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Wally and Gideon

Page 4

by Nicki Rowe

  “It’s been awhile since I’ve had a pet, Wal. I think it’s time again.”

  I look over my shoulder to see Wally in his black swim trunks with his hairy, tattooed chest on display, looking extra delicious in the sun. He’s scratching at the scars on his side, which I had learned were the result of an accident while he was serving in the army. Thank you, Alex, for that information. But Cason is still wearing his jeans, Lacey told me that he’s still self conscious about people seeing his missing leg.

  The beach isn’t overly crowded; there are a few families, but other than that the shore is empty. Our group keeps getting looks, apparently it isn’t everyday that people see eleven bikers (plus me and Mason) at the beach. But mostly people are gawking at Alex, Delcan and Lucky who seem incapable of keep their hands off each other.

  “If you’re looking for a dog,” I chip in, trying to keep my sandcastle from collapsing since Alex has abandoned me to help bury Lucky, “you can always go by the kennels in Glensville, I’ll give you a discount.”

  Loud laughter startles me, causing me to knock over my sandcastle. I glare at it before turning my attention towards Cason, who is laughing so loud and hard he’s nearly doubled over and wheezing. Heat rises to my cheeks.

  “Did I miss something?” I ask, feeling like the butt of some joke I don’t understand.

  Wally’s eyes meet mine, giving me reassurance. “Stop laughing at Gideon, Case,” he says firmly.

  “That dommy shit doesn’t work on me, Wal,” he says, but sobers, and smiles at me apologetically. “I appreciate the gesture, Gideon, but that isn’t the type of pet I had in mind.”

  “”Oh?” and then it dawns on me. He meant a Pet, like a sub. “Oh! I’m sorry for misunderstanding.”

  Cason waves off my apology. “I apologize for laughing so hard, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was laughing at you.”

  Wally shakes his head at his friend, and then turns back to me with a wink, and I feel that wink go through my body all the way down to my toes.

  We spend the next few hours at the beach and then go to lunch before heading back to Glensville. The closer we get to the small town, the more my stomach begins to tie into knots. Anticipation keeps building until I am nearly vibrating with it.

  When we pull into the parking lot of Thorns and Roses, I stumble off Alex’s bike and make my way to my Jeep, too eager to get my time alone with Wally to say goodbye.

  “You don’t want to stay for a drink?” Mason asks. “We usually have a party in the shop after a ride.”

  “Um . . .” I look to Wally for an answer.

  He clears his throat. He’s still straddling his bike, but his helmet is resting on the frame in front of him. “We’re going back to Seattle. We have plans.”

  Sam makes a face like he’s sucked on a lemon, but then when he realizes I notice, he smiles.

  Alex’s head whips in my direction and a sly grin spreads across his face. “Plans, huh? You didn’t tell me about this.”

  I shrug, but can’t help the smile that curves on my lips. “Sorry, Rhodes.”

  “Say goodbye, Gideon,” Wally commands.

  My heart flutters at the command and my cock hardeneds slightly in my jeans. This is what I have been waiting for, to be dominated by Wally has been my sole fantasy since I had met him all those months ago.

  “Peace out,” I tell our friends and climb into my Jeep.

  “Not exactly what I meant,” Wally calls out, laughing.

  I pull my hat over my hair, put on my shades and start up my Jeep. I follow Wally back to Seattle with my cock half hard the entire way. We pull up to a small yellow house in a well-kept neighborhood. I park on the street while Wally backs his bike up next to the door of his garage and a large black truck. He leads me into his house with his hand on the small of my back, causing tingles to go through me.

  His house is decorated with beautiful dark themed paintings, skulls made out of plaster and other oddities. There are pictures of Doris, Lacey and Sam everywhere. I walk over to one of Doris where she’s laughing and holding a large thing of cotton candy in one hand and a bike helmet in the other. She’s wearing leather pants and a Harley Davidson shirt in the picture. Her brown hair is wild and curly, whipped around her laughing face by a breeze. A strange thought goes through my head that this picture had captured everything Doris was as a person.

  “She’s so pretty,” I comment.

  “Prettiest woman I had ever seen,” Wally’s voice comes from behind me.

  I turn to see him leaning against the doorway that leads into the kitchen. He’s removed his leather vest and thrown it over the back of the black couch in front of the large flat screen TV. I smile at him. “You love her a lot. I can tell when you talk about her.”

  His nod is stiff, sad. “I loved her more than anything.”

  “I think anyone who gets to be loved by you is pretty lucky.” The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them. My cheeks heat. “Um . . . can you forget I said that?”

  Wally smirks. “Not a chance. Why do you think that?”

  “Our friends say you’re the best man they know, and I think they may be right.”

  He makes a noise that sounds self-deprecating. “I don’t know about that.” He pushes off the wall and comes close, his eyes darkening with promises, shifting my focus back to the reason we’re here. “Tell me what you’re into, Gideon.”

  I inhale deeply, taking his pepper and leather scent into my nose. My cock hardens even further, and my pulse beats rapidly in my veins. I lick my lips. “I like bondage, voyeurism and sensation play, like wax, ice and scratching. Um. . . and choking.”

  Wally’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, power rolls off of him in waves, being so close to him is intoxicating. “I like bondage too. I like to tie people up in elaborate knots and take pictures. Would that be okay with you?”

  I swallow, wanting so desperately to reach out and touch him, but I keep my hands in my pockets, and my head slightly bowed. “Maybe not the first few scenes, but once we build trust, definitely.”

  He nods. “Fair enough. Hard limits?”

  “No scat, no pee, not hitting, not degradation or humiliation.”

  “You don’t like spanking?”

  I shake my head. “Hard limit.”

  He nods again. “Okay.”

  I look up at him, my eyes meet his. He’s so close we’re nearly breathing the same breath. His chest rubs against mine. “What do you like and not like?” I ask, breathless.

  “I love my nipples being played with, but all my hard limits are about the same as yours.” He soothes a hand down my arm and I lean into his touch. “Would you like to go to my playroom?”

  “Yes, please, Wally.”

  He turns and leads me down the narrow hall to a large bedroom, that I’m sure used to be two rooms, at the end. The walls are painted black and light gray with a St. Andrew’s cross on one wall, and two large rings hanging from the ceiling for suspension. There’s a plain coffee table pushed to one side, and a four poster bed close to it with rings secured to the posts to tie ropes to. There’s a small chest of drawers in the corner with a bottle of lube on top next to a glass bowl full of condoms. Everything is neat and clean, the room smells faintly of lemon cleaner and Wally.

  “What do you have planned for me?” It’s a question I ask when playing with new doms, I like to know what I’m getting into. When I build more trust I don’t ask.

  Wally smiles. “You don’t like surprises?”

  “Depends on the surprise.”

  He chuckles. “I’m going to blindfold you and tie you up, and then I’m going to fuck you with my fingers.”

  A shiver goes through me, and my cock jerks in my pants. “How do you want me?” The words come out in a breathless whisper.

  “Take off your shirt and pants,” he directs, leaning against the doorframe like he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Fold them neatly and place them on that chair, when I return I want to see yo
u on your knees with you back to the door and your head bowed.”

  “Yes, Wally.”

  He runs a hand over my hair and my eyes instantly close at the touch, and I lean into Wally’s palm. He leaves, closing the door behind him, and I strip. Blood pounds in my ears, my entire body is tingling as I fold my shirt and pants, and put them in the chair. I kneel in the middle of the room with my back to the door with my hands on my thighs. My palms are sweaty, but I don’t try to rub them. I’m as still as a statue.

  I jolt slightly when I hear the door open again, my nerves firing and short circuiting with the need to be touched by him. I don’t look up as Wally approaches, even though I am dying to look at him, dying to touch him. I want to run my fingers through his hair and his beard. I want to taste him, but I won’t. Not unless he gives me permission.

  From my vantage point I can see the dark hardwood floors and the tips of Wally’s boots. The cuffs of his jeans are different, darker. I can hear the sound of drawers opening and closing, and the soft thud of things being thrown on the bed, and then Wally is in front of me again.

  “Look at me, Gideon.”

  My eyes trail up slowly, taking in the power of Wally in his leather boots, his dark jeans that showcase his meaty thighs and his large bulge, up to his naked torso which is partially hidden by his signature leather vest. I look up to his handsome, rugged face. His eyes burn into me, consuming me. There’s nothing I want more in this world than to touch him.

  “Can I touch you, Wally?” I ask, licking my lips.

  “You may.”

  I reach out with a trembling hand and stoke it up Wally’s hot, hard abs. I revel in the heat radiating off of him, and the softness of his salt-and-pepper chest hair under my fingertips. I slide my thumb over his nipple, eliciting a sharp intake of breath.

  “Enough,” the word comes out in a barely controlled hiss.

  I pull my hand away and fold it back in my lap.

  His fingers go to my hair, soothing the strands back, the steadiness of his hand is comforting. “You’re such a good boy, Gideon.”

  The words set my blood on fire, and my cock hardens even more, straining against the soft fabric of my teal blue briefs. “Thank you, Wally.”

  His hand pulls away, and he steps back, leaving me with chilly air against my clammy skin. “What are you supposed to call me?”

  I know what I want to call him, but I can’t, not yet. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  He steps close again, and the heat surrounds me. “It’s alright, Gideon.” His hand is back in my hair, and I close my eyes at the weight and reassurance of his palm on the crown of my head. “I’m going to tie you up first, and then I am going to blindfold you.” He tilts my chin up so our eyes meet, his green burrowing into my blue. “What’s your safeword?”

  I think for a moment. I didn’t want to use a safeword that I had used with another dom; Wally’s special. “Hufflepuff.”

  A bark of laughter escapes him. “Is that your house?”

  “Yeah,” I say, smiling at his look of amusement. “Kind and loyal, that’s me.”

  “I’m Ravenclaw.”

  “I believe it.”

  “Alright. Hufflepuff.” He leads me to the middle of the room where the two rings hang from the ceiling. I notice they’re on a pulley system so they can be moved around the room or lowered and heightened whenever Wally needs them to be.

  “I’ve never seen something like this.”

  “I made it.”

  I whistle through my teeth. “That’s pretty impressive, Sir.”

  He smiles. “Thank you, Gideon.”

  He positions me so that I’m standing in the middle of the two rings, and then lowers them so that I am able to stretch my arms above me without having to put so much strain on my shoulders.

  He touches me lightly everywhere with the tips of his fingers, brushing over my fevered skin with his nails and the pads, sending tingles and goosebumps to go through me. With each touch my cock grows harder, precum already staining a spot on my brightly colored underwear. His thumb grazes over my right nipple, bringing it to a peak and drawing a low moan up from within me.

  “You like that, don’t you?” He does it to the other nipple, eliciting another groan from me. “You’re so responsive.”

  “Th-thank you, S-sir,” I pant, trying hard to catch my breath.

  He slowly begins to tie a cuff around my wrists with two fifteen feet length ropes, tying them off at the end with a simple square knot and then securing them to the rings above.

  My mind is already emptying and beginning to feel floaty. I love this feeling, all I need to do is relax and let my dom take care of me. All I have to feel is the rope against my skin, the heat from Wally’s big body, and all I have to focus on is his spicy scent. Everything else slips away.

  Next, he ties my ankle in cuffs with a longer red rope, running the strands back and through, so they intertwine in the space between my legs, creating a makeshift spreader bar.

  “Comfortable, Gideon?”

  “Yes, Sir,” my voice is soft and far away. “Thank you.”

  He brushes my nipple again, and I gasp, before he slides a blindfold over my head, shrouding me in darkness.

  The floaty feeling lets up enough for me to try and focus on Wally’s footsteps, but the room is quiet. All I can hear is the squeak of the rings when I move, and my own breathing.

  A large hand brushes over my cock, causing me to jerk forward. I gasp again, panting. “You’re so hard for me, aren’t you, Gideon?” His voice comes from my left.

  Something cold circles around my left nipple, and I whimper and wiggle, seeking more of Wally’s touch. A hot breath trails over the same nipple. My body’s on fire, more precum leaks from the tip of my cock.

  “Please, Sir. Please,” I beg.

  “Shh. I’m going to take care of you, Gideon.”

  A light scratch goes up my exposed thigh and I whimper again.

  “You have the most perfect ass,” he says from behind me. A finger strokes up my thigh, hooking under the leg of my underwear, playing with the sensitive curve where the cheek meets my leg. I push back against him, seeking more contact.

  He slides my underwear down my legs slowly until they join the spreader at my ankles. Something cold dribbles from my tailbone to the crack of my ass, and then warm fingers are spreading my cheeks, circling the tight ring of my hole. I push my ass back into him, hissing when my over sensitive skin finds rough denim and Wally’s large bulge. Wally sucks in a breath, but makes no move to stop me from rubbing my backside against his rigid front.

  “Please, Sir,” I beg again.

  Wally’s quiet as a finger pushes into me. I moan, and that floaty blissful feeling takes over again. He slides the finger in and out slowly, as if he has all the time in the world and wants to spend every second of it pumping that finger in and out of me.


  Another finger enters, pumping into me slowly, working me open in an unhurried pace that only adds to the blissfulness I am feeling. His second finger shuts me up, I’m beyond the point of begging. I don’t know how Wally knows that I like things slow despite all the begging I do, but he takes his time, working his fingers in and out, slowly stroking me to completion.

  A third finger joins the first two, and I moan at the feeling of being almost full.

  Chapter 6: Wally

  Gideon is in subspace. His head is tipped back and his entire body is relaxed. The only sounds he makes are the soft moans that escape him as I work his hole open. I want to taste his lips, but I also want Gideon to be in a more aware headspace when we share our first kiss. Everything I do is about Gideon, about pleasing him, satiating him. It’s about bringing Gideon so much pleasure he forgets everything else, even if it’s just for a moment. This is about us building trust with each other.

  I work a hand over the bulge in my jeans. Later, I’ll take care of it, but for now I have to focus on Gideon. His erection stands long and hard in front of h
im, the flared head dripping on my floors. I lick my lips, wanting to taste his cock, to wrap my lips around him and suck him until he comes undone. His hands flex and unflex above him with the need to touch himself. I remove my hand from my own cock and wrap it around Gideon’s length. He hisses and moans, arching his hips forward, humping into my hand.

  I jack him in the same slow rhythm that I fuck him with my fingers. I work silently and languidly to get Gideon back into subspace; I could spend hours working my fingers in and out of Gideon’s tight hole, his body is like heaven and I want to spend as much time pleasuring him as I can.

  His body tenses and his beautiful moans are coming quicker and louder. I crook my fingers, pressing up against his prostate, and he lets out a loud moan, sinful and delicious, causing my cock to leak.

  “Oh my God!”

  I peg his prostate again and again, driving him closer and closer to the edge.

  “Cum for me, Gideon.”

  He explodes with a loud shout that seems to come from within his soul. Ropes of cum coat my hand that is still wrapped around his length. He shutters once and then slumps against his restraints, spent.

  I remove my fingers from Gideon’s ass and search for a towel in the small chest of drawers under the blacked out window. I wipe off my hands and then cross the room to remove Gideon’s blindfold. He blinks up at me, his blue eyes slowly taking in the light of the room and my face. A content, dopey smile spreads on his face.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome, Gideon.”

  I put him back together by pulling up his underwear and then undoing his restraints. He sinks into my arms like a rag doll, and I lead him to the bed where I lay him down under the gray covers. I pull him close and hold him as he drifts off to sleep.

  The sun’s gone competely down by the time Gideon wakes up. He looks up at me, the foggy, sated expression is gone and he’s gazing at me with intent, mirth filled blue eyes.


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