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Link (Dragon Riders MC Book 1)

Page 12

by Savannah Rylan

  Oh, no.

  “Link, there’s something you’re going to want to see,” he said.

  Hope started crying as my mind jump-started into fight mode. I rushed out of my office, pointing and motioning for Sly to guide me to whatever the fuck was happening. I shushed Hope softly in the phone, trying to calm her down while also trying to calm myself down.

  What the fuck had happened since I last saw Joanna?

  “Hope, you’re on speaker,” I said.

  The guys all turned and looked at me as I set my cell down onto the bar table.

  Thank fuck for late hours.

  “All right. Tell me everything that happened. Start from the beginning,” I said.

  As Hope rattled off the phone call she had with Joanna, Ash turned his laptop toward me. And right there, plain as daylight, was a picture of my girl. My woman. The incredible human being that had swept me off my feet. Tears streamed down her cheeks with her body clad in a very pathetic excuse for a bikini. And it was posted all over the dark web.

  Hope sobbed over the phone. “That’s all I know. It took me a few tries to remember the combination of numbers she spat out. Link, you have to help her. They’ve taken her because of me.”

  I sat down beside Ash. “Hope, I need you to listen to me. Can you do that?”

  “Y-y-yeah. Yeah. I think so.”

  “Good. I need you to know that you’ve done well. I also need you to know that I’m going to get your sister, come hell or high water. But I need you to do something for me. You listening?”

  She sniffled. “I am, yes.”

  “I don’t want you to pick up your phone at all unless I’m calling.”

  She paused. “But what if—”

  “No calls. Only my number. Even if you think it’s Joanna. Because we don’t know what’s going on and we don’t know if Skeleton’s going to try and make a play for you. All right?”

  “Is he going to do that? I mean, do you think—”

  I stole Ash’s laptop and started clicking around.

  “I don’t know anything right now. So, until we do? You only answer for me. For this specific number. Got it?”

  She paused. “Okay. Yes. Got it. I just saved your number into my phone.”

  “Good. I’ll call you the second we have something. Okay?”

  “Please find her,” she said breathlessly.

  “You have my solemn word that I will.”

  I hung up the phone with her and cursed myself for not having that woman’s number. What the fuck? How the hell did I not have Joanna’s number? Right. Because I kept showing up at her house instead of calling. Like a regular fucking person.

  “Damn it!” I roared.

  Sly stood behind me. “We have to believe this isn’t a hoax.”

  Ash nodded. “Especially with Hope sounding that way.”

  I stood from my chair. “I want a front row ticket to that auction. Ash, can you set that up?”

  “I figured you’d want me to do that, so I already did it while Sly was getting you.”

  I patted his shoulder. “Great. What’s the alias?”

  Bowser walked up to me. “Michael Slavic. Though, I don’t have time to make much of an I.D. up. However, we do have the option to send someone with a great deal of money in a bag. And you know how skeezy Skeleton is. He’ll take that shit in a heartbeat over having anyone check you for identification.”

  I licked my lips. “All right. Here’s the plan. We gather ourselves and ride before the auction starts. But if shit pops off before we can get there? I want one of our prospects to step up to the plate. It’s time they started doing some shit around here anyway.”

  Bowser paused. “You think they’d be ready for something like this?”

  I shrugged. “Not my fault if they aren’t. Prospects understand what they’re getting themselves into with a lifestyle like this. If they can’t take the heat?”

  Bowser nodded. “I’ll go get Rak on the phone. He’d be the one to pull this off out of anyone.”

  Ash spoke up. “What do you want the rest of us to do?”

  I turned around and stared at the clock on the wall behind the bar. Broad fucking daylight. It wasn’t even lunch time yet. It boiled my blood that Skeleton rushed Joanna at her office like that. Right after breakfast, as if those assholes didn't have anything better to do. I made a silent vow to myself to wipe them off the face of the fucking planet. By the time I was done with Skeleton and his crew, there wouldn’t be anyone left to run the Golden Assholes.

  “What’s our next move, Boss?”

  Ash’s voice pulled me from my trance, and I drew in a deep breath.



  “You got any details on that auction for me?”

  He typed away on the keyboard. “A bunch, actually. Skeleton doesn’t just take in-person bids; he takes online bids. I’m making Rak an account now, just in case.”

  I nodded. “Perfect. Weaving his own fucking trap with his selfishness.”

  Bowser trotted back in. “Rak’s on his way. I heard something about an account?”

  I nodded. “Skeleton’s also taking online bids for Joanna’s auction. We’re making Rak an account. So, he won’t have to go into a warzone in order to get her out.”

  Sly sighed. “Starting bid’s well over a million, though.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t care. Set the starting bid on our end and fund whatever we need. I want to make sure we get her out of there one way or another. Whether we fight our way out or pay our way out.”

  Ash let out a piercing whistle and the rest of my men gathered around. Other than the core group of us that kept this damn crew afloat, there were twenty or thirty of us that gathered on a regular basis. And out of all the men I’d ridden with throughout the course of my tenure with the Dragon Riders, I’d never seen them so angry. So upset. So ready for bloodshed.

  “Guys, we have a serious situation on our hands. One that doesn’t just affect me, but one that affects all of the women in our town. Now, I don’t believe Skeleton should get away with this. In fact, I believe the whole of the Golden Jags should be taken down and dismantled.”

  I paused and watched a sea of heads nod.

  “But for tonight? We get Joanna out of there. If there’s a shootout? You take out as many as you can. But shooting our way out is not the goal tonight. I don’t want her harmed. I don’t want her hurt. Eventually, though, I want Skeleton’s head on a fucking stick.”

  The guys rhythmically stomped their feet against the floor. I looked around the room, watching them lock their eyes with me. Sly stood from his laptop. He joined in on the romping as it grew faster and faster. Louder and louder. Until the thunderous roar of boots stomping against the hardwood floor sounded.

  Blanketing me with a power that surged through the marrow of my bones.

  The guys roared and clapped. They cheered and slapped high-fives. Then, I held up my hand and all sound ceased to exist. I drew in a deep breath. I closed my eyes and forced my mind to focus as I cracked my neck again. Only this time, I didn’t feel relaxed.

  I felt ready for war.

  “Those who have been with this crew for more than five years, you ride with me. For those who have been with the crew for less than five years, you stay behind and make sure we aren’t attacked from another angle. We need to be prepared for anything. And we can only do that if we split into sections and cover all angles.”

  I looked around the room one last time and watched as the men segregated themselves.

  “Now, let’s ride!” I exclaimed.

  And as my men followed me out the door, only one thought rushed through my mind.

  I’m coming for you, Joanna. Just hold on a little bit longer.



  I shivered as I stood in the cold, dark room. There were barely any lights afforded to me so I could see around the room. So, there was no chance in locating where the hell that putrid, rotten smell was coming
from. It had leaked into my room about an hour ago, and the smell was so sharp it felt like it burned my nostril hairs. Then again, part of me didn’t even want to know what that smell was.

  For all I know, they’ve got bodies stashed around.

  I wrapped my arms around my chest, trying to cover myself a little more. Having pictures taken of me in this skimpy, tasseled little outfit had been humiliating. But the idea of going in front of a camera? Performing tricks and talking about myself while someone bid on me? It made me want to wretch. I had no idea how long I’d been in that room. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been shivering and shaking. And while part of me hoped and prayed Link came for me, the other part of me looked around the room.

  Trying to find a way out.

  “Come on,” I murmured.

  My teeth clattered as I slowly walked around the room. The dim lamp in the corner flickered, threatening to take away the only source of light I had. The room itself wasn’t that small. There were a few chairs in the corners. A television that didn’t work sat on an empty dresser against the wall. There were indentations in the floor, as if a bed had once been there. And as I walked over to the mirror in the corner where the bathroom was, I gazed upon my body.

  “Good God,” I whispered.

  Strings tied into bows barely held up the red outfit I wore. The pathetic triangular tassels barely covered my nipples, much less the rest of my chest. I slowly let my arms fall to my sides as my eyes raked down my reflection. The red bottoms were practically see-through. Even though they covered the most sensitive parts of my body, the partially-sheer fabric laid to waste the details of my pussy lips. The way my ass cheeks puckered softly with cellulite in the back. I turned around as tears rushed my eyes, finally taking in how exposed I had been during those pictures.

  Please, Link. Find me.

  Footsteps sounded outside and I rushed over to one of the chairs. I sat down and wrapped my arms around my chest, crossing my feet at my ankles. I closed my eyes and sent up a silent prayer. One that I hoped reached the ears of a God that might have mercy upon me.

  Then, the door opened.

  “Up,” the man commanded.

  The massive brute that forced me to get dressed at gunpoint had that same gun leveled at my forehead. And I didn’t want to take any chances. He looked like he’d shoot me if I sneezed in the wrong direction, so I quickly stood to my feet.

  To which he grinned. “Good little bitch. Follow me.”

  I winced at the word, but I did as he asked. As embarrassed as I felt walking behind him in the outfit I wore, I was more afraid of being killed on sight. I wasn’t ready to die. And I sure as hell didn’t want to go out like this. The bright lights of the hallway forced me to shield my eyes as I walked behind the towering inferno of muscle in front of me. But nothing compared to my shock when he led me into what looked like a former ballroom.

  With a stage they expected me to get on.

  “What the—”

  The man waved his gun. “Up there. Now.”

  I must’ve not moved quickly enough, though. Because the next thing I felt was the cold barrel of that gun pressed against my cheek.

  “I won’t kill you, doll. I’ll just make you hurt. Get. Up. On that fucking stage. Now.”

  Each step I took hurt. My muscles locked up, trying to stop my body from pushing forward. I forced myself to pick up my feet. To keep breathing, even though tears effortlessly streaked my cheeks. All eyes were on me as cameras pointed my way with flashing red lights and sparkling lenses capturing my every movement.

  “Drop your arms,” the man said.

  Reluctantly, I did as he asked. And as my puckered nipples revealed themselves through the outfit to the entire world, I heard a man chuckle.

  “Too bad I can’t have her,” someone murmured.

  “Now, stay there,” the man with the gun said.

  I closed my eyes, but they demanded I keep them open. I shuffled on my feet, but they commanded I keep myself still. When they asked me to turn, I did. When they asked me to bend over, I did. When they asked me to speak, I was hesitant. But eventually, I did as I was told.

  Mostly, because the man shot at my feet. Causing me to jump and yelp before finally caving in.

  A disembodied voice filled the room. “We’ll start the bidding at $1.1 million. Any takers?”

  My heart rate sped up as the auctioneer tossed out numbers I could never dream of in my wildest imaginations. And as my eyes flickered between the cameras staring at me, my fury grew. These men had some fucking balls. They all deserved to die in my book. Was this what happened to Hope every night? They put her in some rinky dink costume and sold her off for a night to the person with the most money? It made me sick. It made me want to pick up one of their guns and shoot my way out of this place.

  In that moment, I understood my clients more than ever.

  In that moment, I understood why people became criminals.

  I’d kill every single one of you and not bat an eyelash.

  “One and a half million. Do I hear one and a half? One and a half to Slavic. Do I hear one point—yes! One-point-seven million to Girdersha—nope. Two million! Two million to Slavic!”

  I clenched my fists at my sides as the man with the gun motioned for me to turn around again. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath, forcing myself to move. My entire body felt sore from locking up. My joints ached and my muscles cried out for mercy. I was hungry. I was tired. I was so damn thirsty, too. What time was it? Was it daytime? Nighttime?

  Has Hope called anyone?

  “Two and a half million to Slavic. Oh, man! We’ve got a bidding war here, you guys! Slavic versus Girdershade. Any bets on who will win the Goddess of Cock?”

  I blinked as I turned back around. Really? Seriously? The Goddess of Cock? They couldn't come up with something better than that?

  Goddess of Girth. Savior of Sucking. Lady Lingerie. I can come up with better shit than that, and I’m a lawyer!

  A gun cocked. “The man said speak, bitch.”

  I licked my lips and stared straight into the camera.

  “I hope you all die horrible, terrible deaths. And when I get out of here, I’m coming for every single one of you. I can promise you that.”

  The room fell silent, including the auctioneer. And as I closed my eyes, I braced myself for death. Because surely my words warranted a reaction such as that. I girded my loins. I drew in a deep breath. I thought about my sister and Link. About my practice, and my business. A future I’d never have flashed before my eyes. Waking up next to Link. Telling him how much he means to me. I saw myself in a beautiful champagne-colored wedding dress with pearls around my neck. I saw my stomach growing with life. Images of delivery flashed behind my eyelids. And when I gazed up into the eyes of my child’s father, I saw Link smiling down at me.

  I love you, Link.

  Something crashed in the distance and I hit the floor. Even before my eyes opened, I crouched down and covered my head with my hands. I felt a tight grip around my arm as men yelled everywhere. Bullets whizzed by me as someone tugged me toward the edge of the stage.

  Before I was tossed over a shoulder.

  “Help! Someone help me!” I roared.

  A hard smack came down against my ass. Causing me to cry out in pain.

  “Shut up or I’ll kill you myself,” someone growled.

  I drew in a deep breath. “Help me!”

  I didn’t care how hard that man hit me. I didn’t give a shit how quickly he ran. I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping someone might have mercy on me. Whether they saved me or killed me, I didn’t care. All I wanted was to be away from this fucking situation once and for all.

  Take care of Hope, Link.

  “Someone help me!” I exclaimed.

  My back slammed against the wall. “Shut. The fuck. Up.”

  Something tightened around my throat as my eyes bulged. Gunfire rang out in the room as shadows covered both me and the behemoth that seemed hellbe
nt on never letting me out of his sight. He glared down at me, his fingers tightening around my throat. And as I swallowed hard, I felt myself standing onto my tiptoes.

  As this man pinned me to the wall.

  “I should take you for myself and kill you before you can cum,” he growled.

  And before I could answer, the most relieving sound hit my ears.

  Link’s voice.

  “Over my dead body,” he grumbled.

  I screwed my eyes shut as a disgusting sound filled my ears. It sounded like a sponge being squished down a drain, along with bark cracking from the wind. I knew what had happened. It made me sick to my stomach. But what I couldn't see I couldn't testify to. Not honestly, anyway.

  “Joanna. It’s okay. I’ve got you,” Link said.

  I refused to open my eyes, though. Even when I felt him cup my cheeks.

  “JoJo, look at me.”

  I shook my head. “If I see it, it’s fact.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Come on. I’m getting you out of here.”

  His hands slid down my shoulders. My arms. My hips. Before he picked me up and put me back over his shoulder. I clung to him, burying my face into the back of his leather jacket. I jumped every time a gun went off. I whimpered every time a bullet whizzed by. I kept my eyes closed, even though they leaked with tears as the darkness fell away. The bright lights of the hallway illuminated the backs of my eyelids. From black to red, the room tried to tease me. Taunt me. Tried to get me to open my eyes and witness the carnage around me.

  I didn’t want to witness it, though.

  I only wanted to look at what might bring the Golden Jags down.

  Girls cried and screamed for one another. Men gurgled on their own blood before they slumped to the ground. I drew in broken breaths, trying to contain myself as the cold, harsh air hit my bare skin. The red behind my eyes didn’t fade away, though. Signaling to me that it was still daytime.

  Selling people off in broad daylight. What a fucking nutjob.

  “Come on. I’ve got you. Here. You can have my jacket.”

  He helped me down to my feet, but I still refused to open my eyes. Because I didn’t want to open them up and this all be a dream. I didn’t want to open them and still be on that stage, ready to be shipped off into sexual slavery for the night. Something warm wrapped around me. Link helped me slide my arms through his leather jacket. He zipped it up, the massive thing falling just above my knees. And when he cupped my cheeks, I grew enough courage to peek up at him.


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