Book Read Free

Rock Hard Neighbor

Page 77

by Hart, Rye

  Dream stood there, wearing a white fitted tee and tight jeans that showed off every curve. My cock grew, tenting my pants and though I needed to adjust it, I wasn’t about to touch the damned thing. Instead, I hid behind the door and opened it wide enough for her to step in.

  “Come on in. Star’s in a strange mood. I think she’s a bit embarrassed by the tutoring. She should be out any minute.”

  “She’ll be fine once she sees it’s going to be fun. I brought some really cute books for us to read.”

  I was glad to see she’d come prepared.

  A moment later, Star came out of her room dressed in her pajamas and carrying Jackie, who had on a little nightgown. She padded across the floor and stood beside me holding onto my good leg.

  I looked at Dream who was smiling down at her. “We were just going to order some pizzas if you’d like to join us, then I thought you could get started with your lesson.”

  “I’m tired. I want to go to bed.” Star turned and headed to her room, and I realized what she was up to. She’d rather go to bed hungry than be humiliated by reading with Dream.

  Before I could get onto her, Dream stepped forward.

  “Really? I was hoping I could read this book to you before you went to bed. It’s one of my favorites, and I used to read it to my first-grade class all the time. I really miss being able to teach.” She hung her head in disappointment, and Star’s little shoulders relaxed a bit.

  “Dream was a teacher back in Chicago,” I told her.

  Dream walked over to the couch and continued her sob story. “I miss those little ones so much. It hurt my heart to have to move away. It’s tough making new friends, and no one needs me to teach them around here.” She looked to her lap and held the book tight. “I was so hoping you’d want to be my friend.”

  Star walked over to the couch and climbed up beside Dream. “You’re a teacher?”

  “Yes, I taught a first-grade class at a place called Oak Brook Elementary. But I had to move away.”

  Star seemed to contemplate that for a moment before nodding at Dream. “You can read to me. Do you like pepperoni and ham?”

  Dream’s face lit up. “Is that your favorite too?”

  Star nodded quickly and smiled.

  “I’ll just go order us a couple and let you two ladies get better acquainted.” I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked into the kitchen to get the number. I peeked out to see that Dream was still working her magic with Star, and dialed the phone.

  Once the order was made, I went back into the room and tried to act busy while the girls worked.

  Dream read the book through and then went over a few words with Star. “You’re doing really well, Star, and I think before you know it, you’ll be able to read this book to me.”

  “Do you have Dr. Seuss?” Star leaned closer to Dream and took Jackie from where she had her stuffed between them. She’d used the doll as her shield, and it seemed now she was warming up where she didn’t need the buffer.

  “You know, I might be able to find one of those books around here. I’ll go to the library tomorrow and get anyone you want. How about we make a list of the books you like, and I’ll bring them when I come?”

  Star’s eyes lit up, and she jumped down from the couch and ran up to her room. Once she was out of earshot, Dream turned to me.

  “I think she’s going to do just fine. She just needs to get comfortable enough with me to not be embarrassed to try.”

  “You’re doing great so far,” I told her. About that time, Star ran out with her tablet and a box of crayons.

  “This is for the list.” She placed the items on the coffee table between them, and then went around to sit next to Dream.

  “Excellent. Now, let’s make that list.” Dream took a crayon, and they went back and forth naming titles. One by one she’d mark them down, and now and then she’d pass the crayon to Star and have her write a word from the title; simple words like ham, fox, cat, and hat.

  When the pizza came, I placed it on the table and brought some paper plates and sodas. “We usually eat at the kitchen table, but since this is a special night, we can eat in here.” Star’s eyes lit up, and she moved the list aside and opened the pizza box.

  “I was hoping the ham would be green,” she said with a giggle.

  I scrunched my nose and made a face. “I’m glad it’s not.”

  “Do you not like green eggs and ham?” asked Dream.

  “I do not like them near or far; I do not like them with Dream and Star.” They both laughed until I thought Star was going to bust, and then we all sat eating and chatting about our favorite books. I even named a couple that were my brother’s favorites when we were kids, and Star, with Dream’s help, added them to the list.

  Soon we were done with the pizza, and then Dream went over the book again at Star’s request. A half hour later, Star opened her mouth, letting a big yawn escape her. Our chat had taken up most of the tutoring time, but I knew it was necessary so Star would get comfortable with Dream.

  “That was a big yawn for a little girl; I think someone’s ready for their bedtime.” I stood from my chair. “I think it’s time you tell Dream goodnight and I’ll tuck you in.”

  “Yes. I should be going. It’s almost my bedtime as well.”

  “No, I want to show you my room.” Star’s voice was so whiny that I knew she was worn out. Just as I was about to tell her that Dream had to go, Dream looked up at me with sympathetic eyes.

  “I could if it’s okay with your uncle?” I could tell she wasn’t sure she should impose, but I wanted her around as long as possible too. And besides, if she tucked her in, then I could walk her out to her car.

  “I think that would be all right.” I gave a shrug then picked up the pizza boxes and took them to the kitchen while the girls headed up to Star’s room. I tossed the empty cans into the trash along with the paper plates, and then went in to check on them.

  Star was climbing into bed, and Dream sat at the foot of it. “You have a pretty room.” I’d bought a bedroom set and some pretty bedding, and since her birthday she actually had a few toys that she kept picked up. Her play kitchen was tidy in the corner of her room.

  “Thanks. I just got my kitchen.”

  “It’s beautiful. I wish I had a kitchen as pretty at that one. I’d bake us a big cake.”

  “I had a birthday cake last weekend. It was pink and blue. It had a tiara.” She pointed up at her headboard where her little crown was, and pulled the covers up to her neck.

  “That’s beautiful too. You’ll have to wear it sometime for our lessons. We’ll have a lot of them.”

  “Next time can you wear your pajamas?”

  Dream’s face turned red as she glanced back at me, and my ears went hot.“We’ll have to see about that.”

  “You could wear them and sleep over sometime if you want.”

  I had to stifle a groan. If Dream were to ever spend the night in my house, she would not be wearing any pajamas, that’s for damn sure. “Star, Dream has her own house and her own bed, and I’m sure she’s really ready to get in it. It’s been a long night.” I didn’t want to sound rude, but Star was fighting sleep, and I knew she’d keep talking as long as she could. Not to mention, if I kept entertaining the thought of a sleepover, my erection would be impossible to hide.

  “Yes, and my roommate, Liza. She’s going to want me to read to her little boy too. Maybe you can meet him sometime. He’s two, and his name is Brady.”

  “Okay. But you’ll come back, right?”

  “Of course, as long as your uncle thinks I need to. Now you should really get some sleep, sweetie. Being rested will help you do better too.” Dream stood up and tucked the covers up to her chin. “I’m so glad we’re friends, now Star. We’ll have a lot of fun, you’ll see.” She kissed her hand and then patted Star’s little head.

  Star seemed pleased to hear that, and she didn’t complain as I walked Dream out.

  I walked her to her car, and we bo
th reached for the door at the same moment, our fingers brushing against one another briefly. She pulled her hand away as if she’d been burned, and a surge of electricity shot up my arm. I took a slight step back as she opened the door and stood behind it, putting a barrier between us. I couldn’t tell if it was because she was afraid of me, or because she’d felt the same lightning bolt I had.

  I cleared my throat to break the tension. “Well, I guess I’ll see you next week.”

  “Thanks for dinner and for letting me tuck Star in. I know it wasn’t really in the agreement.”

  “Nonsense, I know she’s in need of a little extra TLC, and I’m fine with it if it helps her warm up to the idea of tutoring.”

  “You’re amazing.” She looked deep into my eyes as we exchanged a glance that had my blood heating up.

  I knew if I didn’t walk away right then, I’d have her spread out on the hood of her car, doing unspeakable things to her body in a matter of minutes.

  I clapped my hands to break the mood. “Goodnight.” As she slid inside, I shut the door and watched her drive away.

  Once she was out of sight, I jogged into the house and made sure Star was asleep before I stripped and jumped into the shower, wrapping my large hand around my thick, hard cock. I was going to have to relieve myself if I was going to be able to spend any time around Dream without mauling her.


  My alarm clock hit the ground with a crash, and I covered my head with a pillow until I finally got the strength to reach down and pick it up and shut it off. I’d been restless the night before, my mind still reeling from my time with Chance and Star.

  Though I was quickly beginning to adore the little girl, I couldn’t stop thinking about Chance. That look he’d given me when he walked me to my car, it was one of longing and desire. I hadn’t had a man look at me that way in ages.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about his body, how strong he was, how big he was in comparison to me, towering over me with that firm, fit build. I wondered how it would be to have him pull me into his big strong arms and kiss me, and my body heated up, warmth spreading between my legs with desire that had nagged me all night.

  As I got out of bed, I knew I couldn’t take it anymore. I headed to the shower to get on with my morning rituals, and to quench a little bit of the nagging need that throbbed deep in my core.

  As the warm water spilled down my breasts, licking my tight nipples in steady streams, I slipped my hand down between my legs and stroked my tender bud. I bit my lips knowing I couldn’t be too loud and didn’t need Liza knowing what I was doing in her guest shower.

  I dreamed about what it would have been like to have gone back inside with him, sneaking down the hall past Star and into Chance’s bedroom. I’d have been on my knees so fast, taking out that hot, long cock and giving it a lick, that his eyes would have rolled back in his head.

  I imagined him reciprocating, his large body down between my thighs, his hands cupping my ass as he licked and explored my sopping wet pussy. It had been too long since someone had filled it completely; too long since I’d been licked and sucked and touched in my sacred places.

  I wondered what it would be like to kiss him, our mouths touching with just the right amount of pressure and his lips caressing mine, his tongue parting them wider. That same tongue would work me over, trailing its way down to my breasts. I pinched my nipple hard, imagining his mouth and teeth, and then I dreamed of him diving deeper, exploring me where he’d started before bending me over and taking me hard from behind. I wanted him to put me against a wall and fuck me until the house shook.

  I closed my eyes and had a clear vision of him cupping my bottom, pulling me closer to his face and then rolling me over to ride his mouth and tongue as he lapped my little slit. I let his rhythm match my own, and soon I was biting my wrist as my other hand worked me heatedly through my release.

  My legs were shaking like a baby lamb’s, and I couldn’t stop until another wave of passion rolled through me. It had indeed been too long, and Chance was the first man I’d wanted to touch myself while thinking of, in what seemed like ages.

  I leaned against the wall and tried to get my wits about me. Masturbating to him had been fun, but I had reality to think about. I would have to follow his lead and keep things professional for the sake of Star.

  But I knew as I dressed in my uniform, that all it would take was one suggestion from him, and I’d give in.

  It was dangerous territory, but I was used to it. Danger was an old familiar enemy. I’d have to be careful.

  I finished getting ready and headed to work with Liza, hoping Chance would come into my section and order lunch.

  “You were quiet in the car,” she said as we filled the napkin dispensers.

  “Yeah, I guess I have a lot on my mind.”

  “I was hoping you’d have a hot story to tell me about last night.” She gave me a wink. She knew I was going over to tutor Star, and that I hadn’t any intentions of getting into anything with him, but I knew she hoped all the same.

  “You know it’s nothing like that. But he did he get a little flirty in the end. I mean, nothing serious of course, but I don’t know, he made eyes at me.”

  “Made eyes at you? For heaven’s sake, girl. Are you from 1950? Has it been that long for you?” She let loose a laugh, and when I didn’t smile back, she went wide-eyed. “Sorry, I shouldn’t joke. I’m sure things with your ex weren’t exactly romantic.”

  No, they sure hadn’t been. Sex with Nick had been more about self-preservation. If I’d refused him, he’d have just beaten me and taken it anyway. So instead, I had just laid there and imagined I was anywhere other than there with him, and waited until it was over. Fortunately, it was often quick. All he’d needed was a place to come, and he wasn’t at all interested in bringing me pleasure.

  “It’s professional. It’s nothing more than me tutoring his niece. I did have a wonderful time, and he bought pizza, and then I left.”

  Liza looked at me sideways. “Sounds like a nice little evening.”

  “He’s a nice guy. He took in that little girl after his brother died, and her mother was unstable. He walked me to my car and even shut the door. He’s almost too good to be true, and too good to be interested in me.” I didn’t want to say anything to her about the way he’d looked at me, or the electricity I’d felt when our hands had touched. I was most likely imagining it anyway. No man that looked like him and could have any woman he wanted, would want more than a quick fuck from damaged goods like me.

  “Please, he’s a man. You’re a gorgeous girl. One plus one equals two and sometimes three, so use protection. I mean, I’m sure he’s a good guy when it comes to his niece and taking in this little girl, but he has needs like any other man.” She had a point, but I was only using that as an excuse to make him off limits in my mind. It wasn’t working.

  “I just need to get right after what I’ve been through, and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to drag him and Star into my drama.”

  “I hear you. My ex, Chet is giving me problems. I told him I rented you the room, and now he asked me for a loan. Like I have a bunch of extra cash now. I swear, when one vein runs dry, that leech taps another.”

  “Are you going to give him any money?

  “Hell no, not one red cent, but it never stops him from asking me. He’s the one who’s three grand behind on his child support, but do I complain? Count in your blessings that you don’t have a child with that monster.” She shook her head.

  I placed my hand on my stomach and silently begged for forgiveness. I’d carried the guilt of losing my baby for four years, and I’d often thought if I hadn’t lost it, maybe Nick would have been a better husband and father. I knew deep down though, that no child would have changed who Nick was, and though it sounded horrible to say, it was better that our baby hadn’t survived to face Nick’s ugliness.

  “Are you okay?” Liza turned pale, looking like she could read my mind. “Oh, no.
I’m so sorry, Dream.”

  “It’s okay. It was years ago, and I didn’t even know I was expecting until it was too late. He pushed me down the stairs; said it was an accident.”

  “Geez, girl. It’s a wonder he didn’t kill you.”

  “Not for lack of trying,” I said and shook my head.

  The bell on the door chimed as the first of our daily customers strolled in. It wasn’t Chance, and I felt a surge of disappointment. I really needed to get ahold of myself. I couldn’t afford to let myself get caught up in a man who might not even want anything more than sex from me, if that.

  I thought for a moment what it would be like to have a man who treated me like I were special, like there wasn’t anything in the world he wouldn’t do for me, or give to me. To be his only love, and to be cherished.

  But, that was the kind of love that existed in fairy tales, and it wasn’t reserved for people like me.

  The day would drag on, and I wouldn’t see any sign of Chance. I tried not to be disappointed and drove to the library to find the books.

  I unfolded the big piece of paper and read the purple crayon words, double-checking that all of them would be available. Thankfully, they all were. I gathered the first three on the list so I’d have plenty to work with her on, and then approached the desk.

  After applying for a card, and answering thirty questions from the librarian, who clearly didn’t give a care about the silent rule and was more interested in who I was and where I came from, I checked out the books.

  I hurried out to Liza’s car, which she let me borrow, and tossed the books into the seat beside me. I’d read one to Brady tonight, and then tomorrow, I’d let Star take her pick.

  It was nice being around Star and Brady, and I was grateful I had the chance to nurture children again, even if they weren’t my own.

  End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

  Click Here: Big Daddy: A Mountain Man’s Baby Romance




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