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Two Different Worlds Box Set

Page 6

by Donna Raider

  Once inside the diner, Mika helped the ladies with their coats. Leah slowly removed the glove from her left hand as if undecided about how to handle the commotion she knew it would cause.

  Mika bent to whisper in her ear, “I do love you.”

  The mayor immediately assumed her regal posture and walked toward their booth.

  “My mom and Mika are getting married.” Richie was jumping up and down, excitedly making the announcement to everyone in the diner.

  Emily explained the petition process to Ruth, who loudly howled.

  “Oh, great, Emily just described to Ruth how this works with a priest and a layperson,” Leah whispered furiously to Mika.

  The priest chuckled. “Leave it to the ever-articulate sheriff.”

  Mika stood and walked slowly to the center of the diner and waited as the room went from a dull roar to total silence. “I know that you are all wondering how this works.” She smiled. “I will explain it before the consecration ceremony on Sunday evening and answer your questions.”

  “Congratulations,” Ruth yelled.

  “Yeah! Way to go, Mika,” another voice chimed in. Soon most of the diners gathered around Leah and Mika’s table to wish them well and ooh and ah over her ring.

  “That went well.” Mika held Leah’s hand after they left, pulling her closer as they walked to the mansion.

  “It did,” Leah agreed. “Thanks to you getting ahead of it and telling them you would answer all their questions on Sunday. I admire the way you handle things. I find it very arousing the way you take care of things. All cards on the table, Priest, I want to take you home and make love to you so badly. I would love to be handled by you.”

  “I-I,” Mika sputtered.

  “It’s okay.” She smiled wistfully. “I know you feel the same way, but I’ll keep my end of the bargain."


  “Tomorrow will be a busy day for me,” Leah said as she handed Mika a hot buttered rum. “I have to visit the site for the new Lexus/Toyota dealership and go over the plans with the engineers. Then we will meet with the owner of the dealership to discuss tax breaks and infrastructure costs the city is willing to pay.”

  Mika sat on the stool, watching Leah move confidently about her kitchen, stirring a large pot of spaghetti sauce and tasting it. She dipped a spoonful from the pan, blew it a few seconds to cool it, and then held the spoon up to Mika’s lips for her to taste it.

  “Oh, that is so good!” she exclaimed. “I find you very desirable right now.”

  Mika slid from the stool and quickly moved to hold her close. “May I?” She smiled. She smothered Leah’s “yes” with her lips, delighting in the feeling of Leah in her arms and her mouth moving so sensually against hers.

  The back door flew open, and Richie ran into the kitchen.

  “Ew, gouge out my eyes,” he squealed as he caught them kissing for the first time.

  Mika released Leah’s lips, but not the hold around her waist. “Just get used to it, young man.” She laughed. “You will be living with this for the rest of your life.”

  “That should scar him for life,” the sheriff said as she followed her son through the door.

  “Emily.” Mika smiled, still holding Leah tightly against her. “You are just in time for dinner.” She raised a questioning eyebrow and Leah nodded. “My future wife makes excellent spaghetti. Please join us.” She reluctantly released her fiancée and took dishes from the cabinet to set the table.

  “I think I will pass on that.” Emily shrugged. “We just came by to pick up some clean clothes for the kid and drop off these.” She dropped a duffle bag of dirty clothes on the floor.

  “Please, Emily? I am starving, and I don’t think I can eat another grilled cheese sandwich,” Richie pleaded. “You know how good Mom’s spaghetti is.”

  Emily acquiesced gracefully and helped the priest set the table while Richie ran upstairs to pack clean clothes. Mika noticed that Emily knew where everything was in the kitchen and surmised that she had once spent a lot of time at the mansion.

  Dinner was a pleasant affair, with everyone discussing events of the past week and wondering what the upcoming week would bring.

  “How are things going at the church?” Emily asked around a mouthful of spaghetti.

  “Great.” Mika beamed. “I plan to begin hearing confessions tomorrow.”

  “Is it an open or closed confessional?” Emily inquired quietly.

  “It’s a closed confessional,” the priest replied. “It is unique. They don’t build them like that anymore. The two compartments are built into the church walls. They are very private. Each compartment has doors in and out. Parishioners can enter and exit through a door that leads to the outside of the church, or they can access from the inside of the church. It is spacious and comfortable. Of course, I sit on one side where I cannot see the confessor, only hear them. My side opens into my church office. There is a chair in the confessor’s compartment so they can sit if they want, and the kneelers are hewn from the wall.”

  Leah listened in fascination as the priest talked about her work and how the church had progressed.

  “I am sure the announcement concerning your marriage to Leah will ensure a full house for your consecration ceremony.” Emily smiled and turned her gaze to Leah “I guess I will see you there for the big announcement, eh?”

  “I am aware there is quite a bit of misinformation circulating through the town.” Mika frowned, pulling the conversation away from the question directed to Leah. “I just want to give my parishioners the facts.”

  After dinner, Mika helped clear the table while Emily went upstairs with Richie to help him finish packing.

  “Why is Richie spending so much time with Emily?” Mika asked as she carried the dishes to the sink so Leah could load them into the dishwasher.

  “Since he lives with me during the school year,” she said as she smiled sadly, “Emily gets him during holidays and most of the summer.”

  “It makes sense you would have him during the school year.” Mika grinned. “You are obviously the brain trust here.”

  Leah started the silent dishwasher and turned to find herself stumbling into Mika. She gasped as Mika caught her and once again held her close to kiss her. I could get used to this, she thought as Leah returned her kiss with much more passion than Mika had expected.

  “Chocolate,” Mika murmured.

  “Thanks again for dinner,” the sheriff said as she and Richie entered the room. “We’ll be heading home now. It’s getting late. Can we give you a ride, Mika? I think you and Richie need to plan a time for practice tomorrow.”

  Although she desperately wanted to stay and talk with Leah, Mika thought it unwise. She accepted the sheriff’s invitation and followed her and Richie out the door.

  She stopped to kiss Leah goodbye.

  “Call me,” Leah whispered.


  Mika showered, then slipped into bed with thoughts of Leah dancing in her head. She was pleased with their plan so far. It wasn’t a charade. They truly did love each other. She reached for her phone and pushed the button that would bring Leah closer.

  “Hi.” Leah’s voice was low and sultry. “What took you so long?”

  “Shower,” Mika gulped.

  “Mmm, a woman of few words.” Leah’s silky voice awakened the longing in Mika. “I like a woman of few words. I am in bed. Guess what I am wearing?”

  “What?” Her question startled Mika.

  “It’s called phone sex, darling.” Leah laughed. She is such an innocent. “We can talk dirty to each other, and you are still safe in your rectory. Now, guess what I am wearing.”

  “You’re wearing silk pajamas. The blue ones that dance when they reflect the moonlight,” Mika whispered into the phone. “They button up the front, but you leave the top two buttons undone so one can get the full effect of how the top falls open to reveal just enough of your breasts to drive a person crazy.”

  Leah was silent. Mika had correctl
y described what she was wearing. How did she know what— Leah rose from her bed and walked onto her balcony. She looked at the rectory. The room where she often saw the light burning into the early morning hours must be Mika’s bedroom.

  “Why, Priest,” Leah teased salaciously, “I do believe you’re a peeping Tom.”

  “I can only see you when you walk onto the balcony,” Mika explained hurriedly. “I never see you—”

  “Naked,” she said seductively into the phone.

  Mika felt a thin film of perspiration cover her body. Leah was setting her on fire, and she knew it.

  “What do you have on, Priest?” she demanded.

  “Nothing,” Mika said hoarsely.

  Leah caught her breath loudly, and Mika smiled. She rather liked phone sex. Mika hoped visions of her would fill Leah’s sleep. She knew the brunette would haunt her sleep.

  CHAPTER 6 - Confessions

  Priest Mika Cross was excited. It seemed like it had been centuries since she had taken confessions. She had arisen at five in the morning to read the scripture and pray. After three hours of talking to her God, the priest unlocked the church and swung open the heavy double doors.

  Mika was in her office when she heard someone enter the confessional from outside. She quickly slipped into her side of the booth.

  “Bless me, Priest Mika,” the voice was no more than a whisper. “For I have sinned.”

  Apparently, the townspeople had been waiting for their opportunity to confess their sins. A steady stream of penitents visited the church throughout the day. By the time Mika locked the doors and headed to the diner, she was starving, exhausted and distressed.

  She thanked her God when she saw Leah in the diner. She hadn’t had a chance to talk with her all day. While she was busy with confessions, Leah had spent the day with the owner of the new Lexus/Toyota dealership.

  Mika slid into the booth across from Leah and took her hands. “Just let me look at you for a few minutes.” She exhaled sharply and realized she had been holding her breath all day, just waiting to be with Leah. The smile on Leah’s incredibly beautiful face made Mika’s unusual day melt away. Her eyes were sparkling. She’d had a good day.

  Leah leaned across the table and kissed her softly, lingering a little longer than she should have. Pulling away from those lips was hard.

  “How was your day, my love?” Mika smiled.

  “Wonderful.” Leah beamed. “We have hammered out the main points of the dealership agreement and have only a few small details to finalize. I am very pleased with everything. How about you? How was your first day of confessions?”

  “Troubling.” A frown settled on Mika’s lovely face. “But nothing I can discuss. Seal of confession and all that. I’m just glad to be with you and have some normalcy back in my life.”

  They waited silently as Ruth placed their order on the table. Leah thought about Amber Stone, the owner of the new automobile dealership. There were many beautiful women in her town, but none rivaled the beauty of Amber Stone, except, of course, Leah. Leah knew she was the fairest of them all, but Ms. Stone was the first runner-up. She mentally listed Amber’s attributes: long blonde hair with natural streaks of lighter blonde, and green eyes that flashed when she laughed and darkened to deep emerald when she was serious. Flawless honey-colored skin. At five foot eight, she towered over Leah but didn’t quite have the mayor’s regal presence. Her voice had just enough hint of an accent to make it captivating. In short, Amber Stone was an incredibly beautiful woman.

  The bell sounded as someone entered the diner.

  “Can we go to your place after dinner?” Mika asked quietly. “I just want to hold you and—”

  She stopped in the middle of her sentence. Her mouth flew open as she surveyed the flaxen-haired beauty walking toward them.

  “Mayor Anthal.” The woman’s silky voice seemed to caress the words. “I’m so glad I found you.”

  It took Leah a minute to respond, as she couldn’t pull her attention away from Mika’s visible reaction to Amber Stone.

  Mika immediately stood to acknowledge the woman, who waved her to sit down. Mika remained standing, staring.

  Leah introduced them. “Priest Mika Cross, I would like you to meet the newest addition to our little town: Ms. Amber Stone. Amber owns the new automobile dealership.”

  What the hell is wrong with her? Leah thought. She seems mesmerized by Amber’s beauty.

  Amber held out her hand, and Mika took it gently, never pulling her eyes from Amber’s face.

  “Won’t you join us, Amber?” Leah smiled dubiously. “We are about to have dinner.”

  Amber slid onto the seat next to Leah. “Please, Priest,” Amber motioned to Mika’s seat, “sit.”

  Amber turned her attention to Leah, since the priest seemed incapable of polite conversation. “A priest,” she teased, “what a waste. Why are all the beautiful ones committed to another woman or God?”

  “I have the privilege of being both.” Mika smiled, finally finding her tongue. “I am engaged to the beauty sitting beside you. Of course, we have to run the gauntlet of the Catholic Church to get permission to marry.”

  Thank you, Priest. You finally regained your ability to speak, Leah thought angrily. Just wait until we are alone.

  Amber’s eyes went to the ring Leah was wearing. “I noticed that magnificent ring earlier today. I believe it is quite ancient.”

  “Yes, it is,” Mika mumbled.

  Then, as if to explain to Amber Stone, Mika said simply, “I love her!”

  Amber nodded as if to acknowledge her understanding.

  Entering the diner with her usual whirlwind approach, the sheriff slammed back the door, bellowing for Ruth as she strode to the counter. Emily surveyed the room. “Holy cow.” She inhaled as her eyes came to rest on Amber Stone. “Whoa, aren’t they missing you in heaven?” She smiled at the newcomer.

  Amber blushed slightly. She was used to that reaction from men, but not from women. She looked at the priest for help.

  “Sheriff Carver.” Mika stood. “Please join us and meet our newest citizen, Ms. Amber Stone. She’s the owner of the auto dealership planned for our little town. Ms. Stone, our umm, somewhat brazen sheriff, Emily Carver.”

  Amber held out her hand to Emily, who shook it vigorously. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sheriff.” Amber’s easy smile and dancing eyes quickly captivated Emily.

  “The pleasure is all mine.” Emily grinned, sliding into the booth beside Mika, so she was sitting directly across from Amber.

  “Leah tells me you have just recently completed the restoration of the church and rectory.” Amber looked into Mika’s eyes. “I am surprised to find a cathedral that old in the United States. It looks more like something from the dark ages. The walls look like the stones and craftsmanship hewn from the rock quarries of the ancient holy lands.”

  “No one seems to know how old it is,” Mika said, nodding, “but it is ancient; much older than this town. Apparently, all the church records were destroyed by fire.”

  I tried to burn the damn thing to the ground, Leah thought, after what the old priest tried to do to my son.

  “I am afraid we badly neglected it after Father Murphy died,” Leah said. “It’s a miracle the walls are still standing.”

  “This town has many interesting sites,” the sheriff added. “Perhaps I could give you the royal tour tomorrow,” she said, smiling at Amber.

  Amber seemed to run the invitation through her mind, weighing it carefully. “I would like that.” She smiled. “I’m looking for a home site.”

  “Good luck with that,” Emily scoffed. “All the desirable land is owned by Legion or Leah.”

  “Leah was kind enough to lease me the dealership land for a hundred years.” Amber laughed. “I figured that would certainly cover the time I needed. After all, who lives a hundred years?”

  Mika noticed the furtive glance between the sheriff and the mayor.

  They finished dinner, and Amber
checked into the bed and breakfast. The four of them stood talking outside the diner before saying goodnight. Emily would pick up Amber at nine the next morning.

  “I am very excited, I’m not sure I can sleep,” Amber told the group. “Leah told me you just started taking confessions this morning, Priest. I wonder if you would consider taking mine tonight, or do I have to stand in line tomorrow?”

  Mika’s mouth moved several times before words came out. “Of course, I’d be happy to. Although I don’t usually know the identity of my penitents.”

  The flaxen-haired beauty smiled slowly, sensuously. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”

  “Yes, I guess…” She shot a quick glance at Leah. She knew Leah was steaming.

  “Leah, do you mind waiting in the diner while I take care of Ms. Stone? Then I will walk you home.” Mika’s eyes pleaded for understanding.

  Always one to take advantage of a situation, the sheriff volunteered to take the mayor home in the patrol car. Mika’s heart sank.

  “No, thank you, Sheriff. I prefer to walk. The fresh air will do me good,” Leah said sharply. “I trust I will see you later,” she said as she shot a stern look at the priest.

  “Yes, of course,” Mika replied. Leah kissed her cheek.

  Leah and Emily watched as Amber and the priest walked toward the church. The woman linked her arm through the priest’s arm and laid her other hand on Mika’s forearm as if hugging her arm. She leaned into Mika, talking softly in her ear. Mika bent her head down to hear better.

  “Me thinks you may have some competition, Madam Mayor,” the sheriff said to Leah. “I wouldn’t mind hitting that myself.”

  “Yes, but then you will hit most anything, won’t you, Emily?” Leah hissed angrily. “Just leave me alone.”

  Emily stomped back into the diner as Leah watched the priest and her penitent unlock the church door.

  She saw the woman whisper something to Mika and listened as the priest’s laughter floated on the night air and she shook her head no vehemently. Leah was the queen of flirt, and she knew when a woman was flirting. Amber Stone was openly flirting with her priest.


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