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The Circus Boys Across the Continent; Or, Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark

Page 25

by Edgar B. P. Darlington



  Salt Lake City proved an unusual attraction to the Circus Boys,they having read so much of it in story and textbooks.

  Here they visited the great Mormon Temple. During their two daystand they made a trip out to the Great Salt Lake where TeddyTucker insisted in going in swimming. His surprise was greatwhen he found that he could not swim at all in the thick,salty water.

  The trip over the mountains, through the wonderful scenery of theRockies and the deep canyons where the sunlight seldom reacheswas one of unending interest to them.

  Most of the show people had been over this same ground with othercircuses many times before, for there are few corners of thecivilized world that the seasoned showman has not visited atleast once in his life.

  It was all new to the Circus Boys, however, and in the long daytrips over mountain and plain, they found themselves fullyoccupied with the new, entrancing scenes.

  By this time both lads had become really finished performers intheir various acts, and they had gone on through the greater partof the season without serious accident in their work. Of coursethey had had tumbles, as all showmen do, but somehow they managedto come off with whole skins.

  For a time after the wreck of the accommodation car the show hadno further trouble that could be laid at the door of Red Larryor his partner. However, after a few days, the reports ofburglaries in towns where the show exhibited became evenmore numerous.

  "We can't furnish police protection to the places we visit,"answered Mr. Sparling, when spoken to about this. "But, if everI get my hands on that red head, the fur will fly!"

  Passing out of the state of Utah, a few stands were made inNevada, but the jumps were now long and it was all the circustrains could do to get from stand to stand in time. As it was,they were not always able to give the parade, but the managermade up for this by getting up a free show out in front of thebig top just before the afternoon and evening performances began.

  Reno was the last town played in Nevada, and everyone breathed asigh of relief as the tents were struck and the show moved acrossthe line into California. The difficulty of getting water forman and beast had proved a most serious one. At Reno, however,a most serious thing had occurred, one that disturbed the ownerof the show very greatly.

  Many of the guy ropes holding the big top, had been cut while theperformance was going on and most of the canvasmen and laborerswere engaged in taking down and loading the menagerie outfit.

  A wind storm was coming up, but fortunately it veered off beforereaching Reno. The severed ropes were not discovered until afterthe show was over and the tent was being struck. Mr. Sparlinghad been quickly summoned. After a careful examination of theropes he understood what had happened. Phil, too, had discoveredone cut rope and the others, on his way from the dressing tent tothe front, after finishing his performance.

  But there was nothing now that required his looking upMr. Sparling, in view of the fact that the canvas was alreadycoming down. Yet after getting his usual night lunch in thetown, the lad strolled over to the railroad yards intending tovisit the manager as soon as the latter should have returnedfrom the lot.

  The two met just outside the owner's private car, a short timeafter the loading had been completed.

  "Oh, I want to see you, Mr. Sparling, if you have the time."

  "I've always time for that. I was in hopes I would get achance to have a chat with you before we got started. Will youcome in?"

  "Yes, thank you."

  Entering the private car Mr. Sparling took off his coat and threwhimself into a chair in front of his roll-top desk.

  "Phil, there's deviltry going on in this outfit again," he saidfixing a stern eye on the little Circus Boy.

  Phil nodded.

  "You don't seem to be very much surprised."

  "I'm not. I think I know what you mean."

  "You do? What for instance?"

  "The cutting of those ropes tonight," smiled Phil.

  "You know that?"

  The lad nodded again, but this time with more emphasis.

  "Is there anything that goes on in this outfit that you do notknow about?"

  "Oh, I presume so. If I hadn't chanced to walk over a placewhere there should have been a guy rope I probably never shouldhave discovered what had been done."

  "I'll bet you would," answered the owner, gazing at thelad admiringly.

  "It is fortunate for us that we did not have a wind storm duringthe evening."

  "Fortunate for the audience, I should say. Nothing could haveheld the tent with those ropes gone. It showed that the cordagehad been cut by someone very familiar with the canvas. Almost abreath of wind would have caused the whole big top to collapse,and then a lot of people might have been killed. Well, theseason is almost at an end now. If we are lucky we shall soon beout of it."

  "All the more reason for getting the fellow at once,"nodded Phil.


  "After a few days we shall be closing, and then we shall not getan opportunity."

  "That's good logic. I agree with you. I shall be delightedto place these hands of mine right on that fiend's throat.But first, will you tell me how I am going to do it?Haven't we been trying to catch him ever since those twomen were discharged? Both of them are in this thing."

  "I think you will find that there is only one now. I believeLarry is working alone. I haven't any particular reason forthinking this; it just sort of seems to me to be so."

  "Any suggestions, Phil? I'll confess that I am at my wits' end."

  "Yes, I have been thinking of a plan lately."

  "What is it?"

  "Have the trains searched."


  "You will remember my saying, sometime ago, that I believed thefellow was still traveling with us and--"

  "But how--where could he ride that he would not be sureof discovery?" protested Mr. Sparling.

  "He has friends with the show, that's how," answeredPhil convincingly.

  "You amaze me."

  "All the same, I believe you will find that to be the case."

  "And you would suggest searching the trains?"



  "Now. No; I don't mean at this very minute. I should suggestthat tomorrow morning, say at daybreak, you send men over thisentire train. Don't let them miss a single corner where a manmight hide."

  "Yes; but this isn't the only train in the show."

  "I know. At the first stop, or you might do it here beforewe start, wire ahead to your other train managers to do thesame thing. Tell them who it is you suspect. You'll be able tocatch the squadron before they get in, though I do not believeour man will be found anywhere on that train."

  "Why not?"

  "The squadron went out before the guy ropes were cut."

  "Great head! Great head, Phil Forrest," glowed the manager."You're a bigger man than I am any day in the week.Then, according to your reasoning, the fellow ought eitherto be on this section or the one just ahead of it?"

  "Yes. But don't laugh at me if I don't happen to be right.It's just an idea I have gotten into my head."

  "I most certainly shall not laugh, my boy. I am almostconvinced that you are right. At least, the plan is well worthcarrying out. I'll give the orders to the train managers beforewe start."

  "I would suggest that you tell them not to give the orders to themen until ready to begin the search in the morning."

  "Good! Fine!" glowed the showman.

  "I'm going to turn out and help search this section myself,"said Phil. "You know I have some interest in it, seeing thatit is my plan," he smiled.

  "Better keep out of it," advised Mr. Sparling. "You might falloff from the cars. You are not used to walking over the topsof them."

  "Oh, yes I am. I have done it a number of times this season justto help me to steady my nerves. I can walk a swaying box car ina gale of wind and not get dizzy."

  Mr. Sparling held up his hands protestingly.

  "Don't tell me any more. I believe you. If you told me youcould run the engine I'd believe you. If there be anything youdon't know how to do, or at least know something about, I shouldbe glad to know what that something is."

  "May I send your messages?" asked the lad. "If you will writethem now I'll take them over to the station. It must be nearlystarting time."

  "Yes; it is. No; I'll call one of the men."

  Mr. Sparling threw up his desk and rapidly scribbled hisdirections to the train managers ahead. After that he sentforward for the manager of their particular section, to whom heconfided Phil Forrest's plan, the lad taking part in thediscussion that followed. The train manager laughed at the ideathat anyone could steal a ride on his train persistently withoutbeing detected.

  Mr. Sparling very emphatically told the manager that what hethought about it played no part in the matter at all. He wasexpected to make a thorough search of the train."

  "His search won't amount to anything" thought Phil shrewdly."I'll do the searching for this section and I'll find the fellowif he is on board. I hope I shall. I owe Red Larry something,and I'm anxious to pay the debt."

  The train soon started, Phil bidding his employer good night,went forward to No. 1 which was the forward sleeper on the train,next to the box and flat cars. He peered into Teddy Tucker'sberth, finding that lad sound asleep, after which he tumbled intohis own bed.

  But Phil was restless. He was so afraid that he would oversleepthat he slept very little during the night.

  At the first streak of dawn he tumbled quietly from his berth,and, putting on his clothes, stepped out to the front platform,where he took a long breath of the fresh morning air.

  The train was climbing a long grade in the Sierra Nevadas and thecar couplings were groaning under the weight put upon them.

  Phil climbed to the top of the big stock car just ahead of him,and sat down on the brake wheel.

  Far ahead he saw several men going over the cars.

  "They have not only begun the search but they are almostthrough," muttered Phil. "As I thought, they are not halfdoing it. I guess I'll take a hand."

  Phil stood up, caught his balance and began walking steadilyover the top of the swaying car. At the other end of the car heopened the trap door which was used to push hay through for theanimals, examining its interior carefully. There was no sign ofa stranger inside, nor did he expect to find any there.

  "He'll be in a place less likely to be looked into," muttered thelad starting on again and jumping down to a flat car just ahead.


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