Two Different Worlds Box Set

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Two Different Worlds Box Set Page 60

by Donna Raider

  “Needless to say,” Leah added, “If Legion had control of our babies, he would have control of me. I would do anything to keep my family safe.”

  Richie gulped, visibly shaken. “Is it okay if I talk to Legion?” He asked. “He has always been fairly civil to me.”

  “I will go with you,” Mika nodded. “Maybe between the two of us we can convince him that it is in his best interest to leave our family alone.”

  “He will want something in exchange,” Richie huffed. “He always wants to make a deal.”

  Leah slumped against her wife. We should tell Richie everything, she thought.

  The priest nodded.

  “There is one other thing you should know,” Leah smiled shyly. “I am again with child.”

  A huge smile spread across Richie’s face. “That’s great,” he laughed, hugging his mother. He grinned at Mika, “But, Mika, don’t you think you should have resolved this dilemma before getting my mom pregnant again?”

  “I…I…I didn’t mean to” Mika stammered. “We had planned on waiting until the twins were five, but…”

  “It’s God’s will,” Leah smiled. “We’re ecstatic.”

  “So am I,” Richie laughed. “This time, I hope it is a little girl that looks just like you, Mom.”

  “My sentiments exactly,” Mika grinned.

  “Let’s keep this to ourselves for now,” Leah added. “At least until we know if it is a boy or a girl.”

  “May I at least tell Amber?” Richie asked shyly. “She is a good listener. She makes it easy to discuss things. She is wise far beyond her years.”

  That’s debatable, the priest thought, knowing the woman had been on the earth as long as she.

  “Yes,” Leah nodded. “It’s good to have someone to talk to and give you feedback. I know.”

  “Is it okay if I call her and see if she would like to get a Coke, go for a ride or something?” Richie grinned.

  “Sure, just don’t discuss this anywhere it can be overheard,” Mika cautioned him.

  After their son left, Mika set the alarm and returned to sit beside her wife on the sofa. Leah leaned her head on Mika’s shoulder. After a long time, Leah lifted her face to gaze into her clear blue eyes.

  “About that ripping of clothing,” Leah smiled, “I believe you promised.”

  “Umm,” Mika moaned, “and I am a woman of my word.”


  Loving Leah was always relaxing. Mika lay on her stomach with Leah’s arm across her waist and her leg over Mika’s. Leah lay on her side, looking at Mika as she traced small circles on her back.

  “Where do they go?” Leah asked softly.

  “What,” Mika roused from her drowsy state at the sound of Leah’s silky voice.

  “Your wings, where do they go? There’s no trace of them. Your back is so smooth and muscular. There are no indentions or little bumps or anything that would indicate you have a set of wings as tall as you are.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it. I just unfurl and retract them at will.” Mika shrugged and grinned. “Kind of like sticking out one’s tongue.”

  Leah pushed against her, so Mika turned on her side and wrapped her arms around Leah, pulling her tight against her breasts. “I’m worried about Mother. She has always found a way to destroy my happiness.”

  “Don’t worry about her, honey.” Mika kissed her hair as she ran her soothing hands slowly down her back. “We can handle her.”

  Mika gently began to massage her back. “Harder, please,” Leah purred. “Oh, Mika, that feels so good.”

  Mika continued to rub her back until she fell asleep in the safety of her arms.

  Leah awoke the next morning in the same place. She loved waking in Mika’s arms.

  CHAPTER 38 - She Was Truly Evil

  The intercom buzzed in Jezebel’s penthouse. “Ma’am, you have a visitor,” Mrs. Worth’s voice informed her, “a Mr. M.”

  “Yes, I have been expecting him.” Jezebel preened in front of her mirror. “Please send him up. Oh, and thank you, Mrs. Worth.”

  The firm knock on her door told her the long-awaited visitor had finally arrived. She opened the door. Her eyes widened in surprise as she surveyed the handsome man standing on her threshold. She stepped back, welcoming M eagerly.

  “I see you have chosen the dark, handsome, devil-may-care look today,” she greeted him.

  “I thought that would please you,” his easy smile relaxed her.

  “It is rather pleasing to the eye,” she nodded. “May I offer you a drink?”

  “Yes, something very strong. I rather enjoy the burning sensation alcohol causes in the human form.” M smiled mischievously, flashing beautiful white teeth.

  “You have been in town for several days,” she made conversation as she poured him a glass of Everclear on the rocks.

  “Yes,” he grinned. “I have been pleasuring myself with some of the lovely ladies New York has to offer. Some of them are quite imaginative and willing.” He took a large drink from the glass and closed his eyes as the 190-proof liquid blazed a trail down his throat. “That may be the best drink I have had in this world,” he grinned, finishing off the glass.

  “Another?” she raised a questioning eyebrow.

  “Yes, please,” he handed her his glass, “but don’t waste the ice. Just straight up.”

  “So, you like human women?” Jezebel asked indifferently.

  “I do,” he tilted his head slightly, “Some of them are downright depraved.”

  “I am certain you partake of only the most beautiful,” Jezebel settled herself on the sofa with a glass of wine.

  “Yes, why bother with anything else, when one can have the crème de la crème?” He closed his eyes as if recalling a particularly pleasurable experience. “Some of them are extremely perverted. No thanks to me, I might add.”

  “Umm,” Jezebel hummed. “Have you ever desired one you couldn’t have?”

  He poured himself another glass of her delightful alcohol. “Ah, you toy with me, witch. You know there is one, your daughter!”

  Jezebel nodded her head smugly. “Leah.”

  “Don’t forget her precious babies,” he grinned gleefully. “A boy and a girl, I believe.”

  He eyed her curiously, “I’m under the impression that The Vile One is to deliver them to me.”

  “He’s no match for my daughter,” the witch scoffed. “I am the only one who can deliver her to you.”

  “You do understand that she must come to me of her own free will?” He frowned as he recalled all the women and men who had come to him of their own free will. In the end—in that split second of comprehension—there had been none.

  “There is a way,” Jezebel grinned a decadent grin.

  “I have watched her,” he continued. “She appears to be disgustingly devoted to her wife, a priest, I believe. I would give anything for a love like that.”

  Jezebel was surprised. Even demons needed love. She had always found love to be only a useless weakness to be used against her opponents.

  “Offer her the life of her wife, Richie, and her two babies,” Jezebel’s black eyes rivaled the debauchery in her visitor’s. “Guarantee that they can live out their lives free from demonic interference. She will come to you freely. She will sacrifice herself for them.”

  He studied her silently. She truly was evil. Yes, in the end, he would have a very special place for her.

  “I need the babies,” he hissed.

  “No, you don’t,” the witch matched his hiss. “Give me what I seek, and I will help you achieve your desires.”

  “What do you want, witch?” he glared.

  “I want to be more powerful than my daughter.” Jezebel watched his eyes for any reaction. She wasn’t certain he could grant such a wish.

  “As you wish.” With a flourish of his hand, she felt an incredible power surge through her. She held out her hand, palm up, and gloried in the fireball she saw forming there. She quickly extingui
shed it.

  “She is with child again,” Jezebel informed him. “Draw the priest to you, then offer her the exchange I mentioned. She will do it to save her. She is desperately in love with the woman.”

  Jezebel moved to the sideboard to refill her wine glass. “You will have her and her unborn children—twins again—the priest is incredibly prolific. You will be able to raise them as you see fit without having to overcome baptism and the Christian raising to which Sara and Adam have already been indoctrinated.”

  “We have a deal, witch,” His eyes narrowed as he tried to fathom what would make a woman sell the souls of her own daughter and grandchildren.


  Leah rolled away from Mika, gasping for breath. Mika lay beside her inhaling deeply, trying desperately to slow her heartbeat. She wondered if immortals could suffer heart attacks while making love.

  As their breathing evened out and their pulse returned to normal, Mika leaned up on her elbow and kissed her gently. “I love you so much,” she murmured against her lips. You are everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Priest,” she pulled Mika in for a firmer kiss, “I didn’t even know the wonderfulness of you existed. You are so much more than I ever dreamed.”

  “We better go if we are going to be on time for your one-thirty meeting,” Mika frowned. “Although I could stay here the rest of the day.”

  “Umm,” me too, but we have tonight,” Leah kissed her then slid from their bed.

  Leah dressed them. “I am transporting to my office. It would probably look best if you walked across the street.”

  “As you wish, My Quee—” her lips covered Mika’s to stop her teasing. Then she was gone.

  Mika ran by the diner to pick up the two chicken salad sandwiches and cold drinks she had ordered for pickup at twelve forty-five. They had just enough time for lunch before her meeting. They had skipped breakfast. She didn’t want Leah to miss lunch, too because of her.

  “Hi, Odette,” Mika flashed one of her sweetest smiles, “is my lovely wife in her office.” She noticed the Out to Lunch sign was still on Leah’s door.

  Odette raised her eyebrows, surprised to see Mika on this side of the door. “Mayor Cross, your wife is here to see you,” she spoke into the intercom.

  The door swung open, and Leah stepped out of her office. “Darling,” Leah smiled, “what a delightful surprise and you bought lunch.”

  Mika followed her into the office and closed the door. Leah gently pushed her against the door and kissed her as if she hadn’t seen Mika all day.

  “Food,” she gasped when Leah released her.

  “Thank you,” Leah said, “I am starving.”

  They had just finished their lunch when her one-thirty appointment arrived. Odette announced her visitor and removed the Out to Lunch sign from her door.

  Trent Patterson walked into her office. “Mr. Patterson,” Leah smiled extending her hand to shake his, “I’m Mayor Cross and this is my wife, Priest Mika Cross. Please have a seat.” She pressed a button on her intercom and asked Kathryn to join them.

  Trent Patterson was a large man. At six-four, he towered over them. His obvious strength and size reminded Mika of a gladiator. His smile was honest and sincere.

  “Madam Mayor,” he nodded, “Priest Mika, thank you for meeting with me. As you know, I am here to apply for the challenge of building your shipyard.”

  They talked with Trent for over two hours. He was from Texas and had been instrumental in building several shipyards in the Gulf of Mexico. His credentials were impressive and his desire to have the opportunity to design and build a shipyard and manufacturing company from scratch was apparent in everything he said. Leah and Mika liked him.

  “I would like to take you to the site, and then have you draw up tentative plans on what you would propose,” the mayor informed him. “Do you have time to ride out to the South shore now?”

  “Oh, yes ma’am,” he smiled.

  The three gave Trent Patterson the tour of the South Shore. “We have already cut the main road out here,” Leah explained as Mika drove. “Our goal is for this area to be our industrial area. Shipyards, and a cannery to process the catch of the fishing fleet. South of here we will construct a hydroelectric plant.”

  “I would love to be in on something this big,” Trent enthused. “I have assisted in constructing shipyards in the Gulf of Mexico, but never had a chance to implement some of my ideas that I feel will make a difference in the overall operation of things.”

  “Obviously, we will be interviewing others,” Kathryn nodded, “but we would like to see a proposal from you.”

  “We are asking everyone to give us a rough draft by October first. Will that give you time to put together something?” the mayor asked.

  “Oh, yes, ma’am,” Patterson nodded enthusiastically. “If it is okay with you, I will just stay in town for a few days and get the lay of the land.”

  “That will be fine,” Leah nodded. “If you need anything please contact the Deputy Mayor. She will be happy to work with you.” Kathryn nodded in agreement.

  Leah’s phone dinged as a text message came in. It was an automatic notification from the credit card company informing her that Jezebel had just used the card to rent a Cadillac.

  “We must be getting you back to town,” she frowned at the message. “There is a wonderful bed and breakfast connected to the diner. I think you will be comfortable there.”

  After dropping off Trent and Kathryn, Mika reached for her wife’s hand. “What’s wrong, darling?”

  “Mother,” Leah scowled. “She just rented a car. I believe she is on her way here.”


  Jezebel had chosen to drive a car instead of transporting herself. She didn’t want her daughter to know she had her powers back. The element of surprise would work well against Leah.

  She arrived in town after dark and checked into the bed and breakfast. She changed her appearance to avoid the whole evil witch reaction from Ruth and Naomi.

  The diner had the usual Friday night crowd. Jezebel sat in a booth hidden in the shadows. She was surprised when her daughter and the priest walked in. She watched them interact with one another. Even after eight years, six of them as a married couple, the priest still couldn’t keep her eyes off her wife. They were constantly touching, holding hands and whispering to each other. Jezebel noticed how her daughter placed her hand on the priest’s thigh when they sat next to each other in the large booth. The priest stole a kiss like a lovesick teenager.

  The diner door swung open, and two of the most beautiful children Jezebel had ever seen ran in. “Queen Mommy, Queen Mommy, we eat wiff you,” they squealed as they ran to Leah and climbed into her lap. One of them hugged and kissed her, then climbed over her to settle on the priest’s lap.

  “Wait for me,” a laughing Richie followed the toddlers. “You are getting too fast for me.” The young man held the door open as a beautiful, flaxen-haired goddess entered with him.

  Jezebel was surprised at how beautiful the entire scene was. It had been over three years since her last, unpleasant encounter with her daughter. Richie had grown into a tall, handsome, young man. The children were breathtaking and so well behaved. The priest and her daughter exuded love and happiness. Jezebel fleetingly wondered if she could have found the joy her daughter had found if she had chosen a different path.

  “Wow, the entire Cross family,” Ruth grinned widely, “How did we get so lucky?”

  “Queen Mommy work hard,” one of the children answered, “Richie say we eat wiff you.”

  “We love to eat wiff you, Aunt Ruth,” the other child laughed.

  The priest could not deny these children, Jezebel thought. They are perfect, tiny replicas of her. Leah obviously adores them, just as she has always doted on the boy she adopted. Bringing her down will be easy. Love has always been her weakness.

  “Why don’t I bring you two your own chairs?” Ruth winked at the twins.

  “Yes,” they nodded
in unison.

  Richie moved quickly to help Ruth carry two highchairs to the table. They placed the chairs on either side of Leah and Mika, so each child was sitting by a parent.

  Jezebel watched as the family talked; laughing and telling about their day. She couldn’t help but notice how her daughter and the priest stole glances at one another. Occasionally Leah would make Mika jump slightly, and she would cover Leah’s hand with hers, holding it tightly against her leg. Jezebel knew her daughter’s magic was playing with the priest. Mika welcomed her intimate interaction with her.

  Mika took care of the small boy sitting next to her, making certain he had water and was eating his food. Leah took similar care of the little girl sitting next to her. Occasionally the priest would feed her wife something from her plate. Jezebel could tell by the gleam in Mika’s eye it was more to watch Leah’s lips toy with the fork than to share her food. She obviously adored her wife. The scene was one of happy domesticity.

  For just an instant, Jezebel had a pang of guilt over what she was planning to do to her daughter and her family. Why should she feel guilty, she was setting it up so her daughter could be Queen of the Underworld? Of course, Jezebel would be able to rule the humans. What Leah wanted didn’t matter. She was too weak.

  After the family had left, Jezebel paid her check and walked to the pawnshop. She needed another meeting with M.


  Mika sat in the chair in their bedroom watching her wife getting ready for bed. “You never cease to take my breath away,” she smiled at Leah. “You are exquisite.”

  Leah finished buttoning the top of her pajamas and moved to sit in her lap. “I am glad I please you, ma’am,” she teased.

  “Look who’s the queen of understatement,” Mika kissed her gently. “You do so much more than please me.”

  Leah kissed her, a long, demanding kiss. Their tongues exploring each other’s mouths. “If I please you so much, you should thank me.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you,” Mika kissed her back, teasing her lips, “Maybe you could give me some ideas.”


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