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Page 2

by Sabrina Kade

  “You’re gonna have to be specific with me, Sparky.” I reach forward and grab a tentacle. I dip my thumb into one of the suction cups and Tullis bubbles with enjoyment. Each of those cups is a man’s butthole. They don’t like a finger in there if you ask, but they’ll be damned to stop you once it’s already in. “What kinda pleasure were you looking for from the kid?”

  “Me… me not know.” Tullis grows shaky as I continue to swirl my thumb in the suction cup. “She came to me. She say I need help. Need protection. I say you give me pleasure; I give you help.”

  “And were you planning to help her?” I remove my finger and tug at one of his arms. “Or were you going to disappear after you took pleasure from her? I pull his bulbous head to mine. One thing aliens like is when you’re not afraid of them. That you’re not afraid to let their faces touch your own. Tullis is going to bubble in his ass if I keep teasing him like this, but I want him to know the difference between pleasuring a newbie and pleasuring a veteran.

  His eyes widen. “Tullis no take pleasure,” he garbles. “Tullis no leave.”

  “So… you’re trying to tell me you were going to keep your word?” I pull him closer. Our skins touch, leaving mine damp and slimy. I swallow any disgust, keeping my voice low and husky. “You’re a very naughty Octonod for lying to me, Tullis. If you don’t start telling me the truth, I’m afraid I’m going to cancel my offer.”

  “Offer…” He nearly loses it once I dip four fingers into four separate suction holes. “I make deal with you, Arizona. I no touch her. You pleasure me; I no touch other girl.”

  “That’s what I want to hear,” I say, eying Kyla. “But you know what? How about I sweeten the offer?”

  “Sweeten… make better?” he gasps out.

  “Yeah… I give you two pleasures… and you still keep an eye on the newbie. You’re going to watch after her until she’s done training.”

  Kyla shifts in the doorframe but doesn’t say anything. Tullis hasn’t even noticed; he’s too focused on the fingers dipped in his suctions. He’s shivering. He’s going to burst soon, and the entire hallway is going to be filled with dark purple Octonod spunk.

  “You give me five pleasures, we have deal,” Tullis garbles.

  Strong willed, asshole.

  “I give two. And then you watch her. When she’s done, I give two more.”

  “Four pleasures for Tullis?” He sounds elated at the idea. “You no charge?”

  I shake my head. “Four pleasures and you keep the girl safe. Do we have a deal, Tullis?”

  “Deal, Arizona. Tullis… Tullis agree!” He’s overjoyed as one of his arms slips around my waist, suctioning me to his body and my feet leave the ground.

  “W-wait,” Kyla starts to call, drifting into the hallway.

  “Get to your next class,” I call over my shoulder, wincing as Tullis keeps me locked against him with five arms, use two to help him to walk and one still pressed into my fingers, receiving pleasure as he lumbers along. This Octonod is sucking me hard. I don’t even want to think about the following day I’ll have to spend in the medical unit.

  But Kyla’s haunted expression keeps me from wussing out.

  “Thank you,” she says weakly, holding her hand out as though she’s going to touch my fingers. Of course, she can’t, Tullis is already several yards away, leaving a slime trail in his path. “Thank you,” Kyla calls again.

  I don’t say anything. Looking into her eyes, I have a feeling this isn’t going to be the last I see of Kyla.


  “Fuck me twice,” Washington mutters, looking over my body several hours later. “What the hell is wrong with you, Arizona?”

  “What do you mean?” I turn away and lean against Washington’s lower bunk. Just like the rest of the training facility, the rooms are surprisingly dorm like with bunk bed, weirdly-sized mattresses and minimal furniture. I pull my knees up to my chest as Washington leans closer and continues to inspect my arms.

  “Tullis is a piece of shit, isn’t he?”

  “You have no idea,” I say, rolling my eyes. “But if there’s one thing that’s good about an Octonod, it’s his word. And if he says he’s not gonna try to pleasure that newbie, that’s good enough for me.” I shrug. “Not looking forward to two more sessions of this, though.”

  “You’re gonna fuck him four times?” Washington blinks, incredulously. “You’re nobler than I am, girl. I’d never give up my body to one of those eight-legged monsters to save some nameless chick who doesn’t even have the manners to say thank you.”

  “She said thank you. Right before Tullis swept me off my feet and took me to pleasure land.” I smile to myself. “I’m sure she feels guilty. Or embarrassed.”

  “Or stupid for not understanding what Octonods like when she promised to give him pleasure?” Washington shakes her head. “I swear, Arizona, you’re too kind for your own good.”

  “You know I always have motives to do what I do.” I turn my head to smirk at Washington. “I’ll get what I want.”

  “You’re out of your mind. This whole building a family is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of.”

  “It’s working, isn’t it? Between you and me, Dakota and Alaska—”

  “Because you’re having sex with everyone who stands in your way.” Washington throws up her hands. “You’re the one making all the sacrifices just because you want a family everywhere you go. It’s crazy, Ari. You know eventually you’re going to have to stop, right? You can’t build a harem with every girl named after a state. Eventually, this is going to have to stop.”

  “Of course I know that.” I frown. Washington makes it sound as though I can’t survive without friends. It’s not that. It’s more like… I want people around me who I trust. There’s not much I can count on in this line of work, but knowing that some of the girls have my back? Knowing that some of them feel in-debted to me? I’ll take it. “I’m going to stop after this. If I can get her to join us.”

  Washington arches a brow. “Seriously? Five… five and you’re done?”

  “Yup.” I smile.

  “So why this girl?” Now Washington looks genuinely interested. “I know why you wanted Dakota and Alaska. And I think I have a good idea about why you wanted me. But what about this chick? What makes her so special?” She frowns. “Don’t tell me it’s the freckles… Ari, you’re so shallow—”

  “It’s not just the freckles.” I smile, and Washington rolls her eyes again. “I dunno. It’s something about her.”

  “You like her juju?” she teases mercilessly.

  “I like something about her,” I say, shrugging. “Who knows? Maybe I’m like a Sidyth, and I’ve Chosen her.” I waggle my fingers for effect before shuddering. “Although… I’m sure she won’t want to hear that.”

  “Not.” Washington shudders along with me. “So it’s some shallow sixth sense thing, huh?”

  I smile carefully. “Something like that.”

  I’m about to turn in and start getting ready for the night when a small sound catches my ear. It’s nothing that anyone else would notice, but years in this business has made me more attuned to making sure I’m not alone. Washington senses something as well because she’s on her feet and looking towards the door.

  “You don’t think Tullis is ready for round two already?”

  I shake my head. I know who’s at the door before I must open it. Washington may call it a shallow sixth sense, but it’s more than that. And feeling confident I’ve already made the right choice, I stride to the door, and sure enough, a freckle-faced newbie is standing there with her hand ready to knock.

  “I had a feeling you’d stop by.” I open the door wider, allowing Kyla to step in.

  Washington’s eyes widen. “I’m gonna take a trip down to the communal shower and make sure the trainers aren’t leering for too long.”

  “You do that.” I’m already beaming with confidence as Kyla saunters in, eyes widening down at the target shaped bruises on my arms
and chest. She doesn’t say anything, seeming to wait for Washington to leave before she speaks.

  And once the door is shut, and we’re alone, I’m ready to make my proposal.


  “If you think I owe you something, you’re no better than that eight-legged monster.”

  The first words to leave her lips take me by surprise, and not in a bad way. This girl has a vag of steel, and I like that. Absently, I wonder if she has the slightest clue who I or Washington is. If she has any idea of what’s about to be offered to her. But the arrogant side of me thinks that’s impossible. Everyone knows who I am. Everyone wants what I have built. It’s just that no one else is dumb enough to pay the price for what I’ve created.

  “I’m Arizona,” I say instead, holding out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Screw you.” She rolls her eyes and I drop my hand, still smiling like an idiot. I like this girl. I want this girl. I want her spunk all to myself. I need her.

  And as much as she’s not ready to admit it, Kyla needs my girls and me too. Otherwise, that spunk is going to be fucked right out of her.

  “Look, I just wanted to come and thank you, personally.” Kyla walks uneasily around my room, gaze falling on the bunk beds and a tiny desk littered with random contracts and paperwork. “But I also wanted to say you didn’t have to step in. I know what I’m doing.”

  “So you know when you made that deal with Tullis that he was going to do this to you?” I hold up my bruised arm. “I should warn you, Octonods don’t ask when they’re ready for pleasure. They find you and fuck you. No questions asked.”

  She blushes and lowers her head. “I could have handled myself.”

  “Sure you could have.” I roll my eyes and walk to the door. “So I guess that’s all you need then, right? You wanted to say thank you, and now you have. You’re welcome, by the way. Have a great life.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise. She wasn’t expecting me to kick her out so easily. Good.

  “Is there something else?” I keep my tone bored, drawing her in.

  “I… uh… no, I guess. Not really.” She runs pale fingers through her dark waves. “I mean, I guess there’s something…”

  “You wanna know why I did it?” I smile. Got her.

  “Yeah. I mean. I know who you are; you don’t owe me anything. I want to know why you’d have sex with one of those… things.” She shudders. “No one else said anything for days when that thing kept chasing me around. Even your friend, she just watched and smiled. But you… you did something to stop him. And you didn’t have to. I want to know what your game is.”

  I shrug. “No game.”

  “What do you want?”

  Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. I pace around Kyla, appraising her, just like I’ve seen aliens do to my friends and me for years. I take in her height. She’s tall and slim, but not overly so. Her hair is one of her best features. It’s thick and wavy despite her pale skin and heavily Caucasian features. But it’s the freckles that draw me in. None of us have freckles. And none of them had balls like Kyla when they first arrived. Not even Dakota – who’s one of the baddest bitches I’ve ever met.

  “I want you.”

  Kyla’s eyes widen. This isn’t the answer she expected. “Excuse me?”

  “I want you,” I say again, crossing my arms. “I think I was pretty clear.”

  “I don’t do lesbian stuff,” she says, frowning.

  I laugh. Good God, it’s been so long since I’ve laughed so openly. “Oh man, no. Neither do I, at least not for free. But that’s not what I mean. I don’t want to go down on you. I want you to join my family.” I beam, ready for her jump at the chance, but she's only standing there, looking at me with those sharp, judgmental eyes. What the hell?

  “Join… your… family?”

  “Yeah. Alaska, Dakota, Washington, and me. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we run shit around here other than the aliens. We’re like the top of the top. And I saw the way you handled that Octonod. Badass. You’re the kind of girl I want to have traveling with me around the galaxies while we deal with these perverts. So what do you say?” I’m still smiling, waiting for her to bow down and thank me metaphorically, but instead, she’s already walking towards the door, nudging me with a bony elbow as she goes by. “You don’t have to get your stuff yet—”

  “You’re crazy!” she mutters, swinging the door open. “Join your family? What are you, fifteen? I’m not joining any whore family!” Her face contorts in disgust, and it’s hard not to feel offended even though I’m completely in shock. She spins around. “Look. I appreciate what you did, and if the chance ever comes that I’m able to pay you back, I’ll do it. But I’m not joining your group of stage name weirdos. I’m here for me. Just for me. So just… leave me alone. I said thank you, and I mean it, but there’s no way I’m signing up to be in your little Charles Manson setup.”

  I cock my head to the side, still in shock. Is she serious? Not wanting to join us?

  I’m simultaneously disgusted and delighted as she storms away before I can say anything else.

  “You’re gonna need friends, newbie,” I call, finally coming out of my initial shock.

  “You already took care of that, didn’t you?” She doesn’t turn back around.

  I purse my lips. There needs to be more of an information seminar for these newbies. How much better they would be equipped if they just knew some of the ins and outs for popular whore buyers. But Kyla doesn’t know how Octonods are. And even if she did, Tullis is only one alien. And though Octonods may be true to their word, they’ve figured out plenty of ways to work around any promises made.

  “She’ll be back,” I mutter confidently, shutting the door.

  I hope she isn’t dead by the time she’s ready to swallow her pride.


  Kyla’s a strong one; I’ll give her that. She’s lasted almost two weeks at the training facility with little more than a fuck you or a middle finger in my direction. I’m about to give up on her. My assignment isn’t much longer, and I’ve already told the manager I have no plans to barter for another girl. He’s disappointed and says to give it one more week before finalizing my plans, but that’s only because the Pluef is hoping for a freebie.

  Even I’m starting to think Kyla’s a lost cause. Maybe she doesn’t want to be part of my family.

  And then, at the end of a particularly grueling day of training newbies how to take various items in the ass, fate throws me a bone and I hear Kyla screaming as she’s dragged past my room with two other Octonods.

  “Get your slimy hands off me, you freaks!” She’s screaming and struggling to break free, but I know better than anyone that it’s all but impossible to break free from one Octonod, let alone two when you’re stuck in their tentacles.

  I go to the doorway, and sure enough, Kyla’s screaming while two pinkish blobs with eight legs each drag her along.

  “You said you were going to protect me!” she screams to someone bringing up the rear, and sure enough Tullis is following behind.

  “They won’t hurt you,” Tullis gurgles. “They give you pleasure. I not do anything wrong.”

  “We give you pleasure,” his buddy gulps. “We make you feel real good. Lots of good times.”

  There’s bubbling laughter as they squelch towards my room, and for a moment, I think about letting them go by. This bitch wants nothing to do with me, and I’m not about handing out favors unless I get something in return. I saved her ass once, and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened, but the dumbass didn’t listen to me.

  Octonods always find a way to get what they want.

  “Let me go!” Kyla screeches loudly, almost able to break free before one of the Octonods tightens their grip and she’s left screaming in pain. “Stop it! Stop it, now! You fucking…” she trails off when she realizes I’m watching her display and Tullis meanders up to me.

  “Hold moment,” he calls to the oth
er two, beaming up at me. He’s daring me to stop him. “I keep promise. I keep safe. They won’t hurt her. Just make feel good.”

  “I didn’t ask for this!” Kyla keeps struggling, and for the first time, I sense a crack in her armor. She’s losing her confidence. She realizes her place in the galaxy.

  You can’t talk all your problems away – at least not as a newbie – and she’s about to learn that lesson quick.

  “You promised me, Tullis! You said you were going to protect me!”

  “I protect,” Tullis says, still looking in my direction. He’s waiting for me to say something. And, turning my head towards Kyla, I wonder if it’s even worth it to offer my bartering system. After all, I already told the manager, no. But, judging by Tullis’ expression, he enjoyed our little session.

  Odds are, he wants me. He’s showing me something I want so I’ll give him something he craves.

  I uncross my arms, narrowing my eyes at Kyla. She’s starting to cry. Tears glisten on her freckled cheeks, and someone’s going to bite them off unless I do something.

  “What do you want for her?” I ask, arching a brow.

  The two other Octonods start to protest, but Tullis holds up a tentacle to silence them, keeping his focus on me.

  “Want?” he asks, lowering his eyes to my skirt. “Tullis want more time. More pleasures from you.”

  I arch an eyebrow. “You’re already getting two more sessions once she’s passed on.”

  “Passed on?” Kyla yelps through her tears. “When? Where?”

  I frown and look away as reality sets in. I know where she’s going. It’s a place most go when whores are fresh. Especially when they’re found to have minimal sexual experience. And judging by Tullis’ expression, he knows where she’s headed as well. He wants a session with her – at least watching her – before she’s passed on to the Drakens.

  A Draken will destroy her. He’ll rip her pussy apart, pay some half-ass medic to sew it up and destroy her again. Over and over. He won’t stop. He’ll pass her around until she’s ripped, ruined, and silent.


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