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Up All Night

Page 33

by Lisa Napoli

  racism, 67 against African Americans, 116, 155, 156, 205

  anti-Semitism, 6, 18, 23, 104, 118, 164

  civil rights movement and, 85

  at Olympic Games (1936), 6–7

  Turner, Ted, and, 24, 156, 164

  radiotelephone, 49

  Radio Television News Directors Association, 220

  Range, Peter Ross, 122, 235

  Rather, Dan, 126–27, 131, 218

  RCA, 150–56

  Reagan, Nancy, 214, 232

  Reagan, Ronald Castro and, 222, 225

  presidential debates and, 209–10

  at Republic convention, 212

  shooting of, 213–19

  unions and, 213

  reality, television and, 120

  Reinhardt, Burt Kavanau and, 191–92

  Kennedy, John, assassination and, 51–52, 53

  at Paramount Pictures, 143

  Schonfeld, “Reese,” and, 238, 243

  Schorr and, 244

  with staff hires at CNN, 166, 174

  in World War II as still photographer, 51

  reporters with employment clause, 134, 244

  newscasters, 71–79, 77, 127, 174, 175–76

  press corps, 6, 48–49, 86, 213

  with source confidentiality, 119–20

  video journalists and, 183, 186–88, 190, 190, 197

  wages for, 120, 166

  in White House Press Pool, 205, 216, 217–18

  Republican convention, 212

  rescue missions, in the Netherlands, 117

  retyping pool, 192

  Rex the Wonder Dog, 78

  Reynolds, Frank, 215–17

  Rhodes, Dusty, 142, 196

  Rice, Jack M., Jr., 18–20, 31, 140

  Rice Broadcasting, 19

  Rivera, Geraldo, 180

  Rockwell, George Lincoln, 42

  Roddey, Jim, 33, 34

  roller derby, 65

  Rooney, Florence, 20–21, 22

  Rose, Charlie, 180, 181

  Rose, Pete, 88, 127

  Rosenberg, Howard, 211

  Ross, Diana, 245

  Rothenberg, Fred, 181

  The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (FitzGerald), 23

  Ruby, Jack, 52–53

  Russian Jews, 140

  Rust, David, 239

  Ruth, Babe, 85

  Ruthven, Dick, 95

  Sadler, Dick, 107

  sailing, 30, 66, 105, 175 achievements, 29–30, 87

  America’s Cup and, 92, 98–99, 106, 107–8, 122, 126, 142, 194–95

  awards, 26, 26, 195

  Courageous and, 98–99, 107–8, 189

  Cronkite and, 126, 131

  Fastnet and, 146–50, 152, 194–95

  salutes, CNN, 191, 209

  Sanders, Will, 154–55

  San Francisco Giants, 98

  Sarasota Herald-Tribune (newspaper), 195

  Satcom 3, 150–54, 159–60

  Satellite News Channel, 234

  satellites, 43 CNN, 193, 193, 202, 209, 222

  C-SPAN, 150–51, 198–99

  democratization of, 57–60

  earth stations and, 58, 83–84, 87, 97, 100, 105–6, 135, 153–54

  Japan and, 53

  Satcom 3, 150–54, 159–60

  Skylab, 78

  Telstar, 45–48, 57

  WTCG and, 83–84

  Sawyer, Forrest, 180

  Schlafly, Phyllis, 199

  Schonfeld, Maurice Wolfe “Reese” career, early years, 39–42, 51, 54, 56–60, 82

  CNN and, 124–27, 129–35, 137, 144, 148, 152–53, 155, 157, 159, 162–67, 170–72, 174–80, 183, 186–87, 191, 200–201, 204, 204, 208–10, 212, 217, 222, 225

  at CNN launch, 194, 197–99

  early years, 36–37

  firing of, 236–38

  ITNA and, 109–11, 117, 120, 129, 130–32, 142–43, 146, 160–61, 162

  Kavanau and, 238

  Kennedy, John, assassination and, 49, 51

  legacy, 241

  management style of, 208, 209

  Reinhardt and, 238, 243

  with satellites, democratization of, 57–60

  at twentieth-anniversary party, 241–45

  Schonfeld, Pat (O’Gorman, Pat) at CBS News, 164

  CNN and, 164, 167, 177, 179, 186, 199, 243, 245

  as mentor, 186–87

  Schlafly and, 199

  at twentieth-anniversary party, 245

  Schoonmaker, Jim, 187

  Schorr, Daniel with anti-Semitism, 118

  career, 117–20, 131–35, 213

  CBS News and, 117–20, 134

  CNN and, 137–38, 148–50, 170, 176, 176, 210, 213, 218, 225

  as diplomatic correspondence, 118–20

  with employment clause, 134, 244

  hiring of, 133–35

  Netherlands rescue missions and, 117

  reputation, 131–32, 137–38

  satellites and, 209

  Scientific Atlanta, 58, 83

  Scorpio, 130

  Seven Days Leave (television show), 66

  Shakespeare, William, 42–43

  Shales, Tom, 152, 206

  Shaw, Bernard ABC News and, 176–77

  Gulf War and, 241

  with Reagan, Ronald, shooting of, 213–16, 217, 218–19

  with Republican convention, 212

  Shippy, Dick, 47

  Shortal, Robert, 151–52

  Showtime, 135, 153

  Sieber, Bob, 194

  Silver Chalice, The (television show), 66

  Sinatra, Frank, 33

  skits, with television news, 113–14

  Skylab, 78

  Smith, Howard K., 131

  Smith, Jane Shirley, 30, 91, 96, 107, 197, 234

  Smith, Merriman, 49

  Smith, Sid, 47

  Snyder, Tom, 149, 237

  source confidentiality, 119–20

  sponsors, commercials, 8, 64

  sports. See also Atlanta Braves; sailing basketball, 65, 101–2

  boxing, 65

  hockey, 65, 98

  roller derby, 65

  Stahl, Lesley, 1

  Star Trek (television show), 72, 194

  Stevenson, Adlai, 49

  Sullivan, Ed, 224–25

  Sullivan, Kathleen, 175

  SuperStation, 141, 141–42

  Swayze, John Cameron, 8

  Symbionese Liberation Army, 71

  “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” 93

  Take Two (daily news program), 228–29

  Taylor, Elizabeth, 181

  technology Atlanta Braves with scoreboard, 93

  Basys Newsfury computer system, 189

  Handy-Looky, 71

  new, 43, 45–48, 80, 122

  “Teddy Baseball,” 93–94, 99. See also Turner, Ted

  telegraph, 43

  television. See also cable television CATV, 80

  color, 55

  pay, 19–20, 31, 80

  popular culture and, 10, 11–12, 38, 70

  power of, 195

  production by AT&T, 7

  Radio Television News Directors Association, 220

  reality and, 120

  with round-the-clock broadcasting, 63–64

  with technology, new, 43, 45–48

  UHF, 18, 31, 32, 34, 54, 55, 56, 62–63, 65

  VHF, 18

  Television Factbook, 163

  Television Food Network, 241

  television news. See also cable television news AT&T and, 41

  early years, 7–11, 38–41

  historic, 50–51, 71

  Kennedy, John, assassination and, 49–53

  production, 7–11, 38–41, 71, 112–14, 118, 127–28, 187–90, 190

  production, philosophy on, 173

  sensational, 11

  skits with, 113–14

  Telstar and, 45–48

  women in, 71–72, 155, 170–71, 175–76

  writing for, 39

  Television News (TVN), Coors and, 56–57, 109, 162

>   television sales, 9, 10, 11, 12, 80

  Telstar, 45–48, 57

  Tenacious, 146, 147–48, 150

  Time, Inc., 58

  Time-Life service, 153

  Times Mirror Company, 9

  Time Warner, 1, 2, 242, 243, 245

  Titanic, 195, 235

  TNT. See Turner Network Television

  Today (morning news show), 44, 54, 78, 181

  Topol, Sid, 58, 82, 83

  Towriss, John, 184–86

  transmission bills, AT&T, 41, 55, 56

  Truman, Harry, 51

  Turner, Ed “No Relation,” 170, 222

  Turner, Florence, 197–98

  Turner, Mary Jean, 22–23, 25

  Turner, Rhett, 30

  Turner, Robert E., III, 20–21, 22, 24, 25–28, 92, 224

  Turner, Ted. See also Atlanta Braves Aaron and, 86, 88, 90, 90, 156

  Alexander the Great and, 23, 28, 89, 226

  anti-Semitism and, 104

  awards, 1–4, 26, 26

  with baseball game loss, 105, 105

  as Captain Outrageous, 128, 134, 142, 165, 225–26, 235

  Castro and, 222–30

  childhood, 21–23

  at CNN launch, 196, 196, 200–202, 205–6

  Coors on, 60

  critics and, 94–95

  education, 3, 23–25

  frugality of, 76, 91, 94

  Hitler and, 24, 33, 89, 102, 104, 224

  Hope and, 89–90, 95, 99–100, 102

  as leader, 178

  as “Mouth of the South,” 1, 88, 98, 104, 158

  Nagle on, 178

  personality and temperament, 24, 33, 63, 75, 93–94, 122, 148, 150, 154, 157, 235

  philanthropy and, 3

  racism and, 24, 156, 164

  satellites and, 59–60, 105–6

  support for, 85–86, 98

  as “Teddy Baseball,” 93–94, 99

  with women, 75, 95–96, 106–7, 122, 133, 223, 226, 235

  Turner Broadcasting System. See WTBS

  Turner Network Television (TNT), 233

  Turner Outdoor, 21, 25, 27–29, 33

  Tush, Bill, 246 as Academy Award Theater host, 68

  career, 13–17, 68, 244

  at CNN launch, 196–99

  fan mail for, 81–82

  as newscaster, 68–70, 70, 73–79, 77

  WTBS and, 196, 226

  WTCG and, 16–17, 68–69, 70, 73–79, 77, 81–82, 101, 121, 136–38, 143

  TV Guide, 121

  TVN. See Television News

  20th Century Fox, 6, 234

  Twisdale, Harold, 33

  twofer hiring, at CNN, 177

  UFOs, 73, 90

  Uggams, Leslie, 198

  UHF, 18, 31, 32, 54 audience, 34, 56

  FCC and, 18, 55

  MLB on, 65

  stations, 62–63

  unions, 127, 175, 183, 213, 216

  United Nations, 201, 243

  United Press, 52

  United Press International, 215

  United Press–Movietone News, 37–39, 40–42

  United States (US) Coast Guard, 24, 25, 76

  Congress, 209

  the Unknown Newsman, 77, 137

  UPI Newsfilm, 42, 49, 51, 54, 55–56

  US. See United States

  Variety, 206

  Vaughan, Roger, 95

  veejays. See video journalists

  VHF, 18

  video journalists (veejays), 197 CNN College for, 187–88, 190, 190

  housing for, 186

  Kavanau and, 183–84, 186

  wages for, 183

  video porta-paks, 189

  Vietnam War, 69, 115, 119, 221

  violence, in news, 113, 205–6

  Von Hoffman, Nicholas, 219

  WAGA, 17–18

  wages for entry-level jobs, 184

  for MLB players, 92, 96

  for newscasters, 72, 76, 127, 132, 174

  for reporters, 120, 166

  for video journalists, 183

  Walker, Dave, 177, 203–4

  Wallace, Mike, 1

  Waller, Jesse, 77–78

  Walters, Barbara, 1, 72, 180, 227

  Washington Post (newspaper), 40, 55, 152, 206

  Waters, Lou, 187

  WATL debut, 32

  sale of, 62–63

  Watson, George, 212

  WCTU, 33

  Welch, Jack, 234

  Welch, Raquel, 223

  Welk, Lawrence, 7

  Welles, Orson, 237

  Welsh, Bill, 9–10, 11

  Western Cable Show, 128, 150–51

  Westin, Av, 118

  Westinghouse, 154–55, 220, 234

  Whirlpool Is the One (industrial musical), 181

  White House, 209

  White House Correspondents Association, 205

  White House Press Pool, 205, 216, 217–18

  Wickersham, Liz, 133, 226–27, 234, 235, 243

  Williams, Beverly, 176

  Williams, Christian, 34, 80–81

  Williams, Dick, 206

  Williams, Mary Alice, 175–76

  Williams, R. T., 17, 34, 108

  Winfrey, Oprah, 180

  Witcover, Jules, 180, 182

  Withers, John, 122

  WJRJ, 18, 19–20, 31–32

  WKLY, 184

  WMBR (college radio station), 139

  WNEW Channel 5, 112–16, 157

  women “family concept” and, 72

  newscasters, 71–72, 155, 175–76, 204, 204

  pornography and, 103, 116, 147

  in television news, 71–72, 155, 170–71, 175–76, 204, 204

  Turner, Ted, with, 75, 95–96, 106–7, 122, 133, 223, 226–27, 235

  Woods, Dolores Roberts “Dee,” 177–78

  WOR, 153

  World News Tonight, 177

  World Series, 97–98 Atlanta Braves and, 86, 87, 103

  World’s Fair, 7, 46

  World War II, 69 Jews in, 36

  Reinhardt as still photographer in, 51

  World Wide Web, 2

  Woy, Bucky, 129, 130

  WPIX, 109

  wrestling, 65, 110

  WRET, 69, 129 beg-a-thon at, 64–65, 79, 155

  FCC and, 155

  sale of, 135, 154–55, 156

  Wrigley Field, Chicago, 47

  writing with Basys Newsfury computer system, 189

  with “blame game drill-down,” 208

  for television news, 39

  WSB, 65, 72

  WTBS (college radio station), 139

  WTBS (Turner Broadcasting System), 169, 202, 212 call letters, purchase of, 139

  CNN and, 196, 210

  critics of, 128

  early years, 32, 139

  with RCA lawsuit, 154

  sale of, 1, 233, 242

  as SuperStation, 141, 141–42

  Tush and, 196, 226–27

  as WTCG and name change, 139–40

  WTCG Channel 17, 245–46. See also WTBS advertisements, 61, 61, 63, 66–68, 152

  Atlanta Braves and, 85, 87, 96

  early years, 32–33, 61–68, 72–84

  earth stations and, 83–84

  FCC and, 81–82

  growth of, 120–24, 136–40

  news, 68–70, 70, 72–79, 77

  Pike and, 64, 66, 78–79

  programming, 65–66, 71–73, 110, 122–24

  with round-the-clock broadcasting, 63–64

  Tush and, 16–17, 68–69, 70, 73–79, 77, 81–82, 101, 121, 136–38, 143

  viewer numbers, 100

  “Yachtsman of the Year,” at Fastnet, 194–95

  Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 141

  Zapruder, Abraham, 51–52

  Zelman, Sam, 169–70, 172, 174–75, 180, 203, 212




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