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Flesh and Bone (Blood and Darkness Book 2)

Page 14

by Melissa Sercia

  Dragos peered out from behind the doorway, a curious look on his face. Valentina gave him a wink. “I told you I could convince her without you.”

  He put his hand to his chest and pretended to be hurt. “How will my ego ever survive?” He snorted. “We would have just followed you anyway.”

  I shook my head. “You two really are related.”

  Valentina smiled, but it quickly faded. Her eyes welled up with tears. “The Resistance is ready to go. I thought we’d take it in honor of Seven.”

  I nodded. “For Seven.”

  Dragos chimed in, “He helped save my life. For Seven.”

  The warriors gathered at the harbor to see us off. We flew white sails this time. White for remembrance. Even Arcadia managed a half-smile in my direction. My mood matched the sea, rough and choppy, but I drank it all in. I wanted to remember all of them just like this. Free and hopeful for my return.

  As we pulled away from the shore, a rumbling came from the cabin below. All three of us crouched down and drew out our weapons. The door swung open and Tobias emerged, dressed in Dhampir battle armor.

  I straightened up and sheathed my sword. “You can’t be serious. You’re not coming to the temple with us.” The last thing I needed was him getting sentimental and trying to stop me.

  He didn’t move a muscle. “Jezebel’s not at the temple. Neither is Aldric.”

  My patience was wearing thin. “And how do you know this?”

  He pursed his lips. “My sources spotted them in New Orleans. She has set up shop at the Three Blind Mice.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You’ve been tracking them?”

  He nodded. “Of course I have. That’s something you’re going to need to get better at as the new leader of the Consilium.”

  I snickered. “Save your parental concern. You could have just told me this in the Hall. Why are you here?”

  He stepped forward, bridging the gap between us. “I’m here to make sure you do what’s necessary. These two just give in to your every whim.” He looked back and forth between Dragos and Valentina.

  Valentina’s mouth dropped open, shocked, while Dragos sneered and poured himself a drink.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I always do what’s necessary. I’m more like you than I’d care to admit.” I shoved my hand into my pocket and closed my hand around the vial The Keeper had given me.

  He snapped, “If that were true, you would have killed her when you had the chance.”

  My blood was boiling. I tilted my chin to look him square in the eye. “I won’t hesitate again.” I could have cut the tension with a knife.

  Tobias smiled a devil’s smile. “Then you have nothing to worry about. Consider me a curious traveler just along for the ride.”

  Dragos shoved a drink in my hand before I could respond. He gave Tobias a look that seemed to say back off. Getting the message, Tobias crossed to the other side of the ship and gazed out to sea.

  Valentina sauntered back over. “You’re nothing like him. Don’t ever forget that.” She eyed Tobias with disgust.

  I knocked back my drink and changed our course toward New Orleans, the city where it all began.

  The riverboats lit up the port like fireflies. Vibrant and colorful, they were a welcome sight compared to the sludge-coated rocks of the Underworld. I took a deep breath and let the scent of bougainvillea and moss fill my lungs. I wanted to soak it all in, knowing that after tonight, I would no longer have a reason to return here.

  With Aldric as her bargaining chip, Jezebel was most likely overconfident and did not see the need for many guards. Her ego would be her downfall. She knew we were coming. She could smell us a mile away. What she didn’t know was we weren’t here to surrender.

  As we stood outside the Three Blind Mice, my heart longed for the day I first stepped foot in here. The day I saw Aldric for the first time. His human eyes looked at me with wonder and awe. Those beautiful bright blue eyes that were now permanently locked in a shade of milky white. It broke my heart.

  I grasped the vial again and it brought me some comfort. I would get to see those beautiful blue eyes one last time. My hands trembled and my stomach was in knots. I took another deep breath and pushed open the door.


  A melancholy song played out from the speakers. An old blues tune that Aldric had said was called “Wild as the Wind.” It was one of his favorite songs. The slow longing in the singer’s voice tugged at my bones. Her words seemed to mimic my heart. Jezebel must have plucked it from his memory to taunt me with it. I wanted to pluck out her eyes.

  The others crept in behind me with caution as we scanned the room. Candles burned on all the tables, exuding fragrances of jasmine and honeysuckle. I froze, aware of her presence in the shadows of the bar.

  I turned toward the others. “Wait here. I need to have a moment alone with my mother.”

  The protests came pouring in.

  Dragos winced. “It’s too dangerous.”

  Valentina stuck out her lower lip. “You don’t have to do this alone.”

  Tobias grabbed my wrist. “She will manipulate you.”

  I closed my eyes and released a quivering breath, laced with magic. I blew it softly in their direction. They shuddered, their eyes wide with horror. They charged forward, only to be hit with a glass wall. They pounded against it, but it wouldn’t budge. I mouthed the words I’m sorry and turned to walk further into Aldric’s bar.

  Jezebel sauntered out from the shadows, a sly smile forming on her lips. She traced the wood of the tables with her long bony fingers as she walked toward me. The flash of her face in the candlelight made me flinch. I still couldn’t get used to her looking like a carbon copy of me. Did she create me in her image?

  I gathered my thoughts. “I came to make a deal.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Oh, is that so? And what could you possibly have to bargain with? I have everything I want already.” She batted her eyelashes demurely, but her eyes were full of poison.

  I straightened my shoulders. “All that you have is a notion that I won’t kill you because you have Aldric. Well, you’re wrong. I don’t love him anymore, and I could kill you in an instant without hesitation.”

  Her eyes darkened. “What sort of deal were you hoping to strike?”

  I swallowed hard to keep the lump out of my throat. “I know what it is you really want. Me. Let Aldric go, leave the humans alone, and I’m yours to do with as you will.”

  Her nostrils flared. “Do you think I’m a fool? What’s to stop you from killing me the second I release him?”

  I took a deep breath and reached into my pocket. “This.” I held up the vial. “As soon as I drink this, Hera’s magic will begin to leave my blood. I will no longer have the power to stop you.”

  She gasped. “I don’t understand. Why would you do that? If you don’t love him, then why the deal? Why don’t you just kill both of us now?”

  I focused on my breathing and willed my hands to stop trembling. “Because I don’t want to kill anyone. It serves no purpose. You’re my mother and I don’t even know you. I have never asked you for anything. Grant me this.”

  Her eyes narrowed down at me, but her face softened. She was considering it. “How does this all play out in that pretty head of yours?”

  I took another deep breath. I clung to it like it was my last taste of freedom. “After I drink this, I only have a few moments before the pomegranate magic starts to leave my bloodstream. I am linked to Aldric. If he is not released from your spell by the time I’m healed, then the pomegranate will surge back in, and I’ll kill you both.”

  Her eyes flashed, ebony black. “Clever, clever. What kind of dark magic do you play with, girl?”

  I smiled. “It was a parting gift from your old friend Pythia.”

  She rolled her eyes and tapped her fingernails against the wood table. “You will have to learn the ways of Lamia. Become a Serpent Bearer like the rest of us. Are you prepared for that?”

>   My insides were twisting like black sludge. “I will do as you ask as long as you give me your word that you will honor my requests.”

  She looked me over for what seemed like an eternity. “You are stronger than I gave you credit for. Very well, I accept your deal. But try anything, and I will snap your lover’s neck from the base of his spine and beat you to death with it.”

  I shivered and willed my eyes to remain brown. I couldn’t afford to show her any sign of aggression. I simply nodded and bit my lip.

  She snapped her fingers and called out to the dark. “Bring out the Bannister Witch.”

  A tiny Serpent Bearer girl pushed Aldric out and he shuffled forward. His eyes were glazed over as he stared straight ahead, expressionless. His face was pale and clammy, and his hair was matted to his forehead revealing tiny droplets of blood on his temples.

  I clenched my jaw. “Why is he bleeding?”

  She chuckled. “Because he’s my prisoner, Gray, not my guest.”

  I drew in a sharp breath. “Not anymore. Release him.”

  She smirked. “You first. Drink the potion.”

  My hands shook. I fumbled with the lid, my palms sweating. I pressed the vial to my lips. Aromas of oleander and clove hit my nose, both sweet and sour. Jezebel dug her nails into the back of Aldric’s neck and tapped her foot. I said a silent prayer to Apollo and knocked the liquid back.

  A pain shot through my veins as the potion seared through my blood. Jezebel shrieked with laughter as I lurched forward, my knees buckling. I slammed my hands onto a nearby table to steady myself. Saliva foamed out of my mouth as I gasped for air.

  She clapped her hands in delight. “I guess it’s my turn.”

  She placed her hands on Aldric’s head and began speaking in tongues. Her words blurred together like a raging sea. Aldric keeled over and then shot back up. His eyes flew open, bright blue.

  I let out a sigh of relief which sent me into a coughing attack. I covered my mouth as blood sprayed out onto the table.

  Aldric rushed over to me. “Gray, what did you do?” He looked back at Jezebel. “What did you do to her?”

  She rolled her eyes. “She did this to herself. Now, say goodbye quickly. Gray and I have much to discuss.”

  Aldric’s face fell. His eyes welled up with tears. “Gray…no. Please don’t do this. I need you.”

  I forced myself to stand upright. I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  He held me tight. “What have you done?”

  An image from the Fates flashed in my mind like a lightbulb sparking in a dark room. I traced my lips over his ear and whispered, “Bite me.”

  His heart raced. “Wait—what? Why?”

  I pulled him in tighter. “We don’t have much time. Bite me and drink. Hurry.”

  He took a deep breath and clamped down on my neck. My blood pumped fast into his veins. His heart beat faster. I let out a whimper as he broke away.

  Jezebel stomped her foot. “What are you doing?” Panic rattled through her voice.

  I leaned on Aldric, panting. “I told you I only needed a few moments. Did you really think there was a potion that could permanently drain me of my magic?” I laughed and held my side as a sharp pain shot through it.

  Her eyes widened as she took a step back. “You tricked me. This whole time, you had no intentions of joining me.”

  I winked. “You only have a few seconds before my strength returns. I suggest you use it wisely.”

  Jezebel grunted. “This is far from over.” She shot me one last glare before dashing out the back door and disappearing into the night.

  Aldric turned to me, his eyes full of confusion. “Uh, what just happened?”

  I touched his cheek. “Help me out of here. I’ll explain on the way home.”

  He nodded and then raised an eyebrow at me as he turned toward the door. Valentina, Dragos, and Tobias were standing on the other side of my magic glass, faces scowling and arms crossed.

  I sighed. “Yeah, I’ll explain that too. If they don’t kill me first.”

  He chuckled. “Let’s all just get out of here.”

  I removed the glass and raised a hand in protest as they attempted to hammer me with questions. Aldric gave them each a warning look and they closed their mouths.

  The others sulked in front of me as I limped back to the ship with Aldric on my arm. As we clung to each other in the night, I realized I never wanted to feel the darkness again. But this war was far from over and I would have to hold on to it for a little while longer.


  I stared at my reflection in the window. My eyes were back to their usual chestnut brown, but my skin was paler than usual—white like alabaster, not cream. There were shadows under my eyes, dark rings marking the last four hundred years like a tattoo. So black they matched my hair. I dabbed at them with powder, smoothing them out to match the color of my cheeks. It was a trivial act, but it kept me busy. It gave me something else to focus on while I waited for the rapid-fire questioning that I was about to endure.

  One by one they entered the study. Aldric took a seat next to me while Valentina sat in a chair across. Dragos and Tobias stood with their arms folded, glaring down at me in disappointment. The Keeper entered last. His eyes lit up with wonder as he glanced back and forth between me and Aldric.

  I cleared my throat. “Before anyone starts cursing me, I would just like to say that I am sorry for keeping you all in the dark, but it was necessary for my plan to work.”

  Valentina snorted. “Please, enlighten us. I was under the impression that we were there to kill Jezebel.”

  I nodded. “That is what we discussed, but The Keeper and I made a different plan. I was going to hand myself over in exchange for Aldric. He gave me a potion that would have ensured his release and bought us more time to end her without sacrificing the man I love.” I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my voice.

  Dragos pounded his fists on the table in front of me. “Are you insane? She could have killed both of you and us on the spot. I know you’re stubborn, Gray, but that was just reckless.”

  Tobias, who had been silently seething, stepped forward and shook his head. “You said you were going to hand yourself over. Yet here you are safe and sound. I know Jezebel better than anyone. Why did she let you both walk away?”

  His eyes burned into mine, a flicker of distrust passed through them. It was the first time I’d ever seen my father look at me that way.

  I stood up and poured myself a drink. “I realized something when I entered the Three Blind Mice. I should have realized it sooner. That day, at the temple, Jezebel was trying to spell Dragos too. I felt it. Her energy pulled at him, but he just deflected it. At the time, I thought it was because he was stronger than Aldric.”

  Dragos snickered and gave Aldric a look as I continued. “But I knew that wasn’t possible. It was something else. And then it clicked. Dragos and I were the only two she could not control with magic.”

  The Keeper let out a gasp. “The Narcissus magic. Dragos drank your blood.” His eyes lit up like a lightbulb.

  I nodded. “I didn’t know for sure, but it was the only explanation.”

  Aldric, who had been eerily quiet, let out a deep sigh. “That’s why you told me to bite you.”

  I squeezed his hand. “The potion gave me enough time to make Jezebel believe I was giving up Hera’s magic so I could give you the Narcissus magic before she could spell you again.”

  The silence hung in the air like static electricity. It crackled and zipped before the tension subsided.

  Valentina pursed her lips. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or offended. You could have told us, Gray.”

  I shook my head. “I needed Jezebel to believe I was giving myself over. I couldn’t risk any of you appearing too confident. I’m sorry, but Aldric’s life was at stake.”

  Tobias snapped, “Now all of our lives are at stake. Jezebel is still out there. We can’
t all have Narcissus blood.”

  The Keeper cocked his head to the side, a sly smile forming on his lips. “Yet maybe you can.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “You’re right. That’s it. We can give it to everyone. Then when we attack again, she won’t be able to spell any of us.”

  Aldric sighed. “Darlin’, you don’t have enough blood in your veins to feed all our armies. It would kill you. I’m not going to let you do that.”

  Dragos snapped, “Hey, she just saved your pathetic life. You don’t get to tell her to do anything.”

  Aldric stood to face him, his jaw tightening. “If you utter one more word, I am going to strangle you with your own tongue.” His eyes flashed milky white.

  For the first time ever, Dragos flinched and stepped back. He clenched his fists but remained quiet. The tension climbed back in.

  The Keeper raised a hand. “She doesn’t have to feed everyone. I may be able to extract the Narcissus and put it into a serum. It will take some time, but I think it can be done.”

  Tobias grunted. “You better hope it does. Or we might as well start digging our own graves now.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Don’t be so dramatic. We are a new breed, Tobias. Our methods are different from yours, but that doesn’t mean they won’t work. I’ve made it this far, haven’t I?”

  Valentina nodded. “It’s worth a shot. If it doesn’t work, then it will be up to the four of us to take her out. We’ve been through worse.” She winked at me and stood up to leave, but not before whispering in my ear, “I would have done the same for Lycos.”

  I squeezed her hand and gave her a grateful nod. I knew she would understand.

  The Keeper also sprang to his feet. “Come, let us leave these two alone. It has been a long day and we need to recharge.”

  Tobias left without a second glance. Dragos, however, shot daggers out of his eyes at us before stomping out.


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