you won’t with Skeleton. Shit doesn’t sway him. Ever.”

  She scoffed. “So I’m finding out.”

  “Why come to me, then?”

  “Why not? It’s obvious you’re part of a crew as well. Do you guys work with them or something?”

  “No. If anything, the other crews in the area distance themselves from the Jags as much as they can. They’ve been bad news. Always have been, always will be.”

  “Is there any way you can help my sister? Any way a-a-at all?”

  I hated how weak and desperate her voice sounded asking me that question. The small break ached my heart in ways I’d never felt before. But what she was asking—especially as a lawyer—could put her career in jeopardy.

  “You’re aware that you’re asking someone outside of the law to do something not quite legal, even though you’re a lawyer. Right?” I asked.

  Joanna nodded. “I have no other options. I’ve spoken to the police. I’ve exhausted my connections over the past couple of weeks. And I have nothing to show for it.”

  “Where’s your sister now?”

  “She’s at my place right now. But she keeps insisting that she has to go back, Link. She keeps insisting she has to go, otherwise he’ll come for her and kill her. And I can’t send my sister back to that nasty motel so she can go back to doing God-knows-what with who-knows-who. I have to do something. Please. Help me. I’ll do anything. Pay anything you want.”

  I didn’t know what happened inside me, but something popped. Maybe it was the way she begged. Or the way she looked up at me with those big, brown eyes of hers. But I took one stride for her and wrapped my arm around her waist. I pulled her into my body and dipped my lips, crashing them against hers. And even though her body stiffened, it didn’t take two strokes of my tongue before she melted into me.

  Fisting my leather jacket in all the ways I remembered her doing.

  I cloaked my arms around her back. I picked her up, setting her on the edge of my desk. I reached down and rolled her pencil skirt up her thighs as her legs parted for me. Welcoming me into the fold of her comfort. Her head tilted off to the side. She trembled as my clothed pelvis seated itself against her panties. And as I sucked on her lower lip, I pulled away. Letting my forehead rest against her own.

  “What was that for?” she whispered.

  I grinned. “A kiss to seal the deal, of course.”

  She giggled, then sighed. “What am I going to do, Link?”

  I tucked her head against the crook of my neck as I pulled her even closer against me.

  “I’ll help you. My crew will help you. But I’m going to need to speak with Hope. I have to ask her some very pointed questions you might not think to ask right now, and those answers are imperative to crafting a solution. All right?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Can you do that for me? Can you get Hope in the frame of mind to talk with someone like me?”

  She lifted her head, gazing into my eyes. “I can do that. Definitely.”

  I grinned. “Good.”

  “But she’s going to want information on you guys. Information on who she's speaking with. Because if you’re another motorcycle club or whatever, I’m going to have to find a way to frame this so she’s not squeamish about it. So she doesn’t feel like she has to lie.”

  “I don’t want you worrying about that. Ash? My enforcer? He comes with me everywhere. And on top of being one of the best fighters I’ve ever witnessed, he’s a walking lie detector. He’ll be able to help.”

  “I don’t want my sister to feel cornered, Link.”

  I cupped her cheek. “And she won’t feel that way. I promise.”

  She sighed. “So, you want to start by telling me what you and those other guys call yourselves? I’m assuming with the bikes out front and the leather jackets that you’re a crew as well.”

  “You’d be right, yes.”

  “So, your crew got a name?”

  I smiled. “The Dragon Riders. And we’re here to help.”



  After Link escorted me out to my car, I felt better about things. Not much better, but a little better. And now, I had to convince my sister to meet with yet another crew that was somehow better than the one she had come into contact with. I shook my head about it all the way back to my office. I dove into work, researched, and tried to take care of some of my other clients knowing damn good and well I wanted nothing more than to throw all of my energy into my sister’s case.

  But a chilling phone call came through my phone that forced me to close my office down early.

  “This is Joann—”

  “They’re here,” Hope whispered.
br />   I shot up from my chair. “Who’s where?”

  “Your house. They’re here. I see shadows in the tree line. They know I’m here. They’re watching me, Jo.”

  I gathered my things. “Okay, Hope. I want you to listen to me.”

  Panic mounted in her voice. “I can’t let them take me. They’ll kill me, Jo. I’m their property, and they won’t stop until—”

  “Hope. Listen to me. Are you listening?”

  She sniffled. “What do I do?”

  “Remember how I taught you to shoot last week?”

  “You can’t really expect me to use a gun, can you?”

  “If you want to stay alive, you won’t have a choice. I’m leaving my office now, but I’m still twenty minutes away. Remember where I put it?”

  She drew in a broken breath. “Y-Y-Yeah. It’s uh, up in your closet.”

  “Right. Go get it and keep it by you. And don’t you open that door for anyone or any voice other than my own. Got it?”

  “Pineapple, right?”

  I tossed my bags over my shoulders. “That’s right. Pineapple. If you hear me say that word at any point in time, what does it mean?”

  “That you’re under duress and to not do anything you say.”

  “Exactly. I’m heading home. Hope, get that gun and stay in my room. I’m heading out of the office now.”

  She lowered her voice. “Please, hurry. I think they’re coming.”

  I hung up my cell phone and rushed out of my office. I barely remembered to lock everything as I ran to my car. I kicked off my heels and picked them up before tossing everything in the back seat. And after cranking the engine to life, I sped home.

  Driving clear through yellow lights in order to shave some time off.

  “Come on. You can go faster than this,” I murmured.

  I kept my eyes peeled for anything that looked weird. Motorcycles in random places. People watching my house. Anything that signaled to me that something was amiss. I pulled into the driveway and scrambled out of the car. With my bare feet screaming in pain from the random rocks and twigs in my way, I bounded up to the front door. I reached for my purse to get my keys, but I didn’t have it at my side. I looked back at my car that was still running and decided to keep pushing on.


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