Two Different Worlds Box Set

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Two Different Worlds Box Set Page 59

by Donna Raider

  “Last month, on the boat, I’m afraid we may have thrown off our timetable.” She whispered.

  “Seriously,” Mika grinned from ear to ear, “I’m going to be a mom again?

  “I am afraid so,” she began to explain, almost apologetically. “I just got so wrapped up in Magic Mika I forgot to—”

  Mika stopped her lips with kisses. “It’s wonderful,” she said. “Are you okay with being pregnant again?”

  “Honestly, I’m thrilled.” Leah’s smile in the moonlight was devastatingly gorgeous.

  “I so hope for a little girl that looks just like you,” Mika whispered.

  Mika kissed down her body until she could lay her ear against Leah’s stomach. “I don’t hear a heartbeat,” she frowned.

  “You will in about a week,” Leah assured her.

  “Just when I think I couldn’t be any happier,” Mika kissed her lips gently, “God proves me wrong, with your help, of course.”

  CHAPTER 37 - Growing Pains

  Leah watched as the townspeople gathered in the general meeting room of Town Hall. She and Mika had worked night and day to find alternatives to bringing a gambling casino and resort to their town.

  The mayor knew a gambling resort would bring people from all over the world, and there would be no way to control who they talked with or what they might discover.

  While many of the town’s citizens were very intelligent and blended in well with strangers, some of them were downright obtuse. If the world discovered a pocket of immortals living in Maine, it would only be a matter of weeks before they would be rounded up and herded off to research centers to be probed, prodded and dissected into small pieces in search of eternal life.

  After God lifted the curse, the original citizens had multiplied like bunnies. Leah and Mika had certainly done their part. The town was growing and citizens that were once teenagers were looking for jobs and housing for their families.

  All the citizens had a tremendous work ethic. Everyone wanted a job, and no one expected a handout. As Levi had so eloquently, put it. “If all I live off of is a handout from others, I am limited to what they will allow me to have.”

  Levi did have his sober moments of realization. As the mine foreman, he encouraged the smart ones to go to college and always had a job for those who wanted to make a living with their hands and back.

  The town citizens could come and go from the town as they chose. They could also make the ultimate choice to leave and never return. Many chose to cross the town line and never come back. If they made the conscious decision to live in the outside world, they lost their memories and immortality.

  Leah was watching the door for her wife. Mika said she might be running a little late. Leah didn’t want to start the meeting without her.

  Mika entered the room with Richie. Leah’s brilliant smile let Mika know how pleased she was that she was there. Leah watched her wife and son as they made their way toward her.

  The priest and Richie stepped up on the stage where Leah stood. “Hello beautiful,” Mika whispered as she kissed her quickly. Richie hugged her, then both took a seat on the front row. They were there for moral support.

  The City Council members, Amber, Ruth, Delilah, Levi, Mother Superior, and Legion joined the Mayor on the stage. Kathryn and the sheriff sat on either side of her.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Levi grumbled. “I’m ready for supper.”

  Leah stood at the podium and called the meeting to order. Quickly scanning those present to make certain only the original townspeople were present, she welcomed them. “As you know Mr. Legion has put forth a proposal for a gambling casino and resort for our town,” she stated dryly. A murmur ran through the crowd.

  “The majority of the city council and I are against this proposal because we feel it poses a great danger to the citizens of our town.” Leah paused to give her opening statement a chance to sink into the minds of the people. Never one to back down from a fight when she knew she was right, she had not minced words in her opening statement.

  “As you know, your city council has voted down the proposal many times,” she smiled sweetly, her honey-smooth voice mesmerizing the audience.

  “However, Mr. Legion feels that we do not represent how you feel about the matter. I have asked Mr. Legion to give you a complete rundown on his proposal; then the council has an alternative proposal. We would like you to give both proposals careful consideration before we take a vote on them tonight. It will be the last time we address the issues presented here, so whatever you decide is what will move forward."

  Legion observed Leah closely as she spoke. There was something different about her. She looked happy. She was glowing. She was…of course, she was pregnant again. He bowed his head to shut out all sound but her. Twins again. It is too good to be true. I must tell Jezebel.

  “Mr. Legion,” the mayor took her seat, turning over the microphone to Legion.

  “Thank you, my dear,” Legion whined into the microphone.

  “I have prepared a power point to give you fine folks some idea of the magnitude of what I’m proposing.” He grinned, the light bouncing off his gold-capped tooth.

  As Legion began dragging out his projector and computer, the mayor’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She slowly slid it out and smiled when she saw her wife’s face on the screen.

  Mika: One more month, then vacation with my gorgeous wife.

  Leah: After our short weekend on the boat, that is all I can think about.

  Mika: The sheriff is looking down your blouse.

  Suddenly the sheriff began flapping her arms and swatting at bees that were circling her head. “What the hell?” Emily screamed as she jumped from her seat, overturning her chair and running from the room.

  Leah: Happy now.

  Mika: Very.

  Legion stopped his presentation. “It appears our sheriff is in distress,” he growled.

  Mika: You really should wear slacks for these meetings. Skirts reveal a little too much under the table. Know what I mean?

  Leah: See anything you like, priest.

  Mika: Everything.

  Leah: I truly want this vote to go my way.

  Mika: Oh! You are evil!

  Leah: Yes, dear.

  I want so badly to rip that dress off you and… her thoughts were interrupted by her wife.

  Easy baby, I need to concentrate. I have no idea what Legion has said. She smiled demurely. But, on the ripping off part, please save that for later.

  Mika blushed as she realized Leah was receiving her thoughts. “Have to learn to control this,” she mumbled to herself.

  The sheriff returned to the room. One eye was swollen shut from a bee sting. She flopped down in her chair and glared sullenly at the mayor with the other eye.

  “There will be plenty of jobs for all of you,” Legion’s voice droned on and on.” We will need security guards, cashiers, food workers, accountants, dealers, machine maintenance crews, increased support businesses. You get the picture. Our casino will draw wealthy men with money to spend.

  “We all know what kind of men are drawn by casinos,” Naomi yelled from the crowd. “The kind of men who want female companionship,” the wizened woman stood. So how many of you want jobs as prostitutes? Or maybe your daughters could work in Legion’s pleasure resort.”

  A rumble went through the room. Legion could see he was losing the audience. “Surely you understand that our town is growing, and there aren’t enough jobs or houses for our children. We must do something to bring jobs here, to make our town grow.”

  Everyone began nodding their heads in agreement and talking among themselves.

  Leah moved to the microphone. “Thank you, Mr. Legion, for your presentation.”

  “Let’s hear your solution to the problem, Madam Mayor” Samson stood in the audience, fully aware that the mayor had a plan.

  “The other council members and I have been working on building businesses that our people can own and supervise. This to
wn has tremendous, replenishable resources. We can export products and create a booming economy without allowing outsiders to invade our community or our women to be reduced to sex objects.” The mayor surveyed the silent crowd. “I don’t have to tell you what would happen if the outside world discovered our existence and began asking questions.”

  “Pray tell, Madam Mayor,” Legion smirked, “what are your grandiose plans for our town and its citizens?”

  As the mayor talked, Mika moved to shine her power point onto the screen.

  “We have men here that built ships, in our kingdom that rivaled any ever built. I am confident we can create a shipbuilding company that will build the finest ships this world has ever seen.”

  “Our first customers should be ourselves,” she continued proudly. “We need a fishing fleet which will require a cannery. The council has already voted to allot two hundred acres on the south shore for the shipping yards and cannery. My family will donate the land.”

  “We can form a construction company to build housing and commercial facilities, as needed,” she was getting excited just talking about all they could accomplish.

  “We are in the ideal position to build a hydroelectric plant using tidal power technology. I have spoken with politicians and power company representatives who would welcome the input of our power to the national power grid. Our power would be a clean source of renewable energy. Everyone I have spoken with tells me Maine has significant tidal power potential.”

  “Dr. Strand has already gained high recognition in the world of cardiology. This country seems to love its cholesterol,” she grinned as a titter went through the crowd. “We can build a medical center specializing in heart disease. We will need doctors and nurses and administrators.”

  She stood surveying the audience much as a queen would scrutinize her subjects. She was impressive.

  “We are in the ideal place to build a biological research center,” she smiled. “We will provide jobs for doctors, researchers, analysts, the list goes on and on.”

  “We, you and me,” she smiled, slowly looking around the room, catching every person’s eye, “have the potential to build a storybook town without resorting to lewd jobs and demeaning our citizens. Most important of all, we can do it without opening ourselves to scrutiny from the outside world.”

  The applause in the room was deafening. Only when Leah stopped speaking did Mika realize that she had been entranced with all her wife was saying. Her delivery was powerful, sincere and enthralling. God, she was wonderful. So…everything!

  Mayor Leah Cross was the consummate politician.

  She raised her hand and leaned into the microphone. “We will now take a vote. “All for Mr. Legion’s proposal, please raise your hand.”

  A lone hand went up in the back of the room. The mayor tiptoed to see who it was. “Nick,” she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. “We thought you were dead.”

  Laughter rippled through the crowd.

  “All for the council’s proposal, please raise your hand,” She smiled as every hand in the room shot skyward. “The council’s proposal passes unanimously, except for one vote. Meeting is adjourned.”

  As much as Mika wanted to run to her and sweep Leah up in her arms, she remained seated observing Leah’s joy as citizens gathered around her. Mayor, politician, boss, call her whatever one wanted. She was their queen. All but two people in that room wanted to serve their queen. Legion and Nick slinked from the room.

  Mika continued to watch as the crowd swept her from the room, leaving Mika alone with the dreams for Leah’s town shining from the screen on the stage. Mika knew she had just witnessed the performance of a great politician. Leah’s ability to influence those around her was uncanny. She didn’t need magic; she had charisma. Mika turned off the power point and began packing up the computer.

  Mika jumped as a hand touched her shoulder. She turned to gaze into deep brown eyes. Leah buried her hands in her thick blonde hair and pulled Mika’s lips to hers. Leah’s kiss was soft, searching, questioning. “I think you promised me ripping of clothing,” she said in her low, sexy voice that dissolved Mika’s bones.

  “Mom! I knew I would find you here,” Richie joined them. “Everyone is looking for you. You have to come back to the diner.”

  Mika caught Leah’s hand in hers, “Let’s go, Your Majesty. Your subjects await.” She leaned down and kissed Leah softly, so glad she was a part of her life.

  The diner was buzzing with talk of the projects the mayor had proposed. Confident the town would back her, she had already received federal and state approval to undertake the projects. She and Mika had spent hours working night and day to submit and resubmit forms required by various levels of government to receive approval.

  She found herself answering the same questions over and over, as various townspeople approached her. “I believe we need to have another meeting so I can answer all your questions,” she announced.

  The diners nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

  “Let me visit with the City Council and our Deputy Mayor and we will get information for you. How does a meeting sometime during the first week of next month sound?”

  Everyone nodded in agreement, then went about ordering their dinner. The Cross family quickly ate dinner so they could hurry home and read bedtime stories to Sara and Adam.


  The back door slammed as they entered their home. The three shared a concerned glance as Sara and Adam scooted down the stairs. “Queen Mommy, Queen Mommy,” they cried running to their mother. “Read story.”

  “Honey, why don’t you take the children into the family room and read to them,” the priest frowned. “Richie and I are going to check on the back door.”

  Leah nodded. She knew her wife was leaving her with the twins because she was powerful enough to protect them and Mika would take care of Richie.

  A quick search through the kitchen, dining room, and Mika’s study revealed no one in the house. While the back door was unlocked, it was securely closed. Mika locked it and armed the alarm system. She would have another discussion with Nana about making certain the alarms were always set when they were not home.

  The sight that greeted her when she returned to the family room almost made her heart stop. Her gorgeous wife was sitting on the floor with a baby on each leg. A picture book was between them. “The beautiful queen swept the babies up into her arms and hugged them so tightly they squealed,” Leah looked up at Mika as she finished the last sentence, “and they all lived happily ever after.”

  Leah had never looked more beautiful. Mika’s insides ached as she watched her kiss each child’s cheek. Her eyes glistened as she looked up at the priest.

  “I think Queen Mommy has gotten her ‘happily ever after,” Richie smiled as he moved to lift Adam from his mother’s lap.

  Mika didn’t miss the dark shadow that flitted across Leah’s lovely face as she bent to pick up Sara.

  Richie took Sara in his other arm as the priest reached out her hand to her wife pulling her to her feet. “I’m going to run these two little urchins up to Nana,” Richie grinned. “When I get back, we need to talk.”

  “What was the slamming door all about?” Leah turned to her wife as soon as their son was out of the room. She moved to the kitchen as they spoke and began preparing beverages for them.

  “We didn’t see anyone,” Mika grimaced, following her back to the family room. “Nana had forgotten to set the alarm, or someone disarmed it.”

  “Nana swears she had set the alarm before she went upstairs with Adam and Sara,” Richie informed them as he entered the room.

  He surveyed his parents slowly. “Tell me what’s going on? I can’t help if I don’t know.”

  Mika motioned for the young man to have a seat, as Leah handed Richie his cup. She placed two cups of tea on the coffee table in front of the sofa and settled herself beside the priest. Leah knew she had put off the moment as long as she could.

  “I guess this is my
story to tell,” Leah started hesitantly. “Please understand Richie, I never dreamed I would have to face the results of my actions.”

  She looked down at her hands, folded in her lap. “I was miserable and without hope in my marriage to the king of Judah. I won’t go into the whys.”

  “Mika told me,” Richie moved to sit beside her and took her hand.

  She nodded, swallowed, and then continued. “Legion offered me a way out. He convinced me my only chance at happiness was magic. He was my court advisor in Judah. He insisted I have the Christian priests slaughtered and Baal’s worshipers installed in the synagogues. He offered to teach me powerful magic in exchange for…” Her voice faltered as she fought back tears.

  “Exchange for what, Mom?” the boy said gently.

  “My first born,” she blurted out.

  Richie gasped, “Sara and Adam?” His initial reaction was to recoil from her. He fought to keep from yanking his hand from her grasp. He knew they were long past the point of placing blame. She had suffered much because of his stupid, thoughtless actions. He wanted her to know that he was here for her.

  “Legion is particularly furious with me now that I have blocked his gambling casino,” Leah frowned. “I am afraid he is getting ready to take action.”

  “So, what do we do now? I mean is Legion trying to steal the babies. What can we do to break the contract? Richie furrowed his brow. “He’s my grandfather. Perhaps he will leave them alone if I plead with him. Maybe a trade. I could enlist Nick’s help. Legion seems to value him.” The boy was grasping for anything that would save his siblings.

  “Legion answers to a darker power than anyone can imagine,” Mika spoke softly. “Defeating Legion would be easy. Your mother is much stronger than he, but that wouldn’t be the end of it. Legion doesn’t want the children for himself. He wants to deliver them to someone else. He is trading them for more power for himself.”

  “If I destroy Legion, another will only be sent in his place. At least we know who Legion is and of what he is capable. Be very vigilant,” Leah sipped her tea. “Don’t ever let Legion get close to the children. Above all, do not ever trust my mother. She is far eviler than Legion. Don’t ever believe she has reformed or that she loves you or the babies.”


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