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The Kingdom of the Damned

Page 7

by Mario Garrido Espinosa

  Irene Lopezosa burst out laughing, while sitting on the bed crossing her legs in a strongly attractive way.

  “Let’s check if you are obedient. Please turn around.”

  Mario obeyed Irene's order, although it annoyed him to do it.

  "Look Laura, what beautiful buttocks!"

  Sir Higinio's youngest daughter observed that buttocks and did not see beauty anywhere.

  “Go ahead, sister. Test its consistency. Give a good slap to that ass!”

  The sister obeyed and Mario Toulon, at the second cheek, could not hide his humiliation.

  "Enough Laura, you do not see that you are bothering our friend.”

  Another laugh.

  "Very well. Now, gentleman, come to the bed," she ordered with immense vileness, while lying down moving more than sensual.

  The thief was scared and paid attention to the mandate, but when he took the first step he tripped over the shorts between his feet and collapsed, hitting a thick table. This one overturned, dropping a pair of large vases —decorated with different floral motifs—, that were made a thousand pieces against the ground. He stopped the blow with his hands and knees, and between some things and others the wooden floor, which served as floor, boomed in a remarkable way.

  Irene Lopezosa, after the crash, immediately stopped moving like a forbidden temptation, got up from the bed, jumped to her skirt and looked for something in it.

  “Clumsy man” Laura protested, who was already in a situation. She had forgotten any fear that she might have had and had been naked for so long that she no longer showed any shame. She brandished the sword as if it were a horrible mechanical prolongation of her delicate arm and knew for sure that with Irene controlling those moments, a priori beneficial to them, she had nothing to fear. At last, she was going to discover all that her innocent little head had flooded with, because of the disgusting conversations with her older sister.

  Irene Lopezosa quickly found the stiletto she was looking for. It was not very big, but enough to take a person’s life. She took it out of his carved leather case and went to where Mario was. As he was face down, she aimed the tip of the weapon at the neck, straddling him. Being with one leg on each side of the man's back it looked as if she were riding a horse with missing legs.

  "Has he heard the blow?" Laura asked nervously, referring to Sir Higinio, who was on the floor below.

  "Of course, he has!” Irene answered. “Go thinking what you are going to tell him. And you, as you open your mouth I nail the blade to the damn hilt.”


  Indeed, the two sisters’ father woke up from his nap because of the noise of Mario Toulon's blow and went to see half stunned what was happening. His footsteps were heard well in the silence of the corridor. He tried to open the door that was usually open, but this time it was locked.

  “Open, Laura! What happened? Why is this door locked?” Sir Higinio asked, turning the doorknob uselessly.

  "I'm taking a bath, Father," the girl said, reaching into the basin to move the water from the bottom, which made its characteristic sound.

  “What has been that noise?”

  “Nothing father. I have stumbled and fallen to the ground.”

  “Have you hurt yourself?”

  “No, no, father. Do not worry.”

  “What have you stumbled upon?”

  Laura did not know what to answer, but Irene motioned her to come closer. When she was at her side she whispered a story thought fast and wrong.

  “Laura, have you heard what I asked you?” Sir Higinio was impatient.

  “Yes, yes. I've stumbled on the console.”

  “With the console!” The retired sheriff exclaimed, perplexed.

  “Yes... I've been changing the furniture on site... I turned around thinking there was nothing, right where I put the console now.”

  Sir Higinio was silent for a few seconds, for the three occupants of the room seemed like months, and then he said:

  “Laura, are not you lying to me?”

  “Why was I going to lie to you about something like that, father?”

  Sir Higinio must have understood that his daughter was hiding something from him, but given the ingenuity and kindness always shown by Laura, it would surely be some kind of nonsense of a teenage girl. Eventually he would find out about some childishness and the mystery would end.

  “Good. Be more careful. You gave me a good scare," he said, and settled the matter. “And I, in your place, would leave things as they were before.”

  “Yes father. I probably do it. I do not like much how the room has been.”

  “You will do well, daughter, you will do well...”

  And saying this, Sir Higinio went to return to his nap, or to try at least.

  Laura winked at Irene, and she realized, with joy and pride, that her sister seemed to start being as smart —or as perverse— as she was.

  Mario Toulon did not say anything at any time since, although he had a stiletto stuck to the nape of the neck all the time —threatening as the lace does in a dying brave bull— and although he did not know very well what they were going to do with him, in no case was he interested in having many more people know that he was there.

  Irene, once past the danger, ordered the thief to get up and made him sit with his legs spread, leaning on the head of the bed. Obviously, Mario Toulon was not to demonstrate feats with his genitals, and less with the sword wielded by Laura stalking him. Irene took matters into her own hands.

  "Observe," she commanded, as she lay across the ground, putting her feet very close to the inside of the man's thighs. Then she began to caress his generous pectorals, surrounding and raising them with her hands, so they would take the size of watermelons and look heavy like that same fruit. She continued with his waist, while her feet lightly touched the thief's thighs. Finally, she worked her sex, just below the black heart of curly hair, and little by little, the feet arrived at the place where they had to arrive.

  Naturally, Mario Toulon was in tune like a buffalo in heat.


  Forty minutes later the three were lying on the bed. Mario Toulon was satisfied and curiously happy, but tired as if he had been plowing the land all day. In fact, this was the first time he attended in such an active way in an orgy of that caliber. In the last few minutes, he had learned postures and sexual curiosities that even in his most disgustingly erotic dreams he could not have even imagined. All this thanks to the woman with the huge and heavy tits, who seemed to dominate the totality of the most experienced prostitute’s arts of the most luxurious brothel; although, to tell the truth, he would have expected everything to have developed more delicately and not with the brusqueness of movements that Irene imposed from the beginning. As a result, the three of them ended sweaty and partly exhausted. He was sure that this woman was scared as little as he was by the terrible pains of Hell that never get tired of preaching in the churches for doing half of what they had perpetrated with such pleasure and skill and violence. On the other hand, Mario could not forget the innocent and beautiful Laura. In that moment, he embraced her sleepy body. Despite of having been deflowered, with all that entails, she did not seem very worried. It was evident that she trusted her older sister in a blind way, and to tell the truth, she remained at her side at all times; especially in the sublime moment when, for the first time, the thief’s aroused penis desecrated Laura's vulva, to easily tear off the hymen, without causing it, fortunately, scarcely hemorrhaging or pain.

  “How does the song continue?” Mario asked Laura.

  “What song?”

  “The princess who could not stop crying. The one you sang before, when I arrived...”

  “It's just a song for children...” Laura said, somewhat embarrassed.

  “Go on, keep singing.”

  Laura started to sing obediently, but then she realized that she did not have to follow the man's orders. She sat up a bit and looked at her sister. Irene gave her permission with a wave of her eyes. She k
new that Laura sang fabulously and it would not hurt to accompany the recovery of the previous exercise.

  The good King, desperate,

  He looked for some holy ally.

  He sent to find him

  the best of his soldiers,

  which eager went.

  And the princess cried.

  The soldier a thousand paths walked,

  At the top of a thousand hills he looked.

  For a saint he asked

  and nowhere did he find it

  until Lake Nop arrived.

  And the princess cried.

  There he found a teacher:

  The Buddha, Gotama the Right-Handed.

  The soldier told him

  the story already told

  and Gotama seriously listened to him.

  And the princess cried.

  Toward the Kingdom they left

  as soon as they could.

  When the palace arrived

  They found the King as gone,

  for the aged pain.

  And the princess cried.

  The soldier to his King saluted

  but the King only to Gotama saw.

  He thought that the solution arrived

  and soon rejuvenated.

  He warned the entire palace.

  And the princess cried.

  Gotama with the princess became entangled,

  locked in a closed room.

  When the fifth day the Sun shined

  the holy man came out of there

  and the King and Queen spoke thus:

  And the princess cried.

  “Do not worry

  soon you will know

  the reason for so much tears shed:

  your daughter’s kindness is great

  and in something beautiful will be transformed.”

  And the princess cried.

  Gotama left.

  The King was enraged.

  With strange words he spoke

  the saint, that nothing clarified.

  Maybe he was mocking.

  And the princess cried.

  Laura fell silent for a moment. At this moment, there was always a pause, because from here the song entered into an even more fantastic terrain and changed the melody to another less paused. However, the thief, with his habitual awkwardness, became impatient at once:

  “Is that the end of the song? Why do you not keep singing?”

  Before Laura protested the man's ignorance and lack of sensitivity, her sister silenced her from one of her meaningful looks.

  “Gentleman, Sir Mario Toulon Middle-Voice Rabid, I have to ask you now, not without feeling some sorrow, to leave," Irene Lopezosa ordered at point-blank, with her typical irony. “Unfortunately, your presence in this house has ceased to be pleasant.”

  “But...,” the plaintiff protested with some surprise.

  Irene was perfectly recovered and seeing that Mario's services were no longer necessary, in that moment, he was as good as any other so he would disappear and thus stop running the risk of knowing his presence in the mansion. However, while listening to the verses of "The Princess Tree" she designed the least risky way for Mario to leave without being seen. The way was going to be painful for Mario, but to her that detail did not matter at all.

  “But to see we are not ungrateful, we give you our sincerest thanks for your services, so humble and graciously rendered,” Irene continued speaking with her typical smile and unnerving, while she got up from the bed and sent her eyes to her sister to stop hugging Mario.

  The thief sat up slowly and complaining —he would have preferred to remain surrounded by Laura's arms for the rest of his days— and started the search of his clothes, obedient and tiresome.

  "I said leave!” Irene repeated she really did not want to have him in the room anymore.

  "Wait till I get dressed."

  “Get out! I do not want to see you in my house anymore. Remember that you have entered as a vulgar thief and...

  “After all we have done, you are still with those...”

  “If you do not leave right now, I will scream," Laura interrupted as she removed the wood that jammed the door and opened the lock very slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible.

  “Bravo Laura!” Irene cheered as her sister followed her sinister game. “Imagine my father and the servants’ reaction, who will come to help my poor sister. Think of their faces when they see you like this ... And to us, poor single women, scared and helpless before a fierce assailant who has come here, unseen, God knows what terrible intentions.”

  Mario put on one of his socks. He could not find his pants anywhere.

  "It is okay, it is okay... I do not take any time to get dressed. Meanwhile one of the two should go and see if the path is clear to the door.

  Irene could not help a small laugh.

  "My good Mario, you will not go out the door. It's not very safe...”

  “Then, where?” the thief asked with a stupid expression.

  "Obviously, where you came from," Irene clarified sarcastically.

  Mario recalled then the treacherous ivy, the fat egg basket and the great blow against the cobblestones.

  "That's not going to be possible," he said in all seriousness and pointed with his index finger at his interlocutor. It was hard to take seriously the words of a man who at that moment was wearing only his two black stockings up to his middle leg.

  Irene fell silent, savoring the moment disgustingly and went to the window. She opened it wide and looked outside. It was deserted, as always.

  "Maybe you think I lied to you when I said that you would not be out alive from this house if you were discovered. You believe you have everything under control. Even so, in four days my father's men would come after you. I warn you that violating a woman’s honor in this town has always been punished by hanging. Therefore, my father would not have to kill you personally. It would be enough to surrender you to justice. It would take care of it, as it already gladly did with others who had better credentials..." Irene lied.

  "They're hanged in the square, in front of the popular clamor," Laura added.

  "A week ago there was a hanging. Maybe you saw it?

  Mario Toulon did not remember anything from last week, even if he was in another town or another place; but he also did not know if they were telling the truth.

  "Well, I get dress quickly and I'm off," he begged as he searched for his lucky breeches.

  "Leave now!"

  "But ..."

  “I'm going to scream," Laura said.

  "You will not! Damn you!” the thief said, who for a long time had stopped seeing Laura Lopezosa as an angel of infinite purity.

  "I'm going to scream. I warn you," she repeated.

  "You will not dare," Laura Lopezosa began to open her mouth, but she did not have time to expel any squeal: Mario began to go out the window just at the point where she could avoid emitting it.

  The thief calculated badly, as usual, and fell into the void, muffling while scraping his body with the ivy and after the blow, with his back to the ground. At first, he lost the ability to breathe, but fortunately, he was able to recover it soon. He got up quickly to feel his back and buttock burned by the ground and found with surprise that he was not alone: ​​There was a redhead girl of about five or six years, with a finger that explored incessantly the inside of her nose, looking at him smiling and fixedly.

  “What is that?” She asked with the self-confidence and innocence of her age.

  The thief did not listen and looked at the window waiting for his clothes to be thrown away.

  "What is that?" The girl repeated, this time, pointing with her index finger right to the center of Mario's body.

  At that moment, two more girls appeared, interested in the affairs of her little friend. Sheltered by these, the brat insisted on his effort touching with a finger that was the cause of her curiosity.

  “Out of here!” Mario ordered, slapping the girl.

p; After the initial scare, the girl took out the finger of the nose with concern. At once, blood began to flow in the direction of the mouth and the girl began to cry scared. The friends shed tears also to see the blood smearing the chin of thier playmate. The assaulted one ran terrified, and the other two followed her.

  After a while —which seemed eternal to the thief— Mario's clothes and weapons began to fall from the window of Laura's room. The hilt of the sword was to hit just in the white tuft of the thief's hair, a bump emerging later. Although he saw the weapon coming, he did not know how to avoid it.

  He prepared to dress very quick but did not see his breeches. He said a curse and dressed in the clothes he had. Meanwhile, he heard some laughter and teasing coming from inside the house. They seemed to have a great time. Irene instantly leaned out the window. She was dressed —at least from the waist up— but with a certain untidy. She looked cautiously outside to see that poor Mario was at that time the only inhabitant of the Hundred Fires square. Then she hissed him and leaned back against the window frame so he could see her. Her breasts, badly fitted at the neckline, were largely uncovered. "What a beauty of a woman," the thief thought in spite of everything.

  "You forgot this," Irene said, and then she dropped Mario's breeches.

  "Fucking girls!” He muttered under his breath as he picked up the last piece of clothing he was missing.

  Instantly, he saw that his clothes had been searched.

  “You thieves,” He yelled at them when he saw that he was missing a nice little bronze cross, which he had not remembered for a long time whether it was a gift from his dead father or the product of one of his robberies.

  He soon realized that it was not wise to start shouting, so that he finished dressing and left the town as fast as he could.

  There were body parts that stung on contact with clothes, as if they were raw. Surely, they were wounds or burns, but he did not stop to check it. Besides, his back was beginning to hurt like that time when he was given twenty-five lashes, after being discovered by four bestial townspeople and still beardless in one of his robberies.


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