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Dungeon Master 3

Page 19

by Eric Vall

  “Alright,” Rana laughed, “I’m super impressed. This is the nicest inn room I’ve ever seen.”

  “Ha!” the innkeep bellowed as he slapped his hands together. “I love the look people have on their faces when they see the room.”

  “How did you start the fires before we got here?” I asked as I pointed at the burning wood. “Is it some sort of magic?”

  “Ahh, you are being too gracious, my lord,” the innkeep said humbly. “It was my last room left tonight, so I knew someone would eventually take it. I’ve had the fires burning all day to greet whoever the lucky patrons were. Tonight that is you three, and I’m happy you are so delighted.”

  “Oh, we are!” Carmedy said as she jumped on the bed and started to roll around on the covers.

  “What about this bathroom?” Rana asked as she pointed to a door on the side of the room. “Is it in there?”

  “That it is, miss,” the innkeep said with a nod. “And your private baths are through the other door in the main room. I’ll let you three explore them without me. I have to be getting back to the tavern. Did you want to dine in your room or up in the tavern?”

  “We will dine in our room,” I answered. “We have traveled many miles today, and we have another long trip ahead of us tomorrow, so bring us a feast of all your entrees, desserts, wine, beer, and whatever else you think we would like. Spare no expense since I have plenty of coin.”

  “I will fill that magnificent dining table with the best food and drink our inn has to offer,” he said with a wide grin.

  “Thank you, innkeep,” I said, and the man gave us a final bow before he departed.

  “Alistair’s castle had a bathroom with plumbing, but I’m going to look at this toilet and sink to see if they are designed the same,” Rana said as she disappeared through the bathroom doorway.

  “I’m going to go look at the hot spring!” Carmedy giggled as she jumped off the bed. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bedroom and toward the other door.

  The second door in the main room led to a small oil lamp-lit tunnel, and we walked for about twenty yards around a slight bend until we reached another thick wooden door. The air here was noticeably warmer and more humid, but the heat increased dramatically when we opened the door and stepped into the next room.

  It was a small cavern with walls that were a bit rougher cut than the walls in the main suite. In the center of the space was a large blue pool with gentle waves of steam rising from the surface of the still water. Cedar benches flanked two sides of the spring, and there was a cabinet with an assortment of soaps, towels, buckets, and brushes arranged on the shelves. A hand pump emerged out of the stone at the nearest corner of the chamber, and I guessed that it was the area where guests would wash before stepping into the hot water.

  “This is amazing!” Carmedy sighed. “Ahhh! I’m so happy, Master! You are the best master for getting us this room. I just wish that Morrigan and Annalíse were here to see this.”

  “I do too,” I said, “but that is no reason we shouldn’t enjoy ourselves.”

  “Lemme see,” Rana said as she walked up behind us and stepped into the room. Her blue eyes grew large when she saw the pool, and then she cleared her throat and glanced at the hand pump. “Sooo, uhhh, we doing girls first?”

  “Pfffttt!” Carmedy scoffed as she hopped over to the pump and began to pull off her many belts of potions, pouches, and sacks. “Master has seen me naked. Besides, I want him to wash my back.”

  “Yeah, but…” Rana started to say, but then she glanced at me, and her cheeks turned red.

  “I can leave and then return after you both have bathed,” I said as I turned toward the door.

  “Uhhh, no,” Rana whispered.

  “Hmmm?” I turned back to her and raised an eyebrow.

  “You can stay,” she whispered as she glanced at the ground. “Seems kind of unfair to make you wait when we wouldn’t have any gold if it wasn’t for you.”

  “If you are fine with it,” I said.

  “Yeah, okay.” Rana cleared her throat and then reached up to scratch the back of her neck. She was avoiding eye contact with me, but her tail began to wag slowly from side to side.

  “Master!” Carmedy called out. “I need help with my back!”

  Rana and I both turned to find the cat-girl covered ear to toe in soapy bubbles. Even her tail was soaked with white foam, and I briefly wondered how she could have done the work of soaping herself up so quickly. The fair skin of her back was bare of the sudds though, so I moved toward her as I commanded my armor to leave my body and stack itself neatly in a corner.

  “Just this spot between your shoulder blades?” I asked as I took the bar of soap from a bench and began to lather my hands.

  “Well, you can touch me everywhere,” she giggled, “but that’s the only spot I couldn’t reach.”

  “Sure,” I replied, and then I rubbed my fingers into the catwoman’s skin and began to lather her. It was easy enough to clean the small spot, so I let my fingers stray up to her shoulder and I began rubbing the small muscles there.

  “Mmmmmm,” Carmedy purred a few seconds after I began to massage her soapy skin. “That’s so nice, Master. Rana, there is room on the bench here! Come sit next to me so that Master can rub you like he’s rubbing me.”

  “Uhh, h-h-he doesn’t need to do that,” the fox stuttered.

  “Don’t be a fuddy duddy, buddy!” Carmedy giggled as she twisted her neck toward the fox-girl. “It feels really good! You’ll love it!”

  “Take off your clothes and sit down,” I said to Rana as I pointed at the spot on the bathing bench next to Carmedy.

  “Ughhh. Fine.” The fox-girl’s voice was barely a whisper, and her blue eyes bored into my face as she reached up to unbuckle her leather chest piece.

  I almost thought Rana would ask me to turn away, but she just stared at me as she removed her armor and revealed a small bra. Then she unbuckled her weapon belt, pulled off her dagger sheaths, and shimmied out of her tight leather armor leggings. Then she was just wearing her undergarments, and she froze as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra.

  My heart slowly thudded in my chest as I wondered what she would do next. Would she ask me to look away? It was possible, but she had gone this far already. Then again, the beautiful fox-girl was about to show me her nude form, and she had been the one most resistant to my presence in their group.

  The seconds seemed to stretch on forever, but Carmedy’s happy purrs from my massaging ensured that the room wasn’t completely silent.

  Then Rana bit her lip, glanced away from me, and removed her bra.

  Her breasts were firm and perky, and her pink nipples were erect and delicious looking. A red flush blossomed over her lean torso, and I half expected her to cover her breasts with her arms, but she reached for her underwear instead, and then pulled them toward her knees as she pointed her tail down and wiggled her slender hips.

  The fox had a small triangle of red hair at the top of her labia, but the fur wasn’t long enough to be curly, just very cute. She finally glanced up at my face, and her eyes spoke of her nervousness.

  They also spoke of her desire.

  I pointed at the spot next to Carmedy, and Rana tiptoed across the slate tile and then sat beside her friend. As soon as she took her spot, I used my telekinetic powers to pump warm water from the spout into one of the buckets. Once it was filled, I raised the bucket to Rana’s back and slowly poured it over her shoulders.

  “Isn’t it good?” Carmedy asked as she turned her head to the side and grinned at Rana.

  “Yeah,” the fox whispered. “Warmer than I expected. The spring is probably super-hot.”

  “I’m almost ready to jump in.” Carmedy sighed between her purrs. “I’m just enjoying Master’s fingers. He’s really good! You are going to love the way he rubs you!”

  “O-o-okay,” Rana stuttered, and then she glanced over her shoulder as I reached for the soap.

sp; I lathered up the bar on my fingers again, and then I moved my right hand to the fox-girl’s back while I continued to rub Carmedy with my left hand. I could feel the tension in Rana’s shoulders as soon as I touched her, but a soft sigh of relief left her mouth a few seconds after I began to rub, and her muscles slowly relaxed.

  A few minutes passed while my strong fingers rubbed each of the beautiful women’s naked backs. Carmedy was purring quite intensely, and the vibrations were causing the soap suds to slide off her wet body. I moved to add more soap, but the interruption seemed to snap her out of her trance, and she let out a sharp giggle as she waved to me.

  “That’s okay, Master. I am being spoiled. You should work on Rana, and then we can both wash you.”

  “That is okay,” I said. “I do not need you both to--”

  “Pffftttt!” Carmedy raspberried. “Don’t be silly, Master. Just let me rinse off real quick.”

  With that, the cat-girl stood from the bench and walked over to the pump. My eyes watched her nude body slink across the slate tile, and I couldn’t help but lick my lips when she bent over the pump so that I could see her glistening butt cheeks. Probably the most alluring quality of the scene was that Carmedy didn’t know how sexy her dripping wet body was. She wasn’t trying to show me her long legs, or her curved ass. She was just happily rinsing herself with the warm water, and it was very compelling.

  I moved both my hands to Rana now, and the fox-girl’s body tensed briefly at the change. I used my telekinetic powers to pour more warm water over her, and then I renewed the lather with the bar soap. Until this point, I’d only been working on her upper and mid back, but my fingers moved lower down her spine, and she let out a groan of pleasure when my fingers began to rub at the base of her tail.

  “Uhhh, that feels really good,” Rana whispered as her tail curled up against my fingers.

  “Glad you like it,” I said as I moved my other hand to rub the side of her hips. She didn’t balk at my touch, so I continued to walk my soapy palm down to the top of her thighs.

  “I do,” she whispered, and her breaths were coming in heavy sighs. “A lot.”

  “See?” Carmedy said as she turned toward us. “He’s great!” The cat-girl’s body was washed clean of soap suds now, and my eyes hungrily drank in her glistening body. Her breasts were full, her waist narrow, and her hips pleasantly flared to allow for just a small margin of space shaped like a diamond between her thighs.

  “Yeah,” Rana moaned.

  “He should wash your front, too,” Carmedy said. “You don’t want that to be dirty.”

  “Uhh, that’s okay,” Rana said. “I can--”

  “Don’t be silly,” the cat-girl said with a merry giggle. “He’s already got the soap. Besides, we have to wash him so that we can all soak in the spring together.”

  “Ahhh… well…” Rana began to say, but it was like her body didn’t care about her verbal objections, and she leaned back into me so that my hands could travel around her chest and rub her breasts.

  Of course, I obliged her desires, and the fox let out a sharp hiss when my soapy hands slid over her nipples.

  Rana leaned her wet body against my chest, and my hands moved over her breasts, up to her throat, and then back down to her stomach. She twitched when my fingers lightly traced over her labia, but then my palms moved to her inner thighs and down to her knees. Carmedy nodded with approval as she watched me run my soapy hands over Rana, and she clapped her hands together when I finally rubbed my fingers over the fox-girls’ feet.

  “Okay, Rana, rinse time. Then it is Master’s turn.”

  “Yeah.” The fox girl cleared her throat, and then she glanced at me out of the corner of her emerald eyes as she stepped toward the rinsing pump.

  “Master, off with your clothes.” Carmedy giggled as she gestured to my simple shirt and pants.

  “As you wish,” I said as I smiled. Then I took off the wet garments and my underwear before sitting on the bench.

  “First the water, to make you clean!” Carmedy said in a sing-song voice. Then she took the bucket from Rana and poured the rest of the water on my shoulders.

  “Then the soap to scrub, scrub, scrub!” Carmedy continued as she grabbed the bar. “Rana, do you want his front or his back?”

  “Uhh, I dunno wh--”

  “You can have his front then!” the naked cat-girl giggled as she passed the soap to the fox. Rana actually almost fumbled the handoff, but she quickly grabbed the slippery bar before it could hit the ground.

  Carmedy began to rub my back with soapy fingers, and her humming song quickly became a powerful purr that caused my spine to vibrate. Rana glanced down at the soap in her hand, then at my face, then back down to the soap, then she seemed to realize she was still wet and naked, and she blushed up her entire body. I smiled at her and was about to say that she could just go sit in the hot spring, but then she bit her lip and moved to kneel on the tile in front of me.

  Then the fox-girl began to rub her soapy fingers over my neck and chest while she stared hungrily into my eyes and wagged her tail across the tile.

  The feeling of both women running their warm soapy hands over my body was a sensation beyond exquisite, and soon both Rana and I were almost purring just like Carmedy was.

  “Master is so handsome,” Carmedy hummed. “Don’t you think so, Rana?”

  “Uhhh yeah,” the fox-girl said as she stared into my eyes.

  “He should be,” the cat continued. “We made him. You actually told him to make his face like this. Remember?”

  “Yeah,” Rana whispered as her eyes glanced down to my lips.

  “I’m done with his back,” the cat-girl said, “Did you do all of his front?”

  “Uhhh well, almost,” Rana whispered. She had soaped up my chest, arms, and stomach and was a few inches above my hardened penis.

  “Master, stand up and I’ll get your butt and the back of your legs and Rana can get your penis and the front of your legs.”

  “Okay,” I said as I stood.

  “Wait, wait, penis?” Rana’s eyes grew large as she leaned back and glanced down at my length.

  “Yeah, silly!” Carmedy laughed. “We want to make sure that is clean.”

  “I’ll do it,” I said as I held my hand out for the soap.

  “Nope!” The cat-girl giggled as she shook her head. “You just washed both of us, so now we are taking care of you.”

  “But, I don’t--” Rana started to say, but then Carmedy continued.

  “I can do it if you can’t,” the cat-girl said. “It’s no problem for me. I love Master’s body.”

  “I got it,” Rana huffed as her eyes focused on my penis. Then she took a deep breath and reached out with her soapy fingers.

  We both let out a strained exhale when her soapy hand closed around the base of my shaft. Her blue eyes were wide as she stared at my member, and her mouth opened slightly as she began to slide her paws up the length toward my tip. The sensation of Rana’s hand wrapped around me while Carmedy massaged my backside was almost too pleasurable, and I almost wanted to close my eyes and enjoy the moment, but that would deny me the pleasure of watching Rana’s face as she fondled me, so I kept my eyes open as she moved her hand up and down my erection. Finally, she rubbed the tip with the soap, then moved to clean my scrotum gently before she moved to the front of my legs. Her eyes were still glued to my penis, and her chest heaved as if each of her breaths were painful.

  “And last is the feet!” Carmedy giggled. “You can sit back down, Master.”

  “Yes, Carmedy,” I said, and then I followed her instructions as she came around to kneel next to Rana.

  Each of the naked women took one of my feet in their soapy hands and began to clean between each toe. Carmedy purred happily as she worked, and her eyes fixed on my toes as she massaged, but Rana’s eyes stared into mine, and her face was twisted in an expression of what looked like agony.

  “Are you alright?” I finally asked.

  “Yes! Fine! Why? I’m perfect! This is fun!” Rana blurted the words quickly and then turned her eyes back down to my feet. “It’s just uhhh, super-hot in here.”

  “That’s what makes it so relaxing!” Carmedy agreed. “Okay, I’m done with Master’s foot. Let’s rinse him and then we can all get in the spring!”

  The cat-girl sprang to her feet with a delightful jiggle of her large breasts, and then she trotted over to fill the bucket with the pump. A few moments later, she poured the bucket over me, and I wiped the rest of the soap from my face and feet before I gestured to the spring.

  “Let’s soak, and then we can get dinner and sleep.”

  The two naked women nodded, and then we all took our first steps into the hot pool.

  “Woooaahh, that’s hot,” Rana hissed as she pulled her foot out.

  “Ohhh, yeeeeessssaaaahhh.” Carmedy sighed as she just wadded in without much care. “Soooo good! I’m like a soup getting cooked for dinner!”

  “Uhhh, I dunno if I can--”

  “Just go slow, and you’ll get used to it,” I advised Rana as I sank into the hot spring water.

  “Okay,” the fox-girl said, and then she followed my advice and took another careful step into the steaming water.

  A few minutes later, the three of us were sitting in the pool with our heads back and our arms laying across the top edge of the tile. It felt as if my consciousness was trying to leave my avatar form that I had created, but I realized that was just because I was so comfortable.

  “This was worth a thousand gold.” Rana sighed. “We have to get something like this in Alistair’s palace when we get back.”

  “Maybe Annalíse’s father’s castle has one?” Carmedy asked. “Since Master is going to take his kingdom, we can probably get one made.”

  “Or we can just live here.” Rana laughed. “I could get used to doing this every day, especially when it’s so cold outside.”


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