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Link (Dragon Riders MC Book 1)

Page 10

by Savannah Rylan

  Skeleton growled at me. “You what?”

  My eyes turned back to him. “You default on this—or come after Hope, in any way—this recording is going to be handed over to the police.”

  “You wouldn’t be that stupid, Link. I know you.”

  I snickered. “You don’t know anything except your own selfishness. It was nice doing business with you, Skeleton. I hope to never see your face again.”

  He snickered. “Her sister’s a bit of a catch, though. Don’t you think?”

  Without thinking, I charged the man. I fisted his shirt and tossed him over the front desk as Ash cried out my name. The girl underneath the desk screamed. Doors slammed open. I picked Skeleton’s lanky-ass body off the floor and slammed him against the first wall I could find. Lifting him off his feet with my hand wrapped around his neck.

  “What did you just say?” I grumbled.

  Ash put his hand on my shoulder. “Link, put the man down.”

  Skeleton sputtered. “Can’t breathe. Can’t—breathe—”

  Bowser called out. “Put him down, Link!”

  Guns cocked as my nostrils flared with anger. Then, venom spewed from my lips.

  “Mark my words, asshole. Because you only get one warning. If you come after Joanna, Hope, or anything that has to do with my men or them in any form or fashion? You’re done. All of you. I’ll pick every single one of you off, starting with your prospects. And when you’ve finally watched your entire crew die? I’ll put a bullet in your brain with the promise of researching your family lineage until I know your entire bloodline is wiped from this planet. You got that, Skeleton?”

  Ash hissed. “The man’s turning blue, Boss. I think he’s got it.”

  I dropped my hand from around his neck and Skeleton crumbled to the ground. I looked behind me and saw the front desk girl shivering underneath it. She had her hands up to her face, crying softly to herself as her tears trickled down her neck. And as she slowly dropped her hands to look up at me, I saw the collar around her neck.

  A fucking shock collar, of all things.

  I’m coming back for all of you. I swear it.

  “Come on, guys. Let’s go,” I said.

  I lunged at Skeleton one more time, just to make him jump in front of his men. Then, I rounded up the guys. We left that motel standing, which I knew was a bad choice. But for now, I considered Hope’s freedom a win. We needed to reconvene, though. I wanted to take down that entire operation of theirs. The women of this town deserved better. The women of this world deserved better.

  And if I had the chance to rid this planet of just one sex trafficking operation, I’d consider it a mark of honor.

  “You okay?” Bowser asked.

  I threw my leg over my bike. “I’m going to go tell Joanna the news. I want the rest of you to head back to the bar, though.”

  Ash handed me my helmet. “Any reason why?”

  I shot him a look. “You know damn good and well what I’m thinking right now.”

  Ash nodded as my eyes fell back to the front door of the motel lobby. Men stood outside the doors with their guns aimed at us. Ready to shoot us in the back if we so much as rode off in the wrong fashion. I watched Skeleton approach the door, cowering behind his men. He rubbed his throat with his hand as a frown took over his cheeks, and I knew this wouldn't be the last of my issues with this fuckwad.

  “All right, guys. Let’s ride,” I said.

  The second we all hit the main road, I split off from them. Bowser led the guys back to the Iron Horse while I made my way to Joanna’s. I didn’t want another second to go by without the news. But I also wanted her to see this contract. With both pieces of the ripped paper in my pocket, I navigated my way through town. I wasn’t sure if Joanna would be home or at her office, but I figured I’d try her house first. Since that was closer to me than her place of work.

  And I guessed right when I saw that red Subaru parked in the driveway.


  A curtain fluttered as I pulled up beside her car. I cut the engine and pulled off my helmet as the front door opened. I made my way to her, watching as she stepped out onto the porch. Wearing black-rimmed glasses, a silken black nightgown, and puffy white house shoes.

  How the fuck did she look so hot in puffy white house shoes?

  “Link. Is everything okay?” she asked.

  I grinned as I walked up to her. “I have news.”

  “Do you know when you and Ash are going to be meeting with Hope? She’s been asking me about it.”

  “Even better news.”

  She paused. “Wait. Is Hope…?”

  I nodded. “She’s free, Joanna.”

  Her jaw dropped open. “But how did— The meeting— It—but Hope—”

  I pulled out the crumbled contract from my pocket and handed it to her.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “Hope’s ripped-up contract.”

  She furrowed her brow. “It’s only one sheet of paper.”

  “And it stipulated that she could only be released from her services at the motel if Skeleton himself fired her.”

  Her eyes whipped up to mine. “So, he fired her?”

  “Yep. Got it on recording, too. Hope is a free woman. And the crew will extend our protections to both you and her for a little while until tensions die down. Just to make sure they don’t make a play for either one of you.”

  “Do you think that’s something that will happen?”

  “You’re dealing with people who work outside of the law. I’d expect them to try something.”

  “But Hope could come stay with me now?”

  I nodded. “It would actually be better if the two of you were in the same location. Easier to keep you two safe if we aren’t split up like that.”

  “I’ll definitely let her know then.”

  I paused. “You okay?”

  She swallowed hard. “Just—in a bit of shock. I didn’t—I thought this would take much longer than it did.”

  “Well, when you know how to deal with cowards like Skeleton, it doesn’t usually take some grand plan to make things work. Just a show of muscle and the promise of a bad time if things don’t work out.”

  She held up her hand. “Spare me the details, just in case.”

  I grinned. “Noted.”

  Her eyes danced between mine. “Thank you. For everything. I don’t even know how to repay you, other than to cut you a check.”

  “We’ll talk about that later. Our job isn’t quite done yet.”

  She thumbed over her shoulder. “I should go inside and call Hope.”

  “I’ll head in with you. Your protection should start now. And depending on what Hope says, I can send Ash to her location to help her get her things and get her here. Or wherever the two of you want to go.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive, Joanna.”

  She smiled. “Then, by all means, come on inside. I’ve got a pot of coffee on in the kitchen and there’s leftover pizza from the lunch I ordered.”

  “Does it have peppers on it?”

  “Ew. No. Why would someone do that to a pizza?”

  You’re perfect. “Then, I’d love to have a slice.”



  I peeked around the corner, watching as Link leaned against my kitchen counter. As he rummaged around for something, I let my eyes wander along his body. The trim of his waist became exposed as his jacket slid up. As his shirt became untucked. And those lovely little dimples just above his ass called to my fingertips

  “Like what you see?” he asked.

  I blushed immediately. “Sorry. I was just—”

  He turned around. “You were just staring with every intent on having me later. Weren’t you?”

  I cleared my throat. “I’m going to go find my robe. I’ll be right back.”

  I scurried up the stairs and rushed down the hallway. I threw open the double doors at the end, hoping to encase my embarrassment
in my room. I whipped around and caught the doorknobs. I drew in a deep breath before I shut the doors.

  Then, Link appeared at the tops of the steps.

  “Need help looking for it?”

  My eyes held his as he walked down the hallway. His strides were at least double that of my own, and I couldn't stop staring at his neck. Those red marks were still there. Blaring, screaming, and begging for me to kiss them. His heat pulled me from my trance as his hand reached out, sliding into the tendrils of my hair. I closed my eyes as he pulled my head back. He led me into the room, my legs walking backwards until they hit the edge of my bed.

  And when I sat down, my eyes opened.

  “What about your pizza?” I asked breathlessly.

  He leaned down, his eyes hooked with mine. “I’m a grown man, JoJo. I can have dessert before dinner if I want it.”

  The second our lips connected, I moaned. He growled against my lips as his tongue pushed forward, blanketing the roof of my mouth. He invaded me in all the ways I’d been dreaming of for weeks now, and I gladly sank to my mattress. His knee pressed between my legs. I opened myself for him as he sucked on my lower lip. I groaned as he kissed down my neck. Down my breasts. Down my stomach.

  But when he slipped my legs over his shoulders, I gasped.

  “Oh, fuck,” I whispered.

  He shoved my nightgown up my legs before his tongue fell against my slit. I bucked against him, my nipples puckering so hard they hurt as they pressed against my restrictive garments. My toes curled as his tongue found my clit. My legs quivered as he flicked it majestically, giving me no time to breathe.

  “Link. Yes. Oh—holy fu—right there. Shit. It burns so good. Right there. Right there.”

  He wrapped his arms beneath my thighs and pulled me closer to him. I rocked against his face, chasing my pleasure as it quickly mounted. My hands fisted the sheets. That coil in my gut tightened. His tongue swirled around my aching nub, pressing deeper. Pushing harder. Licking deeper, as his tongue flattened against my pulsing mound.


  My eyes screwed shut as my back arched. Colors burst and sizzled behind my eyes as he slurped every drop of me down. I heard his growls. I felt their vibrations. And it only served to heighten my need for him. I collapsed against the bed as my legs grew weak. Sliding off his shoulders as he kissed the inside of my thighs.

  But when he stood, I whimpered.

  “Come back.”

  I heard the sound of clothes dropping to the floor. I groaned as I rolled over, trying to push myself up. Something flew across the room, crashing against my wall. And when his hands fisted my hips, he pulled me to the edge of the bed.

  “Hold right there,” he commanded.

  His voice was husky. Deep. Full of lust and darkness, just for me. My feet planted into the carpet as he tossed my nightgown over my ass. He massaged my cheeks, spreading them and tracing my puckered asshole. I shivered at his touch. At the electricity that sparked up every vertebrae of my spine.

  Before his cock slipped between my thighs.

  “Open wide, beautiful.”

  “Yes, Link, plea—ooooh, yes!”

  His cock spread me, stroking along my walls. He sank deep against me. Until his pelvis pressed against my ass cheeks. My legs trembled. My head fell to the bed. I arched my back, tilting my ass toward him as he smacked them with his hands. My walls tightened around him. He slowly drew back and when he slammed back into me, I wailed into my mattress.


  He drew back again. “Fucking hell, you’re perfect.”

  He pounded into me. “Shit!”

  He growled. “Oh, that’s the good stuff right there. Drip down those balls, baby.”

  His hands gripped my hips as he fucked me back against his cock. I was weak, letting him use my body as pleasure coursed through my veins. His balls smacked my clit, teasing me as I slowly journeyed up that mountain once more. The coil tightened, knotting in my stomach. I bit down into my sheets, concealing my cries of pleasure and pain as he punctuated his thrusts with spanks.

  “There’s a good girl for me. Come for me. Come on my cock.”

  “Holy fuck!”

  My eyes rolled back as his words fell heavily against my ears. My walls quivered around him as juices dripped down his balls. He massaged the burn away, his cock stilling inside me. And as I came down from my effervescent high, he dipped down.

  Before he kissed the nape of my neck.

  “Come on, beautiful. Time to get you naked.”

  I sighed as he wrapped his arms around me. He held me upright as his cock slid from between my legs. The care he took in his movements. Soft and supple, as he slipped the sleeves of my nightgown off my shoulders. It dropped to the floor in a heap, exposing my nakedness to him. And as his hands traced the outline of my torso, I took off my glasses.

  Tossing them to the bed.

  “Take me wherever you wish,” I whispered.

  He kissed the crook of my neck. “Don’t tell me something you don’t mean.”

  I leaned against him. “Who says I don't mean it?”

  In an instant, he scooped me up into his arms. My head fell to his shoulder as we left our clothes on my bedroom floor in piles. I curled against him, seeking him warmth. Seeking his comfort. Seeking his strength as he walked us into my bathroom. He sat me on the edge of the counter and spread my legs. His eyes, finding mine as I focused on him.

  He grinned. “My turn, beautiful.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Bring it, handsome.”

  His eyes darkened as he pulled me to the edge of the counter. I squealed with delight as he stroked my wet slit with the tip of his dick. I giggled and gasped. My eyes rolled back and fluttered closed. And as he sank himself into me again, Link wrapped his arms around me.

  Before he picked me up from the counter.

  “What the—Oh, Link.”

  He gripped my ass cheeks and rolled against me, bouncing my body against his. And once he got a rhythm going, he fucked his cock with my body. I clung to him, my arms trembling as his cock dove in and out of my pussy. He growled and grumbled. He grunted my name and nibbled along the shell of my ear. My arms grew weak, so he pinned me to the wall. Grinding against me, and swiveling his hips, and driving me absolutely wild.

  “Link. Link. I can’t—I can’t take it. I have to—I need—please.”

  He sucked on my lower lip. “When I say you can. Got it?”

  I nodded quickly as my toes began to curl.

  “Link, please.”

  “Not yet.”

  I whimpered. “I’m so close. You hit—you hit so much. I—I-I-I—”

  He fisted my hair. “Not. Yet.”

  He bit down against my neck and I couldn't take it a second longer. My pussy exploded around him as something sprayed from between my legs.

  “Oh, no. Oh, no. Link. I—I have to—I’m p—”

  His lips pressed to my ear. “Let it go. Let your entire body be free, JoJo.”

  I whimpered. “Oooh myyy Goood.”

  He rutted against me like a wild animal as his teeth sank against my neck. The world faded in and out of focus as I collapsed against the wall. He pounded into me. My entire body, jumping for his viewing pleasure. And as we collided with one another, drenched in all sorts of fluids, I finally felt it.

  I felt his cock pulse.

  “I’m there,” he growled.

  “Come for me, Link.”

  He pulsed again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “Fill me up, Link. Do it. Make me yours.”

  “Mine. Mine. You’re mine, Joanna. You hear me?”

  I shivered against him. “All yours, handsome.”

  With one last stroke, he fell over the edge. His body pressed me deeply against the bathroom wall as he growled against my shoulder. His teeth marked me, his hands slamming against the wall on either side of my head. Thread after thread of hot arousal shot from the tip of his dick, dripping from between my legs.
br />   “Hold on. It’s—I—”

  I gasped. “Keep going. Give me all of you.”

  His entire body quaked as he slowly slid to the floor. His cock continued to pulse until the both of us sat down against the tiles with my legs still straddling him and his forehead against my shoulder, his cock finally falling from between my legs. Bringing with it a rush of evidence that proved our debaucherous motives.

  And I wouldn't have had it any other way.



  I groaned as I rolled over as a feeling of warmth beckoned me closer. I scooted my body across the cool surface until my leg pressed against something smooth. My arm flopped over the pleasant interruption before my nose fell into a soft mound of what felt like hair. And when my eyes opened, the largest smile I’d ever had crossed my face.


  My hand pressed against her bare stomach and my eyes roamed her body. The way her tits hung softly against her form while she slept called to me in all the best ways. My cock stiffened, pressing against her pert ass cheeks. And as I kissed her shoulder, drawing her scent through my nose, the beast within me started awakening.

  You know you want her again.

  “Mmmm, morning,” she murmured.

  She rolled onto her back as her head came tumbling my way. I watched her face as her eyes slowly crept open, but they fell back closed just as quickly. I grinned as I kissed her shoulder. I watched goosebumps prickle her skin as her nipples stood at attention. I kissed down her stomach. I lapped softly at her belly button. She sighed with content as I slid my body on top of hers, parting her legs with my knees.

  And as I settled between her legs, her morning scent wafted up my nose.

  Pulling me closer to that swollen nub of hers.

  “Good morning,” I murmured.

  I kissed her pussy lips softly as she gasped.

  “Link,” she whispered.

  I licked her slit softly. “How do you take your coffee?”

  Her hand found my hair. “Link, you don’t—”

  My tongue pierced her folds. “Do you enjoy it with a bit of sugar?”

  She moaned as her hips rolled toward me.


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