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Two Different Worlds Box Set

Page 44

by Donna Raider

  “I will be in shortly,” Mika said. “Richie and I are discussing something.”

  Mika took Isaac’s computer. She wanted to show the picture to her wife. She didn’t want her to be blindsided with it at a meeting or public gathering.

  Mika was sitting with her back against the headboard of their bed when Leah slipped into bed. “Have you seen this?” she blurted out as she shoved the laptop in front of Leah.

  “Yes,” she said truthfully. “It is a rather good picture of us, don’t you think?”

  “Except it looks like you’re shacked up with someone else,” Mika huffed.

  “Priest, I do believe you’re jealous of yourself,” Leah purred.

  “No, I don’t like that others will think you would cheat on me. Even more than that, I don’t like the world looking at your…ah…breasts.”

  “I can fix it,” Leah smiled. She waved her hand and every copy in the world of the image changed. It now had Felix the Cat standing in the doorway and Betty Boop crawling across the bed.

  Mika threw her head back and roared with laughter. Thinking how shocked the sheriff would be next time Leah called her. “That is wonderful,” she laughed again. “You have such a great sense of humor.”

  “Hum,” Leah purred, as Mika leaned down to kiss her. Leah took the laptop from her hands and placed it on her bedside table.

  “Now,” Mika slipped her hand under Leah and moved her on top of her. “I believe it is time to make good on those promises you have tantalized me with all day.”

  “Queens don’t make promises to sex slaves,” Leah laughed wickedly, “They just do what they want with them, and you have no idea what I want to do with you,” she whispered as she flicked off the lamp.

  “Show me, My Queen.” Mika’s body trembled with anticipation. She could no longer control her desire for Leah.


  The week leading up to the bowling tournament seemed to fly by. With a flood of visitors from other towns and parties in every establishment that could handle them, the mayor and priest were infinitely busier than usual. Their stolen lunch hour, their only opportunity to see each other during the day. Tuesday night Cranky Leah made her appearance and put an end to their private trysts.

  Delilah had declared Thursday and Friday school holidays so their bowling team could practice and rest. The tournament started Friday morning and would end Saturday night with a dinner dance and awards ceremony.

  Frederick had hired Mary and the other displaced women at the convent and the church to help him and Kathryn at the bowling alley. The women were happy to be included in the festivities and to earn extra money.

  Leah closed town hall Thursday and Friday to allow town employees to participate in the long weekend’s activities and Mika gave her staff the two days off.

  The priest and mayor entered the diner on Thursday morning and were pleased to see the establishment doing a booming business. Although diners were waiting for a table, Ruth had kept theirs open for them. Mika guided her wife to their booth with her hand on the small of Leah’s back.

  “May I see your phone?” Mika smiled innocently at her as she slid into the booth. “Watch the sheriff.”

  The sheriff was sitting with Delilah, two tables away, facing the couple. The priest tapped Emily’s name on her wife’s phone and waited as her ringtone for Leah blared Black Magic Woman by Santana.

  The sheriff scrambled spastically to locate the phone and silence the ringtone. Her eyes widened as she saw the image of Betty Boop pop onto her screen. When she glared at the priest, Mika simply held up her wife’s phone, smiling gleefully as she acknowledged the sheriff’s angry stare.

  “Black Magic Woman,” Leah growled in a low, raspy voice, giving the sheriff a scathing look of disapproval.

  “Oh, Emily,” Delilah squealed, “where did you get such a darling picture of Betty Boop? I love Betty Boop. Can I have that for my phone, too?”

  The sheriff stomped over to the priest’s table. “I don’t appreciate you messing with my phone,” she hissed in a low voice, not anxious to share her moment of embarrassment with the diners.

  “I don’t appreciate you having a picture of my wife, in a compromising position, on your phone,” the priest growled back. “What kind of person does that?”

  The sheriff stomped out of the diner, leaving her mother to pay the bill.

  “Sometimes, you can really be so bad,” Leah kissed her wife, “and I love it.”

  “I see you are upping the stakes of competitiveness,” Ruth grinned as she placed their coffee on the table. “This should be one heck of a tournament. You know Emily is on my team, right. Don’t be doing things to throw off her game.”

  “Ruth,” Leah almost whispered, “Have you seen the screen shot she had tied to my ringtone. “And Black Magic Woman, is she ever going to let me live down my past?”

  Ruth laughed at the mayor’s incensed reaction. “Yeah, I’ve seen it and heard it. Poor fool can’t seem to let herself get over you. Just one more strand in the hair coat she wears for what she did to you.”

  The priest shook her head, feeling guilty for antagonizing the woman. She would apologize to Emily.

  “Oh, good my relief worker is here,” Ruth grinned. “Don’t forget we have the practice lanes in an hour. Tomorrow it gets real.”


  Mary greeted the mayor and priest when they arrived at the bowling alley. “Everyone is so excited,” she exclaimed, trying to hide her own joy at being a part of the activities. “Max is coming over as soon as he closes the shop. He’s enjoying watching our teams practice.”

  Gloria Thomas arrived a little late, but their other teams gathered right on time for their lanes. “Okay, guys,” the sheriff rallied all the bowlers. “Our town’s reputation is on the line. Let’s keep the trophy in our town hall showcase. I am sure that will make our mayor happy.” Everyone cheered and went to their respective lanes to practice.

  All the teams hung around in the alley to scope out their competition. As dusk approached, Max showed up to observe. He wished he had joined a team when they were forming and asked Leah if he could be on a team next year.

  The mayor was pleased with the progress Max and Mary were making and assured the man, he and his wife could be on a team in the future. Max was slowly getting more comfortable with the former queen and soon realized the mayor was in no way like the wicked queen. He had personally seen her level entire villages in a jealous rage over Delilah. It encouraged him to see the change in her. It gave him hope that he could truly gain control of his temper and jealous tendencies. He loved his wife very much and didn’t want to lose her because of his insane imagination.

  Max watched the mayor and priest interact with one another. It was obvious they worshipped each other. Their constant brilliant smiles at each other and subtle touching; their whispered words followed by slight blushes were a joy to observe. He knew that he and Mary could have the same loving relationship if he could control his jealousy. There was no doubt in his mind that his wife loved him.

  “We had hoped the café would be open this weekend,” Frederick told Leah as they watched the other towns’ bowling teams practice. “Looks like it will be Christmas before we can actually serve serious food, but in the meantime, we have cold drinks and pizza.”

  “What more could we want,” Richie laughed as he and Emily joined the group at Leah’s table. The boy high-fived the priest, “Way to go, Mika,” he laughed. He had heard about the priest’s antics with the sheriff’s cell phone that morning. Of course, Isaac had whined when he saw the Betty Boop screensaver on his laptop. Richie was thrilled when he learned the sex-kitten photo of his mother had totally disappeared from existence. He suspected that was his mom’s handy work. He should have shown it to her sooner but had been afraid of her reaction. There was the chance she would short circuit the entire internet.

  The boy ordered pizzas and drinks for their table and waved Amber over to join them, as they scouted the competition.

  Leah laid her hand on her wife’s leg as she leaned over her to steal a bite of her pizza. She jerked back a little as she felt the static electricity coursing through Mika’s body. She noticed Mika was having a hard time sitting still, bouncing her leg and tapping her fingers on the table. Leah frowned, knowing there was nothing she could do to help her.

  “You need to get rid of some of that energy,” Leah whispered in Mika’s ear. “You’re worse than a Chihuahua on meth.”

  Mika burst out laughing. “I think I’ll walk home,” she whispered.

  “I will walk with you.” Leah smiled. “Emily can bring Richie home.”

  Richie overheard their conversation. “I can drive the car home,” he volunteered. “I’d really like to stay here for a while.

  “I don’t think so,” Leah responded quickly.

  “Oh, let the kid drive your car,” the sheriff butted in, “I’ll follow him home. I promise not to turn on the emergency lights or run the siren.”

  “Promise you won’t give our son a ticket for driving without a license.” Leah raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

  “I promise,” Emily grumbled, astounded that Leah would even suspect such a trick.

  Mika held Leah’s coat as she slipped into it, then pulled on her own. Leah linked her arm through Mika’s elbow and snuggled up against her as they stepped out into the cold October air.

  As they walked, they discussed the bowling tournament and visiting dignitaries from the other towns who were competing in the tournament.

  “Mary and Max seem to be getting along great,” Mika looked down at her wife, “I know you have gone out of your way to work with them. That’s very kind of you.”

  Leah blushed slightly. She didn’t know why, but any praise from her wife always made her feel a little self-conscious. “Gloria says Mary has really blossomed now that she isn’t living in constant fear of Max going off on some tangent,” she volunteered. “Gloria deserves a lot of credit for her work with the couple.”

  “Yes, Gloria said Mary was going home with Max tonight,” the priest frowned slightly. “I hope that works out okay.”

  A light snow started falling and Leah hugged Mika’s arm tighter between her breasts as she pushed her body as close to the blonde as possible. Mika put her other hand on top of Leah’s, leaning down to kiss her hungrily. She was still tingling with the desire stirring in her body.

  “I am so sorry I can’t…” Leah started.

  “Shush,” Mika kissed her lightly. “It’s okay. I just needed to taste your delectable lips. I’m a big girl. I can live for three or four days without…” her sentence trailed off.

  “Without what?” Leah’s teasing eyes searched Mika’s face.

  “You know,” she laughed hoarsely. “Please, don’t tease me. That only makes me want you more.” They started walking again, lost in each other’s warmth.

  “I love you deeply,” Mika sighed. “Today was particularly difficult because I had to go all day without even seeing you. Then, when I did get to be with you, there was a cast of thousands.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” Leah assured her. “Do you think we will ever outgrow our constant need to be together?”

  “I will always feel this way about you,” Mika chuckled.

  “Yes,” Leah smiled. “It seems to get worse every day, and I can live with that as long as the feeling is mutual.”

  “Oh, honey,” Mika groaned, “I can guarantee you the feeling is mutual.”

  A light snow had covered their town and the surrounding area by the time they reached their home. Mika hung up their coats as Leah went upstairs to take a hot shower. Mika checked her personal email on her laptop, then left the entryway light on for Richie.

  Leah was sitting in front of her dressing table, brushing her shinning black hair when Mika entered their bedroom. She had on one of Mika’s t-shirts. Mika bent behind her and kissed her shoulders and neck. “You think the sight of you in my t-shirt is less attractive to me than your pajamas, don’t you?”

  “No,” Leah said in her deep sultry voice, “I know the sight of me in your shirt drives you mad. Take your shower and I promise I will find a way to help you get rid of some of that energy.”

  Mika took a long, hot shower, unable to get the thoughts of Leah out of her mind. She never wanted her feelings for Leah to change, but she did hope that someday she would gain control of her need for the brunette.

  The lights were off in their bedroom when she entered. Mika could see her faintly in the moonlight as she lifted the covers for her to join her in bed. Leah pulled her into her arms and nestled Mika’s head between her breasts. She wore only pajama bottoms. She moved her hands lightly over Mika’s body drawing the anxious energy from her.

  “Um,” Mika hummed, “do I detect Magic Leah in my bed?”

  “I am having a hard time with this, too,” Leah whispered. “But I’m sure I can help us both.”

  Mika knew from experience she could.


  When the alarm went off the next morning, Leah snuggled deeper into Mika’s arms. I am sure this must be heaven, she thought as she melted into the warmth of her wife.

  The smell of coffee and bacon frying pulled her from her thoughts and she reluctantly moved to get up, when strong arms tightened around her. “I believe our son is cooking breakfast,” Leah said kissing Mika softly.

  “I guess we really should go downstairs,” Mika sighed as she reluctantly released her. “Thank you for last night,” she smiled, as she sat up against the headboard. “It was most enjoyable and very much appreciated.”

  “I can’t have you bouncing around the bowling alley today,” Leah grinned.

  “I know,” Mika laughed, “like a Chihuahua on meth. I do believe you took care of that problem.” She leaned over and kissed Leah thankfully.


  “You are going to make some lucky woman a great husband,” Leah hugged her son and then poured two cups of coffee for her and her wife.

  “I thought we would just eat at the island today,” Richie placed their breakfast in front of them. “We have to be at the bowling alley at eleven.”

  “Everything is delicious,” Mika grinned at her son. “As always, your mom is right. When the girls find out what a great cook you are, they will be all over you.”

  “And so handsome, too.” His mother smiled.

  “Okay, enough of that,” Richie laughed. “Just see if I cook for you two again.”

  “What time did you get home last night,” Leah asked. “I never heard you come in.”

  “A herd of elephants could have come in,” Richie laughed, “and you wouldn’t have heard them for the noise you two were making.”

  “Wish I hadn’t asked that question,” Leah blushed.

  “It’s okay, Mom. Mika and I have had the talk. “Although…” Mika shot her son a look and Richie stuffed his mouth full of bacon.

  “Just so you know,” Richie mumbled around the bacon in his mouth, “Emily didn’t follow me home last night.”

  “Why not?” Leah demanded, anger flashing across her lovely face. Oh, here comes Cranky Leah, Mika thought.

  “Uh…, um…,” Richie stuttered.

  “She hooked up with that waitress from Brighton?” Mika said, raising her eyebrows.

  “Yeah,” the boy said softly. “I’m not trying to get her into trouble. I just didn’t want you to think I would intentionally disobey you. You know, if I had my own car, I wouldn’t have to know about Emily’s antics. Anyway, Amber followed me home.”

  “We have had this car discussion too many times,” Leah frowned at her son. “There is no way…”

  “Let us discuss it later, son,” Mika knew she was inviting the wrath of her wife, but she also knew they probably should think about getting the boy a vehicle for his sixteenth birthday.

  Leah shot Mika the death glare making Mika thankful her hair hadn’t caught on fire. Richie was smart enough to run upstairs for his bowling shirt.

sp; “I thought we discussed this car business,” Leah hissed through gritted teeth.

  “No, you talked. I just listened.” Mika’s smile turned into more of a grimace. “I think we should revisit it. Isaac just got his hardship license and he’s only fifteen. I don’t really want Richie driven around town by Isaac. Isaac really isn’t the brightest ember in the campfire.”

  “You mean get him a car now?” Leah growled.

  “No, just promise him one on his sixteenth birthday, if he doesn’t ride in Isaac’s car.” Mika knew she was running into the eye of the storm.

  “We need to dress for the tournament,” Leah frowned. “I don’t like this one bit.”

  The priest followed her wife upstairs. Leah had that extra little sway in her walk that always made Mika’s breath catch. No woman that drop-dead gorgeous should walk that sensuously, she thought. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

  Mika pulled on her jeans and bowling shirt and Leah did the same. They dressed in silence as Leah scowled at her from under long, dark lashes.

  “Honey,” Mika pleaded. “Don’t be angry with me.”

  “He’s the only child we have,” Leah fought to control her anger. “What if something happened to him?”

  “Leah, he’s almost a man,” Mika reasoned. “You can’t keep him from growing up, no matter how hard you try.”

  Mika knew she was running face first into a forest fire and tried to end the conversation. “Let’s discuss this next week when we are all free of the pressures of the tournament.”

  Leah tried to avoid touching Mika as she walked around her to get to the door. “Leah,” Mika’s voice was low and commanding, “Don’t treat me like this.”

  Leah whirled around to face her wife, eyes blazing. Cranky Leah is definitely riding that horse, Mika thought.

  The look in Mika’s eyes was darker than any Leah had ever seen. She wasn’t sure what that look meant and she didn’t really want to find out. There was much about her wife, she didn’t know.

  “I’m sorry, darling,” Leah moved into Mika’s arms and kissed her slowly, tenderly. “I love you. I don’t want to fight with you.” She could feel Mika physically relax and melt into her, pulling the full length of her body against her own. It was a glorious feeling, and Leah didn’t want to let it go. Mika bent to kiss her again.


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